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Acting Ruthlessly while Not Burning Bridges

Started by LHX, May 02, 2007, 03:49:01 PM

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another balancing act

dire situations often call for swift and drastic action

swift and drastic can result in unforeseen/unfortunate collateral damage ('the costs')

we see this often -
it is often said that in the pursuit of a objective
'the ends justify the means'

one need not look much further than any news source to see unfortunate situations which have been 'justified' by decision makers

the problems of this approach are painfully obvious -
if one hasnt done the due diligence to develop a accurate understanding of the situation - the ends, the means, and everything in between
the result is nothing but unnecessary strife and destruction
where means are employed to accomplish no ends

at the other end of the spectrum - the situations we DONT see (but each individual prolly FEELS at some point in their life)
is those situations where the ends wouldve justified the means
instead of getting to work
he/she sat on his/her hands

this is often referred to in the form of 'regret'


this is also understandable and provokes one to explore the question 'but how can i be sure?'

the balancing act -
not to be a destructive train wreck of a failure
nor be a hesitant member of a audience being led to the bottom of the ocean on a sinking ship


1. you can be sure about your motives and intents
2. you can be sure about how you handle making mistakes
3. you can be sure about never making the same mistake twice
4. you can be humble enough to admit error even if you have made that error using everything you have
5. you can be understanding and supportive of those who make errors in this vein
6. you can be sure that there are others who will be supportive of your efforts if your actions are approached with well developed motives and intent
7. you can be sure that nothing good awaits you if you sit inactive and let hesitation rot you from the inside

in this way
you can act ruthlessly without jeopardizing those things which can be called 'important'

namely - the connections and relationships you have with those who approach the universe in a similar manner

for all you ZOMG cult motherfuckers:
notice that i say 'approach the universe in a similar manner'
and not
'strive to achieve the same objectives'
neat hell


This seriously needs to be reformatted and put into a national best-seller.

Less seriously, I need to reformat this so that my brain can focus on the information without straining on the layout, and read this every fucking morning.  EDIT EDIT: No I'm not redistributing yet.

Somebody please post the scrittens graphic and say it's from me.
- DJRubberducky
Quote from: LMNODJ's post is sort of like those pills you drop into a glass of water, and they expand into a dinosaur, or something.

Black sheep are still sheep.


What makes it so? Making it so is what makes it so.


Fucking hard-earned lessons ITT...priceless information that usually gets largely ignored...until it smacks your ass.