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Anecdote dump

Started by Cain, April 18, 2008, 03:33:58 PM

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Similar to before, but thankfully less long.


"You must choose:

Do you wish to see (perceive) nothing, or do you want to see things as they really are?

It is not hard to see things as they really are, it is simply a matter of tearing down walls, ridding oneself of defenses and presumption, rendering oneself vulnerable, an idiot, a fool.

But it is not easy to see things as they really are, because it is painful, it is real, it requires response, it's an incredible commitment.

To go nine-tenths of the way is to suffer at every moment utter madness.

To go all the way is to become sane.

     Most people prefer blindness.

But most people are a dying race."

— Paul Williams


"It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spens himself in a worthy cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with these cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

— Theodore Roosevelt


"Our culture must not omit the arming of the man. Let him hear in season that he is born into the state of war, and that the commonwealth and his own well-being require that he should not go dancing in the weeds of peace, but warned, self-collected and neither defying nor dreading the thunder, let him take both reputation and life in his hand, and with perfect urbanity dare the gibbet and the mob by the absolute truth of his speech and the rectitude of his behavior."

— Ralph Waldo Emerson


"What do you expect? People are machines. Machines have to be blind and unconscious; they cannot be otherwise, and all their actions have to correspond to their nature. Everything happens. No-one does anything. 'Progress' and 'civilization', in the real meaning of these words, can appear only as a result of conscious efforts. They cannot appear as a result of unconscious mechanical actions. And what conscious effort can there be in machines? And if one machine is unconscious, and so are a thousand machines, or a hundred thousand, or a million. And the unconscious activity of a million machines must necessarily result in destruction and extermination. It is precisely in unconscious involuntary manifestations that all evil lies. You do not yet understand and cannot imagine all the results of this evil. But the time will come when you will understand."

— G. I. Gurdjieff


"Cities are like hives in which humans scuttle frantically about like insects. Nearly identical housing projects, condominiums, and high-rises form the shell of the hives, with congested streets and tracks being like the chemical trails. The metaphorical 'insects' of the hive, unlike true insects, lack a hive mind; in fact, they seem to lack any willingness to co-operate or help one another in the absence of threats or rewards. The drones and workers dredge through tedious and demeaning jobs, usually spending their non-working time entranced in front of their televisions, partaking of mind-numbing intoxicants, sleeping fitfully and dreamlessly, or mindlessly reproducing to ensure the cycle of despair continues. The pathetic denizens of the hive cannot leave, as they have become too dependant upon it; bound to their jobs by invisible chains and unable to conceive of a world without the conveniences of mass-transit and free delivery."

— anonymous (RWT)


"When technology reaches a certain level, people begin to feel like criminals. Someone is after you, the computers maybe, the machine-police. You can't escape investigation. The facts about you and your whole existence have been collected or are being collected. Banks, insurance companies, credit organizations, tax examiners, passport offices, reporting services, police agencies, intelligence gatherers. Devices make us pliant. If they issue a print-out saying we're guilty, then we're guilty. But it goes even deeper, doesn't it? It's the presence alone, the very fact, the superabundance of technology, that makes us feel we're committing crimes. Just the fact that these things exist at this widespread level. The processing machines, the scanners, the sorters. That's enough to make us feel like criminals. What enormous weight. What complex programs. And there's no-one to explain it to us."

— unknown


"Let us pretend that you are an ape, and that you have been born into an unusually large group of, say, a hundred or more of your kind . . . this is your society. In most societies, everyone has their place; if you do not know your place, you will soon be put where society feels you belong — usually near the bottom. In this society, there is one maximum leader, the 'Alpha'; and several of his assistants, the 'Betas'; and everyone else is subservient to the leaders and one another based on a sort of 'pecking order.' It is a society of bullies. Whomever is strongest and most feared rules, and whomever is not quite as strong is permitted to harass and attack those weaker than himself. Whatever apes are too passive, weak, or ill to defend themselves will be at the bottom of the pecking order.

     Now let us pretend that your ape, for whatever reason, is at the lower end of the pecking order. However, not only is he resentful of his mistreatment by others, but he is significantly more intelligent than most of them. Using his intelligence, he crafts a sort of long dagger from a discarded broken animal bone. Now when the dominant greyback Alpha no longer receives homage in the form of submissive and fearful gesticulation (averting the eyes, exposing the buttocks for mounting, ect.), he flies into a murderous rage and lunges, only to have the needle point of the sharp bone tool plunged through his eye and into his brain. As the Alpha drops dead, is your ape the new king? No. Even if he is able to fend off, or even kill, the attacking Betas with his magic sword, he will not sway the masses. Why? Because he was once like them and still is, in many ways. He is not inclined to rule as a tyrant, and if he sets down his weapon his strength will be gone. Aren't the apes happy with their newfound freedom? On the contrary, they will be fearful and confused, and as soon as your ape falls asleep, as he eventually must, they will take up the weapon and kill him with it. Then, the strongest and most aggressive survivor will take over as king, and society will return to normal. In most societies, there is no place for one such as your ape. If he cannot be rendered powerless in some way, he must be exiled, imprisoned, or killed. He will never be accepted or assimilated unless be changes into that which he despises. Society does not tolerate disruption."

— anonymous (RWT)


"Mad Dog Shriver was twenty-eight years old and, according to one SOG veteran, 'the quintessential warrior loner, antisocial, possessed by what he was doing, leading the best team, always training, constantly training.'

     Shriver rarely spoke and walked around camp for days wearing the same clothes. In his sleep he cradled a loaded rifle, and in the NCO club he'd buy a case of beer, open every can, then go alone to a corner and drink them all. Although he could not care less about decorations, he'd been awarded a Silver Star, five Bronze Stars, and the Soldier's Medal.

     Shriver was devoted to the Montagnards. He spent all his money on them and collected food, clothes, whatever people would give, to distribute in Yard villages. He taught the Yards how to play an accordion, the most sophisticated musical instrument they'd ever had. Mad Dog even built his own room in the Montagnard barracks so he could live with them. 'He was almost revered by the Montagnards,' O'Rourke says.

     Shriver's closest companion was a German Shepherd he'd brought back from Taiwan and named Klaus. One night Klaus got sick on beer some recon men fed him and crapped on the NCO club floor; the men rubbed his nose in it and threw him out. Shriver arrived, drank a beer, removed his blue velvet smoking jacket and derby hat, put his .38 revolver on a table, then dropped his pants and defecated on the floor. 'If you want to rub my nose in this,' he dared, 'come on over.' Everyone pretended not to hear him, except one man who'd fed Klaus beer and who urged the recon company commander to intervene. The captain laughed in his face, saying, 'Hey, fuck you, pal.'"

— excerpted from SOG by John L. Plaster (p. 247)


"If the truth be known, the Army went out of its way to find guys like me — ass-kicking 'Nam vets who ran the woods and lived on the edge — and systematically weeded them out of the service.


Because we were misfits.

We didn't fit the mold. We just didn't fit in. We were renegades used to operating independently, with few people pulling our strings. We disregarded the established rules and created our own. I take that back — there were no rules for us . . . But that attitude surely was out of place in a peacetime environment, and the thought of keeping guys around who were distainful of authority and might not toe the line was a little too much for the Army to deal with. So the hard-core guys were sent packing. Fortunately for me I had the medal, which gave me too much visibility to be fucked with completely, so I was spared the axe, though not the hassles.

A noncombat lifestyle was everything I'd feared. It was very boring. It was unbelievably slow-paced. And worst of all, my free-wheeling, do-as-I-damn-well-please lifestyle had come to an end . . .

I felt like I'd been put on a leash. The Army had taken a high-performance engine and drastically untuned it. Not only had my activities been severely curtailed, but the special status that I Once enjoyed quickly evaporated. I was no longer that unique individual who did the dangerous job most others were reluctant to do. Since cunning, sharpshooting, and bravery were no longer required in my new environment, I had nothing to set me apart from the crowd. I quickly found that the Medal of Honor was more a novelty than anything else to most noncombat soldiers, and really had no place in a peacetime Army. My extensive combat skills and ass-kicking abilities were no longer needed, appreciated, or even wanted."

— Franklin D. Miller, from Reflections of a Warrior (pp. 198-199)


"Never leave a potentially deadly weapon where unauthorized hands may find it. Never insert your finger into the trigger guard until the actual use of a weapon seems imminent; a fall, or the muscle-tightening reaction to a sudden noise, can result in an accidental discharge . . . Never touch a firearm while under the influence of alcohol, or display one at an occasion when liquor is flowing. Never allow yourself to become embroiled in a squabble while you are carrying a gun, be it caused by an insult to your wife, an argument in traffic, or any similar situation. Never let it be known to anyone outside your immediate household . . . that you carry a gun. Never make remarks to the effect that you will "kill any sonofabitch who breaks into my house/hooks my kid on drugs/tries to steal from my store," etc. If such a killing situation ever occurs, testimony in court will show that you seemed pre-occupied with the idea of killing real or imaginary criminals, especially if you've made such remarks frequently. If circumstances were such that your reactions could be considered to have been too hasty, such testimony would imply that you were excessively pre-disposed toward using your gun."

— Massad Ayoob, from In The Gravest Extreme (p. 121)


"In TV and motion pictures, the bullet is often portrayed as a very discreet piece of metal. When it strikes a bad gut, it produces a round, red polka dot approximately the diameter of a pencil. There is usually very little blood and never an exit wound. Good guys are regularly shot in the arm, shoulder or leg and are up and around in no time . . . Bullets aren't sharp. They don't drill neat holes in flesh. Bullets rip and tear. When they hit bone, lead slugs don't produce neat fractures. Bones are burst and splintered. No longer able to support body weight, the jagged end of a bone is sometimes jabbed up and out through the skin as gravity pulls the flesh down. Flattened into an irregular shape by the impact, but unspent, the bullet tumbles off and away through the body, often bursting out with a fist-sized ball of meat at an odd angle and a remarkable distance from where it entered . . . If the heart does not stop right away, that organ can pump most of the blood the body contains through the wound and out onto the ground in a matter of minutes."

— Mark Baker, from Cops (pp. 168-169)



"A high powered bullet through the complex of shoulder bones and muscles will leave the arm crippled for life. The same with a leg. The possibility of death from hemorrhage or shock is present with any bullet wound. A bullet in the side or abdomen can fatally damage liver, kidneys, and other organs. People don't always recover completely from serious gunshot wounds, even if they do survive initially. Damage can be lingering — "he was never any good after he was shot" is a common description — and the results of the wound can radically shorten the natural life span."

— Massad Ayoob, from In the Gravest Extreme (p. 24)


"If I were to shoot you in the belly with a small caliber handgun, what do you think would happen? Do you think you would drop to the floor in a clean white shirt and expire quietly after saying a few final words? Do you think you would take the shot bravely, wrestle the gun away, apprehend me for the authorities, and see your photo on the front page of tomorrow's newspaper, smiling in your hospital bed as you receive a medal from the mayor? No, such things occur only in the fantasy world of television, but a great many people, inundated by repeated exposure to such lies, tend to believe that violence is drama.

     Let me tell you the ugly truth. If I were to shoot you in the belly, first, you would shit your pants. You would fall to the ground, doubled up in agonizing pain. You would bleed great quantities of smelly dark brown blood. As your stomach fills with blood, you would vomit copious amounts. As your lifeblood drains away, soaking into the carpeting, your core body temperature would plummet, causing you to shiver uncontrollably. Unless the abdominal aorta is punctured, there may be hours of suffering before you die.

     If you are rescued by paramedics, stabilized for transport, and immediately brought into the operating room, you will not be patched up and quickly released. First, your intestines will be placed in a pile alongside you where they can be examined while the abdominal cavity is thoroughly rinsed in hopes of averting peritonitis. If you were shot with a high velocity hollowpoint, shot repeatedly, or are just unlucky enough to have multiple ruptures of the gastrointestinal tract, the surgeons won't even bother trying to patch you up. Your entrails will go in the hospital dumpster, and you will shit in a colostomy bag for the rest of your weak, sickly, frightened, lonely, and pain-ridden existence.

     Violence is not a game, nor is it a cartoon. Violence is sickeningly real, it hurts, it ruins lives, and it has lasting medical, psychological, legal, and social repercussions. Violence is not something to be toyed with, it is something to be avoided through whatever means necessary. Violence is not fun."

— anonymous (RWT)


"It's quite unlikely that your finger will actually penetrate the eyeball. If it does, it only gets wet. It's no slimier than gelatin.

     There will be large amounts of blood, and the criminal whose eyes you gouge will scream like a banshee. The pain and shock are enough that many people will actually pass out when their eyeballs are ruptured. It's tough to live with afterward, but when you realize that it's your life and your eyeballs on the line, if you don't do it first, you can do it if you know beforehand that you're capable.

     I have put my thumbs into eyes, and I know what it feels like for my thumb or my index finger to pierce the tough sclera (outer eye membrane) and gouge through the aqueous tissue beneath. It's no ickier than grabbing a handful of Jell-O out of the refrigerator or pulling the gizzard out of your family's Thanksgiving turkey."

— Massad Ayoob, from The Truth About Self-Protection (p. 243)


"The infantry spade does not have a folding handle, and this is a very important feature. It has to be a single monolithic object. All three of its edges are as sharp as a knife. It is painted with a green matt paint so as not to reflect the strong sunlight. It is practically impossible to describe in words how they use their spades . . . In the hands of a spetsnaz soldier the spade is a terrible noiseless weapon . . . The first thing he has to teach himself is precision: to split little slivers of wood with the edge of his spade or to cut off the neck of a bottle so that the bottle remains whole. He has to learn to love his spade and have faith in its accuracy. To do that he places his hand on the stump of a tree with his fingers spread out and takes a big swing at the stump with his right hand using the edge of the spade. Once he has learned to use the spade well and truly as an axe he is taught more complicated things . . . A soldier armed with nothing but the spade is shut in a room without windows along with a mad dog, which makes for an interesting contest. Finally a soldier is taught to throw the spade as accurately as he would use a battle-axe . . . If it lands in a tree it is not so easy to pull out again . . . (The enemy) will rarely see the blade coming, before it lands in the back of his neck or between his shoulder blades, smashing the bones . . . (They) work with spades more surely and more accurately than they do with spoons at a table."

— Viktor Suvorov, from Spetsnaz


"Why not growl? The wolf is in all of us. The hunter. The warrior. Growl like the wolf. The sound is not a shallow scraping in the throat. Take a breath and force the sound from deep down into the chest. Can you feel it reverberate in the lower lobes of your lungs? Can you hear the growl, the universal growl? The growl of alpha wolves standing face to face in the moonlight. It is the growl of ancient man confronting the enemy. It is the growl of a million ancestors who abide in our genes. It is a growl out of the pit of your being, a growl from under the heart itself. The sound is a powerful sound.

     Can you feel the power? The stomach tightens when the sound is made. The stomach tightens in preparation for battle. The stomach, the diaphragm, force the sound upward and out. How does the power feel?"

— Gerry Spence, from How to Argue and Win Every Time (pp. 163-164)


"The Buddhist Sutra of Mindfulness speaks about the meditation on the corpse: meditate on the decomposition of the body, how the body bloats and turns violet, how it is eaten by worms until only bits of blood and flesh still cling to the bones, meditate up to the point where only white bones remain, which in turn are slowly worn away and turn into dust. Meditate like that, knowing that your own body will undergo the same process. Meditate on the corpse until you are calm and at peace, until your mind and heart are light and tranquil and a smile appears on your face. Thus, by overcoming revulsion and fear, life will be seen as infinitely precious, every second of it worth living."

— Thich Nhat Hanh


"It was as if from the year 1947 to 1980 a fundamental paradigm shift in the ability to process information took place. Computers themselves almost became something like a silicon-based life-form, inspiring the carbon-based life-forms on planet Earth to develop them, grow them, and even help them reproduce. With computer-directed process-control programs now in place in virtually all major industries, software that writes software, neural-network-based expert systems that learn from their own experience in the real world, and current experiments under way to grow almost microscopically thin silicon-based chips in the weightless environment of earth orbit may be the forerunner of a time when automated orbital factories routinely grow and harvest new silicon material for microprocessors more sophisticated than we can even imagine at the present. Were all this to be true . . . would not the natural development stream, starting from the invention of the transistor, have carried us to the point where we achieve a symbiotic relationship with the silicon material that carries our data and enables us to become more creative and successful?"

— Phillip Corso


"Throughout history, Americans have held the legal tradition that one could not give up one's Constitutional rights — and if someone was stripped of these protections, then he or she was being victimized. By 1989, if you sign up for an extracurricular activity in school or apply for a minimum wage job, you could be asked to forego your right to privacy, protection from self-incrimination, Constitutional requirements of reasonable grounds for search and seizure, presumed innocence until found guilty by your peers, and that most fundamental right of all: personal responsibility for one's own life and consciousness. By 1995, the supreme court upheld that these intrusions into your privacy were constitutional! . . . Submission to the humiliation of having your most private body parts and functions observed by a hired voyeur is now the test of eligibility for private employment, or to contract for a living wage."

— Jack Herer, from The Emperor Wears No Clothes (pp. 71, 87)


"'Jury nullification of the law' is a traditional right dating back to the Magna Carta and was intended by America's founding fathers as the final test a law must pass before it gains the authority to punish violators. John Adams, our nation's second president, in 1771 said of the jury, 'it is not only his right, but his duty . . . to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgement, and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court' . . . Due to special interest pressure, juries have been misinformed of their right to judge law as well as fact for almost 100 years. Jurors now swear in their oaths to judge only the facts of the case according to the law as dictated to them by the judge. The majority of judges will not allow attorneys to tell jurors of their power to say "no" to unjust laws. In most cases juries are no longer allowed to hear the defendant's motives. Fully informed juries are essential for justice, rebuilding respect for the law, protection of individual rights and control of the government by people."

— The Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA)


"In our own time, police randomly search groups of (usually minority) adolescents, engage in mass sweeps of inner-city blocks, blockade neighborhoods, create databases of gang members and associates, and target gang leaders for arrest and incarceration. So far, these tactics have not proven particularly effective in controlling gangs. Instead, they increase alienation among adolescents, violate civil rights, and, if anything, tend to promote identification with gangs and assist their internal cohesion. Moreover, they belie the promise of more sensitive 'community policing' and, because of their lack of discrimination between gang members and non-gang members, they further the feeling of inner city residents that they are under siege with as much to fear from the police as from gang members."

— Eric C. Schneider, from Vampires, Dragons, and Egyptian Kings (p. 260)


"If a criminal is convinced he is cornered, he might choose to go down in what he would perceive to be a blaze of glory rather than face the ignominy of surrendering and being imprisoned, perhaps for life. Seeing no way to escape, this individual might assert himself in the final moments by trying to take someone down with him. An alternative is to kill himself. Either way, true to form, he strives one last time to remain in control of whatever happens to him. He will end his own life rather than allow someone else to do it."

— Stanton E. Samenow, from Straight Talk about Criminals (p. 83)


"What I need you two fellas to do is take those cleaning products and clean the inside of the car. And I'm talking fast, fast, fast. You need to go in the back seat, scoop up all those little pieces of brain and skull. Get it out of there. Wipe down the upholstery — now, when it comes to upholstery, it don't need to be spic and span, you don't need to eat off it. Give it a good once over. What you need to take care of are the really messy parts. The pools of blood that have collected, you gotta soak that shit up. But the windows are a different story. Them you really clean. Get the Windex, do a good job . . . I need blankets, I need comforters, I need quilts, I need bedspreads. The thicker the better, the darker the better. No whites, can't use 'em.. We need to camouflage the interior of the car. We're gonna line the front seat and the back seat and the floorboards with quilts and blankets. If a cop stops us and starts stickin' his big snout in the car, the subterfuge won't last. But at a glance, the car will appear to be normal."

— "Winston Wolf," from Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino


"There are a whole lot of delusional clowns who seem to think that staging a protest, participating in a march, or passing around a petition will actually make a difference . . . such activities seldom show any positive results (and only to a very limited degree when they do). True, everyone with open eyes can easily see that things are horribly wrong, but boldly standing up and announcing such to the largely apathetic masses generally only succeeds in directing a lot of unwelcome scrutiny at oneself, whilst the issue remains ignored.

     Reading Socialist and Communist propaganda can have a strong influence on earnest individuals who've recently been made aware of the deplorable state of affairs — these writings place the blame for all of the world's ills solely upon the greed of the 'Capitalist oppressors,' and offer 'solutions' which may seem reasonable in theory, yet consistently fail miserably in practice. More adventurous types may even delve into the murky fantasy world of 'Conspiracy Theorism' literature, which places the blame for all of society's ills upon an elite sinister cabal composed of: Freemasons, Zionists, Satanists, extraterrestrials, or even 'Reptilian shapeshifters' (dependant upon which work of fiction you've happened upon) — these fables make entertaining reading, but are often seized upon by unstable minds desperate for the 'Truth.'

     What is truly scary is the fact that certain groups of demented individuals have actually banded together in disorganized armed clans, 'training' for the day when everyone will suddenly 'rise up' to make war against the 'enemy from within.' — these folks are totally fucking nuts. Believe you me, people — there is no fucking way that anyone — not even a heavily armed guerilla army with over a million hardcore soldiers — would ever have a chance of overthrowing the government of a contemporary superpower. Their resources (manpower, weaponry, intelligence, propaganda, logistics, and the willingness to engage in total war) are far too vast, and their power structures are firmly entrenched. 'They' can take whatever steps are necessary (tanks, helicopter gunships, ultrasonics, laser blinders, nerve gas, bioweapons, tac-nukes, etc.) to quell a domestic disturbance during a state of emergency (and will be free to either deny, or fail to disclose, the methodology used), and no mere "light infantry" could hope to withstand such an onslaught. The only circumstances by which such a mass uprising could have any small chance of success would be immediately following the apocalyptic devastation of a possible Third World War."

— anonymous (RWT)



"Pride, that's what most of us die for. Respect and pride . . . We ain't taught to sit there and say, 'Okay, let's take a deep breath and count to ten.' It doesn't work for us like that. If you get into an argument with somebody, you better be ready to die . . . that's what gets 90 percent of these people killed. It's your pride and your love. Your love for what you represent . . . Pride is what draws people to the gang. Because there is nothing like being around people who have something to be proud of. Pretty soon, you want to be proud of something too. And you look around at your life and realize that you have nothing that can match what they have. So you pay the price, you get jumped in (intitiated into the gang), and maybe you get into a situation where you have to spray gunfire at someone's house one night — or drive the car for the gunman . . . Representing is a practice that is public in nature. It shows your homeboys and your enemies who you are and what you stand for. Representing can take many forms: warfare, tattooing, graffiti, clothing — even when homeboys hang out on a certain corner they represent their neighborhood."

— anonymous, from Wallbangin' (pp. 116-117)


"Like in American society is not fair. This sort of elitist behavior may have its beginnings in adolescence, but it is definitely existent in all of American society. It is self-perpetuating, the elitist class in the social stratification is learned and internalized to the point at which there will always be a dominant social elite, and that class will always take measures to ensure a constant and consistent membership. It may not be as apparent as it is in adolescents, but it still exists. The older children and adults are better social actors, and they are able to euphemize their elitist activities, and disguise them as normal social interaction. The problem that helps this behavior to continue is the duality of me, and you. It is instilled in us by society. We internalize it and make it a subconscious habituation, it is me and us, and what we want, against you and what you might do to prevent that which we want. This is the basis of all conflict, and try as progressive thinkers may, we cannot seem to alleviate this pattern of dualism."

— Donna Eder


"One of the greatest sources of violence on the planet is unwanted, uncared for, unloved children. Such children as they grow older are not only typically angry and prone to violence, but are potential time-bombs that can capriciously explode and destroy whatever is around them. A world is being created that is full of people without hope, often driven by hatred and envy, who do not care about their own lives, let alone yours. How can such people really care if life on this planet continues or not? The worldwide increase in population coupled with an increasing discrepancy between haves and have-nots creates more and more people without hope. When a large segment of the population lives without hope, it is dangerous for everyone."

— Joel Kramer & Diana Alstad, from The Guru Papers (p. 373)


"This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My rifle, without me, is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will . . . My rifle and myself know that what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit . . . My rifle is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strengths, its parts, its accessories, its sights, and its barrel. I will ever guard it against the ravages of weather and damage. I will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will . . . Before God I swear this creed. My rifle and myself are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but Peace!"

— The Creed of the United States Marines


"You might think that some of the signs, like being set up or stalked by an attacker, might be obvious; however, depending upon the skill and cunning of your attacker, they can be surprisingly subtle. It would be impossible to describe all the indicators here, but one of the key things to look for is the positioning of people around you. Be wary of people trying to flank you, move behind you, place you between them, or cut off your avenues of escape. Look for people whose hands are cupped or unnaturally stiff, like something is held in them, or concealed from view behind the back or in a pocket. Most importantly, don't let anyone get too close to you, where they might be able to move on you before you can react. If someone starts to move close, try to position your back against a wall and put something between you and him as an obstacle to an advance. At the very least, tell him to back off so you can have enough distance between you to react if he makes a move. If he doesn't listen and keeps coming, draw your blade and prepare for all hell to break loose.

— Michael D. Janich, from Knife Fighting: A Practical Course (pp. 98-99)


"We can pass more laws, write more detailed rule books, establish more customs, paint more 'No U-Turn' signs, and so on, to cut down the variability in human behavior that can create problems. 'Well-behaved,' 'predictable,' 'rigid,' 'mechanical' people make the system run more smoothly: choose your favorite adjective. At its extreme, nothing is required of people other than following the rules. And, as the old joke says, "Everything that is not required is forbidden!" The rules are external environmental rules (like 'No U-Turn' signs) or internalized psychological rules ('Decent people never even think of doing X'). For best results, both kinds of rules need to be backed up by rewards for following them, as well as by the strength of mindless habit. . .

     If we want a smoother, more efficient, less dangerous world, then, one direction we can take is to make people more like machines, machines with lots of mechanical intelligence. You can also spend great effort and use lots of resources in designing the world so that it is mechanically impossible to violate the rules. Many parking lots now have concrete dividers or green belts that prevent you from driving diagonally across them when they are empty. The other direction is to increase genuine intelligence, including the discovery and cultivation of the uniquely human aspects of intelligence that are not mechanical.

     The unfortunate truth about people is how machinelike we can become. . . Right and wrong ways are set up and rules to implement them are established. Goodness then becomes a matter of following the rules.

     The problem with trying to create a rule to cover everything is that reality frequently gets more complex than the rules can handle, or changes faster than the rules change. Yet many people keep mechanically following the rules, feeling virtuous about it but actually destroying themselves and others."

— Charles T. Tart, from Waking Up (pp. 29-30)


"There are two major reasons for genuine growth practices to be secret. First, a given practice may be capable of producing such powerful effects that if you are not prepared for them, they could harm you or others. They are dangerous in the hands of the unprepared . . . The second reason why some of these practices have sometimes been secret has to do with your readiness to respond, the "shock value" they might have in requiring a radical reorientation. . . Secrecy is a useful way of handling these problems. If most techniques were secret, you wouldn't have the blunting effect of knowledge of so many you never really tried, or the attitude caused by the residues of many failure experiences from half-heartedly trying some. The presentation of a new growth technique would command far more of your attention than it does now. If, in addition, you had to prove yourself worthy of having a technique revealed to you, not to mention the 'glamour' of being sworn to secrecy, even more attention would be given to the technique. It would have more surprise value, be more of an attention-getting shock. The result is that you would give a great deal of energy and attention to practicing the technique, and it would have a much greater chance of affecting you. For most growth practices, the old rule holds: it works if you work.

     The last two decades have been a time of drastic change, though. Many of the 'secret' techniques of spiritual paths are now available in paperback at your corner bookstore. We must deal with the dulling that comes from knowing so many techniques and the probability that it makes it harder to respond appropriately to new techniques. This is advantageous in some ways: secrecy appealed to parts of our minds that were more interested in power and glamour than in growth, for example, so there is now less feeding that part of us."

— Charles T. Tart, from Waking Up (pp. 177-179)


"Overcoming fear does not mean eliminating fear. Courage is not the absence of fright, but the ability to act in spite of it. Reports of people having performed amazing acts of heroism reveal that they commonly felt fear — even terror. But they performed in spite of their fear. Being afraid in a dangerous situation is a normal reaction, it is not cowardice. Refusing to fight is not cowardice either.

     There are only three choices open to you when faced with the threat of attack on the street:

     You can run away (situation permitting);

     You can fight;

     You can submit to a beating.

     If you feel, as I do, that it is less dignified to get into a fight than to take off, you can run away from a fight without loss of self-esteem, especially if you know that you can win. If you are cornered and cannot run away, the decision to fight or to submit to a beating can have completely different meanings for different people. Although I respect as valid and brave the non-violent attitude of those who feel it is more dignified to submit to a beating than to fight, it is not a choice I would make, and it is not very likely a choice you would make or you would not be reading these pages. Therefore, if cornered, your choice is between fighting to defend yourself and keep your self-respect or failing to fight and losing your self-respect.

     You must prepare yourself mentally as well as physically to fight to defend yourself correctly if danger threatens. Correct behavior is no secret. There are easily recognizable traits of confident behavior, as easily recognizable as traits of demoralized behavior. You can imitate confident behavior. If you imitate it regularly, others will respond to your way of behaving and not to your inner doubts about yourself. The very act of behaving in a confident manner will eventually increase your self-respect and give you the courage to continue to behave in ways which inspire confidence. It is a self-nourishing cycle.

     Here are a few specific manners of confident behavior you can imitate: Keep your head and body erect when you speak to anyone. Avoid lowering your eyes or looking at the ground — an abject, self-despising mannerism. If you do not have the confidence to look a person in the eye, look at his ear. To look at an ear you must keep your head up and this gives the impression that you are looking into the face. Even when you are considerably shorter than the person you are talking to, keep yourself drawn up to your full height. Do not diminish yourself; show yourself at your best.

     At all times, and especially in a trouble situation, keep your voice firm and speak clearly. Many of my students have avoided a fight simply by having said to a bully, 'Leave me alone. I don't want to fight, but if you insist on fighting, you will get hurt.'  Pleading for mercy with a streetfighter is a waste of time. Cowering only convinces him that you are an easy mark and increases his sadistic pleasure. If you cannot speak quietly and firmly say nothing at all. Keep quiet when you have nothing to say. Foolish chatter is not a sign of confidence. It is a sign of fear."

— Bruce Tegner, from Instant Self-Defense (p.7)


"Do not put faith in traditions, even though they have been accepted for long generations and in many countries.  Do not believe a thing on the authority of one or another of the Sages of old, nor on the ground that a statement is found in the books.   Never believe anything because probability is in its favor.  Do not believe in that which you yourselves have imagined, thinking that a God has inspired it.   Believe nothing merely on the authority of your teachers or of the priests.   After examination, believe that which you have tested for yourselves and found reasonable, which is in conformity with your well-being and that of others."

— The Buddha


"Enlisting in the armed forces is definitely not for everyone. Enlistees literally sign away all their civil rights, and enter into a contemporary form of indentured servitude. If you have a problem with your boss, you will not have the option of quitting, or even speaking your mind freely — insubordination can be punished by: loss of rank (and reduction in pay), confinement to quarters, being forced to perform unpleasant (and often unsafe) tasks, or — in extremis — incarceration in a Federal penitentiary. Combine compulsory obedience to orders with an abundance of petty regulations enforced by inept (and often seemingly irrational) drones, and you are looking at an authoritarian culture only a few small steps removed from a prison society."

— anonymous (RWT)


"When we speak of disciplinary government, we are not referring simply to the juridical and political forms that organize it. We are referring primarily to the fact that in a disciplinary society, the entire society, with all its productive and reproductive articulations, is subsumed under the command of capital and the state, and that the society tends, gradually but with unstoppable continuity, to be ruled solely by criteria of capitalist production. A disciplinary society is thus a factory-society. Disciplinarity is at once a form of production and a form of government such that disciplinary production and disciplinary society tend to coincide completely . . . It is precisely when the disciplinary regime is pushed to its highest level and most complete application that it is revealed as the extreme limit of a social arrangement, a society in the process of being overcome."

— Hardt & Negri, from Empire (p. 243)

F.T.W :

"Even though, at one time or another, many folks considered me to be an "outlaw," I've always respected and obeyed approximately 85% of all the laws. However, (as most people would agree) 10% of the laws we're subject to on a daily basis have been rather poorly thought out, and seem to be enforced only selectively. The primary motivation of these (often paternally or religiously based) statutes seems to be simply to demean and oppress the general populace through regimentation and fines. The other 5% I couldn't abide by are so Draconian as to be counter-productive due to the fact that their inherent stupidity, unfairness, and bias instils such resentment and antipathy in the masses. Since I strongly disagree with these laws, and since I seem to have no representation in the legislative process, I feel (as do many others) that these wrongful laws should not apply to me. The fact that so many of them (including 'victimless crimes' and other seemingly minor offenses) carry such heavy penalties is tantamount to an act of violent aggression against the underclasses by the power-elites."

— anonymous (RWT)



"MindWar must be strategic in emphasis, with tactical applications playing a reinforcing, supplementary role. In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to friends, enemies, and neutrals alike across the globe — neither through the primitive "battlefield" leaflets and loudspeakers of PSYOP nor through the weak, imprecise, and narrow effort of psychotronics — but through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth. These media are, of course, the electronic media — television and radio. State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago . . . it can transform the world for us if we have but the courage and the integrity to guide civilization with it.

     MindWar must target all participants if it is to be effective. It must not only weaken the enemy; it must strengthen the United States. It strengthens the United States by denying enemy propaganda access to our people, and by explaining and emphasizing to our people the rationale for our national interest in a specific war . . . Unlike PSYOP, MindWar has nothing to do with deception or even with "selected"— and therefore misleading — truth. Rather it states a whole truth that, if it does not now exist, will be forced into existence by the will of the United States . . . the MindWar operative must know he speaks the truth, and he must be personally committed to it. What he says is only a part of MindWar; the rest — and the test of its effectiveness — lies in the conviction he projects to his audience, in the rapport he establishes with it. . .

     There are some purely natural conditions under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and MindWar should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency waves . . . (Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves: ELF waves (up to 100 Hz) are naturally occurring, but they can also be produced artificially (such as for the Navy's Project Sanguine for submarine communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as ELF-waves endure for great distances, and it could be used in conjunction with media broadcasts as well.)"

— excerpted from: From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory, a declassified military document by Colonel Paul E. Vallely and Major Michael A. Aquino


"Intellectual respectability required mental health, and it was becoming evident to me by then that "mental health" consisted of trusting everyone about everything as much as possible — and, for good measure, poking fun at anyone who didn't. Especially to be trusted were the mass media, whose owners and personnel were not to be regarded as minions of the Establishment because, as they themselves used to attest with confidence, there was no Establishment in the United States of America. Only foreigners and paranoids believed (otherwise)."

— Kerry Thornley


"It is precisely here . . . that the culture of the individual has been reduced to the most rigid and absurd regimentation. It is precisely here, of all civilized countries, that eccentricity in demeanor and opinion has come to bear the heaviest penalties. The whole drift of our law is toward the absolute prohibition of all ideas that diverge in the slightest from the accepted platitudes, and behind that drift of law there is a far more potent force of growing custom, and under that custom there is a national philosophy which erects conformity into the noblest of virtues and the free functioning of personality into a capital crime against society."

— H. L. Mencken (1919)


"To make a short story of it all, it was discovered that an economy obeyed the same laws as electricity and that all of the mathematical theory and practical and computer know-how developed for the electronic field could be directly applied in the study of economics. This discovery was not openly declared, and its more subtle implications were and are kept a closely guarded secret, for example that in an economic model, human life is measured in dollars, and that the electric spark generated when opening a switch is analogous to the initiation of a war."

— unknown


"Every civilization has had slavery as an essential element of its economy — including our own. Have you attained the "American Dream" by making payments on your own home? But who owns your home, really? If you're still making payments, who owns your car? Washer/dryer? Refrigerator/freezer? Big screen TV? Just stop making payments and see what happens. Let's say you've paid off your car, paid off your home. What happens if you don't pay your property taxes on time, or pay car insurance? What if you suddenly take ill? Ever hear of indentured servitude? Before the Civil War, free men who needed money could sell themselves into slavery for a period of time, usually seven years. Most Americans are way over their heads in debt. Daily they sell themselves into slavery — in forty hour weeks, eight hour shifts, if they can find them.

     What has all this got to do with the media? The people who direct and control the world's financial resources are, to a very large extent, the same people who control and direct the world's media. Networks, cable stations, studios, theater chains, publishing consortiums, newspapers, are owned by a handful of people, and those people either own the banks or are owned by the banks.

     Electronic and print media are a pacification program run by the Happyface Fun Enforcers. There is an ideal mental/emotional state for rabid consumerism, and that is the state of glad that the media promotes. The shock cuts and nervous camera succor a short attention span; so short, in fact, that your brain becomes a sieve, short-circuiting memory and logic. You are on IV TV, awaiting the next in-flow of shock or pacifying hypnotic to keep you hooked into the consumerist foodchain."

— Jim Keith



"All the petty princes of Europe in medieval times had their Merlins, wise old men who in many instances were the actual rulers of the State. It is obvious that if these counselors were bound together by some common purpose their collective power would be considerable. And they were bound together, in the secret society of unknown philosophers, moving the crowns of Europe as on a mighty chess board. Men of this calibre bring about the mutations of empire. It is the general opinion that revolutions begin with the common people, but this is not true; the benevolently informed always guide and direct public opinion . . .nearly all great causes are furthered by mysterious and obscure persons who receive little or no credit for the part which they have played . . . In an old book of rules used by the brothers of the secret orders, is the following: 'Our brothers shall wear the dress and practice the customs of those nations to which they travel so that they shall not be conspicuous or convey any appearance that is different or unusual. Under no condition shall they reveal their true identity, or the work which they have come to accomplish; but shall accomplish all things secretly and without violating the laws or statutes of the countries in which they work.'"

— Manly P. Hall, from The Secret Destiny of America (pp. 97, 171-72)


"Many commercial laundry detergents contain chemical "brighteners" that increase the reflectivity of clothing (ever notice your sleeves glowing under a "black light"?). Avoid these when washing clothes to be used in secretive activities. Only actual laundry soap, like Ivory, will leave you with the wonderfully dull and dingy look while still getting out those telltale body odors. All detergents will increase the reflectivity of your clothing, and will make you more visible to night vision devices . . . Beware of ultraviolet brighteners in your clothing. These chemicals, which are now in all laundry detergents, make you glow in the dark to (someone) equipped with night vision equipment. This problem is so serious that the US military specifies that no brighteners be used in the manufacture or cleaning of combat fatigues. A commercial remedy is readily available in the hunting supply market. Hunters are trying to reduce their visibility to animals whose eyes are far more receptive to ultraviolet light than is the human eye. "U-V Killer" (and a detergent called "Sport Wash") can be found in better sporting goods and hunter supply stores."

— "The Invisible Man" and "Strix," from Ecodefense (pp 253-54, 273)


"Foreign wars brought the temporary impositions of a semimartial law, notably through curbs of the freedom of press and the freedom of assembly, but the domestic wars have created a permanent state of semimartial law. For example, the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting the State from conducting "unreasonable" searches and seizures, has been dramatically curtailed while the powers of the police have been equally extended. Drug and gang-related "profiles" are now commonly accepted as sufficient criteria for the police to stop and search citizens. Adequate suspicion has been defined almost exclusively along racial and cultural lines . . . In general, the recent decline of the Bill of Rights has served to reinforce the traditional federalist project to strengthen the powers of the State against the danger of social disorder. A rising militarism on both foreign and domestic soil, then, and increasing recourse to a politics of social alarm, fear, and racism show the emergence of some fascistic elements of the State and the tendency toward the institution of a police state."

— Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri, from Labor of Dionysus (pp. 242-43)


"One place homeless men would often watch women was along a jogging trail in one of the city's parks adjacent to the river. Here, on warm afternoons, they would drink beer and call out to women who jogged or walked along the trail or came to the park to sun themselves. Most of the women moved nervously by, ignoring the overtures of the men. But some responded with a smile, a wave, or even a quick 'Hi!' Starved for female attention, the homeless men are quick to fantasize, attributing great significance to the slightest response. One Saturday afternoon, for example, as we were sitting by the jogging trail drinking beer with Pat Manchester and Ron Whitaker, we noticed several groups of young women who had laid out blankets on the grassy strip that borders the trail. Pat and Ron were especially interested in the women who were wearing shorts and halter tops. Pat called out for them to take their tops off. It was not clear that they heard him, but he insisted, 'They really want it. I can tell they do.'  He suggested we go over with him to 'see what we can get,' but he was unwilling to go by himself . . . Occasionally, the women glanced toward us with apprehension, and Pat always acted as though it was a sign of interest."

— David Snow and Leon Anderson, from Down on Their Luck


"Some students of contemporary social life maintain that we have entered a new epoch of human history. Current modes of transportation and electronic means of communication have profoundly altered social life. We may now watch television programs on Kenya in the morning, telephone someone in Japan that afternoon, send a computer message to someone in Israel later, and fly to the Bahamas for a weekend that evening. Such travel and communication expands and multiplies networks of social interaction and relationships. It exposes us to numerous and often clashing versions of reality. Moreover, the diverse array of goods and services sold in the marketplace enable us to create collages of such diverse realities. We may dress like a New England woodsman, courtesy of L.L. Bean, in our Chicago apartment with Southwestern decor, while listening to rap music and feasting on Thai food. We see a kaleidoscope of realities on television, on city streets, and during our travels. Under these conditions, it is difficult to believe that any human reality is inevitable. Even supposedly authoritative experts are suspect. They often disagree and quickly change their minds. Nothing seems certain. This is what many students of social life call the postmodern condition. Some welcome it while others condemn it, but they all agree that human social life and experience is profoundly changing right before our eyes. They also agree that students of social life who ignore those changes will be left behind."

— Spencer Cahill, from Inside Social Life, 3rd edition (p. 289)


"In my belief system, guns/firearms have divine symbolism — like the knife is to the Sikh, the Balisong is to the Filipino, and the cross is to the Christian. I dare anyone to abolish my religious rights with such a cavalier attitude as to make a joke of it! If so, I know how the court system works — I, too, know the way of the serpent. I think civil action is fine, but step on my rights with your trampling feet of clay and die outright for it, you fool. 'Don't tread on me, for my venom is pure fire.' . . . If they say that guns are bad, then it is also my right to say that Guns are DIVINE!!! Guns as religious artifacts are my right as per freedom of religion! I assert that guns are indeed religious artifacts — free from persecution, prohibition, or witch hunts of any type!"

— Master-at-Arms James Keating (slightly edited), from:


"In 1968, one person working full-time at the minimum wage would come pretty close to the federal poverty level for a family of four (so if someone else in the family worked part-time, that family would be over the poverty line). Today, that same full-time, minimum-wage job takes a worker up to just 56% of the poverty line.

     Who makes up the difference? We do, through food stamps, the Earned Income Tax Credit and other programs designed to help the working poor. In effect, we're subsidizing employers so that they can pay less than a living wage.

     The Federal Reserve Board tries to keep the pool of unemployed workers above 5%, so as not to fuel inflation (it does that by raising or lowering interest rates to slow down or speed up the economy). Unemployment above 5% guarantees that there will be plenty of competition for jobs at below-subsistence wages. But there's a steadily growing pool of even cheaper labor — the nation's prison population.

     Since 1990, thirty states have legalized contracting prison labor to private firms. Inmates are now employed booking reservations for TWA, doing data entry for the Bank of America and restocking shelves for Toys 'R' Us. Not only do prisoners work for much lower wages than people on the outside, but they have virtually no way to organize or strike. For an employer, it's the best of all possible worlds.

     The US imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation on earth, and prison construction is growing by leaps and bounds. This great boon to the construction industry results from mandatory minimums for nonviolent drug offenders, the tough new "three-strikes" laws (the California version alone is costing $5.5 billion a year, five times what was estimated), and the roundup of illegal aliens.

     In fact, as of 1995, the largest employer of illegal aliens in the US was Unicor, a $500 million-a-year company that pays prison laborers between .23 and $1.15 an hour to make clothing and furniture for the US government."

— Mark Zepezauer, from Take the Rich Off Welfare (pgs 124-125)


"Back in the 1950s, US corporations paid 31% of the federal government's general revenues. Today, they pay just 11%. . . . Taxes that corporations don't pay have to be raised by taxing individuals. Not by taxing all individuals indiscriminately, of course — that would be un-American. A series of tax 'reforms' that began in 1977 have cut the rate paid by the richest Americans nearly in half, while Social Security taxes — which are paid overwhelmingly by ordinary wage earners (and not paid at all on income over $62,700) — have steadily risen.

     Not surprisingly, these tax changes have contributed to a widening gap between rich and poor. Between 1983 and 1989, 99% of the increase in American's wealth went to the top 20% of the population, and 62% of it went to the top 1% of the population (currently made up of families whose net worth is $2.35 million or more). Income disparity in the United States is now the widest it's been since the crash of 1929, and it continues to grow.

     The total net worth of that top 1% is now wqual to the total net worth of the bottom 90% of the population! In other words, the 2.7 million Americans who are worth 2.35 million or more have as much money as the 240 million Americans who are worth $346,000 or less.

     Wherever you look on the economic ladder, the rich are getting richer. The wealth of the top 20% has increased while the wealth of the bottom 80% has decreased. Within that top 20%, the top 5% have gotten richer than the bottom 15%. Within that top 5%, the top 1% have gotten richer than the bottom 4%. Within that top 1%, the top 1/4% have gotten richer than the bottom 3/4%.

     And so it goes, right up to the 400 wealthiest Americans. In the eight years from 1980 to 1987, their average net worth tripled."

— Mark Zepezauer, from Take the Rich Off Welfare (pgs 10-11)


"Guerrilla and underground movements have seldom enjoyed the backing of a majority of the populations around them, even in countries occupied by foreign armies. Typically, such movements have been regarded as dangerous jabs at authority which often result in heavy reprisals against persons either not involved in the armed opposition or involved only against their will. . . . such forces often operated in a hostile environment. Usually, widespread support for resistance movements has emerged only when it appears they might succeed in actually displacing existing authority, or if they seem balanced on the edge of military victory."

— Perry Biddiscombe, from Werwolf! (p. 4)


"If you are out in a bar and some drunk asshole comes up and spits in your girlfriend's face, and you bust about three or four of his teeth out, you will be arrested, charged with felony assault, and incarcerated — even if you have ten witnesses and the drunk guy apologizes and refuses to press charges! (In this case — if you have no prior record — the felony could be reduced to a misdemeanor which means you'll serve a couple months in jail (possibly only weekends, if you're lucky), be put on probation for three years, and be required to pay for the creep's medical bills.) If some crackhead with a meat cleaver breaks into your family's dwelling at four AM, and you spray him across your livingroom carpet with a couple rounds of 12 gauge buckshot, then call 911 and report the incident to the local constabulary, all the firearms in your house will be seized and you will be hauled off to jail charged with murder. (After paying several thousand dollars in legal fees, you will probably get your property back and the charges dropped — provided you could legally possess a firearm in the first place.) If you find out that the boyfriend of your three-year-old's babysitter has been jerking off into your kid's mouth, and you feel that a year in jail, counseling, and probation is too lenient for a baby-raping piece of shit and decide to administer justice yourself, you will be put in prison for the next eight to twenty-five years, because even though a 'jury of one's peers' would probably sympathize with you, the prosecution would bully the partially informed jurors into thinking they had no other option than to convict you for the maximum allowable penalty.

     The government wants all of its citizens to be 'civilized' in dealing with criminal activities. This means that one's natural aggressive survival instincts must be suppressed and the citizen be totally dependant on law-enforcement officers for his personal protection. No citizen in New York State is permitted to carry any sort of weapon on the street. According to legislation, 'weapons' are not limited to firearms, knives, and exotic martial-arts garbage. Anything that could conceivably be used as a weapon is prohibited. For example: mace, electronic stun guns, slapper coshes, and telescopic steel whips are all non-lethal self-defense items which are carried by numerous women for protection from attackers. It is impossible to kill or even seriously injure someone with one of these toys — they are designed to provide a weaker individual with an opportunity to flee from a stronger attacker and nothing more, however, all are illegal in New York (NOTE: pepperspray was recently made legal to possess by persons over the age of 18 with no criminal history, but you have to show ID and fill out a form in order to purchase it). If you are pulled over by the police and you happen to have a jack handle, tyre iron, hammer, or crescent wrench on the floorboards, the policeman can cite 'probable cause' to search you and your vehicle, confiscate your tool, and arrest you for 'Criminal Possession of a Weapon' because the tool would meet the criteria for being a 'dangerous instrument.' If you have a cane or walking-stick and are not lame or elderly, you can have your cane taken away from you and be thrown in jail if the cop decides he doesn't like the looks of you. If you kick someone during a physical altercation, your sneaker ('shod foot') would even be classified as a 'weapon' under New York's statutes! What sort of self-defense items (other than a legally possessed handgun — for which carry permits involve a tedious and expensive application process — after which many folks who are legally entitled to receive one are often arbitrarily denied without any explanation) are available to the law-abiding New York State resident then? Well, it looks like we've got a choice between a whistle and an airhorn!"

— anonymous (RWT)


"Elizabeth I ascended the throne soon after her 25th birthday. At court, by careful observations, she developed the style that later became her motto, which translates into: 'I see and am silent.'

     She learned self-possession from practicing her observations. She also discovered that public power was a derivative of some overmastering idea about which all people agree, and is a force accrued from some transcendent principal.

     She learned that such power can only be held if one becomes the embodiment of the idea oneself. She learned that prior to holding such power one must deny oneself certain luxuries that might disperse potency and principle . . . something she wished to get done early in life.

     She also learned that those who share in one's power are thus bound by need, but can become resentful if the source of power recedes, or dangerous if they begin to fear exile.

     She learned that true power is concerned only with the maintenance of itself, and answers only to its source, and that power in itself can never spoil or be corrupted.

     She saw how the carful cultivator of power always stores extra power in reserve and uses the power of others at every opportunity in an effort to conserve his own. She also saw that others would gladly waste their small bits of power on one's behalf if they were sufficiently enthralled.

     She learned that power grows in silence, by not doing, gathering to itself more of itself. She learned that it must be used by deliberation. But above all, she learned that power is merely the strength of a systematic self-delusion on the part of the masses about the absolute importance of some grand idea that no one has ever seen."

— summary of "A Meditation on Power" by A. Bartlett Giamatti



"Telltale signs of a potentially assaultive subject include extreme pacing, the inability to keep his arms or hands in one position, wide stance, jutting chest, erect body posture, fixed eyes, speaking to himself, rapid speech, changes in speech volume, refusing to cooperate, looking at you out of the corner of his eye, the inability to maintain a relaxed facial expression, and leaving the area and then returning to stalk you or another intended victim. Bent legs or a bobbing motion are signs that the subject is preparing to spring at you. Long pauses in the middle of a sentence could be a sign that the subject is contemplating an attack. Pacing behind you or outside your vision (i.e., in a blind spot) are signs of a possible sneak attack. If a subject looks you over from the top of your head down to your feet, he may be sizing you up for an attack. Hitting a fist into the open palm, having a tense body, or rubbing a clenched fist with the opposite hand are intimidation gestures."

— Edward Lewis, from Hostile Ground (p. 15)


"Now I'm not pro-drug. They obviously cause a lot of damage. But I am pro-logic, and you're never going to stop the human need for release through altered consciousness. . . . Our displeasure with someone hell-bent on self-ruination through drug use seems really disproportionate to its direct impact on us. And as a matter of fact, we amplify that impact when we attempt to enforce unenforceable laws. It not only costs us billions but puts us in harm's way as addicts are driven to crime as a means to an end. Why do we chase druggies down like villagers after Karloff? Let them legally have what they already have and defuse the bomb. You know, I think the hysteria about drugs is oftentimes baseless, . . . fruitless, and patently hypocritical. . . . We seem to be willfully turning away from reality, and from logic might I add, to punish people who in many instances are doing an extremely fine job of punishing themselves . . . let's save the money we're wasting trying to regulate other people's private lives. . . . They are going to do with their lives what they want to do, whether you like it or not. There is nothing you can do about it that won't break the bank, overcrowd the prisons, or corrode an already oxidized judicial system."

— Dennis Miller, from The Rants (pp. 34-37)


"The Swiss always has his rifle at hand. It belongs to the furnishings of his home . . . That corresponds to ancient Swiss tradition. . . . the Swiss soldier lives in constant companionship with his rifle. He knows what that means. With this rifle, he is liable every hour, if the country calls, to defend his hearth, his home, his family, his birthplace. The weapon is to him a pledge and sign of honor and freedom. The Swiss does not part with his rifle."

— Philipp Etter


"Switzerland was the only country in Europe that had no single political leader with the authority to surrender the people to the Nazis. On Swiss soil there were no Jewish victims, no Gestapo jurisdiction and no slave labor for the German war machine. Every man in Switzerland had a rifle in his home. Switzerland was the only European country which proclaimed that, in the event of invasion, any announcement of surrender was to be regarded as enemy propaganda, and that every soldier must fight to the last cartridge and then with the bayonet."

— Stephen P. Halbrook, from Target Switzerland (p. ix)


"The monster who occupied Heinrich Himmler, the world's most unlikely tyrant, achieved the pinnacle of personal power over life and death over the people of Germany under the guise of safeguarding their interests and protecting the Nation from non-existent enemies!

     The vessel for this role of mass enslavement and mass extermination of millions of innocent people had to be a man without an Ego, a soulless zombie totally incapable of the experience of love or of any human motive. And this is exactly what Heinrich Himmler was, an anti-human in a human body. One cannot even call Himmler a soul imprisoned and possessed by evil as was the case of Adolf Hitler. For in Himmler there was no self-conscious soul to be possessed, only a body and brain to be occupied and bent to inhuman purposes. . . .

     The most prominent feature in the working of the Doppelganger is an endless capacity to counterfeit and dissemble, to make something look what it is not, and to feign benign reasons and moral justification to cover up evil motives.

     The whole Nazi regime was built up on such practices. For instance, Adolf Hitler achieved personal power through such a counterfeit law, the so-called 'Enabling Law', by which (he) gained complete independence from both President and Reichstag. The actual title of this law, which Hitler secured by burning down the Reichstag to prove the existence of dangerous enemies of the state, was 'Law for Removing the Distress of People and Nation'. In this manner the power of all other political parties, state institutions, and the Trades Unions was eliminated overnight. The application of the same law on an individual level extinguished the personal liberty of every single German in the Reich."

— Trevor Ravenscroft, from The Spear of Destiny (pgs. 295, 306)


"(Time is) the most precious commodity we have. I always view my time as divided into infinite moments or transactions or contacts. Anyone who steals my time is stealing my life because they are taking my existence from me. As I get older, I realize that time is the only thing I have left. So when someone comes to me with a project, I estimate the time it will take me to do it and then I ask myself, 'Do I want to spend weeks or months of what little time I have on this project? Is it worth it or am I just wasting my time?' If I consider the project time-worthy I do it.

     I apply the same yardstick to social relations. I will not permit people to steal my time. I have limited my friends to those people with whom time passes happily. There are moments in my life — necessary moments — when I can't do anything but what is my choice. The choice of how I spend my time is mine, and it is not dictated by social convention."

— Stirling Silliphant


"The only reason men fight is because they are insecure; one man needs to prove that he is better or stronger than another. The man who is secure within himself has no need to prove anything with force, so he can walk away from a fight with dignity and pride. He is the true martial artist — a man so strong inside that he has no need to demonstrate his power.

     The point of achieving proficiency in any martial art is to be able to walk away from a fight rather than to win it. But you will walk with shoulders erect, pride in your bearing, knowing inside what the outcome of the battle would have been had you wished to precipitate it. And the attitude of confidence will be communicated to your antagonist, who will realize that he narrowly escaped defeat."

— Ed Parker


"To say that laws are necessary to protect individuals sounds all right until you realize that most laws interfere with the freedom of individuals — particularly the endless number of absurd victimless-crime laws on the books. How can any group of people — whether it calls itself a government or any other name — know what's good for you when you have desires, ambitions, needs, beliefs and standards different from anyone else's? How can they act in your best interest when they don't even know you? Only you can decide what's best for you; anyone who tries to do it for you, through force, is an aggressor and is in violation of natural law."

— Robert J. Ringer, from Looking Out For #1 (p. 240)


"There is an Establishment history, an official history, which dominates history textbooks, trade publishing, the media and library shelves. The official line always assumes that events such as wars, revolutions, scandals, assassinations, are more or less random unconnected events. By definition events can NEVER be the result of a conspiracy, they can never result from premeditated planned group action. An excellent example is the Kennedy assassination when, within 9 hours of the Dallas tragedy, TV networks announced the shooting was NOT a conspiracy, regardless of the fact that a negative proposition can never be proven, and that the investigation had barely begun.

     Woe betide any book or author that falls outside the official guidelines. Foundation support is not there. Publishers get cold feet. Distribution is hit and miss, or non-existent. . . .

     Times have changed. The weaknesses, inconsistencies and plain untruths in official history have surfaced . . . . it is rare to find a thinking reader who accepts official history. Most believe it has been more or less packaged for mass consumption . . .

     . . .The only reasonable explanation for recent history in the United States is that there exists a conspiracy to use political power for ends which are inconsistent with the Constitution.

     This is known by the official historians as the 'devil theory of history,' which again is a quick, cheap device for brushing facts under the rug. However, these critics ignore, for example, the Sherman Act, i.e., the anti-trust laws where conspiracy is the basic accepted theory. If there can be a conspiracy in the marketplace, then why not in the political arena? Are politicians any purer than businessmen?"

— Antony C. Sutton, from America's Secret Establishment (pgs. 1, 3)


"Secret political organizations can be — and have been — extremely dangerous to the social health and constitutional vitality of a society. In a truly free society the exercise of political power must always be open and known.

     Moreover, organizations devoted to violent overthrow of political structures have always, by necessity, been secret organizations. Communist revolutionary cells are an obvious example. In fact, such revolutionary organizations could only function if their existence was secret.

     In brief, secrecy in matters political is historically associated with coercion. Furthermore, the existence of secrecy in organizations with political ambitions or with a history of political action is always suspect. Freedom is always associated with open political action and discussion while coercion is always associated with secrecy."

— Antony C . Sutton, from America's Secret Establishment (p. 185)


"There are few things in the world I can conceive as being more instantly ludicrous than a prosperously middle-aged lump of pudgy Euroamerican verse-monger, an apparition looking uncannily like some weird cross between the Mall-O-Milk Marshmallow Man and Pillsbury's Doughboy, suited up in a grotesque mismatch combining pleated Scottish tweeds with a striped Brooks Brother's shirt and Southwest Indian print vest, peering myopically along his nose through coke-bottle steelrim specs while holding forth in stilted and somewhat nasal tonalities on the essential virtues of virility, of masculinity, of being or becoming a 'warrior.' The intrinsic absurdity of such a scene is, moreover, compounded by a factor of five when it is witnessed by an audience — all male, virtually all white, and on the whole obviously well-accustomed to enjoying a certain pleasant standard of material comfort — which sits as if spellbound, rapt in its attention to every nuance of the speaker, altogether fawning in its collective nods and murmurs of devout agreement with each detail of his discourse."

— Ward Churchill, from "Indians 'R' Us?"


"The CIA has many media personnel on its payroll to plant stories or discredit charges against it. The Agency secretly pays out large sums of money for articles and books to be written on the CIA's behalf. Its control over the media is like a Wurlitzer, orchestrating and manipulating all segments of the written or broadcast media. The CIA uses taxpayer funds to control reporters and publishers of newspapers, magazines, and books. . . . (p. 175)

     Instead of the CIA being primarily an intelligence gathering and coordinating agency acting under the National Security Council, the CIA has become so powerful that it can destroy any politician who seriously questions its activities. This is especially true when combined with the criminal misuse of power by Justice Department attorneys and federal judges.

     The average American is unaware of the gravity of the CIA's criminal activities, thanks to the orchestrated coverup and disinformation by the establishment media. The corrupt mindset has existed for years. Initiating wars, as in Vietnam, and assassination operations, as in Vietnam and Central America, are routine. Engaging in drug trafficking in foreign countries and the United States, a key reason for the world-wide proliferation of drugs, is the type of criminal activities this dangerous agency considers proper. . . .

     Although the CIA is not permitted by law to operate within the United States, it has done so. It has engaged and is engaging in many forms of criminal activities against the American people. Through fronts, cutouts, and proprietaries, the CIA has defrauded all types of U.S. financial institutions, including savings and loans, banks, and insurance companies. . . . (p. 231)

     It is standard practice for the CIA to use contract employees and mercenaries to carry out CIA activities within the United States and abroad, and in this manner fraudulently deny any involvement. Another standard practice is for the CIA to conspire with Justice Department attorneys to charge covert employees with violating federal law, and seek long prison sentences so as to silence or discredit them. . . . (p. 238)

     In its bag of dirty tricks, the CIA has promoted pedophilia for the purpose of blackmailing and controlling people, especially those in high government positions. . . . (p. 547)

     Their power . . . reaches into every home in America . . . It is the power which shapes and molds the mind of virtually every citizen . . . The mass media form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image. . . . Employing carefully developed psychological techniques, they guide our thought and opinion . . . Most Americans fail to realize that they are being manipulated. . . . Every point on the permissible spectrum of public opinion is acceptable to the media masters — and no impermissible fact or viewpoint is allowed any exposure at all, if they can prevent it." (P. 581)

— Rodney Stich, from Defrauding America


"Regardless of the unattractiveness or noisy militancy of some private citizens or organizations, the Constitution does not permit federal interference with their activities except through the criminal justice system, armed with its ancient safeguards. There are no exceptions. No federal agency, the CIA, the IRS, or the FBI, can be at the same time policeman, prosecutor, judge and jury. This is what constitutionally guaranteed due process is all about. It may sometimes be disorderly and unsatisfactory to some, but it is the essence of freedom . . . I suggest that the philosophy supporting COINTELPRO is the subversive notion that any public official, the President or a policeman, possesses a kind of inherent power to set aside the Constitution whenever he thinks the public interest, or 'national security' warrants it. That notion is postulate of tyranny."

— Congressman Don Edwards (1975)



"Probably the most-well-known agent provocateur was Thomas Tongyai, known as Tommy the Traveler. Tongyai, who was paid by both the FBI and local police, spent over two years traveling among colleges in western New York state urging students to kill police, make bombs and blow up buildings. He supplied students with radical speakers, literature and films, tried to organize an SDS chapter at Hobart College, organized SDS conferences in Rochester and urged students to participate in the Weatherman 'Days of Rage' in Chicago in October, 1969. Tongyai constantly talked violence, carried a grenade in his car, showed students how to use an M-1 rifle and offered advice on how to carry out bombings. After some students at Hobart College apparently took his advice and bombed the Hobart ROTC building, and Tongyai's cover was exposed, the local sheriff commented, 'There's a lot of difference between showing how to build a bomb and building one.' As a result of disturbances connected with Tongyai's activities on the Hobart campus, nine students and faculty faced criminal charges, but Tongyai was cleared by a local grand jury and went on to become a policeman in Pennsylvania."

— Robert J. Goldstein, from Political Repression in Modern America


"See the old man at the corner where you buy your papers? He may have a silencer equipped pistol under his coat. That extra fountain pen in the pocket of the insurance salesman who calls on you might be a cyanide gas gun. What about your milk man? Arsenic works slow but sure. Your auto mechanic may stay up nights studying booby traps. These patriots are not going to let you take their freedom away from them. They have learned the silent knife, the strangler's cord, the target rifle that hits sparrows at 200 yards. Traitors beware. Even now the cross hairs are on the back of your necks."

— anonymous, taken from a death threat post card sent to many "leftist" activists by the "Minutemen" domestic terrorist group during 1970


"In order to produce marked changes in behavior, it is necessary to weaken, undermine, or remove supports for old attitudes. I would like you to think of brainwashing not in terms of . . . ethics and morals, but in terms of the deliberate changing of human behavior by a group of men who have relatively complete control over the environment in which the captives live. . . (These changes can be induced by) isolation, sensory deprivation, segregation of leaders, spying, tricking men into signing written statements which are then shown to others, placing individuals whose will power has been severely weakened into a living situation with others more advanced in thought reform, character invalidation, humiliations, sleeplessness, rewarding subservience, and fear." (emphasis added)

— Dr. Edgar Schein, in a 1962 address to all federal penitentiary wardens


"A pattern is emerging in which the 'attitude adjustment' represented by police and prison becomes a normative rather than exceptional experience of power in the U.S. If the present dynamics of spiraling police power and state sanctioned secrecy, proliferating penal facilities and judicial abandonment of basic constitutional principles is allowed to continued unabated, it is easily predictable that upwards of 20% of the next generation of Americans will spend appreciable time behind bars . . . any hint of politically 'deviant' behavior will likely be met with more-or-less immediate arrest, packaging as a 'criminal' by the FBI and its interactive counterparts in the state and local police, processing through the courts and delivery to one or another prison for an appropriate measure of behavior modification. The social message — 'don't even think about rocking the boat, under any circumstances' — is both undeniable and overwhelming. . . . (COINTELPRO) will have moved from covert and relatively selective or 'surgical' repression of dissent to the overt and uniform suppression of political diversity. . . (which would amount to) outright social pacification and maintenance of a rigid social order. . . . concern with questions of police power and the function of prisons has been consigned mainly to lawyers and a scattering of researcher-activists whose work has been typically viewed as 'marginal,' esoteric,' and even 'paranoid' . . . the posture of far too many people on the left suggests they are (ambivalent) . . . . This is readily borne out by the number of progressives who have rallied nationally to the cause of removing assault rifles and other semi-automatic weapons from the hands of the populace, while doing nothing to confront the rampant proliferation of SWAT capabilities among police forces throughout the country. Another choice indicator may be apprehended in the range of ostensibly progressive individuals and groups which have lately queued up to 'take back streets' they never had in the first place, righteously endorsing a government-sponsored 'war on drugs' entailing unprecedented police prerogatives to engage in no-knock entry, warrantless search and seizure, the routine 'interdiction' of people of color driving along the nation's highways, uncompensated impoundment of personal property, massive applications of physical and electronic surveillance, the use of preventive detention on a wholesale basis, and myriad other abridgements of civil rights and liberties which would have remained unthinkable just five years ago."

— Ward Churchill, from The COINTELPRO Papers (pp. 324-325)


"The tyrant recruits his countrymen in his crusade against those he suspects might oppose him. He uses unceasing propaganda to incite mass hysteria and witch hunts, transforming the nation into an army of informers, starting an undeclared civil war of hunters against prey.

     His paranoia may infect his country, spreading racism, religious intolerance, and persecution of specific people and groups. Obsessed with vengeance, the tyrant delights in torture and annihilation. Concentration camps and genocide are the final solution, the balm for his burning anxieties. . . .

     Tyrants, in their monstrous egoism and frenzied fears, are willing to destroy the world rather than submit to defeat."

— D. Jablow Hershman & Julian Lieb, M.D., from A Brotherhood of Tyrants (p. 201)


"The enemy is subhuman.

They are to be terminated. . .

And it doesn't really matter how I feel.

I no longer feel.

Blood turns to ice water, pumping through my veins.

Eyes glass over, changing from blue to steely grey.

Face is cold,

Expressionless. . .

Bloodshed disgusts me,

And pondering it causes one to hesitate. . .


Clear your mind, so it is as a blank slate.

Kill without joy. . .

Without revulsion. . .

Without any feeling whatsoever. . .

Numb yourself.

There is plenty of time for sorrow later. . .

But the dreams! They won't let me alone!"

— excerpted from "Death of a SEAL," an epic poem by Jake Bishop


"We shall all be considered 'World Citizens' and shall be issued 'Worker Cards' that will help keep track of everyone's movements, expenditures and activities. There shall be one World currency, which shall primarily be composed of digitalized 'credits' on one's Worker Card account. Eventually the Worker Card shall be replaced with a non-transferable, unreproducible and unlosable form of identification, such as computerized records of palmprints and retinas or even a UPC barcode indelibly tattooed with ultraviolet ink in one's flesh. No funds can then be transferred from one party to another without government knowledge/approval. This will effectively wipe out the black market economy, which will be forced to resort to the barter system. Furthermore, any (or all) account(s) may be 'frozen' at any time, making access to funds for various transactions impossible, plus an alert could be transmitted to the Enforcement Branch as to your present location. All transactions of every conceivable nature will be closely monitored by Artificial Intelligence, which will immediately red flag any anomaly for government administrators, who will then examine the suspect transaction and decide whether to alert the Enforcement Branch. New 'advances' in communication technology (such as miniaturized computers/pictophones) will serve as combination homing beacons/listening devices. Every person on the planet will be under computerized scrutiny for any evidence of 'disloyalty.'"

— excerpted from the anonymously published Prophesy File, which was distributed to a number of underground groups in the Summer of 1991


"All firearms will be declared contraband, with possession of a gun being considered the highest level of treason and grounds for summary execution, as civilian gun owners will all be classified as violent subversive criminals (first, guns will be ordered to be turned in to the proper authorities in exchange for compensation in the form of 'credits,' then a short amnesty period will be declared so 'dawdlers' have no excuse not to turn in their guns, finally a 'General Warrant' shall be issued and Enforcement Branch agents throughout the former United States will simultaneously launch a mass raid versus the digitalized listing of known gun owners suspected of non-compliance. After the mass gun raids, any civilian found in possession of a firearm will obviously be a terrorist and the government will show no mercy towards them). Hunting will have been outlawed due to mass outbreaks of deadly wildlife plagues which are easily transmitted to persons who handle carcasses or eat meat. Target shooting will have been reviled as 'violent and anti-social behavior' and totally banned. Self-defense will not be a legitimate excuse either, as all World Citizens will have a 'duty' to respect the rights of others, as well as an 'obligation' (non-compliance being a punishable offense) to immediately report any wrongdoings to the proper Authority figures. All forms of 'weapon' (including: knives, bludgeons, pepperspray, bows, BB guns, and slingshots) will be prohibited, as well as toys which either look like guns, or are believed to 'encourage violence' (i.e., 'action figures,' footballs, darts, etc.). Books, magazines, and comics which depict the use of weapons will be declared 'subversive literature' and burned in massive bonfires (as well as any other materials deemed antagonistic to the new worldview). Possession of any form of contraband (or failure to report those known to possess contraband — even an antique cap gun rusting away in someone's attic), or even being in the same place where contraband is discovered, will be considered irrefutable proof of disloyalty. There will be no juries and no appeals process."

— excerpted from the anonymously published Prophesy File



"Overpopulation is considered a serious threat to mankind, and steps are being taken to reverse the process. Ways to control population growth include: genocide, sterilization or reduction of the average lifespan through various environmental stressors. Genocide may occur as a result of: war, riots, plague, famine (caused primarily by economic manipulation), 'ethnic cleansing,' cataclysmic weather conditions (which may be artificially induced) or mass poisoning. Sterilization may be encouraged through: cash (or 'credit') disbursements, mandatory eugenics programs, or chemicals surreptitiously introduced into the food/water supply (perhaps the most popular corporate-sponsored soft drink or fast food sandwich?). Reduction of the average lifespan can be caused by repeated (if not constant) exposure to toxins (i.e., pollution, solvents, fumes, mysterious food additives, or prescribed medications) and radiation (primarily electromagnetic), resulting in a variety of stress-related ailments, cancers and energy imbalances. Population controls are already being practiced (conspicuous examples of possible officially sanctioned genocide programs could include: Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Columbia, Peru, Brazil, Haiti, Rwanda, and East Timor), and many more are expected to be introduced in the near future."

— excerpted from the anonymously published Prophesy File


"We must accept that, sad as it may be, many people do not merit sex on a regular basis as a result of either visual unpleasantness or social ineptitude. These persons often channel their repressed sexual energy in an unacceptable or self-destructive manner. Depression is common, which can lead to alcoholism, drug use or perversion. Many clients of the Nevada brothels are disabled veterans who are unfairly shunned by most women in our image-conscious society. Are we, as a society, going to deny legions of ugly, stupid and awkward people what Maslow considered a basic need? What often happens is that one of these 'rejects,' feeling sad and unloved, pairs up with a like reject whom he or she finds dull and unattractive but a convenient partner for coitus, and then because the Fundamentalists whom these rejects follow shun contraception they inflict upon society a sizable brood of miniature rejects — in which they instil their twisted sheeplike 'values,' and the cycle is thus doomed to repeat itself exponentially. Many individuals would be deeply offended by what I have just said, and would vehemently deny the truth of my statement, but it is a sad fact that many unattractive individuals marry one another simply as an excuse to have sex with someone, are often unhappy with their choice of a mate, and usually have an above average amount of ill cared for children who tend to become burdens upon society later in life (if not predatory criminals). If a safe, legal, and socially acceptable opportunity to sate one's sexual appetites existed, I believe that many of these marriages, and the ensuing broods of delinquents, would not occur."

— anonymous (RWT)


"If any man was a habitual criminal, I am one. In my lifetime I have broken every law that was ever made by both God and man. If either had made any more, I should very cheerfully have broken them also. The mere fact that I have done these things is quite sufficient for the average person. Very few people even consider it worthwhile to wonder why I am what I am and do what I do. All that they think is necessary to do is catch me, try me, convict me and send me to prison for a few years, make life miserable for me while in prison and turn me loose again . . . If someone had a young tiger cub in a cage and then mistreated it until it got savage and bloodthirsty and then turned it loose to prey on the rest of the world . . . there would be a hell of a roar . . . But if some people do the same thing to other people, then the world is surprised, shocked and offended because they get robbed, raped and killed. They done it to me and then don't like it when I give them the same dose they gave me."

— the demonic serial killer Carl Panzram, from Killer, a Journal of Murder (ed. by Gaddis & Long)


"Winston Churchill called it 'The High Cabal.' Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, JFK's Director of Covert Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called it 'The Power Elite.' Others knew it as 'The Enterprise,' 'The Council,' 'The Committee,' and other names. But no matter what it was called, the organization that has pulled the political strings of government since before World War I in not only the U.S., but Europe, Russia and Japan, exists. It is resident in four major areas of international affairs: the international banking community; certain, selected boardrooms of major corporations; cells within the command structure of the military services of the most powerful of countries; and within the secret corridors of the covert intelligence community. It is an all-powerful organization that makes its own laws as needed, disregarding any that happen to be objectionable, utilizes the covert intelligence services of virtually every major country as footsoldiers during peacetime, and their military machines in times of war.

