
So essentially, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend, he's just another moronic, entitled turd in the bucket.

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Messages - Cait M. R.

Or Kill Me / On the Subject of "Muslim Massacre"
June 15, 2009, 02:01:09 PM
So today at TIGSource, an independent gaming forum full of developers, I run into a thread by the guy called Sigvatr, who created a controversial game called Muslim Massacre. The game, apparently, was decent enough. Nothing special, but not particularly horrible (from a gameplay standpoint, I personally find the subject matter pretty abhorrent). I haven't played it myself.

Anyway, the thread is entitled "Looking Back on Muslim Massacre". I was reading through, and the creator was such an enormous dickhead. I won't bother to reproduce his excuses here, but they basically boiled down to those "Discordians" that wanted on RFD, saying "nigger" to "remove the greyfaced taint" on the word.

"I'm a free thinker, durhurhur, watch me wave my metaphorical cock around and show off how much of a badass I am," in other words.

Anyway, TIGSource is a pretty nonconfrontational place. And i posted a rant, so I'll probably be banned, or at least suspended for this, but that doesn't particularly bug me. Backstory over: I'm going to link to the thread in question, and then reproduce my rant here.

Quote from: William Broom
Quote from: Dacke
If people get upset, it's hard not to feel that they somehow deserve to be trolled.

Just like Mipey said: things going on in games are usually horrible. To me it's really scary that people get upset by this game but not by other games (mostly). If people think this is bad, but not other games, does that mean that they think everything going on in other games is A-OK?
I agree with this. Like I said when the game was first released, I found that it said more about videogames than it did about terrorism or racism. Even if Sigvatr rejects that interpretation it's still there.

This Is The Correct Moralcycle.

I find gamers to be horrible, horrible people who I personally dislike associating with. There's something disturbing about "HAHA I SET THAT GUY ON FIRE LOOK AT HIM RUNNING AND SCREAMING AND FLAILING," fictional character in a computer game or no. As games get more realistic, I begin to think killing people in games will no longer be a viable option for me, even reluctantly. As for those people who find hacking other human beings to bits enjoyable, even in a game... well, they scare me already. I avoid that sort of thing whenever possible and don't play games focused on it very often, exceptions given particularly to stuff too far over the top for anyone to take seriously.

Generally speaking, I guess I just find it more difficult to feel comfortable with a psychopath, whether or not they're only a psychopath in a game. I'm probably in the minority here, though.

Threadjack over.

Never played Muslim Massacre, but it seems like whatever the game is like, the creator has a serious ego problem. The sort of ego that belongs to a person who would, you know, make a game about a sensitive subject, seeing it as little more than a chance to swing his metaphorical dick around and show off how much of a badass free-thinker he is. Oh, and then laugh at the people who he KNEW would get upset about it.

Then; and this is the kicker, folks; rub this in the faces of the few people optimistic enough to assume he's not a terrible human being and had some kind of philosophical reason for making it, as opposed to at least making an ATTEMPT to hide that he made a huge dick-move. I suppose he gets points for honesty, if nothing else. Of course, this hypothetical person doesn't exist, and for this I am glad because I would hate to learn that I am a part of the same species as someone so self-absorbed as to treat other human beings as their own personal punching bags.

Before the "haha you got trolled" responses come in, this has nothing to do with the fact that the game consists of killing muslims. It has to do with the creator's reasons for making the game, which are pretty disgusting, in my honest opinion.

And before I turn my back on this thread forever, I'd like to note that until I ran into this, I thought -I- was an awful human being. I guess I have to start re-examining my spot in the monkey-hierarchy of the world.

That is all."

Could well be the best game ever.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 24, 2009, 03:05:36 AM
I had intended to do so ASAP. Right now I'm finishing up some stuff so I have a quick reference.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 24, 2009, 02:37:07 AM
ECH, since I only intended for one contributor, I meant to speak with them about it in PMs or on IRC when they said "Okay, sure, I'll definitely help." and avoid the crap that happened in the Selling Intermittens thread.

Guess that's out.

