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Messages - Hangshai

Quote from: Doktor Howl on February 10, 2010, 08:45:47 PM
At roughly the same time, I got a PM in which he "corrected" the numbers in my sig, to 14.3/14.6.

Because, you know, only people in America count.

I wasn't trying to 'correct' you.  I misread your sig and thought it was saying something about how there are more births than deaths, and that is why there is overpopulation.  I pmed you to suggest that this idea is suspect because in actuality it seems that there is a lower birth rate and lower death rate, its just that the death rate is SO MUCH lower than the birth rate that the births outnumber the deaths anyways.  Then I realized that your sig made no mention of attributing any reason (overbirth or underdeath) to the overpopulation, and I just misread it somehow, and I quickly fired off another pm to say that I was wrong and apologized for bothering you.

But, you know, your version works too.
Suu, if someone does a dine and dash at your restaurant, do you have to pay for it as the waitress? (already been replied to as I wrote this) And LMNO, have you ever even worked at a fast food place?  There have been many times where I have been broke and hungry so I called a local fast food joint and said, 'hey, I just went through there and you forgot my burger/taco/milkshake' whatever, and they just tell me to roll on by and pick it up.  No receipt, nothing.  Besides maybe a scolding for being dumb (Im sure they covered it the first day on taco bell training, 'Get the money BEFORE you give the food).  TBH, the girl at the window was smiling, almost laughing, because she knew she fucked up.  Personally, although I have no way to prove this, I think she thought it was funny...  Oh, and finally, I just got off the phone with my local Taco Bell, in which I posed this situation as a hypothetical one to the manager on duty, and guess what...  The person would get a stern 'talking to', but NO money taken out of their check.

But, I doubt that redeemed me in any way in your eyes.

Anyway, it was just supposed to be a stupid/funny story about taco bell to make someone laugh. lighten up.  Im not trying to make some sort of social statement.

And, suu, Im sorry if you would have to pay for it.  My GF waited tables at a pretty popular downtown restaurant, and it was fucking hell.  The owner/manager was a fucking dick, and they overworked the girls.  Only girls, which he would regularly harass and yell at in front of customers, to the point where even customers would complain on behalf of the girls.  Its fucked and needless to say, after 2 years I convinced her to quit and go back to school where she is now in the nursing program.  And she no longer has to wait tables.  That job is why you are so angry.

When I was younger, I did a couple dine and dashes, sure.  But now that I am older, and self-employed, I pay for stuff.  This was, you know, a night coming home after a concert, I mean, its not like Im some criminal mastermind that specializes in stealing fucking FOOD for chrissakes.

I mean, can I not even tell a funny story without creating a fucking existential crisis on this forum?
One time I was coming home from a concert in SF and we stopped at some Taco Bell (we endearingly call it 'The Butt' over here, because it is the ass of fast food joints).  The concert was Steel Pole Bath Tub's reunion show a few years back with Neurosis.  Anywho, so we stop at the drive thru and its one of those ghetto 'dont shoot the cashier' windows with a huge plexi-glass contraption that slides the food out to you, kinda like how gas stations do it at night when you have to buy your smokes through a window or whatever, anyway, you get the idea.  So, we pull up and before we say anything, before we hand over the money (I was in the front passenger seat), the cashier girl pushes our food out to us through the window thing, and the way it works, once she put the food through and we opened our side, her side was closed and remained closed...  Can you see where this is going?

Yeah, it took about half a second for me to grab my friends hand with the money in it to stop him from handing it over.  At about the exact same moment I realized what I was about to do (which is eat free taco bell food), the cashier girl realized how bad she fucked up.  We were making eye contact and there was this cool sort of weird moment where we both realized what was going to go down.  At this point, I sort of remember me saying something like "fuck it, just drive!!" and we pulled out of there and on to the overpass with about 15 bucks worth of free taco bell food.

Ok, so, its no reservoir dogs, but at least we got away...
Did you hear about this on NPR?  They were talking about it this weekend on "wait wait dont tell me"...
Quote from: Emerald City Hustle on February 06, 2010, 08:15:06 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on February 06, 2010, 03:12:29 PM
Good morning, my little exploding anal beads of corruption.  It seems The Good Reverend Roger has "lost his shit" in a big way, and died of his own stupidity in Oro Valley Hospital, some time over the last day and a half.  But fear not, for I have been reborn, like unto a buzzard rising from its own poop.

First order of business:  As I am now out of the Holy ManTM business, I bequeath my Rain God title and all other holy offices, vestments, and/or Horrorsex equipment unto Payne, for the conversion of the heathens in Scotland.  America has no use for Holy MenTM.  Trust me on this...We Doktors know a hopeless case when we see one.  As such, I am retiring the TGRR moniker for good.  I needed to change my outlook anyway, as the one I had was no longer big enough.

Second order of business:  I'd like to offer a heartfelt and public apology to Nigel, concerning the accusations of "betrayal" I had made.  This was nothing more than an exhaustion-driven paranoia that caused me to read some drivel in a PM from Yatto, and interpret it as details of a plot to make me miserable.  This was obviously not the case, and I am very sorry.  Nigel didn't deserve that.

Third order of business:  The bickering.  Okay, everyone's pissed and howling.  I kind of like that.  But consider that you are howling at the wrong people.  Your aim is sloppy, and there's no excuse for that.  After all, it's not like any of you get along with normal people...If you did, you wouldn't be a Discordian.  So why shit in your own nest?  Because you're bored?  Because content stagnated?  Because you need the attention?  Because it's February, and you don't know what else to do?  That's monkey behavior.  You are not a robot, so stop operating off of programming.  Consider:  You have a limited time on this planet, and you will only find so many people that you can get along with...and it's always later than you think.  Time is fucking short.  It took dying for me to figure that out, but there's no need for you to re-invent the wheel.

So, that's that.  But where do things go from here? 

Well, I'd like to learn how to use Radio Free Discordia, because I have some things to say, and I am no longer satisfied with the written word as a medium.  Nurse Mayhem and I will be putting up some new artwork - including spiffy new avatars to reflect our Mad Scientist approach to things, and possibly - if you ask Nursey very nicely - making avatars for people who agree with the things we're about to yell.  Oh, yes...and finding a practical way to destroy the city of Tucson, Arizona, because that's the sort of thing cartoon villians do. 

Who's afraid of Doktor Howl?  Fucking nobody.

Stuff it in your stuffhole, noob. IF I were you, I'd just lurk for 6 months and then post nothing but mittens and variations on "IAWTC" for your first thousand posts. If you want to be really cool, you can try to jump right in to telling us what's wrong in your life and who you are fapping over. That's what the cool kids do, and if you don't find yourself in lockstep pretty fucking soon, mister, you're gonna be on the outside looking in at a bunch of outsiders, and you can't IMAGINE what THAT will do to your precious little ideas about what a special snowflake you are.
Techmology and Scientism / Re: The Tech Forum
February 09, 2010, 08:03:46 PM
Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry from M.I.T. bring you 'Sixth Sense' technology.  Pretty damn cool.
Well, believe me, you're not missing much.  Early in the last decade, History Channel, Discovery, and TLC all pretty much became the same channel, and they play the same bullshit all the time.  Roger's mentioned the Nostra-dumb-ass marathons they run, and they also do Hitler a lot.  The thing is, the docs usually don't have the quality of the better older docs you might remember, like stuff from Nova, or even wildlife docs like the old Mutual of Omaha wild kingdom series.  Now you get shows that have the quality of one of those vh1 pop-culture shows (you know, here come the 80's or whatever that shit is called), what with all the fancy graphics and lots of cuts and wipes, or even sort of reminiscent of music videos.  At least some of the reenactment footage looks like bad music video footage.  Animal Planet barely even plays just straight animal docs anymore.  Now they do stuff like 'Animal Control cops in Atlanta', or fucking "Dog Whisperer" (I hate that assface).  I want to turn off my cable, but I keep it mainly for cartoons.  Adult Swim mostly, and South Park and Futurama.  Oh, and 'Breaking Bad'.  Best fucking tv show out there right now, hands down.  I can't wait for the 3rd season.  Its about a High School Chemistry teacher that ends up cooking meth so he can make some money for his family(for reasons I dont want get into, dont want to spoil it).  It's a little like 'Weeds', except instead of a suburban mom selling weed, its a suburban square bookish type dude who turns into a meth dealer.  Its got the dad from Malcolm in the Middle in it, and he is really really good.  It really is a great show.  The good thing about TV shows, if they are well written (like Heroes first season, and BSG at its best moments), is that the story can really be fleshed out over time, like 10-20 episodes, instead of just 1.2-2 hours in a movie or whatever.  I've always loved that about TV shows, but I think its something that gets overlooked a lot.  When it doesn't get overlooked (the ability of TV to tease out the payoff for any sort of dramatic buildup), you either get soap operas, or a well told story that ends up making the show a hit, like 24, or heroes, or Lost.  All three of those shows are perfect examples of a tv show knowing they have the whole season to say what they want.  Oh, Dexter probably belongs on that list too, or at least the first season or two.
Quote from: Calamity Nigel on February 04, 2010, 06:39:36 AM
Hitler is fascinating. He was handsome, charismatic, brilliant, and by the end of his life, utterly fucking insane. Being at the head of a political regime that was responsible for some of the most unthinkably inhumane acts in human history, on a scale that is almost unimaginable, kind of puts him in a unique position for horrormirth. Hitler is funny in the same way rape is funny, which is to say, not at all; that's what makes it funny.

