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I have a Nightmare.....

Started by AFK, October 17, 2006, 03:19:57 PM

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East Coast Hustle

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on October 17, 2006, 03:19:57 PM
Discordians, Subgenii, undecideds, lend me your ear.....

Election day cometh upon us soon.  Are you happy with the direction of your country?  Are you happy with the size of your bank account?  Are you happy with the size of your manhood/womanhood?  Have you stopped reading?  If you answered the first 3 but not the last one then you best keep moving, we don't want you.

How can we weirdos, asshats, miscreants really affect our society?  We aren't going to do it by simple housekeeping.  We need to unite.  But, we need to unite and minimize the bloodletting.  I said minimize, not eliminate, where would the fun be in that? 

Long has society lead us astray.  Long has it told us where we should and should not go.  Long has it told us what to eat and what not to eat.  Meanwhile, we Discordians have been in our little hovels spread across the globe.  We talk big talk about fucking up the system.  About burning it to the ground.  About skull fucking the Pinkos and The Normals.  But how effective can we really be if we all stick apart and stick forks in each others eyes?

That's right, we can't.  They will never take us seriously anyway.  It should never be the goal.  We aren't going to change society.  We aren't going to save the world.  We aren't going to make the Conservatives OR the Liberals accept us.  The Conservatives want to burn us at the stake.  The Liberals don't like us because we don't give them any money.  The Libertarians don't like us because we steal their pot.  The Greens don't like us because we eat meat and don't recycle our soda cans.  But more importantly, THOSE Discordians over there don't like us because we aren't THEIR kind of Discordians.

This is what defeats us EVERY SINGLE TIME.  We lose before we even begin.  The second coming becomes the third becomes the fourth becomes an empty fifth.  Can we break this viscous cycle?

I don't know.  But I'd sure as hell like to try.  What if each of us found just three Discordians, elsewhere on the infotarded superdriveway and convinced them to join our effort.  That's right, to join our effort.  Not our clique, not our all boys/girls club, not our cabal.  Bring them here with a purpose.  They've read the book, they're heard ALL of the jokes, they've had the Kerry Thornley bowl cut with the Abraham Lincoln beard.  Now's the time to cast the superficial aside and get down to the rusty brass tacks.

I propose we start a REAL network of Discordians.  Maybe we won't all hang out here, maybe we won't all hang out there, but that SHOULD NOT BE THE POINT.  If we truly wish to get the word out we need to get the lead out.  Let us not dwell on who is real and who isn't.  Let us focus, instead, on who will get real and who will not.  Who will bring the noise AND the funk, not just the noise. 

We all have busy lives in the real world.  We don't have time to dick around with popularity contests and who is going to like who.  It is time to start showing those who wish to see that they don't have to play the same old game.  There are more options than what they see on the teevee and on their ballots.  This is our chance to actually reach people.  There are people who are beginning to see that everything is fucked.  That the options they are given are all opt-outs from freedom.  So, let us get the act together, forget about OUR politics and work on defecating on THEIRS. 

Free at The Last, Free at The Last, by holy-fucking-hell, we can be Free at The Last, and so can they........

bumped for quality


Heh, I remember this.  This was when I decided to rename the BIP Boards "The Discordian Network", I even built a website for it.  And then it went splodey.  I still think this is a viable idea.  But it certainly would take a lot of effort to rally more Discordian cats who are interested in contributing some ideas. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


for the record - i was always a big supporter of the term 'The Discordian Network'

seeing as it is a network of people who have a common thread of knowing each other thru reasons involving discordianism
neat hell

Darth Cupcake

Discordia is not something you just dump things on! It is not a truck!

It is a series of tubes network!


But in all seriousness, I do like the term The Discordian Network. It sounds like something out of a spy movie. Like you land in some strange town, say in Scotland, and you are like, "What now? I know, I'll just tap into the Discordian Network!" Trolls are just bad hackers of the network!
Be the trouble you want to see in the world.


All praise be unto Cain, for it is He who came up with the term.


We're not calling ourselves "Pervs Unlimited" anymore?

"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman


We're saving that for the "inner teachings".

Darth Cupcake

Quote from: Baron von Hoopla on July 18, 2007, 03:45:12 PM
We're not calling ourselves "Pervs Unlimited" anymore?


That's the subtitle.

"The Discordian Network: Pervs Unlimited."

Or perhaps "The Discordian Network: A Whole Bunch of Pervs and Jerks."
Be the trouble you want to see in the world.

