
It's funny how the position for boot-licking is so close to the one used for curb-stomping.

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Started by Horab Fibslager, November 27, 2003, 07:15:27 PM

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A thought:

Each and every one of us learns to speak a first language sometime in the first few years of our lives. We learn this language from parents, TV, and anyone else we come into contact with who speaks the same language, which most of them learned from similar sources at the same age. Almost every word we speak in our native tongue, or in any language that has at least one other speaker, is merely a copy of what we've heard someone else say before. And made-up words (like "fnord") are merely the end-result of complex combinations and rearrangements of existing words.

Therefore, everything that anyone says is technically quoting someone else. You can't avoid it. So why not quote people like RAW, if doing so is simply akin to learning to speak?
1. e4             e5
2. Bc4           Bc5
3. Qf3           Ne7
4. Qxf7++

Guido Finucci

Quote from: Medeo FaboverdaTherefore, everything that anyone says is technically quoting someone else. You can't avoid it. So why not quote people like RAW, if doing so is simply akin to learning to speak?

And a damn fine thought it is too. Of course, there is a difference between learning to speak and speaking (expressing what you want to say).

In much the same way there is a difference between learning to think and thinking. And that is IMO why people say you shouldn't quote - to them it smacks of not thinking for oneself (which is a bit of a theme in RAW's work). Of course, the flipside of that is that, "if I have seen farther than others, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants".


Quote from: Guido Finucci
Quote from: Medeo FaboverdaTherefore, everything that anyone says is technically quoting someone else. You can't avoid it. So why not quote people like RAW, if doing so is simply akin to learning to speak?

And a damn fine thought it is too. Of course, there is a difference between learning to speak and speaking (expressing what you want to say).

In much the same way there is a difference between learning to think and thinking. And that is IMO why people say you shouldn't quote - to them it smacks of not thinking for oneself (which is a bit of a theme in RAW's work). Of course, the flipside of that is that, "if I have seen farther than others, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants".
They might be giants, they might be wood, they might be something made out of wood...boy
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.

Sid Q

yet to have your own ideas you must have a reference from where to stand the same time you are trying never to beleive what is written but you are still unconsciously storing information in your brain that you find inadequate..then remodeling it back and fooling yourself by beleiving that you are really objective and freethinking. It's a mindtrap loop that one has to control...


well, looks like someones been listening to their old Janet Jackson albums again.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.