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No thanks and pass the sheep

Started by Clichés_Dyed_4_My_Sins, June 26, 2006, 07:15:16 AM

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You know, I often wonder how it is that the GOP (Grand Old Party aka/"Republicans") , have a single member left to support future elections.

I pause to consider perhaps it is I that does not read the Bills online correctly, when I peruse the website of local and federal law makers. I read and think of the America I use to know. That land of my youth wherein I was told I was privileged because I was free.

Then I read the paper and of plans to , at one point, build a wall to prevent illegal aliens trespass across our southern border. And I think that certainly someone has forgotten the tunnel that was discovered in southern California, lending proof that walls mean nothing to determined souls. And then I remember front page, just above the fold. That illegal aliens are now entitled to apply, using fraudulent information, for our Social Security benefits. And I wonder if , between that page 1 and that tiny piece reiterating the "wall" plans, how anyone would imagine the Halliburton contract to build illegal alien detention centers makes a damn bit of sense!?  

How does an Administration spin the fact they're contracting internment camps in America to house illegal trespassers that are entitled to apply for American Social Security!?

And I wonder how it is that most Americans missed the fact that the keystone of a free Republic entails the citizenry to feel secure in private property ownership, and yet the supreme court of this land has negated that right unto the authority of expansive "Eminent Domain". Wherein capitalist agenda's trump private property rights.  

I wonder how it is that no one stands and demands accountability, as this alleged "representative government" commits treason, without redress. (Social Security to criminal trespassers in a time of war is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. It is therefore treason under the articles of war. A crime punishable by death.)

I witness grandmothers, our senior community members, being arrested for daring to protest the war in Iraq.Standing before recruiters offices, on public property, and yet taken into custody because they dare exercise free speech and freedom of assembly to protest a government that was initiated by those people that first disagreed with their government over 200 years ago! And we do nothing!

We do not ask how it came to be that there became designate "free speech zones", in areas wherein our President is to attend public political functions! When I was a child I was told all of America was a free speech zone and that was what made us special and not like the tyrannical oppressors that reigned over other people.

I wonder at those that call it propaganda , when one references the acts against American liberty,  of this Administration and in the black and white evidence of laws that are as chains about our throats. That what make this democratic republic subject to the agenda of a fascist oligarchy and in the name of the democracy they use as whore, unto that end.

I assure you we did not vote for this!

I think to the fore-mothers and fathers of this country. And how our ancestors thought to escape oppression in great Britain and so sought to invade and commit mass acts of genocide, so as to occupy this land we call home. And I wonder if this is not our Karma come to call. Wherein the white principles that invaded and oppressed are now under siege by those that see this land that we have made and wish to take it and call it their own. Commanding laws be changed to accommodate criminal alien trespassers and questioning whether there should be an "official language" measure on the 2008 ballot.

I witness that patriot courage of old, as faded as the parchment to which it committed it's spirit, when traitors do not swing from D.C trees as warning to all others that may intend to violate our liberties, rights and freedoms in our name, from high office where they imagine themselves untouchable. I look to the white house and the wall that now surrounds it and wonder if that is to keep power safe from terror or us, given that which is planned for us, but from which that power that makes and signs the law, is exempt.

I hear people say; the forefathers of this country had no idea this was coming when they formulated this countries Administration of politics.

And I say bullshit! They knew exactly what they were doing. America was founded by rich white men seeking bounty!

If we are to believe our forefathers left great Britain to avoid the oppression of monarchy, they would have applied term limits to the office of President (not done until Roosevelt's time) and Congress.  The two offices of power that literally help to rule America. Not to mention the supreme court, which is a lifetime appointment!

And our Constitution would not require that political body (congress) to amend the constitution in order to affect term limits for themselves, if this was indeed intended not to mimic sovereign rule.  (I see term limit's being applied in my lifetime. Don't you? Given Congress boldly announce every year that they are "considering" voting themselves a cost of living pay raise! (I wonder how often they've voted "no" , for that) Wouldn't you love to accommodate yourself to a cost of living pay raise at work every year!?  :shock: )

I see all that is happening to make the ghost of a democratic republic more transparent and yet encounter people that love every minute of it and , if given the chance , would vote into power Bush and the majority Republican Congress, all over again.

Then I step back and realize there are sheep and there are wolves. One will never talk a sheep into being a wolf. They simply don't have it in them to be anything but a victim, ready for the fleecing while saying; "please" and "big brother may I" all the while imagining themselves living free!