     Such an elite and powerful organization requires highly educated, extremely qualified, and very loyal individuals to fill its upper echelon ranks. The astute student of history will note that during the past eighty years, many of the same names appear over and over within the administrations of the upper levels of government. Often these names are not in the forefront of historical events, but certainly involved in a staff or advisorship position. It is these people who truly control the fate of the nation — and the other nations of the world. And it is these people who are consistently awarded key positions and promotions, and continue to serve within the hallowed halls of government from one administration to the next without fear of replacement. It is this resiliency and continued success in ascension that, even though they attempt to hide behind other, more visible figures, identifies them for what they are: members of The Power."

— Craig Roberts, from Kill Zone (pp. 149-150)


"In modern Western culture, we are surrounded by what we are told are warrior images. GI Joe stuff. Heroic Hollywood figures played by actors like Eastwood, Stallone, Willis, and Schwartzenegger. Gladiators solving all of the world's problems with fists and firearms. I'm not such an idealist that I believe that I could do my job as a police officer without occasionally using force to manage the violence of criminals. But there is a big difference between using only as much force as is necessary and the excessive force and destruction that are characteristic of these Hollywood crime dramas, If I let myself behave in this violent manner, I would be no better than the criminals that I deal with. Force isn't the answer. Too often it simply breeds more bloodshed in the form of vendetta and revenge. This Hollywood 'warrior' stereotype is incomplete and unbalanced."

— Kerr Cuhulain, from Wiccan Warrior (p. 6)


"He is a man driven by a manic need for self-esteem — to feel that he is a 'somebody.' He is obsessed by the question of 'losing face,' so he will never, under any circumstances, admit that he might be in the wrong. . . . the Right Man is an 'idealist' — that is, he lives in his own mental world and does his best to ignore aspects of reality that conflict with it. Like the Communists' rewriting of history, reality can always be 'adjusted' later to fit his glorified picture of himself. . . . The Right Man hates losing face; if he suspects that his threats are not being taken seriously, he is capable of carrying them out, purely for the sake of appearances. . . . the central characteristic of the Right Man is the decision to be out of control, in some particular area. We all have to learn self-control to deal with the real world and other people. But with some particular person — a mother, a wife, a child — we may decide that this effort is not necessary and allow ourselves to explode. But — and here we come to the very heart of the matter — this decision creates, so to speak, a permanent weak-point in the boiler, the point at which it always bursts. . . . What is so interesting here is the way the Right Man's violent emotion reinforces his sense of being justified, and his sense of justification increases his rage. He is locked into a kind of vicious spiral, and he cannot escape until he has spent his fury. . . . The Right Man feels that his rage is a storm that has to be allowed to blow itself out, no matter what damage it causes. But this also means that he is the slave of an impulse he cannot control; his property, even the lives of those he loves, are at the mercy of his emotions."

— Colin Wilson (paraphrasing A. E. Van Vogt), from A Criminal History of Mankind (pp. 67-70)


"In reprisal for Resistance activity in the area, the Germans rounded up all the inhabitants and made them go to the marketplace. The women and children were herded into the village church. No one was alarmed at this stage — the Germans were laughing and joking, and playing with the babies. Then, at a signal from a captain, the soldiers in the square opened fire on the men and massacred them all. The church was set on fire and the women and children burned alive. The children who managed to stumble out were thrown back into the fire. A Swiss who described the massacre remarked, 'I am convinced these Elite Guards did not feel the slightest shade of hatred against the French children when they held them in their arms. I am equally convinced that, if a counter order had arrived . . . they would have continued to play daddy.' But the SS men were 'under orders,' and the order had the effect of a hypnotist's command. They 'blocked out' the reality of the women and children, and 'did their duty.' A confidence trickster swindles his victims in much the same way; he may actually feel genuinely friendly towards them as he lulls them into a state of trustfulness, yet the basic intention remains unchanged."

— Colin Wilson (on the massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane in June 1944), from A Criminal History of Mankind (p. 35)


"Dominance is a subject of enormous interest to biologists and zoologists because the percentage of dominant animals — or human beings — seems to be amazingly constant. Bernard Shaw once asked the explorer H. M. Stanley how many other men could take over leadership of the expedition if Stanley himself fell ill; Stanley replied promptly: 'One in twenty.' 'Is that exact or approximate?' asked Shaw. 'Exact.' And biological studies have confirmed this as a fact. For some odd reason, precisely five percent — one in twenty — of any animal group are dominant — have leadership qualities. During the Korean War, the Chinese made the interesting discovery that if they separated out the dominant five percent of American prisoners of war, and kept them in a separate compound, the remaining ninety-five percent made no attempt to escape."

— Colin Wilson, from A Criminal History of Mankind (p. 72)


"Gunpowder was invented in China some time around the year 1000, and seems to have been used for fireworks, but not, so far as we know, for destructive purposes. It is interesting to speculate how the discovery came about. Its chief ingredient is nitre — saltpetre. And in Europe at least its discovery came about by a rather curious process. Walls of farm buildings were often built with mud in which the hardening ingredient was cattle dung. Men would go and urinate against these walls, with the consequence that white streaks would form on the wall. This was nitre — potassium nitrate. Someone no doubt tried the experiment of tossing some of this crystalline substance on a bonfire, and observed that it made the wood burn with a new fury — it releases oxygen. The next step, which was probably made by some Chinese alchemist — for they had been at work trying to make semi-magical drugs and elixirs since the fifth century B.C. — was to find that, in certain proportions, nitre, sulphur and powdered charcoal will burn with a single bright flash, or — if confined in a tube — explode. So the Chinese made fireworks, and the Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan seem to have learned about it from them and brought gunpowder to the west when they invaded the Kharismian empire in 1218 A.D. By about 1250 the Arabs had invented the first gun, a bamboo tube reinforced with metal bands which would fire an arrow. And so man's most dangerous invention before the atomic bomb reached Europe around 1300, and helped to blow apart the last remnants of the Middle Ages."

— Colin Wilson, from A Criminal History of Mankind (p. 298)

"KNOW ALIGNMENT!!!" (AD&D 2nd Level Clerical Spell)

"The alignments possible for characters are described below:

Chaotic Evil: The major precepts of this alignment are freedom, randomness, and woe. Laws and order, kindness, and good deeds are disdained. Life has no value. By promoting chaos and evil, those of this alignment hope to bring themselves to positions of power, glory, and prestige in a system ruled by individual caprice and their own whims.

Chaotic Good: While creatures of this alignment view freedom and the randomness of action as ultimate truths, they likewise place value on life and the welfare of each individual. Respect for individualism is also great. By promoting the gods of chaotic good, creatures of this alignment seek to spread their values throughout the world.

Chaotic Neutral: Above respect for life and good, or disregard for life and the promotion of evil, the chaotic neutral places randomness and disorder. Good and evil are complimentary balance arms. Neither are preferred, nor must either prevail, for ultimate chaos would then suffer.

Lawful Evil: Creatures of this alignment are great respecters of laws and strict order, but life, beauty, truth, freedom, and the like are held as valueless, or at least scorned. By adhering to stringent discipline, those of lawful evil alignment hope to impose their yoke upon the world.

Lawful Good: While as strict in their prosecution of law and order, characters of lawful good alignment follow these precepts to improve the common weal. Certain freedoms must, of course, be sacrificed in order to bring order; but truth is of highest value, and life and beauty of great importance. The benefits of this society are to be brought to all.

Lawful Neutral: Those of this alignment view regulation as all-important, taking a middle road betwixt evil and good. This is because the ultimate harmony of the world — and the whole of the universe — is considered by lawful neutral creatures to have its sole hope rest upon law and order. Evil or good are immaterial beside the determined purpose of bringing all to predictability and regulation.

Neutral Evil: The neutral evil creature views law and chaos as unnecessary considerations, for pure evil is all-in-all. Either might be used, but both are disdained as foolish clutter useless in eventually bringing maximum evilness to the world.

Neutral Good: Unlike those directly opposite them (neutral evil) in alignment, creatures of neutral good believe that there must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the world — the most beneficial conditions for living things in general and intelligent things in particular.

True Neutral: The "true" neutral looks upon all other alignments as facets of the system of things. Thus, each aspect — evil and good, chaos and law — of things must be retained in balance to maintain the status quo; for things as they are cannot be improved upon except temporarily, and even then but superficially. Nature will prevail and keep things as they were meant to be, provided the "wheel" surrounding the hub of nature does not become unbalanced due to the work of unnatural forces — such as human and other intelligent creatures interfering with what is meant to be.

     Naturally, there are variations and shades of tendencies within each alignment. These descriptions are generalizations only. A character can be basically good in its "true" neutrality, or tend towards evil."

— Gary Gygax, from Advanced D&D Player's Handbook, 1st ed. (pp. 33-34)



"We've been wrong about two major things. Our leaders don't 'mean well,' and they aren't stupid.

     They've succeeded in creating a world of financial control in what looks like private hands, dominating all nations through world economy . . . but those 'private hands' are not the hands of the human Insiders and it isn't money they grasp for.

     The Conspiracy has many noble, ignorant patriots duped into swallowing hook, line and sinker the fallacies that either 'Communism' or 'Capitalism' is the Big Threat, but either way it's the same power elite in control.

     The same ones who promulgated the Red Scare and the Commie Witch Hunts also financed the Russian Revolution. Those who rule Russia and China don't believe in Communism any more than those who rule America believe in Capitalism. Both are only two arms of a very unholy octopus indeed.

     (This slamming of Capitalism may be a shock coming from the 'megacapitaliast' Church of the SubGenius, but all we really preach is free enterprise, which hasn't been seen in this country in 100 years except on the most piddling scale.)

     They aren't readying us for takeover — THAT'S already HAPPENED. ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT IS HERE. It just isn't obvious yet. But any day now the media will have people not only prepared for the realization, but welcoming it. One World Government is 'hip.'

     They WON the political battle long ago. Politically, they've conquered the world, from the KKK to the Libertarian Party to the Kremlin and the Pentagon.

     Now they want our SLACK.

     Oh, their World Government plans are humanitarian enough . . . they don't want to make us miserable, they just don't want us to be happy.

     Most of the traps have already been sprung.

     For instance, even you think we're kidding.

     They effectively erased private property for the middle class and are working on erasing the middle class itself. They dissolved the foundations of the family. They keep the individual's choices for lifestyle within an increasingly narrow range. All humans are numbered from birth and thus tracked through education, military service, taxes, medical requirements, retirement benefits, and especially BANKS, all the way to death.

     They control all natural resources and business, all systems of transport, all major entertainment sources. Through the deliberate fomenting of wars, revolutions, depressions, and epidemics, it's easy for them to eliminate all competition and deliver the coup de grace to free enterprise.

     And it was so damn easy it's PATHETIC. They created a Central Bank and called one of its main branches 'the Federal Reserve.' That monster bank is the real U.S. Government — the duly-elected one in Washington being a soap-opera opiate for the masses, a stageful of bad stand-up comics propped up for the rubes to throw things at.

     There's no Constitution — there's just the MONEY. The 'U.S. Government' has to borrow from the Federal Reserve, which really means from international banking. Our supposed leaders are in debt to themselves, and, worse, to their secret bosses.

     This is literally true: there's a big 'Men's Club' to which belong all major politicians from all major parties, plus the heads, directors, editors and superstar personalities of ALL THE MAJOR NETWORKS, MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS. In this Club they can all meet to agree on how to explain things.

     Sounds like kook-talk, huh? That's because they're always one jump ahead of you. THEY ENGINEERED THE SPREAD OF CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORIES, because even though many of the theories are true, they still sound crazy: the Rockefeller Conspiracy, the C.F.R., The Round Table, the Bilderbergers, the JFK 'cleanup,' ALL OF IT.

     The C.F.R. and the Trilateral Commission: oh, they're bad guys, alright, but compared to the REAL controllers they're just the clerks at the front desk. They're just the sales force of a far larger 'company.' Sure, they have more control than any sane American ever dreamed possible, but they themselves are more controlled than THEY ever dreamed possible."

— The SubGenius Foundation, from The Book of the SubGenius (pp. 92-93)


"You must understand that money itself is worth nothing. It is only a tool. Yet, because The Conspiracy controls its printing, They extract great life energy from those who worship it.

     Until we rid ourselves of the artificially-induced obsession with the colored pieces of paper themselves, we are still slaves to Their conditioning. If you worry about its lack you are theirs, for they make far more off your hours of labor than you do. If you were paid what you're worth, they'd go broke. (They are not really obsessed with money, but with TIME — your time. They are Time Junkies who vampirize your minutes and days until you are nearly drained of Slack.)

     To break this vicious cycle of exploitation, you must purge yourself of all respect for paper money. DEBASE THE FALSE GODS of the Federal Reserve. Make a game of its destruction; feel righteous pleasure as you draw on it, write on it, shred it. Make it useful for something real."

— The SubGenius Foundation, from The Book of the SubGenius (p. 141)


"'INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT' is a phrase for which it would be difficult to formulate a dictionary definition without sacrifice of accuracy to brevity. It may perhaps be best described as the political and economic control of the community . . . by groups who are careful to evade the responsibility which should always accompany power. They operate behind a mask of puppets in politics and business, and these must take the blame in courts of law, and before the bar of public opinion, for any errors in the technique of knavery.

     To this end, our law-administration and, to a certain extent, even our ethics have been twisted in order to make the servant more responsible than the master. For example, when it comes to light that a public officer has been directly or indirectly corrupted by men of wealth, or by the higher officials of a great corporation, the prosecuting authority will almost invariably ignore or immunize the true authors of the corruption in order to crush the instrument. Of the men who bribed Secretary Fall to make over to them hundreds of millions of dollars in Government oil lands, not one was convicted; nor has their standing in the business or financial world been in the slightest degree impaired. Fall went to the penitentiary. There are scores of such cases in our history."

— John McConaughy, from Who Rules America? (p. 1) 1934


"If a judge signs an order restraining a citizen, or a group of citizens, from doing certain things, no matter how much their legal and Constitutional rights permit them, they must immediately desist or go to jail for contempt of court, while the legal rights of the question are being threshed out in a tangle of writs and appeals. The peculiar viciousness of this method lies in the fact that, in many cases, time acts automatically against the citizen so restrained. By the time he has established his rights, he has lost his cause."

— John McConaughy, from Who Rules America? (p. 304)


"History demonstrates that men have often built imposing, elaborate cities, flourished in them for hundreds or even thousands of years, then deserted them to live in simple grass huts on their perimeters. Wars and natural calamities often played a part in this pattern, of course. Great cultures have risen and then died out. Men returned to simpler ways of life. It is a natural order of things. A thousand years from now people may be living in thatched shacks in New Jersey and on Long Island within full view of the decaying towers of Manhattan. They may tell the children about the peculiar ancients who built the towers as part of the strange religion which worshiped the great god Money."

— John A. Keel, from Our Haunted Planet (p. 65)


"When all is stripped away

And honor lies in the dust

Dignity burned to ashes, hope drowned

Vanity tattered in the wind

Trust a dim memory of a forgotten dream

When even pain deserts you

And senses merge and blur

Sounds a dull thunder of dark water

All colors grey, tastes all bitter

Your fingers mute, your cries lost

Eyes unseeing and unseen

When you stand stripped to the bone

With nothing

Utterly alone

Still I am with you

Call to me, I come to you

Sleep in my arms, I carry you

To bear you up when you sink

To force the air into your mouth

When you hunger after death

You cannot escape too freely

Your duty"

— received by Donald Tyson via automatism whilst meditating on the rune Nyd


"What is stronger than Truth?

No work of stone can survive it

No lying words dispose it

Truth endures to the end of things

All else is fleet and passes away

All that subsists is Truth

Cruel dart that pierces every shield

Without pity, without remorse

Truth is, it cannot be other

What dares defy it is destroyed

Slayer of false dreams and false hope

Hard master, but equal in justice

All must serve, all are slaves

Truth is the highest King

Who holds all honor bound

Truth is Lord, holy Truth

Disdain all lesser powers

In pain is wisdom, in loss is triumph

I the herald, speak His Word"

— received by Donald Tyson via automatism whilst meditating on the rune Tyr


CP: "I remember having the option of going crazy or not. I could just let myself go and go that way. . . . I had no idea that it was a temporary possibility. To me it was an all-out choice, either I'm going to go crazy or I'm not. I was in the hospital at the time. I never thought I could just walk over there for a little while and take a look around and come home."

HS: "A lot of people don't know that. That's something I learned from working with a guy named Marty Lane. . . . he was probably one of the best with schizophrenics. He taught me how to literally go in — he was a psychiatrist, a medical doctor, but he was a shaman, he wasn't a fucking psychiatrist — he showed me how to go in where schizophrenics and catatonics are at. Go right in the same place with them and come right back out. I've gone crazy a few times. I know how to go there and come back, and that's important. . . . That's an important revelation, that there is a moment you face, knowing you can just step into that twilight zone. That you've got that choice. Some choose to do it and don't come back, and some just say I don't think I'm going to go there."

— conversation between Chris Pfouts and Harley Swiftdeer, as related in the former's book, Lead Poisoning (pp. 164-165)



"Shame has taken the place of violence as a routine form of punishment in Western societies. The reason is simple and perverse. The shame an autonomous person can arouse in subordinates is an implicit control. Rather than the employer explicitly saying 'You are dirt' or 'Look how much better I am,' all he needs to do is his job — exercise his skill or deploy his calm and indifference. His powers are fixed in his position, they are static attributes, qualities of what he is. It is not so much abrupt moments of humiliation as month after month of disregarding his employees, of not taking them seriously, which establishes his domination. The feelings he has about them, they about him, need never be stated. The grinding down of his employees' sense of self-worth is not part of his discourse with them; it is a silent erosion of their sense of self-worth which will wear them down. This, rather than open abuse, is how he bends them to his will. When shame is silent, implicit, it becomes a patent tool of bringing people to heel."

— Richard Sennett, from Authority (p. 95)


". . . when treated aversively people tend to act aggressively or to be reinforced by signs of having worked aggressive damage. Both tendencies should have had evolutionary advantages, and they can easily be demonstrated. If two organisms which have been coexisting peacefully receive painful shocks, they immediately exhibit characteristic patterns of aggression toward each other. The aggressive behavior is not necessarily directed toward the actual source of stimulation; it may be 'displaced' toward any convenient person or object. Vandalism and riots are often forms of undirected or misdirected aggression. An organism which has received a painful shock will also, if possible, act to gain access to another organism toward which it can act aggressively."

— B. F. Skinner, from Beyond Freedom & Dignity (p. 27)


"The Federal Reserve is a secretive privately-owned corporation which is not held accountable to any government agency through the common practices of utilizing inspectors and oversight committees. This is puzzling, since they alone guarantee the negotiability of all of America's paper currency — which is NOT backed by our depleted gold reserves at Fort Knox, but rather by a somewhat insubstantial system of 'interest, loans, and credit' which give these 'Notes' their constantly fluctuating value.