Rev. St. Syn, KSC (Ret.)

I prefer the term "asshat," thank you. 8)
Synaptyclypse Generator Publishing Sect, POEE International Resource Center

Darth Cupcake


"The Discordian Network Hat Rack: We Have All Kinds of Asshats."
Be the trouble you want to see in the world.

Rev. St. Syn, KSC (Ret.)

Synaptyclypse Generator Publishing Sect, POEE International Resource Center


Politics will eat itself.

My mission is to laugh at it while it's being sick all over its feet.

I'm more than capable of accomplishing this mission solo.

I don't even have to leave the house.

I laugh at "Revolutionaries" just as hard.

The fact that they fight for what they believe is right merely means they have a belief and that is laughable in and of itself.

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

I often wonder about such a concept... and yet, I am not convinced. Children of Eris, seem to me, far more useful as the unknown variable, rather than a predictable group of activists.  I have yet to see any revolutionary group maintain its original intent beyond a single generation (or a successful revolution). I think about the Discordian seasons and the possible message hidden within.

Chaos -> Discord -> Confusion -> Bureaucracy -> Aftermath ->Chaos

In Chaos,  each person acts on their own... perhaps with a Cabal/small family unit/etc, perhaps as an individual, but in this state, each person is independent or voluntarily associated. A sort of anarchy.

In Discord, the persons or the Cabal or the family, bands with others in order to achieve a goal. However, there exists discord between these once independent persons. A sort of Tribal system.

This leads to Confusion, a state where everyone wants to accomplish something, but they debate everything and end up accomplishing little. To combat this, someone says "Well, we have to get organized and pick a leader"...

Which brings us to the birth of Bureaucracy... that state where nothing gets accomplished except moving pieces of paper around, signing forms, going to committee meetings and bitching about the bureaucracy.

Eventually, mosbunal of the members long for the time when things weren't so crappy... they abandon the organization and in this Aftermath, return to Chaos.


Of course, this could all be false. However, it does tend to map decently to many organizations. Look at some of the Internet start-ups, look at past "Discordian Organizations", look at whatever corporation you might work for, look at your government....

I question the wisdom of handing Freedom to the masses, not because I'm elitist, but rather because I don't think you can give freedom to people (particularly not freedom of their own damn mind). Thomas Jefferson told Lafayette in a letter that he should perhaps not expect his fellow countrymen to embrace full blown democracy immediately after the revolution. In his mind the revolution in America happened "in the minds of the people" ten years before anyone fired a shot. The people (according to TJ) chose freedom, then fought for freedom. In France, he argued to his friend the Marquis,  it was not the people who chose revolution... rather revolution happened and they were handed "freedom" and "democracy"... which they quickly threw away and tried to run back toward the monarchy.

Look at the Middle East right now. America handed "freedom and democracy" to Iraq (in some sense). Yet, they are completely unable to manage even the most basic functions of government. No matter one's opinion on the US' role, the example holds. Even those that voted with their ever infamous ink-smudged thumbs, voted for parties that were divisive, not cohesive. The Shia voted for Shia, the Sunni voted for Sunni and the Kurds, voted for Kurds. Look at Palestine, they were given the "freedom" to vote, to choose what they wanted... and they chose the less tolerant, more dogmatic, more controlling of their options.

Freedom must be earned, it must be fought for, it must be a paradigm shift in the minds of individuals... then and only then can freedom be held as valuable to the individual.

I think, in my opinion, that we Discordians may be much better at encouraging the necessary shifts in the minds of individuals, than changing our society as an entity. When it comes to shifting minds, individuals and small cabals seem more effective, to me, than a lumbering bureaucracy of thousands or hundreds of people hashing out plans on an Internet website.

The OP speaks of uniting, but upon what 'platform' would we unite? The most successful revolutions, it seems to me, are ones that are decentralized, with no central control or head. However, any revolution is made up of two sorts of people. Those who have a vision and those that follow like sheep. If we want to rid ourselves of the sheep... an organization seems like a bad start, to me.

To end, I think I'd like to crib the OP's ending:

Free at The Last, Free at The Last, by holy-fucking-hell, we can be Free at The Last, and so can they........

Free at The Last, Free at The Last, by holy-fucking-hell, I am Free at The Last, and so too are you, if you choose to be.

Like what you like, Enjoy what you enjoy...
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson


Rat, I think you have a point.