
Yeah, fuckface! Get ready to be beaten down. Grrr! Internet ain't so safe now is it motherfucker! Shit just got real! Bam!

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Rant 29: Chaos

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, January 17, 2004, 03:04:44 AM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Rant 29

?¨Spirit is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.?Æ
-Hermes Trismegistus (supposedly)

?¨Statist civilization is nothing but a sugar coated concentration camp.?Æ

Progress?ñevolution?ñthese are just tepid words used to cover over tepid and poorly thought out concepts, explaining behavior that most would call inhumane if allowed to think freely. But our language has tripped us up even before we can try to communicate because we are stuck on such worthless combinations such as ?¨greater good?Æ, ?¨social contract?Æ, ?¨law and order?Æ, ?¨the economy?Æ?ñand so on and so forth. Meaningless catchphrases that sneak by your mind preventing you from thinking any further. Think about it. Think real hard, if you still can. What has statist civilization really given to the human race after all these thousands of years besides pretty art and neat toys with strange applications?

The one thing that civilization has consistently developed is thought control through language shaping. Since the end of the Neolithic times when the human proto-language started becoming codified and written down by an emerging social elite, the majority of humanity has been mentally limited by the very languages they learn in childhood?ñthoughts are defined in structured ways, the ways of approaching the act of thinking itself is dictated, how to express oneself is dictated; everything is culturally and socially predetermined for you. Civilization sets the standards for what is real and therefore blessed. And everything else is made to feel worthless. But our real evolution, as it were, came about despite the efforts of civilization to destroy it. Rogue occultists with unorthodox theories and experiments, warrior scientists dying for their ideas, artists who pissed on common sense, state-religion priests who took teachings of illumination seriously, children who always have rebelled until they learn to fit in; and so on. The quest for human liberation constantly laps at the poor structures of civilized discourse, art, memes, cultures, ideas, theologies. Should we even bother redeeming the idea of civilization since it is so imbued with the concept of the state?

Chaos is the ever present uncontrollable forces of life. We have been taught to believe that since time immemorial humanity has been progressing from an age of chaotic darkness to ordered peace and light. But this is a bald lie for anyone who even stops their mind for just one second and takes a look around oneself. Though we have some advances that make many lives easy to enjoy, those advances came about through fighting in the streets of civilization, despite civilization??s best efforts to staunch them. Overall though, humanity has been going nowhere but around in huge circles due to its patently absurd rejection of chaos. It wasn??t always this way. And if we are to survive, it will not always be this way.

Chaos is the celebration of our right to feel ecstatic. Chaos is our acceptance of death as a process in life. Chaos is our strength when we stand up and reject another so-called ?´obvious?? truth that everyone else seems so enthralled with. Chaos is not bowing down to any deity whether contrived or not, unless it is truly what you want. Chaos is about religions of humor as opposed to religions of the outmoded statist poison of ?´salvation??. Salvation from what? Chaos? Ha! Chaos is or isn??t anything, nothing, and possibly maybe. Chaos cares not for the stupidity of even using thoughts like ?¨this IS that?Æ, with retarded and mind controlling essentialist structures that only serve to dull perception further??because the act of putting Chaos anywhere in a phrase is an act of ensigilization, an occulture so threatening to the dominant paradigm that society at large will never understand it until it is so infected with the Chaotic memes that it is too late.  We should hope so, possibly?ñif there is entertainment, joy, and beauty for us.

Civilization? How about Chaosization? A slick counter-civilization that resists order and disorder dichotomies. A virulent strain of lifestyle and community that refuses to allow any room for authoritarian stupidities to arise. A vision so Chaotic that it even rejects the name ?´chaosization?? before you can even mouth it.

The cure for the malaise is to become drunk on Chaos. To slip in and out of the places people say don??t exist. To shout incantations and cast spells. To dance in dionysian revelry. To celebrate the body and all we really ?´have??. To fuck with the stagnant minds that refuse to come outside of their proper structures of proper information about the proper world. Our desires have been stifled and dictated to for too long?ñfor so long that it feels strange, yet familiar, to even contemplate unbridled ecstasy. Chaos? You are bobdamned right it??s Chaos. And I am going on a never ending pub crawl through the dreams, ideas, thoughts of Chaos, never to be mentally enslaved to the retardation of statist civilization again. If I happen to help overthrow the damned thing at some point, it is as a side effect to writing my own alphabet of desire and living out Chaos as it keeps my mind blowing and body glowing. Hopefully, I am on to something. But if not, then my life will have at least been enjoyed to its chaotic fullest and another voice will have been added to the universal chorus of laughter. If it??s good enough for Eris, it??s good enough for me, sometimes.

(Chaos 16th, 3170)

?¨?ñno one religion, philosophy, scripture, or other approach to understanding can explain the infinite complexities of the multiverse. No one has a real monopoly on truth, only highly developed guesses and/or large armies.?Æ
-Isaac Bonewits (from ?¨Witchcraft: A Concise Guide?Æ pg. 90)
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


that was a robo-bitchin rant st hugh. that inspires me to do something. like sleep or something. i'll have to reread it tomorrow when i'm awake.


This is great...this is wonderful.
You've outdone yourself here, St Hugh.
It took me a couple of read throughs to assimilate
the first few layers of meaning.
Next time, I'm going to read it drunk and see what
springs to mind.  :twisted:
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here