News: "the lot of you are some of the most vicious, name calling, vile examples of humanity I've had the misfortune of attempting to communicate with.  Even attempting to mimic the general mood of the place toward people who think differently leaves a slimy feel on my skin.  Reptilian, even."

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Messages - hunter s.durden

Is your hair now funnier?

What are you going to do? Just field questions or do you have a formal rave to attend?
Quote from: Eater of Clowns on October 03, 2012, 03:33:48 AM
It's all that coddling that did Roger in.

What the shit are you talking about? I, hunter s.durden, The Beard, "did Roger in." Only that.
I covered it in the part above when I said that thing I just said.
You won't last long under this new regime.
Quote from: TEXAS FAIRIES FOR ALL YOU SPAGS on October 03, 2012, 02:39:48 AM
My life has improved since Obama took office because it's so much fun watching the right wingers pitch tantrums. That's about it, but I really didn't expect any more.  :p

The NDAA took all the fun out of the precious butthurt I was enjoying.

Quote from: Cain on October 03, 2012, 12:15:23 AM
Naw.  This is temporary.

Cain, Cain, Cain. As the board's one man CIA you clearly know this isn't true. You can say what you want to comfort the board, but raising their hopes will only serve to more violently shatter their spirits when they realize the truth.

Roger is gone. Hard. And forever.

Some of the more astute members of the board may have noticed that this comes one week after my glorious return. This is no coincidence. In a series of private messages I hit Roger with an assault of brilliance and "logic" that would make Lecter pull a Miggs (both the jack off thing and the suicide).With Roger out of the way I am free to use this board as I see fit. I have subtly hinted at my agenda, but have no worries, in time subtlety will not be needed.

But how? No one is that good, right? Wrong. I have spent the last 3 years honing my mind and body with the singular purpose of eliminating Roger. I knew the man was capable of anything, and that's exactly what I trained for. Illegal hardcore back-alley philosophy debates. Panamanian roulette tournaments under the Chinese restaurant at 0300. Most of you soft-bodies couldn't even survive a Yukon rules Cuddle-Off, I was winning them. I won't reveal all my training techniques, but let's just say James Carville will never have another discussion about 1850's Japan in Morse code without seeing me in his tortured mind.

A new era is here.
The Reverend is dead.
Long live The Beard.
Oh, Mang...

You brought this thread back to where I wanted it. I owe you a "hug."

One of the best thoughts on politics in general I've seen in a while.
Quote from: American Jackal on October 03, 2012, 01:04:33 AM
Well now I feel like a retard for thinking that video was funny.
Quote from: Freeky Queen of DERP on October 03, 2012, 01:25:35 AM
I thought it was funny too, but the thought did occur to me that Jackson is filthy fucking rich, and that the line was hilarious because of the hypocrisy.

It was funny, folks. Sam does that.

Cain, your writing style has certainly sharpened since I last saw you.

It took me about 20 seconds to rage, since at the beginning of the video he implied that somewhere a once homeless family is now living the American dream due to Obama and his policies. While this may be true, I've yet to run into a single person whose life improved in the last four years thanks to O. Unless you count any of my military bros who were provided jobs by being sent back into the fray, in which case his policies have helped with unemployment. One guy even died, which I suppose helped cut down on future unemployment.
In civilian life, however, I have yet to see a positive change. So basically what the video says to me is "Roymen (it's funny because Romney has probably never resorted to eating Ramen noodles for weeks) and Ryan are going to fuck with your shit! OJesus won't!" Um, not punching me in the face is not an act of charity. The absence of harm does not mean help.
Oh shit, except that he's been actively harmful if you consider dying in the worst region on Earth bad.

Also, just this so much:
Quote from: Cain on October 03, 2012, 12:56:55 AM
And the environment?  What's that?  Because, you see, I looked all over the Obama campaign website and there isn't even a section for this mythical beast.  It's not even on the issue list.  Sure, there's a bit about preventing oil spills in the energy section, but that's rather like pledging your administration doesn't condone the use of microwaves to dry babies after a bath.  That said, a Republican platform for more oil spills would only be somewhat surprising...
Quote from: Nephew Twiddleton on October 02, 2012, 06:30:50 AM
On the contrary, I trust them to deny me freedom. Every leap in personal freedoms, throughout American history, has been done at the national level, not the state level. And it's usually been through the Supreme Court, not the Congress or the Presidency.

