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Messages - hunter s.durden

The use of the word crazy or insane is weird for me. The main reason for this is my firm belief that everyone (with little or no exeption) is insane. EVERYONE. That includes you and me. Our brains evolved one too many chemicals to soak in, and the result is insanity.

Jellyfish evolved poison. Birds evolved flight. We are insane.

There may somewhere be a sane person but I imagine to us "norms" they would seem so insane that we couldn't understand them. Maybe certain Autistic people that get brushed under the rug are there. Maybe a homeless man that talks to himself has reached sanity, and homelessness is his separation from the machine.

Those were all hypothetical. I have no place to say whats what. All i've ever seen is this side of the fence.
My equation (feel free to add to it):

primative monkey mind/body + social pressure (i.e. norms/mores)  = box
Literate Chaotic / Re: The Haiku Game
December 09, 2006, 04:48:39 AM
Just tell your parents
I swear i'll give it back soon
Margarita Time!

NT- a series of tubes
Literate Chaotic / Re: Letting People Fend for Themselves
November 30, 2006, 10:09:09 PM
Quote from: LHX on November 30, 2006, 04:14:20 PM
also of note:

people and their notions of 'family':

some how - if your blood relative is a idiot and walks into trouble, why the hell would you bail him out in preference over another person?

it is notions like that which fuck the whole thing up

maybe the idiot relative needs to be left out to dry so he/she can learn a lesson or three

People who do anything for their families, reguardless of how much they've fucked up, are as stupid as nazi's. How? They pick something arbitrary and worship it. "unconditional love" (another rant of mine) is as dumb as fervent nationalism.

You don't pick you nation, why die for it.
Same goies for family.

I'm really sorry about this this. I am very new here, so this thing is new to me. I'm like the people in Iran who just found out about Madonna and Michael Jackson last week and think it's the cutting edge in american culture.

:lol: - I would be liking to vogue for you now!
Being a huge Calvin fan for years, and an obvious Durden fan, this was amusing. I didn't think every parallel was spot on, but an interesting observation nonetheless.


I like this new thing.
Literate Chaotic / Re: some people are just stupid
November 08, 2006, 02:28:02 PM
I would call her  : Cold Reader Plus. Whereas John Edwards talks to the dead but dosen't do anything else, this cunt has stories and tales of everything. She talks about god, angels, spirits, love, blah blah.... This way she can make money while she's not bullshitting the lonely.
I decided not to vote for the non-incumbent. I stuck to 3 of my rules: legalize dope, third party, Fuck Chris Wakim. But when it came to an office that was of absolutly no gain or loss, I couldn't bring myself to vote for either lying bastard.

I figured it's enough to let them know that I will take the time to vote, but won't vote for lesser evil.

Not that it counts.
Literate Chaotic / Re: some people are just stupid
November 08, 2006, 02:17:07 PM
Is hould have mentioned that said friend loves to read Sylvia Brown and watch her on Montel. Has anyone here read Sylvia Brown? This fat stupid cunt truely takes the biggest advantage of sad, destitute people. She write of a world of happiness and clouds for everyone.

Example: Those orbs aren't ghosts. They're angels.

Fuck Sylvia Brown.
I don't know who Andre Moreau is, but i'll assume he's some hero of yours.

You're Welcome.
Or Kill Me / Re: The thing about religions
November 08, 2006, 02:01:10 AM
That was the point I tried to get across. It was not well recieved. I try and explain that I am not mentally ill, I simply have vastly different philosophical viewpoints than an average American. That maybe in a place like tribal New Guinea, i would flourish.

That concept ,too, was lost on them.
Or Kill Me / Re: The thing about religions
November 08, 2006, 01:55:09 AM
Your labeling system is immensly better than ones the fucktards in the phychological "science" fields use now. At least its a bit easier to tell the difference between those terms.

Not that everyone agrees though. Last time i was commited, they said my use of mushrooms and pot was self-destructive. Fuck psychiatrists.
Literate Chaotic / Re: some people are just stupid
November 08, 2006, 01:52:01 AM
My buddies wife constant tells me she's seen ghosts here and there. No matter what explaination I give her, she thinks its ghosts. For instance she works in an old folks home now... Ghosts! It couldn't possibly be wiley old fucks turning up their volumes and screaming, could it? She sees more ghosts than John Edwards (biggest douche in the universe).

Why do people need to believe in their world of clouds and angels to be content? Don't they have enough to do as it is? If people spent more time playing Playstation....

Oh, and fuck those orbs... If they're not human size, wearing period dress, they can ghost fuck themselves. I have no time for non-corporeal people.
Or Kill Me / Re: The thing about religions
November 08, 2006, 01:42:04 AM
Every last person on this planet is certifiably insane. EVERY. All. I am convinced of this. If you think you know someone that isn't, you're wrong. And insane.

Religion helps me prove this point everyday.
Literate Chaotic / Re: some people are just stupid
November 06, 2006, 09:38:07 PM
If someone tells me they've seen a ghost, I pretty much discount everything they ever say to me again. Ever.

Am I being closed minded, or would you consider a good way of "cutting out the fat", socially speaking?