     In a hypothetical (though admittedly unlikely) scenario in which the corporation known as the 'Federal Reserve' (which is NOT part of the Federal government) were to suddenly and unexpectedly dissolve (how could this happen? I don't know specifics, but bear with me nonetheless), all of their 'Federal Reserve (promissary) Notes' would immediately become worthless scraps of paper. Only coins (which are minted by the U.S. government and not regulated by the Federal Reserve) would continue to retain their negotiable value!

     This means that, unless you had a credit card, debit card, checking account, or sacks of dollar coins, you would be UNABLE TO BUY AND SELL. The resultant 'cashless society' would effectively eliminate any illusion of privacy pertaining to the transfer and distribution of funds! Not only would 'investors' be unable to hide certain assets from the government anymore, but the illegal 'black market' economy would be virtually decimated overnight! An unlikely scenario, but a scary thought nonetheless."

— "Mr. Y." (excerpted from a pseudonymous correspondence)


"Man has the right to live by his own law — to live in the way that he wills to do: to work as he will: to play as he will: to rest as he will: to die when and how he will.

Man has the right to eat what he will: to drink what he will: to dwell where he will: to move as he will on the face of the earth.

Man has the right to think what he will: to speak what he will: to draw, paint, carve, etch, mold, build as he will: to dress as he will.

Man has the right to kill those who thwart these rights."

— from The Equinox: A Journal of Scientific Illuminism, 1922


"All authority is a function of coding, of game rules. Men have risen again and again armed with pitchforks to fight armies with cannon; men have also submitted docilely to the weakest and most tottery oppressors. It all depends on the extent to which coding distorts perception and conditions the physical (and mental) reflexes.

     It seems at first glance that authority could not exist at all if all men were cowards or if no men were cowards, but flourishes as it does only because most men are cowards and some men are thieves. Actually, the inner dynamics of cowardice and submission on the one hand and of heroism and rebellion on the other are seldom consciously realized either by the ruling class or the servile class. Submission is identified not with cowardice but with virtue, rebellion not with heroism but with evil. To the Roman slave-owners, Spartacus was not a hero and the obedient slaves were not cowards; Spartacus was a villain and the obedient slaves were virtuous. The obedient slaves believed this also. The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly."

— Hagbard Celine


"The besetting sins of the Right-hand path are pride, and the tendency to set oneself apart from humanity. What better way of doing this than to claim that one's own race comes from the heavens, all others from the dirty earth? The more fanatical the quest for purity, the worse the consequences for anyone who gets in the way. If Aryans alone can tread the path to Deliverance, those who are disqualified by blood, race, or caste from this high destiny are an unfortunate nuisance, to be shunned, enslaved, or exterminated, while the masters set their steely eyes in nostalgia for the cold purity of their Hyperborean home.

     The corresponding fault of those who take the Left-hand path is to misunderstand the famous motto of Aleister Crowley's Thelema: 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.' In a sense, but a very precise and restricted one, this implies freedom from ethical restraints. But it is all too tempting to identify one's 'will' with one's basest impulses of indulgence and selfishness. Hitler invariably acted as if everything were permitted him: no amount of suffering and death mattered so long as it served his purposes, and he set an example of how a whole people can be willed into a frenzy of hatred and nationalism. The second part of the motto of the Left-hand path, 'Love is the law, love under will,' became for the Nazis: 'Hatred is the law, hatred under will' — a powerful formula indeed.

     The inescapable historical parallel to all of this is to be seen in the innumerable cruelties committed by Christians against Jews, pagans, witches, heretics, and each other: a disgrace to the Solar tradition, as the Nazis are to the Polar. Yet many of the worst offenders were pious, and believed themselves to be sincere Christians; some of them were even mystics. All this goes to show that any religious tradition can do more harm than good, unless it is tempered by the simple humanity and compassion that come more readily to women than to men. When the Dalai Lama says with his characteristic smile, 'My religion is Kindness,' he is pointing the way to the Golden Age more surely than any priest, shaykh, or esoteric pundit."

— Joscelyn Godwin, from Arktos (p. 175)


"A major Ahrimanic stratagem in the battle for the earth is exploitation of the neurotic deference inculcated in human beings towards the forms of 'authority.' Modern humans are all too willing and ready to be reassured and diverted from significant matters by generals, presidents, doctors and spokesmen for learned societies.

     Where the existing neurotic mechanisms in these processes are insufficient, vulnerable human beings in positions of authority run the risk today of being placed under various forms of psychic control. Etheric tunings, via advanced radionic-type instruments, are in all probability employed to this end from the unseen. The victims think, voice, write, and otherwise place into earthly currency, the misleading falsehoods that the Ahrimanic powers wish to have disseminated as part of their own continuing concealment. . . .

     Political corruption in America has reached unprecedented levels. Political corruption is simply the expression, in and through the body politic, of the corruption poured into the souls of men by the Ahrimanic powers. . . . Just as destructive power has extended to a world scale and made the occult manipulation of leaders of signal importance — all humanity being effected — so on a smaller scale within America itself has Federal power become total power. . . .

     The President is deceitful concerning his income tax. The verbal environment in the innermost sanctum of the White House, the political and spiritual center of America, becomes saturated with constant profanity. The power of words is never underestimated by persons of occult knowledge. If a man uses constant profanity he creates for himself a psychic environment that is profane. If he surrounds himself with profane men, their profane force is added to his. Soon there is created a profane center wherein flourish unseen beings with profane motives. . . . Such processes as these, opening American life and fortune to control by the powers of darkness, created America's downskidding fortunes and descent from grace and respect in the world."

— Trevor James Constable, from The Cosmic Pulse of Life (pp. 385-387)


"The symptoms that 'educators' are treating with drugs may in fact have nothing to do with congenital brain defects, as they have argued, but with a number of other less mysterious factors including:

— Poor nutrition, fostered by parents either too poor, irresponsible, or dumbed down themselves to provide decent food for their kids; encouraged by a criminal food production industry more intent on moving cheap, sugar-coated, chemically-dyed, pesticide-poisoned swill than in providing healthy food. Sugar, pesticides, and chemical additives may be a key factor in causing what is termed ADD and ADHD.

— Television and other media. Kids are estimated to watch six hours per day of an electronic medium deliberately designed to foster a short attention span, with quick three-to-five second visual cuts purposely stimulating the kind of artificial agitation that induces a child to respond to commercials. Is it any wonder that these kids have a short attention span?

— Another negative aspect of the pop media is the abundance of sexual and violent images disseminated via TV, movies, hyper-violent video games, and music with violent/sexual 'gangsta' ghetto rap. There are many studies showing that when television is introduced to a community that violent acts double over the course of a few years. . . .

— Little parental contact with kids at all. The prevailing economy is designed so that both parents usually have to slave full time, leaving very few moments for contact with the kids. The situation of the single parent family is usually worse.

— Finally, there is a problem with the nature of public schooling itself, which does not challenge children to learn or to think creatively, but instead indoctrinates them to conform to their prison-like surroundings. . . .

     There is no indication that the drugging of children is going to diminish in the near future. Quite the contrary."

— Jim Keith, from Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness (pp. 26-29)


"I always wondered why the teachers just threw the knowledge at us when we were in school, why they didn't care whether we learned it or not. I found that the knowledge which they had made into a cabala, stripped of its terms and the private codes, its slang, you could learn in a few weeks. It didn't take 4 years, and the 4 years of university were set up so that they could have a process by which they could remove the rebels and the dissidents. By their studies and the ritual of academics the Man has made sure that they are people who will serve him. . . . Some of these people with degrees going around here shouting that they are New Negroes are really serving the Man who awarded them their degrees, who has initiated them into his slang and found them 'qualified,' which means loyal."

— Ishmael Reed, from Mumbo Jumbo (p. 37)


"Intelligence is the capacity to discern, to understand, to distinguish; it is also the capacity to observe, to put together all that we have gathered and to act from that. . . . Intelligence demands doubting, questioning, not being impressed by others, by their enthusiasm, by their energy. Intelligence demands that there be impersonal observation. Intelligence is not only the capacity to understand that which is rationally, verbally explained but also implies that we gather as much information as possible, yet knowing that that information can never be complete, about anybody or anything."

— J. Krishnamurti, from The Network of Thought


"When I argue, I face power, the power of the Other. It is the Other's power that I wish to overcome and that I fear. I am therefore fascinated by power and I wish to trace its source. If I understand power, if I understand its nature and where it abides, if I understand how to get it and how to resist it, I will have attained great power of my own. I want power. I need power to win . . .

     Power is first an idea, first a perception. The power I face is always the power I perceive. Let me say it differently. Their power is my perception of their power. Their power is my thought. The source of their power is, therefore, in my mind.

     The power others possess is the power I give them. Their power is my gift. I give them all the power in the universe, as, indeed, the faithful give to God, or I give them no power at all, as, indeed, is the quantum of power we too frequently allot to our children. If I have endowed the Other with power that the Other does not possess, then I face my own power, do I not? My own power has become my opponent, my enemy. On the other hand, if the Other possesses power, but I do not perceive the Other's power as effective against me, he has none — none for me."

— Gerry Spence, from How to Argue and Win Every Time (pp. 32-33)


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, pitch manure, solve equations, analyze a new problem, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

— from The Notebooks of Lazarus Long, by Robert Heinlein



"Various beliefs can be implanted in many people after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgement and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of 'herd instinct,' and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility."

— from Battle for the Mind, by Dr. William Sargent


"Books cannot be killed by fire. People die, but books never die. No man and no force can put thought in a concentration camp forever. No man and no force can take from the world the books that embody man's eternal fight against tyranny. In this war, we know, books are weapons."

— Franklin D. Roosevelt


"In the very near future, a computer technology will make possible alternatives to imprisonment. The development of systems for telemetering information from sensors implanted in or on the body will soon make possible the observation and control of human behavior without actual physical contact. Through such telemetric devices, it will be possible to maintain twenty-four-hour-a-day surveillance over the subject and to intervene electronically or physically to influence and control selected behavior. It will thus be possible to exercise control over human behavior and from a distance without physical contact. The possible implications for criminology and corrections of such telemetric systems is tremendously significant."

— Barton L. Ingraham and Gerald W. Smith, from "The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of Human Behavior and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Control"


"Because of the intensifying economic decline it is inevitable that more and more jobless will go beyond the limits of the law to satisfy their needs. There are probably upwards of 30 percent of our population who are permanently impoverished . . . And once these 30 percent become convinced that the democratic process is not working for them, they become desperate and may resort to violent means. There is a rising radicalism in their midst and there is an 'uppitiness' among the Black and Chicano prisoners which prison officials find intolerable. To subdue them, the authorities are using new methods. They're employing the psychiatric armamentarium and a new technological too set — what has come to be known as psycho-technology. Under the guise of therapeutic behavior modification they're applying anything from Anectine and other aversive drugs to psychosurgery."

— Dr. Isidore Ziferstein


"The fanatic is stubborn, obstinate, dogmatic: Everything for him is black or white, curse or blessing, friend or foe — and nothing in between. He has no taste for or interest in nuances. Does he seek clarity? Driven by irrational impulses, he wants everything to be visible and necessarily clear.

     The fanatic simplifies matters: He is immune to doubt and to hesitation. Intellectual exercise is distasteful, and the art and beauty of dialogue alien to him. Other people's ideas or theories are of no use to him. He is never bothered by difficult problems: A decree or a bullet solves them . . . immediately. The fanatic feels nothing but disdain toward intellectuals who spend precious time analyzing, dissecting, debating philosophical notions and hypotheses. What matters to the fanatic is the outcome — not the way leading there.

     And more: The fanatic derides and hates tolerance, which he perceives as weakness, resignation, or submission. This is why he despises women: Their tenderness is to him a sign of passivity. The fanatic's only interest is in domination by fear and terror. Violence is his favorite language — a vulgar language filled with obscenities: He doesn't speak, he shouts; he doesn't listen, he is too busy yelling; he doesn't think, he doesn't want anyone to think.

     In other words, the fanatic, intoxicated with hatred, tries to reduce everybody to his own size.

     He has a goal and is willing to pay any price to achieve it. Or more precisely: He is ready to make others pay any price to achieve it."

— Elie Wiesel


"Warriorship is a personal and individual path. It is a path which deals with all aspects of life. The essence of warriorship is the process of fulfilling one's potential. The ways towards warriorship are many, and they are all hard. Few ever go far, though all benefit. This is a commitment to a life of discipline and development in mind, body, and soul. The true warrior is an athlete, a scholar, a poet, a magician, a priest, and a skilled lover.

     As a part of warriorship, the combat principles you learn can be applied to all areas of life. Discipline, flexibility, strategic thinking, and the ability to stay calm and see the larger perspective. These along with physical fitness, allow the warrior to succeed in any endeavor. This is what makes a true warrior. Skill in battle is of little use if you do not have a life worth fighting for."

— Sweyn Plowright, from True Helm (pp. 2 & 58)


"Simply by saying a few words, in a certain tone of voice, it is possible to alter and /or manipulate the energy of another. This phenomenon could be called "Non-Verbal Communication combined with Deep Linguistics," "Psychotherapy," or even "Magick" — but whatever you choose to call it, it works great for defusing hostilities (especially when dealing with the emotionally unbalanced). Conversely, it is also possible, through the usage of different words and tones, to so unbearably antagonize another that it is virtually guaranteed that the situation will degenerate to the point of actual physical violence. Due to these facts, it is imperative that your most experienced diplomat should always be the designated speaker for the group in the event of a potentially hostile confrontation (or potentially sensitive "Public Relations" issue) — and everyone else needs to know to keep their fucking mouths shut.

— Scribe 27 (RWT)


"There is no such thing at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

     The business of journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?

     We are the tools of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping jacks — they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

— John Swinton, in his "toast" to the New York Press Club in 1953.


"Simply put, warriors choose to walk a separate path, different from others. They take the risk of standing alone and speaking up when others are silent. A vital component of ethical behavior is feeling obligated to do what is right. To feel obligated, one must not only care but be willing to pay the hard price that comes in wrestling with one's own conscience. Warriors are self-actuated. They project consequences into the future and think, plan, and live long range. Warriors take personal control over their lives rather than be passive spectators and the victims of events occurring around them. . . .

     Although true warriors are difficult to find, many people want to become warriors and begin walking the path, but they allow their energy to be taken from tem and their light to dim. You can see it in their eyes. They want the rewards, but they are no longer willing to pay the price to fill the lamp with the kind of oil that keeps it from growing dim. They have lowered their self-esteem and feel a constant need to prove themselves to others."

— Larry F. Jetmore, from The Path of the Warrior (p. 65)


Follow this path if you are to be a warrior and share your light with others. But tread carefully! We become what we pretend to be!. . .

     It's not easy to become a warrior. It's even more difficult to remain a warrior after becoming one. Many answer the call of the drums, but few are able to sustain the strength of character necessary to march to them. There are many labyrinths, traps, and dragons along the path to the way.

     Courage and inner fortitude are required to overcome the difficult and sometimes painful obstacles along the path a warrior must travel. Abuse of power and self-diminishing behavior are traps that snare and draw a would-be warrior off the path. We are often seduced by illusions of power bestowed upon us by the titles, promotions, or credentials we receive. These outward symbols quickly lose their luster unless placed on a foundation of self-worth. Because we often close our hearts to the people in our lives, many would-be warriors suffer the penalty of loneliness while surrounded by heaps of gold. Temptation and suffering for the sake of others are tests each person on the path to becoming a warrior must face. The voice and comfort of the herd is loud and strong. Although a warrior is sometimes joined by others, the walk is often the high and lonely path of the nomad. True warriors do not cower at the opinions of others, but feel themselves accountable to a higher tribunal than man.

     All who walk the path have the freedom to choose where their steps will take them. There are many different paths but only one 'way.' Warriors accept total responsibility for their thoughts, behaviors, deeds, and actions. This is known as decision making."

— Larry F. Jetmore, from The Path of the Warrior (pp. 103, 106-107)


"The law enforcement officer, mindful of his responsibility to the whole community, shall deal with individuals of the community in a manner calculated to instill respect for its laws and its police service. The law enforcement officer shall conduct his official life in a manner such as will inspire confidence and trust. Thus, he will be neither overbearing nor subservient, as the individual citizen has neither an obligation to stand in awe of him nor a right to command him. The officer will give service where he can and require compliance with the law. He will do neither from personal preference or prejudice but only as a duly appointed officer of the law discharging his sworn obligation."

— Article VII of the "Canons of Police Ethics" adopted by the International Association of Chiefs of Police in 1957


"Two or more events happening at 'the same time' are likely to have more associations in common than the merely temporal; very few events (if any) ever happen in 'isolation' from other events; 'there is no such thing as a mere coincidence.' In point of fact, if you ever manage to pin a professional debunker against a wall (be careful, they get nasty when cornered), you will find that the word 'coincidence' is a scientific term of exorcism, which is used to banish away unwanted demons of implied causality. Naturally, the word 'synchronicity' is from Carl Jung's research, even though the concept shows up all over the globe."

— Isaac Bonewits, from Real Magic (p. 208)


"The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone; but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is the test of a true gentleman. The power which the strong have over the weak, the magistrate over the employed the educated over the unlettered, the experienced over the confiding, even the clever over the silly; the forbearing and inoffensive use of all the powers or authority, or a total abstinence from it, when the case admits it, will show the gentleman in a plain light. The gentleman does not needlessly and unnecessarily remind an offender of a wrong he may have committed against him. He can only forgive; he can forget; and he strives for that nobleness of self and mildness of character which imparts sufficient strength to let the past be but the past."

— General Robert E. Lee


"Things didn't just 'get' this way. Not even humans could cause this much trouble by accident. It had to be PLANNED. It's a CONSPIRACY. It is THE Conspiracy. . . .

     One can endlessly explore the world of conspiracies, intricately detailing its works, mapping its eddies and flows, its secret, subtle currents, its dangers — but one risks succumbing to its apparent friendliness and charm. For it contains within it so many infinitely varying conspiracies of fanatics that there's BOUND to be a conspiracy JUST FOR YOU to sink into forever! There are certainly plenty to go around . . .

     The conspiracy we truly hate, the real Conspiracy, isn't one of those fiendishly clever ones. It doesn't even know it's a conspiracy. It can't. It's a faceless confederacy of dunces, so vast and broad that it underlies all the lesser conspiracies and permeates all human reality. Quite the opposite of devious, it dominates by merely exploiting the overall, mealy-mouthed, chickenbutt-kissing 'Code of Normality' (or CON) of ALL the Pinks, norm-worms and mere-humes at large. But there is no more insidious and subtle a weapon as that.