I wonder what it takes to lift the wool from hooded eyes. To realize that a nation divided against itself can not stand. That to speak in terms of "both sides of the aisle", at odds as are Republican and Democrat, seemingly opposed to one philosophy; a free Republic, for the sake of the party yet at the expense of we the people, I wonder what it will take for all of us to wake up and realize power that gives freedom can take it away. As we see every day, for our own sake and that of "national security". Tell me, how is a nation secure if it's people are as prisoners to it's power over them!? Is there a difference between freedom and national security?

In November 2006, we shall see. The Senatorial elections are being held then and we shall see if we re-elect our masters or send a message that on every plantation of American history, it is best remembered the slaves always outnumbered the masters! What kept the white throats in tact was the slaves notion they needed master to stay alive so that they stayed alive.

That was a mistake! Because every master knew slaves were expendable quite simply because there were always more to come by.

Quote"Ever notice it's always the "liberal" tag that is applied to any thoughts different from the mainstream? I see it as some spirits are content, tethered and heeled to subservient ideals and constraints. How can one argue a slaves place in the chains they do not see?! And certainly there is no reasoning to it, so therefore there is clearly none with either. Let it be, let it be I say. For in this world there is a balance between predators and prey." Anonymous

"That's the problem with the internet. Back in the good ol' days, each village had to endure it's own damn idiot. But now one has to deal with idiots from villages around the world." Anonymous

East Coast Hustle

Quote from: Clich?©s_Dyed_4_My_SinsAnd I wonder if , between that page 1 and that tiny piece reiterating the "wall" plans, how anyone would imagine the Halliburton contract to build illegal alien detention centers makes a damn bit of sense!?  

How does an Administration spin the fact they're contracting internment camps in America to house illegal trespassers that are entitled to apply for American Social Security!?

those internment camps are not meant to house illegal immigrants.

just saying.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


1. No-one reads the bills correctly.  NO-ONE.  They are put in complicated legal language and are so lengthy you need a whole legal department to understand the ramifications of most legislation.

2. Probably the same way it spins dismantling the Constitution and Bill of Rights, by inventing/hyping a bogeyman and then presenting the "solution".

3. is the USA at war with illegal immigrants?  Thats almost as dumb as being at war with 'terrorism'.

4. Karma doesn't exist.  Unless you personally took part is the genoicde of the Indians, I doubt you're responsible.  Besides, if karma worked, Karl Rove would be dead 20 times over and my grandmother would win the lottery on a weekly basis.

5. You havent lived in a proper monarchy, have you?  There are no limits at all and the legislative is next to powerless.  In fact, up until the middle of this century, America probably had the weakest executive in the world, compared with the likes of even Britain and France.

6. Humans are many things, but not sheep.  When sheep run from a predator, you don't see them biting at other sheep so they take the fall instead.  Sheep have at least some honour.

7. Vote for who?  As I understand it, both the Dems and Repubs are backed by the same economic masters and the largest third party, the Libertarians, are willing to make the de facto power of the corporations de jure.


Quote from: Cain
7. Vote for who?  As I understand it, both the Dems and Repubs are backed by the same economic masters and the largest third party, the Libertarians, are willing to make the de facto power of the corporations de jure.

And any other "third" parties are largely side-shows and stunts to get their face on TV and in newspapers so they can sell magazines, books, or whatever else their company/organization produces.

However, an interesting side note that i just thought of.

Maine's former governor Angus King (who was an independant) is part of a group called Unity 08.  They are seeking to form a sort of bi-partisan Presidential ticket for 2008.  It's not a third party but they are looking to have a President/Vice-President duo that aren't party loyalists.  Basically, they'd be moderates ala Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, or Lieberman.  People who are in a party but who aren't slaves to it.  Hope they are successful.  Even if they don't field candidates that have a shot of winning it might, at least, show that you don't have to be Political Party dupes.

edit:  linky:
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

East Coast Hustle

Unity 08 is an interesting idea.


Lieberman is one jew that it's OK to hate.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


That looks like a very interesting idea to me. I'm gonna check it out further.
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here


Quote from: Cain3. is the USA at war with illegal immigrants?  Thats almost as dumb as being at war with 'terrorism'.

Perhaps it wouldn't seem so "dumb" if you actually knew what you had read of my post.  

I did not say we are at war with illegal immigrants! I said, illegal or criminal trespassers are in violation of our border security in a time of war! Or perhaps you are unaware we are at war or that the United States of America has been in a state of declared National emergency since the 1930's.

Excerpt: "Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency." (source)

Quote4. Karma doesn't exist.  
I believe we get what we give in this life. Turn about as fair play, if you will. As such my "Karma" comment was an analogy given our nation of America was founded by those that invaded the indegenous peoples and occupied the territory at the expense of those native peoples rights and freedom.

