
I live in the Promised Land, except the Chosen People are all trying to get out. 

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Take that look off your face

Started by Wolfpoet, May 05, 2007, 12:24:41 AM

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We are a society in denial, going through our daily routines and pretending it's all fine and dandy. We are so very desperatre to keep up this pretense, this little masquerade. It's the easy way, the safe way, the way that causes the least headaches.

We deny basic realities because they do not mesh well with our manufactured mindset. We'll go to war in Iraq and swallow the excuse that it's to stop some guy killing innocents. Shame we didn't do it two decades ago when the bloke was actualy killing the poor Kurds.But he was on our side back then so it's all good.

Funny really, you kill a few hundred thousand people twenty years ago and you get a big old war on your doorstep. Kill millions in Africa and you get asked nicely to stop being naughty. The trick is to get the right number you see, 6 million is too many, a few hundred thousand is too few. Frag about 1 to 2 million and you are in that sweet spot.

Same principle on the smaller scale. You see, this chap decides to walk around a building and send 30 people on an all-expense paid tour of the next world (only one way however).

let's check some figures for that week:

200 people killed in iraq during that week.

60 people killed in Somalia that week.

Remember boys and girls, don't kill white people in western countries and you should be ok. But don't actualy shake these folks out of their little faux reality on their doorstep, why that's just damned impolite!

There is a song I rather like, sums up this whole damned, messd up and stupid attitude that the moral majority seem to have:

"No, I didn't dig deep
I did not want to know
Well, you don't interfere
When you're scared of the things you might here
And when he's back, you'll think I'll end it there and then
Well my fearweatherd friend, you're wrong again"

Take that look off your face! Wake up and smell the blood, drop the masque and see your moral highground, built from the bodies of those trampled underfoot. You like to be right, you like to be the good guys, the winners.

Well too bad, mission accomplished boys and girls. Our entire bloody history of death and destruction replayed in yet another chapter of in the sordid history of the Human race.Once again the weak, morally bankrupt sheep allow the powerful to do what they damn well want in the vain hope of an easy life.

Take that look off your face, I can see through your smile. I can see the weak, pathetic excuse for a Human being that lurks behind the cultured, civilised visage.

It's not so much that we fear the Wolf that howls outside, we fear the Wolf that howls within our soul.

Paladin, Iman, Rabbi and Fa Shih of the Erisian revival.

There are 3 sides to any conflict, winners, losers and arms dealers. Eris does a damn good deal at competitive prices.

The Littlest Ubermensch

Hmm....this sounds familiar...almost....LIKE EVERY OTHER ATTEMPT AT PROVING HOW BIG YOUR INTELLECTUAL PENIS IS! God damn, how unoriginal can you be? We've heard the whole "OMG, U CAN LIEK KILL PPL IN OTHER COUNTRIES A HOLE BUNCH!!!! BUT NOT HIER!!!!" thing a million god damn times. You have found out you are above the norm in terms of awareness, now figure out that YOU'RE STILL A DUMBFUCK. That's not saying I'm not either, but please just don't post every ego masturbating thought you get.
[witticism/philosophical insight/nifty quote to prove my intelligence to the forum]



Dr. Cow Ass

I liked the rant, but I have to agree with TLU in that this has been spewed on this forum before in hundreds of different forms before.

I appreciated the body count statistic, though, very interesting. 
I bring the Spicy.


I disagree with your reasoning for why we are in Iraq and not in Africa.  It isn't because of the body count, because 6 million is too many as you say.  It's because, it's in Africa, not the Middle East.  We dragged our feet for a good two or three years before we FINALLY got involved in the Bosnia war.  But, Africa will always be that continent that nobody REALLY cares about, outside of Africa.  It'll be the PR place for actors to adopt kids, "care" about curing AIDS, etc., etc.,   It's just a big photo op for "important" people.  The Middle East is all about protecting access to resources.  That's the difference, not the amount of body bags being ordered. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Also, we ARE in Africa.  Or does the French Foreign Legion in Chad, CIA paramilitaries in Somalia, British troops in Sierra Leone etc etc all not count?


Quote from: The Littlest Ubermensch on May 05, 2007, 06:23:51 AM
Hmm....this sounds familiar...almost....LIKE EVERY OTHER ATTEMPT AT PROVING HOW BIG YOUR INTELLECTUAL PENIS IS! God damn, how unoriginal can you be? We've heard the whole "OMG, U CAN LIEK KILL PPL IN OTHER COUNTRIES A HOLE BUNCH!!!! BUT NOT HIER!!!!" thing a million god damn times. You have found out you are above the norm in terms of awareness, now figure out that YOU'RE STILL A DUMBFUCK. That's not saying I'm not either, but please just don't post every ego masturbating thought you get.

A bit harsh there, Uber.  Personal vendetta much?


He's a mean little fucker when he's riled innit :evil:

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
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"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark