News: "the lot of you are some of the most vicious, name calling, vile examples of humanity I've had the misfortune of attempting to communicate with.  Even attempting to mimic the general mood of the place toward people who think differently leaves a slimy feel on my skin.  Reptilian, even."

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Trollaxian Sermon 2: Stuff

Started by Trollax, November 23, 2003, 02:22:29 AM

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The Subgenii talk about slack, but slack can be given, generated, taken away, destroyed, sucked up, spat out and even recycled and make to smell like fresh roses...
How does slack differ from money, or power, or cars, or fish, or leaves?
Like all distinctions it is really just a hair that is only split for informational purposes... There is slack and there is all the other stuff, which makes up... stuff

What is stuff?

Well stuff is everywhere... stuff is life, stuff is death, stuff is taxes and shoes and tiled floors and cork noticeboards. Stuff is everywhere... not only that but it can't be taken from you...
Because if they take away some stuff that you were told in eons past that was good and givien stuff that you are told is crap it's still stuff. Stuff doesn't discrimitate, it isn't divisible even though it comes in hundreds of flavours and millions of shapes. There's stuff in your favourite food, stuff in your shoes, stuff in the dirt, even stuff in the prison cell they put you in for saying that there is nothing but stuff...
You can take away stuff from someone but they always have more. You can't carry all the stuff that another person has... but they can, oddly enough.
People are never happy with stuff though, they always want more, different stuff, newer stuff, older stuff, stuff that gives good sex, stuff that makes you look like better stuff, stuff that makes people fear your stuff... stuff to dominate other stuff...
I must say that this massochistic behaviour is not good for a lot of stuff, not just my stuff but everyone's stuff... there may be an infinite amount but you can sure make it seem scarce with all that idiocy. did you know I just stole all of your stuff while you were reading this? that by reaing this you are giving me stuff, more stuff than you can afford to give... stop now! Protecxt your stuff!

but then if you were actually paying attention you'd know that stuff is infinite...
We torture ourselves...

Stuff is everywhere and we say it is nowhere... you handicap yourselves into believing that a gun being fired into your belly is not stuff... it is... just stuff that you didn't want... OK fine, but now you've got stuff so you'd better do something about it...

I'm stuffed...

~Stuffy Trollax~


What about Philip K. Dick's "kipple"? It's the material aspect of entropy. The stuff of decay.


No wonder I sometimes feel I'm drowning in stuff.  My stuff is out of control...I swear it multiplies before my very eyes.
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here