
I just don't understand any kind of absolute egalitarianism philosophy. Whether it's branded as anarcho-capitalism or straight anarchism or sockfucking libertarianism, it always misses the same point.

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23 enigma solved.

Started by prof, December 28, 2007, 07:05:57 AM

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Things aren't always what they seem. An enigma is a puzzle. The "Abbott of Durrow upon Essex?" hmm.


Quote from: LMNO on December 28, 2007, 04:25:40 PM
Because it's written as the Law of Fives, not the Law of anything you pay extra attention to.

Hey!  Check it out!  We're talking about both the Principia and Illuminatus!  Someone alert that dude that is disappointed!

Well, I think that first point is debatable, but I believe Omar was simply saying that he was able to find fives applied to anything he looked into.  Like What the Thinker Thinks, the Prover Proves.
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman


Quote from: Ratatosk on December 28, 2007, 04:33:56 PM
Quote from: LMNO on December 28, 2007, 03:45:28 PM
Of course it was intentional.  There's that "unwritten" part of the law that was explained in Illuminatus!.

Quote from: RAW the HackBut you have to understand it more deeply now, Joe. Correctly formulated, the Law is: All phenomena are directly or indirectly related to the number five, and this relationship can always be demonstrated, given enough ingenuity on the part of the demonstrator." The evil grin flashed. "That's the very model of what a true scientific law must always be: a statement about how the human mind relates to the cosmos. We can never make a statement about the cosmos itself— but only about how our senses (or our instruments) detect it, and about how our codes and languages symbolize it."

The OP said that the 23 enigma was merely the ability of the human mind to find patterns.  That isn't really an enigma, as the Law of Fives clearly states just that. 

Right... well almost.

There is an enigma. The enigma is pervasive, all-encompassing and immutable. The 23 Enigma is simply a documented, observed and memetic example of the enigma itself. We could call it the Thinker/Prover Enigma or  the Cosmic Schmuck Enigma... but neither of those so clearly demonstrate the point as a well crafted 23 Enigma CoN.

It's more than "the ability" to find patterns. Starbucks Myth and the Law of Fives gives us that... the 23 Enigma, is a darker truth. We are, mosbunall of us, more easily CoN'd than we want to believe.  Our brains actively trick us, even if we aren't actively trying to play games (such as with the Law of Fives). The 23 enigma is the Manifestation of a Most Infernal Chorus of Demons, one that plagues Scientists, Rationalists, Fundamentalists, Philosophers and Every Sort of Man/Woman/Kai (*sniffle* I miss Kai).

The Demon Assumael, The Demon Patternael , The Demon Beliefael and their ArchDemon Lord Perceptael. They are the cause of the 23 enigma. They are the enemy of humans everywhere and the True Gods of "Believers".

In some sense....

"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman



1013? Seventeen chapters? Five subsections? Three different mentions in two of the chapters? Three random numbers in the control set, with computations checked twice? Four additional experiments?


My favorite part is the genesis of the enigma at Sutton Hoo.  Excellent.


Ah, finally.  A player.  This seemed like a clever bunch.  You picked out some good ones.  Nice to meet you all.


lol I noticed those but thought it would be too obvious to say anything. Nice.  :p


The easy ones are there for bait.  Then it gets deeper from there.  The winner is the one who can make at least 15 of the number in question, keeping in syntax, where it is not referenced directly, using the methods of the fictitious Aldus himself (in my original document, ten key words beginning on line twelve of the first paragraph).  If you add in fives to the game it goes way up.  Cheers, P

hunter s.durden

I'm not going to try and shit in here.

I like the big words.
This space for rent.



Quote from: Ratatosk on December 28, 2007, 04:33:56 PM
The 23 enigma is the Manifestation of a Most Infernal Chorus of Demons, one that plagues Scientists, Rationalists, Fundamentalists, Philosophers and Every Sort of Man/Woman/Kai (*sniffle* I miss Kai).

*raises hand* Different Kai, albeit, but same concept. Do you really miss the drama that much?
One by one, we break the sheep from their Iron Bar Prisons and expand their imaginations, make them think for themselves. In turn, they break more from their prisons. Eventually, critical mass is reached. Our key word: Resolve. Evangelize with compassion and determination. And realize that there will be few in the beginning. We are hand picking our successors. They are the future of Discordianism. Let us guide our future with intelligence.

     --Reverse Brainwashing: A Guide

6.5 billion Buddhas walking around.

99.xxxxxxx% forgot they are Buddha.

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Quote from: B_M_W on December 31, 2007, 12:04:19 AM
Quote from: Ratatosk on December 28, 2007, 04:33:56 PM
The 23 enigma is the Manifestation of a Most Infernal Chorus of Demons, one that plagues Scientists, Rationalists, Fundamentalists, Philosophers and Every Sort of Man/Woman/Kai (*sniffle* I miss Kai).

*raises hand* Different Kai, albeit, but same concept. Do you really miss the drama that much?

Not the drama, but Kai at least had a uniqueish point of view... that's important I think.
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson

Triple Zero

unjquejsh. it's kinda like talking with a ljsp.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



Not that I really want to bring this up again, but what exactly was Kaj's "uniqueish" point of view, anyway?

What I got out of it was:

1. Kaj was genderqueer, and thought that it made him more special that those of us who represented the more typical male/female gender divisions.
2. Kaj was homeless by preference, and thought it made him better than those who made the choice to have a warm bed and biosurvival security.
3. Kaj was a fairly good illustrator.
4. Kaj dabbles in psychedelics, and think that makes him enlightened.

By contrast:

1. BMW is genderqueer, but he doesn't think that makes him superior.
2. BMW is a wikkid smaht entomologist.
3. BMW is a fairly good guitarist.
4. BMW drinks coffee.

All in all, I prefer BMW's POV.


After I read the OP I suddenly had images of a Hyundai "DUH" commercial pop into my head.
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.