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the big picture

Started by Triple Zero, August 21, 2007, 10:00:11 PM

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Triple Zero

Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.


Darth Cupcake

I am going to re-read that when I get home, as it is the end of the day and I don't intend to stay in the office longer than necessary. But it looks damn good.

The beginning of the article reminds me of my favoritest piece from the BIP. I will dig that up and respond accordingly.

Or at least I will intend to. No promises about sticking with it! :lol:
Be the trouble you want to see in the world.

Triple Zero

addition: um i only read halfway, after the bit where it said

QuoteOne of the unfortunate side effects is that your mind gets into a bad habit of overestimating how clearly it understands things. It always thinks it has The Big Picture even when it doesn’t.

i thought "that's BIP material!"

but after that it continues about software design .. heh
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



I was suprised by the dream section

QuoteWhen you dream, your mind asks all kinds of questions that it,Äôs used to asking the senses (what,Äôs that? Look over there!) but your senses are temporarily turned off (you are, after all, asleep), so they get back sort-of random answers, which you combine into a funny story in your brain called a dream. And then when you try to recount the dream to your boyfriend in the morning, even though it seemed totally, completely realistic, you suddenly realize that you don,Äôt know what happened, actually, so you have to make shit up. If you had stayed asleep for another minute or two your brain would have asked your senses what kind of mammal was swimming with you in the rose bush, and gotten back some retarded, random answer (a platypus!), but you woke up, so until you tried to tell the story, you didn,Äôt even realize that you needed to know what was in the rose bushes with you to make the story coherent to your partner. Which it never is. So please don,Äôt tell me about your dreams.

If it's true that your mind creates dreams from random non existing influences than I think about dreams in a whole new light.
Guess I'll have to google that one.

Iron Sulfide

nietzsche posited this in Human, all too Human.
Ya' stupid Yank.

Darth Cupcake

Actually, that was a hell of good article, software dev-focused or not.

Some of it made me giggle.

Near as I can tell, Chandler,Äôs original vision was pretty much just to be ,Äúrevolutionary.,Äù Well, I don,Äôt know about you, but I can,Äôt code ,Äúrevolutionary.,Äù I need more details to write code. Whenever the spec describes the product in terms of adjectives (,Äúit will be extremely cool,Äù) rather than specifics (,Äúit will have brushed-aluminum title bars and all the icons will be reflected a little bit, as if placed on a grand piano,Äù) you know you,Äôre in trouble.

Think outside the software dev box and I think we can all learn a thing or two from that. :wink:
Be the trouble you want to see in the world.