
PD's body has a way of shutting pro-lifer's down.

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Messages - [redacted]

Or Kill Me / [redacted]
July 20, 2013, 04:23:40 AM
Removed - too personal, idk.
Or Kill Me / Re: A.I. as "God"
April 03, 2013, 05:13:28 AM
My dad joked once that GOD stood for Game Operations Designer
So what would some applications of this be?

I mean sure, societies aren't finite, static, clearly defined things, but surely we can observe certain groups to tend toward certain kinds of behavior, and acting out of these norms or "tendencies" to enough of a degree can produce negative consequences. So what's the application? Am I missing the point?
Or Kill Me / Thank A Scientist
August 30, 2012, 03:11:55 AM
We hear a lot in this country that we should thank the vets. Thank a veteran for your freedom! Honk for the troops! Multiple national holidays, etc, etc.

While I appreciate and respect the veterans, what I have possibly never heard is "Thank a scientist." Thank a student of science for your freedoms... It makes sense, right? The freedom to live past thirty? Freedom from a plethora of old-world disease? Freedom to refridgerated food, air conditioning, automobiles, chairs, glass, plumbing, electricity, recorded music, computers, phones, the internet, eyeglasses, hearing aids, lasting teeth, airplanes, hospitals, even (for better or worse) televisions... Thank a student of mechanical engineering, for example, for your doors, cabinets, dresser drawers... Thank an architect for having a shelter to live in at all... Thank a student of science.

"Math is soooo boring, though, right? And school is such a waste of time. OMG, let's get drunk this weekend!"
-The average person

Obviously not everybody shares my opinion.
Or Kill Me / [redacted]
July 09, 2012, 03:16:32 AM
Or Kill Me / The Annexation of Hawai'i
June 23, 2012, 11:29:10 PM
Some of you may be familiar with this already, I don't know. What I'm posting here is a direct quote from a history textbook, enjoy.

"In Hawai'i's multiracial society, Chinese and Japanese nationalists outnumbered Americans, who represented a mere 2.1 percent of the population. Prominent Americans on the islands organized secret clubs and military units to contest the royal government. In 1887 they forced the king to accept a constitution that allowed foreigners to vote and shifted decision making from the monarchy to the legislature. The same year, Hawai'i granted the United States naval rights to Pearl Harbor. Many native Hawaiians felt that the haole ("foreigners") - especially Americans - were taking their country from them.

The native government was further undermined when the McKinley Tariff of 1890 eliminated the duty-free status of Hawai'i sugar exports in the United States. Suffering declining sugar sales and profits, the American island elite pressed for annexation by the United States, thereby classifying their sugar as domestic. When Princess Lili'uokalani assumed the throne in 1891, she sought to roll back the political power of the haole. The next year, the white oligarchy formed the subversive Annexation Club.

The annexationists struck in January 1890 in collusion with John L. Stevens, America's chief diplomat in Hawai'i, who dispatched troops from the U.S.S Boston to occupy Honolulu. The queen, arrested and confined, surrendered. Rather than yield to the new provisional regime, headed by Sanford B Dole, son of missionaries and a prominent attorney, she relinquished authority to the U.S government. President Benjamin Harrison hurriedly sent an annexation treaty to the Senate.

Sensing foul play, incoming President Grover Cleveland ordered an investigation, which confirmed a conspiracy and noted that most Hawaiians opposed annexation. But when Hawai'i proved a strategic and commercial way station to Asia and the Philippines during the Spanish-American War, President William McKinley maneuvered annexation through Congress on July 7, 1898. Under the Organic Act of June 1900, the people of Hawai'i became U.S citizens. Statehood came in 1959."

(Norton, 584)

Basically it sounds like the plot of The Phantom Menace without the happy ending.

Or Kill Me / Re: Something I rushed off
May 31, 2012, 02:02:44 AM
Hopefully an AI would be free of our instinct to be top dog / pack leader.

If we're their programmers then this would be some achievement though.
Or Kill Me / The Brain Drain
May 12, 2012, 11:31:35 PM
Removed by edit