     The Conspiracy has no face; we know it only by its desires — a great Mirror of Disfigurement, it reflects what's wrong with everyone. Politics and the petty squabbles of nations are only part of what The Conspiracy manipulates. It is MUCH BIGGER than gods and demons, Republicans and Democrats, or Presidents and interlocking corporate directorates; it's everything from the school bully to the wimp principal, from Mom and Dad to the Bobbie in the woodpile. More than anything else, The Conspiracy is an attitude — a fear — a PINKNESS, a cancer of the imagination, the hatred of the real, the yearning for 'cuteness,' the eagerness to obey . . .

     The Conspiracy is not vengeful. It has nothing against you PERSONALLY; you're being persecuted and hobbled by people who couldn't care less who you are. The hive automatically protects itself from evolution by negating any individual member whose circuits are too 'resonant.'. . .

     The modern Conspiracy hive functions just like the old Mayan hives, with smug priests, brutal warrior castes and larval masses quivering in mortal fear of nature and power. . . .

     Immersion in the TV reality . . . makes people paranoid and isolated. While simultaneously uniting them with common imagery and fantasies, it cuts them off from reality. . . . TV distorts what we are; we aspire to become what it shows . . .

     Television both integrates the culture and destroys literacy, reducing us to a homogeneous mass of photon-dependant P-heads. Pinks aren't sentient enough to disengage their sense of reality from the products being sold to them. They are their tennis shoes, jackets, drugs, favorite shows and stars -- and the Con, rather than protecting the minds and psyches of the undiscerning, childlike Pinks, exploits that weakness. Everything, including 'news' and 'fact,' is reduced to 'entertainment' geared to the lowest common denominator — irrelevant sound bites and factoids made to seem meaningful. . . .

     In the normal job world, the Conspiracy keeps you on the tightest leash possible. They would completely deprive you of Slack if they could, but, out of necessity, to keep you alive for another year, they grudgingly give you Sundays, sometimes Saturdays, sometimes a whole week out of your life for that minimum life-sustaining drop of False Slack. . . . Somewhere along the line, (you) receive some pitiful modicum of Slack, or else (you) would die. HOW MUCH Slack (you) receive is what the Conspiracy tries so hard to control. They want to ration it out to you, drop by drop, as with an eyedropper, so you'll always be at Their mercy, carrying out Their evil whim.

     Their arbitrary 'laws' extend unquestioned into every minuscule aspect of your private life. Every last vestige of Slack, even the act of standing around doing nothing, is regulated. Notice that "loitering" isn't illegal only in stores and restaurants, but even so-called public sidewalks, parks, everywhere. You've got to keep moving. For that matter, you can be thrown in jail for "vagrancy," the inability to produce a driver's license, passport or money. We are not legal life forms without a shell of paper and cloth defining our bodies. The only place you can legally cease moving is in your own home. . . .

     They listen to you through your telephone without its even being off the hook, and record you through satellites that can peer down on any street, anywhere. The only legal drugs are alcohol and other reality-numbing tranquilizers; most forms of sex are crimes. Exercise of instincts must be suppressed for Their system to work. No one who is getting due Slack is really going to feel like saluting a flag or dying for God and Company.

     They kick your door in any time they want to. All they have to yell is 'DRUGS!' and your spouse is in jail, your kids are farmed out to the state, your car and house are suddenly Theirs. They can walk up to you anywhere today and say, 'Excuse me, can we see your wallet, please? Hmm, you have a lot of cash here. We'll have to confiscate it — you fit the profile of someone who might be a drug dealer.'

     The fake 'war on drugs' is eroding every last bit of freedom we've managed to wring out of the sons of bitches since 1776. We've spent 200 years trying to make 'we the people' include someone besides the white land-owning aristocracy, and now that we're finally beginning to do it, they're going over to the other end of the Constitution and telling us what rights we don't have. Everything that is not forbidden is proscribed."

— from Revelation X (pp. 17-18, 22), by The SubGenius Foundation



"In my vision of a perfect world, advertising — as it now exists — would be classified as a punishable offense. Through silly catch-phrases (memes) and high-tech computer imagery (which could easily conceal prohibited subliminals), inferior products are wrongfully being misrepresented by unscrupulous marketeers. Impressionable teenagers are being told that they won't 'fit in' unless they display the appropriate brand names. Elders are being frightened into purchasing questionable heath-care items, monitoring systems, and 'insurance' coverage that they don't need. Even home mortgages and prescription pharmaceuticals are being advertised on the TV! Remember, lying is not a criminal offense (as long as an actual 'fraud,' as defined by law, does not occur), so these advertisements cannot be trusted! For examples: Pontiac vehicles, Gateway computers, and Red Devil paint are still being purchased by gullible dupes for no discernable reason other than that they 'liked the commercials' — even if the product being sold is crap, by spending a few million on TV marketing you can ensure that people will buy it! And the most abominable thing about this false advertising is that the majority of TV commercial messages have deliberately been engineered to make them attractive to children! As a result of this incessant media bombardment, our culture has become far more ignorant, materialistic, and shallow — and now the multi-nationals are attempting to inflict this mindless consumerism on the rest of the world as well (which is, perhaps, the primary reason why our enemies are so hostile to America). If our country was not being run by soulless multi-national corporations, the majority of advertising executives would be thrown in padded cells where they would be subject to 18 hrs of continuous TV commercials every fucking day! For sustenance, they could have all the Coca-Cola, McFood, and candy bars they wanted — but nothing else. After 4 months of incarceration, the executives probably wouldn't have been 'rehabilitated' (i.e., transformed into ethical citizens), but they certainly would have 'learned their lesson,' and perhaps would be ready to be released back into society — with the understanding that if they were convicted of a second offence, they'd be looking at an 8 month sentence next time! What was their crime? Insulting the public sensibilities. Sure, the masses might be stupid, but it oughta be a crime for corporate predators to exploit their naivete for commercial gain (or other, more sinister, reasons)."

— anonymous (RWT)


"The media likes to portray all violent criminals as 'sociopaths.' By definition, a sociopath (or psychopath) is nothing more than an extremely selfish person with no ethical boundaries (honor, conscience, etc.) and no emotional rapport with other human beings (except, perhaps, from the sadistic joy derived from watching them suffer). The true sociopath is a demonic egomaniac that thrives on the accumulation of power, which he (or she) uses almost exclusively for the subjugation of the weak. By this definition, only about a third of all incarcerated violent offenders (a demographic which includes many 'first offenders') could be considered sociopaths (indeed, many have close emotional ties with friends and family, and only use violence impulsively — usually when either desperate or impaired). However, using this definition, the vast majority of 'respected' salesmen, evangelists, attorneys, politicians, and corporate executives can be seen as they truly are — psychopathic predators who repeatedly victimize others through deliberate premeditated acts."

— Scribe 27 (RWT)


"Like many of my colleagues in the field, I have become convinced that the U.S. Government, as well as other governments, was very much involved in the UFO business. This involvement is not limited to the kind of data collection that is the normal responsibility of intelligence agencies. It extends to the close monitoring of the UFO organizations themselves and, in some cases, to the staging of false sightings and the occasional leaking of false documents. It is not my business to interfere with such activities. The belief in extraterrestrials, like any other strong belief, is an attractive vehicle for some mind control and psychological warfare activities. I do not believe that any government has the answer to the UFO problem, although several governments must have the proof of its reality."

— Dr. Jacques Vallee, from Confrontations (pp. 21-22)


"In recent years the major powers have done much development of their own in the area of beam weaponry. Microwave technology is now used under the general acronym HPM (high-power microwave) to jam or burn the electronic hardware of enemy missiles, aircraft, and tanks.

     Generators for the types of beams used in the new weapons include magnetrons and klystrons, as well as newer devices with names like gyrotron and vircator (virtual cathode oscillator). Vircators are especially relevant here. They operate in the pulse mode at demonstrated powers up to twenty gigawatts.

     An obvious biological effect of microwaves is that they heat tissue. Brain temperature changes of only a few degrees have been shown to cause convulsions, unconsciousness, and amnesia in rats. Even weaker microwave pulses, too weak to heat animal tissue, can have serious effects by disturbing cell membranes. . . .

     In his review of the field, Dr. Keith Florig, an expert on policy issues involving ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, notes that 'HPM weapons that merely stun the nervous system temporarily seem, like short-acting chemical agents, to be more humane than lethal force. . . . HPM weapons that blind, burn, or bake people to death are likely to be viewed as an abhorrent addition to the arsenal.' . . . Interestingly, Dr. Florig remarks that 'the difference between a disabling and a lethal (force) is largely one of range. So it would be hard to show that a weapon intended to disable could not be lethal at close range.'"

— Dr. Jacques Vallee, from Confrontations (pp. 229-230)



     I have two objections to this duel matter. The one is lest I should hurt you; the other, lest you should hurt me. I do not see any good it would do me to put a bullet through any part of your body. I could make no use of you when dead for any culinary purpose, as I could a rabbit or a turkey . . . for though your flesh might be delicate and tender, yet it wants that firmness and consistency which takes and retains salt. At any rate, it would not be fit for long sea voyages. You might make a good barbacue, it is true, being of the nature of a racoon or an opossum, but people are not in the habit of barbacuing anything human now. As to your hide, it is not worth taking off, being little better than that of a two-year old colt. As to myself, I do not much like to stand in the way of anything that is harmful. I am under the apprehension that you might hit me. That being the case, I think it most advisable to stay at a distance. If you want to try your pistols, take some object — a tree or a barn door — about my dimensions, and if you hit that, send me word. I shall then acknowledge that if I had been in the same place you would have killed me in a duel."

— John Breckinridge, from a private correspondence (late 1790s)


"Weapons can be used without it being final! People often think 'lethal' when they think of weapons. Any tool that is used to aid and abet knocking the shit out of someone is considered a weapon! Capisce? You have to widen your definition of what constitutes a weapon. In my time, I have been clobbered by or attacked with hairbrushes, a pot, rope, scissors, beer bottles, pens, a cat, tables and chairs, pool cues, shuriken, playing cards, keys, razor blades, rocks, a candleholder, shoes, a cup of Coke, and, of course, chains. I have used leaves, dirt, the water from a dog dish, a shirt, a belt, trash cans, paint scrapers, beer, orange juice, spit, and many of the things I previously listed, to open conversations. Many of these things serve to knock you off balance or mildly hurt you so you'll choke and your attacker can get in there with something more serious."

— Marc "Animal" MacYoung, from Pool Cues, Beer Bottles, & Baseball Bats (pp. 3-4)


"I pretty much quit drinking about seven years ago. Being half Irish and half Cherokee, my genetics are such that alcohol doesn't sit well with me. I can down an entire liter of vodka, and it'll fuck me up, but the scary part is that I won't fall down, pass out, or yak — it's like I'm turbocharged, or something, and I just don't give a fuck. I can be kicked back, all happy and shit, then someone says something stupid or starts eye-fucking me, and the next thing you know, I've kicked a table full of drinks in his face and started beating him over the head with a lamp. For an insult I would've simply laughed off if sober, I'd be inclined to slit someone from asshole to eyeball when I'm 'in my cups.' And I'm pretty much unstoppable in this capacity — I've been punched full-force in the face by people three times my size, had chairs and pool cues broken across my back, and even took lead from a small caliber handgun without even feeling it. If I've been drinkin', I will not back down from anyone, regardless of how many opponents I might be up against. On several occasions, large groups of pissed-off rednecks have decided to retreat rather than take me on, and I have never gotten my ass kicked — ever. It was like the 'Legend of the Drunken Master,' or some shit, but I finally realized that if I continued to drink vodka by the quart, eventually I'd wind up either dead or in prison, so I decided to quit. Nowadays, if I'm at a social function where I'm expected to drink, I'll make my second bottle of beer last the whole night — because I know that once I finish that third drink, I'll just keep drinking till it's all gone — and there's probably gonna be casualties."

— anonymous (RWT)



"'So you like to hurt people, huh?' Hanse breathed, gliding across the floor as he closed the distance between them. Kat's knife flipped and rolled in a silver blur — the suit blinked, mesmerized. Half a heartbeat later his forehead was slashed open and the Imada high-hollow blade had stabbed completely through his forearm, twisting as it retracted. The broken bottle clattered to the barroom floor, useless. Hanse's Red Bird shattered his knee joint and he fell. Flipping balisong, he buried it deep in the fucker's chest to run the gears. As he slammed it into second he noted the lack of resistance and realized that he'd fucked up . . . the knife wasn't open. He reeled as frantic thoughts flooded his mind and it suddenly dawned on him what he was doing: Shit, I'm really wasted . . . I almost killed this fuck in front of all these witnesses . . . lucky thing I flipped it one too many times . . . can't let him get up! Holding balisong closed in his fist, he used it to mash the fucker's face. Job finished, he slid the streamlined weapon into the back pocket of his reinforced 550's — knifefighting jeans. He could clean the blood off later.

'Fuckin' jerk . . . come back here again, I'll make you disappear.' He spat on him, kicking him in the groin."

— from Underground, by C. R. Jahn (pp. 163-164)


"This is a difficult concept for many people to grasp, but it is one of the most powerful methods of self-improvement we know of. It has its basis in certain occult teachings, but there is no "magic" involved — except for the results. In the original teachings, one is told about the many invisible beings which we encounter every day, and how people who lead interesting lives tend to attract these beings, which may even feel compelled to intervene on our behalf in time of need. Positive behavior attracts positive beings, and negative behavior attracts negative beings. We thought that this was an interesting concept, but decided to alter it in order to make it more suitable for defensive applications. Simply think of yourself as the protagonist in an ongoing movie about your life. The movie is put on hold while you're sleeping (except for the occasional interesting 'dream sequence'), but is being viewed by an unseen audience at all other times — until shortly after your eventual demise. Your control over the script is limited primarily to the dialogue and actions of your character. You will decide how he (you) reacts to various crisis situations — will he proceed calmly and bravely, or will he instead scream like a girl and run away? The choice is yours — and the audience is watching. Is your character interesting, or is he boring? Is he likable, or is he despicable? Will your story be an adventure, a drama, a comedy, a tragedy, a romance, a combination of the above, or something altogether different? If you do not like your character, feel free to transform him into something more suitable for your purposes. Make sure your character always is presentable in appearance, and conducts himself in a proper manner — even when he thinks no-one's looking. Always try to do the right thing, proceed with valor, and don't behave like an idiot (through giving in to: rage, pettiness, dishonesty, lechery, or other forms of immaturity). Above all, don't bore your audience! No-one wants to waste their time watching some pathetic, stoop-shouldered, procrastinating, slothful, wage-slave mope! Don't be afraid to do what you want, stand up for yourself, and live up to your full potential . . . after all, it's only a movie!"

— C. R. Jahn, from Hardcore Self-Defense (pp. 15-16)


"A common misconception is that evasion requires driving at unsafe speeds and ignoring red lights and 'one-way' signs . . . nothing could be further from the truth. Whether on city streets or back roads, you seldom want to exceed 60 mph. If you go too fast, you cannot negotiate sharp turns, nor can you compensate for unexpected obstacles or the stupidity of other drivers. If your vehicle is low to the ground and you are being pursued by a vehicle with a high center of gravity (such as a 'sport utility vehicle'), you can put more distance between your vehicles by accelerating through sharp curves and taking unexpected turns which a more top-heavy vehicle would need to slow down for to avoid tipping. The only time speeds in excess of 100 mph are permissible is when you are being pursued on a well-maintained, multi-lane highway and feel you have a good chance of safely outdistancing your tail (for example, you are driving a new sports car and they are in a rusted out pickup truck with bald tires). You do not want to drive beyond your abilities or your car's capabilities. Once you wreck, the chase has most likely come to an end."

— from Evasive Driving, by T.J. Steele (RWT)


"Yet although full employment is a public good, it is not a corporate good. Business efficiency dictates downsizing, which means capital-intensive production, and capital-intensive production means labor-minimizing policies. Translated into English this means firing as many permanent workers as possible and eliminating their costly benefit and pension packages. In their place appear machines, robots, and multiplying (so-called) 'temporary' jobs, which are actually long-term jobs without long-term contracts, long-term security, or long-term benefits. . . . a large percentage of the new class that makes up the second sector of the poor, the indigent, and the unemployed are flotsam and jetsam on the tides of privatization: workers who have been sloughed off by a system that is more profitable to its new private owners without them."

— Benjamin R. Barber, from Jihad vs. McWorld (pp. 27 & 251)


"Films are McWorld's preferred software, but television rather than the cinema is its preferred medium; for with television, McWorld goes one-on-one, the solitary individual and cyberspace confronting one another in exquisite immediacy — with the screen as the perfect nonmediated (im-mediate) medium. Where cinema is limited in time and space, television is a permanent ticket to ceaseless film watching anytime, anywhere. It is a private window on McWorld — providing personal access via computers, satellites, cable, and phone lines to information sources, data collections, shopping centers, banking facilities, and the now almost notorious Internet — that welter of interlinked computers and interactive bulletin boards and video games and information banks and videomarketers and ordinary users that will one day (we are told) replace more or less every other kind of interaction in our lives."

— Benjamin R. Barber, from Jihad vs. McWorld (pg. 100)


"The prion is a mystery to science. It is not a parasite, bacterium, or even a virus — it is a microscopic crystal which somehow replicates within a living host organism, forming an extensive crystalline structure which burrows numerous holes throughout the brain of its victim. It is always fatal, and is most commonly transmitted by ingesting the flesh of an afflicted animal. Several rare diseases known to be prion related include: Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, Kuru, and the infamous 'Mad Cow' (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) disease. Somehow, a rare prion-based disease has reportedly reached epidemic proportions within the deer and elk population of the Mid-West. Allegedly, this rare disease of carnivores has not only somehow been introduced into an exclusively herbivorous population (most likely through deliberately contaminated feeding stations — prions have an indefinite 'shelf-life' and are indifferent to extremes of heat and cold), but it allegedly is capable of spreading to every wild deer and elk throughout Amerika, which is compelling Mid-Westerners to discard frozen venison and massacre their entire deer and elk population. It is now potentially fatal to eat venison! Furthermore, the exotic 'West Nile Virus' (which, although potentially fatal, usually only results in flu-like symptoms) has now reportedly reached epidemic proportions amongst our nation's bird population. Consider that if the CDC declares that the consumption of wild game constitutes 'a clear and present danger to the public health,' hunting will be outlawed. Once hunting is outlawed, citizens (excuse me — subjects) will thereby forfeit their right to possess sporting firearms 'for the public good.' Assault weapons and handguns have already been demonized by the media as 'guns which are only good for shooting people' — soon, they may feel the justification to similarly disparage your deer rifle (already referred to as a 'vest buster') and shotgun. Oh, you think that they'll let you keep your trusty double-barrel for shooting skeet? Don't fucking count on it! The way this country is going, in another five years the possession of an unloaded .22 single-shot rifle might be all they need to brand someone as a 'terrorist.'"