I'm looking at it differently. I see national marijuana prohibition, but state medical marijuana permission.
I see a federal defense of marriage act, but many states allowing and recognizing them.
Quote from: Nephew Twiddleton on October 02, 2012, 06:20:32 AM
Nah, we're still at the root a pack of monkeys. It's just that we're monkeys that can split the atom, weaponize it, and shoot it all from space.

This is part of the reason I am in favor of planetary confederation.

Agree with the first bit, not sure how it leads to the second bit.

And fuck all that bean sidhe bullshit. I spell like I talk, mu fuka!
Quote from: Nephew Twiddleton on October 02, 2012, 06:16:22 AM
But if I recall, Cain's argument was along the lines of:

Live in a city-state:
Mayor fucks up big, angry mob successfully overthrows government, preferably for the better.

Live in a globe-state:
Beefed up General Secretary fucks up big, angry mob gets sent to concentration camps, nothing changes.

Pretty much what I was imagining.

Offhand I see where he's coming from, but this is based on my view of the US. When the federal government tries to impose federal laws it always seems to be on the wrong side (for me), whereas leaving it up to states to decide allows me more freedom to choose what laws I want to live under.
Though this is the US, and the global thing would probably have a weaker central government.
Quote from: Nephew Twiddleton on October 02, 2012, 05:50:39 AM
I'd say it started with Sargon, but truth be told, it probably happened way way before that, we just don't have any documents to attest to Grug the Godlike.

I would wager most it's most definitely older, way older.

I think many of the "myths" we know were based on real people, Gilgamesh being the best example of the hazy line (and I'm not even sure who was a god and who was just a pharaoh in Egypt). I would not be surprised if Achilles, Herakles, Romulus, Finn McCool, and a whole host of other people were real.

Without science, I image a genetic freak like Michael Phelps would look like a demigod.

I also don't think our psychology has changed much in 10000 years.
Quote from: Nephew Twiddleton on October 02, 2012, 05:23:11 AM
Oh, also, unlike most socialists, I am in favor of a move towards planetary government. Cain made a good argument against the idea, but I am not as of yet convinced, since the alternative is not that appealing to me other than for accountability purposes.

Where can I find this?
I am undecided on my opinion of a planetary government. This is because when envisioned in my idealistic head anything can seem like a good idea. Communism and Libertarianism both work great in the magical land where everyone is altruistic and things like the bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility don't exist.
Quote from: Nephew Twiddleton on October 02, 2012, 05:04:30 AM
and how I identify myself as not on a spectrum, but a multi-axis sort of thing.

How is this not more common? Why simply right/left everywhere?
Quote from: Nephew Twiddleton on October 02, 2012, 04:48:01 AM
Unless you're a historian.

You'd think, right? Franco died in '75, and in broad historical terms that was basically just a few years ago, yet suddenly: amnesia!

"Musso who? Sorry, I'm not familiar with him. Anyway, as I was saying, we all get matching boots and head down to where those gypsies congregate..."

I guess Greeks don't like spoilers.
Quote from: Nephew Twiddleton on October 02, 2012, 04:25:02 AM
Theoretically I'm a centrist, but the American "Left" is to the right of me. And none of the Democrats I talk to understand this. They still think of themselves as liberal.

A thousand times this for me.
Do the Europeans on the board feel this way when looking at our politics?
The chart showing where everyone stands says it all. There's Dennis Kuchinich, all alone in his sphere, and every other politician in a little one inch clump to the upper right.
Well, Subject Lima was exceptionally nice today, and other than a little disagreement about Fox (all news is biased! Both sides do it! I disagree, Goebbels would find Fox news shocking), he compromised on everything we talked about in an intelligent, civilized manner. It basically became a Republican hate fest.
What is happening to me?
I'm losing my edge.

However, in class I got to see this little tidbit from Sarah Silverman explaining the voter Id issue:

So far I have not seen one case of voter ID in which there is genuine concern for fraud, nor any accommodations for the people they are supposed not trying to disenfranchise. Tennessee and PA seem to be particularly egregious (I think Sarah covers these two cases).
For as cynical as I often am, it seem I am still capable of naivete.