Quote6. Humans are many things, but not sheep.  When sheep run from a predator, you don't see them biting at other sheep so they take the fall instead.  Sheep have at least some honour.

You sound as if you've no experience with sheep at all. Honor? Sheep don't nip one another to let another fall so they make their escape, because they aren't that smart in the first place.  Sheep hold no measure of logic or foresight, even to save themselves from certain doom. They are easily confused and will blindly follow the leader even at the expense of their own demise.

Startle a herd of sheep grazing near a bluff, and unless cordoned off somehow, every last sheep will follow the leader over the side of the cliff, even in the midst of the bleating unto death of those gone before. Every single one will take the plunge, even unto the very last lamb.

Thus making for the metaphor that applied to my thread relative to citizen complacency and obedience,  in matters of national and local policy.

"That's the problem with the internet. Back in the good ol' days, each village had to endure it's own damn idiot. But now one has to deal with idiots from villages around the world." Anonymous

East Coast Hustle

people really ought to do a little research into "Native" American history before they spout off with ideas that seem to put forth the concept that the "Native" Americans were somehow pure of spirit and lived harmoniously with the land until the white devils came and raped and killed them all.

cuz the reality is that they were raping and killing each other for thousands of years before we showed up and joined the parties.

also, people who live harmoniously with the land generally don't drive an entire species into near-extinction, a la the bison.

so, by your previous assertion of karma, the "Native" Americans had it coming.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Hold on... I thought the bison were driven to extinction by the mass killings from trains by the Round Eye?

I could be wrong; please to set us up proper education.

East Coast Hustle

while being shot from trains by a bunch of Roundeyes may be what pushed the species over the brink, the practice of driving an entire herd over a cliff in order to pick the usable meat and skin and bones out of the whole mess was what drove them to that brink in the first place.

hence my saying that the "Native" Americans drove the Bison to the brink of extinction, as opposed to saying that they drove them extinct.

we may have been the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak, but SOMEBODY had to have put all those other straws there.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"



Quote from: East Coast Hustlepeople really ought to do a little research into "Native" American history before they spout off with ideas that seem to put forth the concept that the "Native" Americans were somehow pure of spirit and lived harmoniously with the land until the white devils came and raped and killed them all.
Yes, that would help you tremendously. You might first consult textual references that are not written by the white population.
That would assist greatly in ceasing to further misrepresent the matter of tribal communities conduct or "politics". As well as, with respect to the Bison ,  false allegation the species was on the brink of extinction, prior to the arrival of the white man.  

Quoteso, by your previous assertion of karma, the "Native" Americans had it coming.
And now it's our turn! Woo Hoo! :lol: It's funny, that it's my "previous assertion" that is utilized to infer the Natives you choose to assault in reply,  had it coming, but it's your entire post that says it outright!
(Quote:"cuz the reality is that they were raping and killing each other for thousands of years before we showed up and joined the parties.")

That's that white man's rendition of history, which generates an uninformed/ignorant opinion of the tribes, that I spoke of earlier. It's a blight on the facts, but that never stops those that take comfort in thinking the natives were better off for our arrival, given how "badly" they were at living here before hand!

"That's the problem with the internet. Back in the good ol' days, each village had to endure it's own damn idiot. But now one has to deal with idiots from villages around the world." Anonymous

East Coast Hustle

I never said or implied that they were better off for our arrival, I said that they were just as bad as us.

the only real difference was that we were far more technologically advanced.

reading comprehension is your friend, as is history that is untainted by revisionist PC horseshit.

bets you also think that Cortez conquered the Aztecs with just his band of Spaniards
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Quote from: East Coast Hustle
reading comprehension is your friend, as is history that is untainted by revisionist PC horseshit.  
Set the example! And some shall take you more seriously when you speak a reprimand to others! :lol:

BTW, very weak OT swerve, re: Cortes!

I bet you imagine the "Apache" and "Sioux" were the real names of the tribes of the mid-west. (Dakota and New Mexico territories) You know, just two of those native tribes that you allege nearly drove the North American Bison to extinction, before the White's arrival!?

"That's the problem with the internet. Back in the good ol' days, each village had to endure it's own damn idiot. But now one has to deal with idiots from villages around the world." Anonymous

East Coast Hustle

1. I don't think you want to take a poll regarding our respective intellectual credibilities.

2. I utterly fail to see the relevance of what the tribes called themselves vs. what we called them to the discussion.

wonders if you might be a Cherohonkee
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"