Yes, a friend of mine wanted to publish it. I thought this would be a not-very-big-problem for one major reason: they would have given a cut to all involved. But since the project was going to be between me and the other contributor and I never intended to see any of it in this thread until it was finished, I didn't see a reason to state it in the thread and stir up another shit-storm when I could just PM them all the details.

Sorry if I sound a bit pissed, but this kind of threw my plans for avoiding this shit through a concrete wall. I understand I didn't explain this to you in IRC, but I was unexpectedly called away before you responded and got back the moment you left.

I hope none of this damaged anyone's good will toward me.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 23, 2009, 08:10:18 PM
Kabbalah isn't something I'm interesting in channelling here, though I think it would make a good followup. (Where did the Kabbalah thing come from anyway?) I'll definitely try contacting him, though.

As for you helping? Well, that's up to you. I'd appreciate your constructive criticism more than anything else, but I understand you're probably busy so any contribution you make is up to you.

And sorry about overreacting a bit to all of that. Forums and I tend not to get along -- little things like this sooner or later turn into flame fests. I suppose I'll get used to it.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 23, 2009, 07:54:42 PM
Both pinealism and actual nonsense turn me off majorly. I like surrealism, but surrealism usually has a theme, even if the theme is non-obvious. It seems like much of the Principia is an exercise in writing colorful bullshit, and I just don't enjoy that sort of stuff. That'd be the silliness I meant.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 23, 2009, 07:40:22 PM
LMNO, it seems like you tried your damnedest to misinterpret what I'm aiming for, and thus turned this into the "let's make Erin look like an emo" thread. I would really appreciate it if you could at least give me a chance to fail at this before subjecting me to drive-by crucifixion. I'm aware that this is not exactly the friendliest forum on the internet, and that I'm relatively new to it, but you could try being helpful or just not participating in the discussion. I haven't insulted you yet (unless my comparison of this completely unfinished work to the BIP is insulting to the work you put into it, in which case just say so), and I actually respect you quite a bit. At least consider letting me try.

Cainad, there's a lot to Discordianism besides the sentiment: the jargon, the in-jokes, the silliness. I don't like those. I DO like the sentiment, I like the idea behind it, those parts are what brought me here. I'm probably the only one here who's like this, but whatever.

Jenne, not "anti-Discordianism" -- that's just sort of ridiculous to think. If I was anti-Discordianism, I'd be trolling my ass off despite lack of proper experience. As I said above: I just don't like the silliness. But thanks for the support, it was sort of nice to see that there, waiting at the end of the thread.

Also: for future reference: I do a godawful job of explaining myself, and I realize that's probably the source of most of the confusion.  Maybe I should just work on it myself and show the finished product rather than waste my time with the explanations.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 23, 2009, 03:44:00 AM
Sure, but that's not my goal. I'll just be straightforward: this isn't going to be Discordian. I don't like Discordianism. I like the sentiment behind it, and I'm doing this with that in mind.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 23, 2009, 12:50:31 AM
I didn't know that site existed. I think I might be able to write this all myself. Applicants still welcome, 'course.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 22, 2009, 04:01:19 PM
Richter, I wanted this to be more focused than previous stuff like the BIP, with just me and one other person doing all of the writing. If you'd like to write all of the associate mental blocks, that's fine, but I can't accept just a few for various reasons, one of which is consistency.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 21, 2009, 11:10:45 PM
I worded that wrong. Cynicism is more in line with what I meant. Can't be assed editing right now.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 21, 2009, 10:46:33 PM
That would be fatalism. Pessimism and fatalism aren't mutually exclusive, but they aren't the same thing either.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 21, 2009, 10:05:04 PM
It's not a BIP in the regular sense. It's not a reality tunnel. It's a sort of defense mechanism that keeps us thinking "the world isn't all that bad and we shouldn't be pessimistic."

I'll edit the OP now.
Propaganda Depository / Re: Kopyleft Authors
April 21, 2009, 10:00:41 PM
My work is copyrighted unless you ask really nicely and I'm not particularly fond of it.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: A change of tone
April 21, 2009, 09:50:59 PM
It's not a BIP revamp. Otherwise I'd just use a graveyard for the metaphor.

It's another TFYS-inspired thing entirely.

Sorry I didn't make that completely clear, should I edit the OP?