The US probably wins the blue ribbon for most unthinkably inhumane acts, and on a larger scale, but as everyone likes to say, "that was a long time ago", and besides, dirty savages don't really count.

Yes, he is enigmatic for all the reasons you mention here, but I don't think the Hitlery channel portrays him that way.  I think they run with the more 'madman hellbent on world domination' angle.  Not as realistic, but it probably gets better ratings.
Yeah, I didn't even think about big equipment.  My brother in law worked at an equipment place that use to rent stuff out to construction crews, all big equipment with diesel engines.  He had really good pay and benefits, and he worked a lot of overtime I remember, so I'm assuming he was probably getting some pretty big checks.
I actually just heard about some law that is being proposed that will some how shift freight that is carried by trucks over to trains.  I don't know how accurate that is, but the person who was talking about it said that if it happened truck drivers would definitely lose their jobs over it.  If you want to be some sort of mechanic, I would get into fixing Harleys.  Every time I have gone to the shop, it's full of bikes.  A lot of people that own Harleys are the type of people that will shell out the cash to have the dealer fix their bike, unless they can fix it themselves.  Just a thought, this is all relevant to where I live.  It may be different where you are at.
Quote from: Sigmatic on February 04, 2010, 05:21:18 AM
I love these Hitler rants.  I mean, what could be funnier than the most infamous tyrant of all time ranting about trivial consumer gripes?

Getting AIDS from him...

Seriously though.  There sure has been a lot of old upside down soul patch face lately.  He's been everywhere lately, movies, commercials, and fucking History channel.  Wasn't someone saying on another thread they should change the name to the Hitlery channel?
Quote from: Faust on February 04, 2010, 03:26:46 AM

Haven't read the rest of the thread, none the less:

's ok, you pretty much got the gist of what the rest of the thread was about...

(ITT:[much deserved]Mittens for Alty!)

When I was very very young I remember watching Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall, Pt. 2" video on MTV.  This was back when they use to do 'closet classics' and play videos by led zepplin and Floyd and other old rock acts.  Anyway, I remember vividly to this day how utterly freaked out I got at the part with all the scary no-face zombie kids get dropped into the meat grinder.

Roger, the way you describe the no-face spider people made me think of THAT face, you know, the whole 2 eyes and a tube for a mouth.  Fucking freaky.  I kept having the same freaked out feeling I would get as a child watching that video when I would think of your spiderweb-people.

Oh, and I dont think I mentioned it in the hey lmno thread, but the two pieces that LMNO used are definitely a cut above your usual stuff.  They don't have that acerbic quality that some of your rants have.  Like i said before, good shit.
Wow, and thats issue 117.  One a month means that comic ran for about 10 years!?!?!? I wonder if any of the other issues are as great as this one?
I like the first one with roger the best.  It reminds me of a Slint song, which is a very good thing.  Its got a little more of almost a movie score feel to it too, though, so it doesn't end up sounding derivative or anything.  Did roger phone in his part, or did you just add some reverb, because the vox sounds pretty rad.  Good stuff, mang!

Do more!!