— Jake Bishop


". . . from the mind-made magical qualities of gold, other mind-made qualities took birth, so that a small quantity of the metal came to be treasured as the equivalent of a day's work, of a plot of land, of a yoke of oxen, of a house or a boat or of sorely needed food. Thus commerce and magic began to mingle, and the artificial value given to gold found expression in ancient Sumer in gold currency. Not that there was any natural relationship between the dense, glittering metal and the objects it would purchase, the services it would command, and the sacrifices it would entail; it was merely that the mind of man provided the link, and conferred prestige and piled power upon him who could dig or buy, extort or steal enough of the favored substance. With such an incentive, the path was paved for small-scale and large-scale quarreling over gold.

     Thus we see how the artificially inflamed beliefs and desires behind one metal have given a fiery prod to the acquisitive impulse, and have been responsible for wave after wave of warfare. It is known, of course, how large a part the lust for gold has had in stimulating bloodthirsty raids among scores of peoples . . . and how — most important of all — it nourished a spirit of callousness and of violence that tended towards war's indefinite propagation, somewhat as a fire will tend to indefinite burning, so long as fuel remains."

— Stanton A. Coblentz, from From Arrow to Atom Bomb (pp. 60-61)


"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than fact. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearances, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company . . . a church . . . a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past . . . we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude . . . I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it."

— Charles Swindoll


"Consider the current balance between the states and Washington. We have reached the point where the federal government dictates to states details of their traffic regulations, holding as carrot the federal share of highway appropriations. States can no longer stand up to the federal government even on minutiae like tests required for neighborhood-based water providers or the required staffing ratio for home-based daycare centers.

     Or consider the relative power of the three branches of government. From the Woodrow Wilson administration, the federal government has grown even stronger. It now looms as by far the largest employers in the U.S. Within that executive, some political scientists claim that a fourth branch — the CIA, National Security Council, and other covert agencies — has developed in the last thirty years. The Constitution cannot save democracy when officials in the FBI, CIA, State Department, and undercover agencies determine not only our policies but also how much the people, the Congress, and perhaps even the President need to know about them."

— James W. Loewen, from Lies Across America (pp. 360-361)


"Huge enterprises, either in the public or the private sector, are run on bureaucratic principles which are fundamentally anti-democratic, particularly as they stifle free expression. It is not surprising, then, that they become unmanageable and obsolete in their gargantuan proportions. Vast institutions are incapable of give-and-take informal decision making or spontaneity. People within them communicate by memo — written, usually, in 'in-house' code. Policy decisions and procedures emanate from the top and are accepted as gospel. The person at the peak of the corporate or bureaucratic ladder is czar, and, as such, is automatically right. Those below him either agree or are wrong. There is virtually no internal criticism. This is the principle of hierarchical infallibility, and a whistle-blower had better have an independent income. The rote numbness which pervades bureaucracy causes people to lose their sense of what is right and wrong or even what is likely to happen. Thus, they become unthinking robots who, knowing their expected demeanor, and protecting their livelihoods, operate as mindless functionaries. . . . Like business enterprises, government agencies arrive at decisions by relying upon established procedure and information, supporting conclusions long since determined. Job protection is no small factor in this practice with risk or innovation being nothing short of astonishing. The result? Hackneyism and stagnation. . . . The drones of corporate and government complexes hold their loyalty to the institution or organization — not to a real community. Thus, they form a kind of supra-community apart, and see all the world around them as existing for their own use and benefit. This pattern easily absorbs elected officials. Legislative bodies are thoroughgoingly bureaucratic. Problems are referred to committees for study and recommendation, and the resultant studies are often filed and forgotten. Obeisance must be paid to 'higher-ups,' and the best way to keep one's job and expect advancement is to avoid controversy, to play the game by established rules. As long as decision makers in the private and public sectors continue to put job security ahead of real creativity and problem solving, they are not serving the public."

— Richard Cummings, from Proposition Fourteen (pp. 15-16, 20)



"Here is a quick and dirty survey of the theoretical reality maps used by many on the leading edge of physical thought in engineering, physics, and government to approach extraordinary phenomena in a rational context.

1.) The electromagnetic (EM) model suggests that we are biological transceivers attuned to the psychic frequencies. This model is favored by Soviet and Eastern European scientists. Here, geophysical wave processes such as geoseismic and infrasonic waves are considered potential carriers for human mind/body communications.

2.) The anthropic model postulates that human minds shape the reality they observe, that we order the random processes of the universe with our consciousness.

3.) The quantum-mechanical model suggests that the mind prefers recognizing static moments of 'reality' but also interacts with wave phenomena on a continual basis. Thus, consciousness has access to the future and the past as well as the present.

4.) The holographic model suggests that human consciousness transforms frequency and amplitude information into intelligible sensory impressions.

No one knows which, if any, of these models is the correct one. No one knows for certain how consciousness interacts with the phenomenal world."

— from The Warrior's Edge, by Col. John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, and Janet Morris (p. 111)


"The key attributes of the warrior are will and patience. . . . The warrior acts decisively and strategically while seeking self-mastery and self-awareness, continually conscious that life is fragile and death waits at the end of it. What tenets shape the warrior's beliefs?

Moral courage: a stringent code that values honor and struggle for a cause.

Willingness to risk: the warrior knows he may not always win; he is prepared to spend his life for his beliefs.

Devotion: the warrior chooses a noble cause that instills in him devotion to duty and serves the human family.

Decisiveness: the ability to recognize correct action, take that action, and accept responsibility denotes a warrior.

The warrior 'aims to follow his heart, to choose consciously the items that make up his world, to be exquisitely aware of everything around him, to attain total control, then act with total abandon. He seeks, in short, to live an impeccable life.'"

— from The Warrior's Edge, by Col. John B. Alexander, Major Richard Groller, and Janet Morris (pp. 18-19)


"The use of granulated sugar for treatment of infected wounds is recommended by some as a treatment of first choice. Sugar has been called a nonspecific universal antimicrobial agent. Based on its safety, ease of use, and availability, sugar therapy for the treatment of infected wounds is very applicable to the needs of the (medic). . . . As with any traumatic wound, the wound is first irrigated and debrided. . . . Once bleeding is under control, deep wounds are treated by pouring granulated sugar into the wound, making sure to fill all cavities. The wound is then covered with a gauze sponge soaked in povidone-iodine solution. . . . In a few hours, the granulated sugar is dissolved into a 'syrup' by body fluid drawn into the wound site. Since the effect of granulated sugar upon bacteria is based upon osmotic shock and withdrawal of water that is necessary for bacterial growth and reproduction, this diluted syrup has little antibacterial capacity and may aid rather than inhibit bacterial growth. So to continually inhibit bacterial growth, the wound is cleaned with water and repacked at least one to four times daily (or as soon as the granular sugar becomes diluted) . . . A variety of case reports provide amazing data supporting the use of sugar in treating infected wounds. . . . Odor and secretions from the wound usually diminished within 24 hours and disappeared in 72 to 96 hours from onset of treatment."

— Hugh L. Coffee, from Ditch Medicine (pp. 47-48)


". . . the wound site (be it the result of a bullet or a knife) must be dressed with an occlusive dressing. . . . The purpose of the occlusive dressing is to prevent air from entering the chest through the wound, with the possible consequence of a pneumothorax. The dressing can consist of any material that will ensure an airtight seal over the wound (e.g., aluminum foil, plastic wrap, Vaseline gauze). The traditional technique is to tape down all four sides of the dressing. The last edge is taped down after the patient exhales forcefully. The dressing should be large enough to cover at least 2 inches past the wound on all four sides. If tape won't stick to a wet or bloody chest, large trauma dressings can be held down with cravats that surround the chest. If an exit wound is present, as is common with a gunshot wound, it must be covered too. . . . a flutter valve dressing may be applied over the wound site to prevent the development of a tension pneumothorax. With the flutter valve, one corner of the occlusive dressing is left untaped. As the patient inhales, the dressing will seal the wound. With exhalation, the free corner acts as a flutter valve to release air that is trapped in the chest."

— Hugh L. Coffee, from Ditch Medicine (pp. 68-69)


"For in exceptional circumstances that which is commonly held to be wrong is found on reflection not to be wrong. I shall illustrate my meaning by a special case which, however, has a general bearing. There is no greater crime than to murder a fellowman, especially a friend. Still who would say that he commits a crime who assassinates a tyrant, however close a friend? The people of Rome, I tell you, think it no crime, but the noblest of all noble deeds. Did expediency here triumph over virtue? No, virtue followed in the train of expediency. . . . There can be no such thing as fellowship with tyrants, nothing but bitter feud is possible: and it is not repugnant to nature to despoil, if you can, those whom it is a virtue to kill; nay, this pestilent and godless brood should be utterly banished from human society. For, as we amputate a limb in which the blood and the vital spirit have ceased to circulate, because it injures the rest of the body, so monsters, who, under human guise, conceal the cruelty and ferocity of a wild beast, should be severed from the common body of humanity."

— Cicero, from "No Fellowship with Tyrants"


"I believe there is a machinery of mass manipulation behind the UFO phenomenon. It aims at social and political goals by diverting attention from some human problems and by providing a potential release for tensions caused by others. The contactees are part of that machinery. They are helping to create a new form of belief: an expectation of actual contact among large parts of the public. In turn this expectation makes millions of people hope for the imminent realization of that age-old dream: salvation from above, surrender to the greater power of some wise navigators of the cosmos. . . . However, if you take the trouble to join me in the analysis of the modern UFO myth, you will see human beings under the control of a strange force that is bending them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception. This role may be very important if changing social conditions make it desirable to focus the attention of the public on the distant stars while obsolete human institutions are wiped out and rebuilt in new ways. Is this the deeper meaning of the UFO 'deception'? Are the manipulators, in the final analysis, nothing more than a group of humans who have mastered a very advanced form of power? . . . Let me summarize my conclusions thus far. UFOs are real. They are an application of psychotronic technology; that is, they are physical devices used to affect human consciousness. They may not be from outer space; they may, in fact, be terrestrial-based manipulating devices. Their purpose may be to achieve social changes on this planet."

— Jacques Vallee, from Messengers of Deception


"The research in this book is harmless in itself, and deals with subjects that many people find interesting. Yet it can provoke surprisingly intense emotions. Some people become angry at, or scornful of, anyone who takes these phenomena seriously. Why? Some people find psychic phenomena of no interest, which is fair enough. Most people are not very interested in the scientific study of the behavior of cuttlefish, or research into the genetics of mosses. Yet no one becomes emotionally antagonistic to cuttlefish or moss research. Is it simply a matter, then, of hostility to new ideas? This may be a partial explanation, but some areas of contemporary scientific speculation seem far more radical, and yet excite little or no opposition. Some physicists, for example, postulate that there are countless parallel universes besides our own. Few people take these ideas seriously, but no one gets angry about them. Even speculations about time travel through 'wormholes' in space-time are considered a legitimate field of inquiry within academic physics, rather than a branch of science fiction. . . . The only remaining explanation is that the existence of psychic phenomena violates powerful taboos. These phenomena threaten deep-seated beliefs, especially the belief that the mind is nothing but the activity of the brain. For people who identify science and reason with the materialist philosophy, they arouse fear. They seem to threaten reason itself; if they are not kept at bay, science and even modern civilization seem to be endangered by a tidal wave of superstition and credulity. Hence they have to be denied outright, or dismissed as unscientific and irrational. . . . These taboos are strongest among intellectuals, and are actively upheld by many academics. . . . Although people with these attitudes usually call themselves skeptics, they are not genuine skeptics. They are usually believers in a worldview that excludes psychic phenomena. Some try to deny or debunk any evidence that goes against their beliefs. The most zealous behave like vigilantes policing the frontiers of science. The Greek word skeptis, the root of our word, means 'inquiry' or 'doubt.' It does not mean denial or dogmatism. The effect of these taboos has been to inhibit research and to suppress discussion in the academic world in general, and within institutional science in particular."

— Rupert Sheldrake, from The Sense of Being Stared At (pp. 7-9)


"Our culture engages historians, sociologists, psychiatrists and the media to . . . impose upon us a common view of reality. The reason for this imposing of socially-approved views is fear: As a culture we are afraid that unless we can force the majority of us to comply with particular givens, everything we have achieved and everything we believe we understand will unravel. The truth is that without the continual reinforcement of commonly held cultural views of 'reality,' most of our beliefs and some of our ways of living would unravel. . . . In fairness, we need to understand that there can never be a common view of reality because each of us is capable of seeing only so much and no more. . . . a commonly-held world view is not a possibility, not now and not ever. . . . We are stuck with the social illusions into which we are born. . . . From this evolution-of-illusion we get politics, religion, fads and all manner of cultural blindness. We pass our blindness down from one generation to another until it becomes so firmly entrenched in daily life that nobody asks whether this or that aspect of our social belief system might simply be wrong.

— Anderson Reed, from Shouting at the Wolf (p. 142-143, 148)


"What is sanity? Let us start with what sanity is not. Sanity is not blindly accepting anyone else's version of reality or anyone's view of how we ought to live. . . . Sanity is the acceptance of our own experiences and perceptions in the face of 'proof' from other people and social institutions that our views are 'wrong' because they do not match the views held by others. . . . We invented psychiatry. . . after psychiatry entered mainstream western life, a terrible shift occurred. A tool became a weapon. One no longer had the option of using the techniques of psychological theories on himself if that was right for him. Suddenly the tools of psychiatry were being used on us instead of for us, and we no longer had any choice about it — or anything to say about its validity. . . . In reading about the Salem trials, I have found an impressive resemblance to the ways in which psychiatrists today deal with questions of sanity and mental illness. The underlying transaction, in Salem and in our society, pits an afflicted person against a self-appointed 'expert' who cannot truly comprehend either the affliction of the afflicted. Despite his inability to understand the alleged aberration or the person manifesting it, he passes life-threatening judgements on both. He is inadequate to do this, but our society requires his services every time someone is violent, misaligned, or simply eccentric. . . . What do we truly comprehend about psychiatric beliefs and the laws that derive from them? Not much. Yet our society allows the testimony of mental health authorities to send people to jail or to mental institutions. We allow those we place in authority to induce us to forsake our personal, valid experiences if our perceptions displease or confound the authorities. . . . Our society's relationship with the disturbed has not changed in three hundred years. In Salem, nothing effective was done for the afflicted, and the accused were killed for unobservable behavior. Today, people are shunned or incarcerated for the 'crime' of being incomprehensible to a psychiatrist. The same dynamic is at work now as was then. . . . What, then, do we achieve by turning (people) over to our uneducated, possibly uncaring, mental health 'authorities'? We don't care about (people). We care to maintain ourselves in a state of passivity. Our freedom is lost to us — lost by our own doing."

— Anderson Reed, from Shouting at the Wolf (p. 142, 147, 152, 154-155)


"All pain is a signal that there is something that's out of balance. Pain is a signal. It's like a fire alarm. Real quick analogy, see if this makes sense to you: If all of a sudden a fire alarm goes off here, we don't sit around drinking our Dr. Peppers, and I don't go over and cut off the alarm so we can finish our conversation. Nor do I go over and stuff pillows around it to get it to shut up. And I don't cut the wires. I go and find out why the goddamn alarm went off. Doctors cut the alarm; that's surgery. Or they'll stuff pillows around it; that's medication. Or they'll shut it off, which is long, extended treatment. That's the three methodologies that medical practice uses, none of which acknowledge what pain is. Pain is a signal that must be acknowledged, that you know your body has been put into a traumatic state, therefore you have to change whatever the cause was for the effect of the trauma."

— Harley Swiftdeer, excerpted from an interview by Chris Pfouts in Lead Poisoning (pp. 157-158)


"In this America we are taught to put self-interest first, to compete, to better ourselves as individuals. And so we are controlled by promises and threats — controlled at a level so deep that we are rarely conscious of it. . . . Going to jail . . . is an experience that can teach us more about consciousness than a hundred growth seminars. For in jail we experience the controls of our culture directly. We see their naked operation, unclothed by the usual niceties. Power-over is a vise, a clamp that holds us with our hopes and fears. For there are always privileges to be won if we behave, and there is always somewhere worse they can put us, something they can do to us or take away from us, if we refuse to be controlled. So we are caught. In jail we cannot escape knowledge of this control: the system itself has devised a thousand minor rituals, a thousand petty rules to drive the lesson home again and again.

     So the purpose of cuffing our hands behind our backs is not to prevent us from attacking the police; it is to acquaint us with the extent of our helplessness. The purpose of the airless, windowless holding tanks, with their open toilets that can only be flushed from outside by the guards is to make us aware, when we are taken to a more decent place, that we can always be returned to a place that is worse. The purpose of stripping us to search us, of having us bend over, spread our cheeks, and cough is not really to discover if we have contraband stuck up our assholes, it is to teach us that humiliation is the favorite weapon the system has devised against the self.

     We come out of jail angry, on fire with rage that does not retreat, because as we look around us, day by day, we see the same vise in operation. . . . the prison, the mental hospital, stand as representations of the worse place — where they can take us if we resist control. Yet it is not that most of us live in constant fear of being carted off to jail, but rather that the jail is a symbol of the thousand petty rituals of punishment we face in our jobs, our homes, on the streets. There are endless ways — from the boss's reprimand to the headwaiter's sneer to the look on the grocery clerk's face when we pull out our food stamps, for the culture to confirm our lack of worth."

— Starhawk, from Dreaming the Dark (pp. 94-96)



"I see that you are wearing a tie. Do you know the origin of the tie? Don't feel bad, as no-one else seems to know either — yet no-one questions the fact that nearly all corporate and government employees are mandated to wear a tie under penalty of termination! Why do you think that is? There are many kinds of tie. Some men like to proclaim their status in the community by wearing a tie with the distinctive pattern of a military regiment or an Ivy League university, while others will flaunt their wealth by spending hundreds of dollars to purchase a single hand-painted silk tie. A man's tie-tack can show that he belongs to a respected fraternal order, that he once served with a particular military unit, or that he can afford a three carat gemstone. A bright red tie supposedly infers 'power' and virility. Certain exclusive cliques like to tie their ties with specific and complex knots, so as to distinguish them from the masses. In the American Southwest, those free-thinking nonconformists are fond of wearing bolo 'string-ties.' It is all the same. That silly piece of colored cloth around your neck is a symbol of your inferiority. It is a constant reminder that you have been 'put in your place.' This humiliating mark of subjugation is a slip-knot attached to a convenient handle, a noose around your neck, a leash for a dog, a garrote if you will. Although it rarely happens, your 'betters' can reach out at any time to pull that loop taut, cutting off your air supply, your voice, and even the critical bloodflow to your brain. To toy with you, they could use it to yank you up out of your chair and swing you around the room. The tie is a symbol of your enslavement. But hey, don't most corporate CEOs wear ties? Don't most religious leaders wear ties? How about the President of the United States? Who makes them wear the tie? Who do they take their orders from? The tie is a veiled threat. I would never wear a tie. It is contrary to my religious beliefs."

— Scribe 27 (RWT)


"So we got us a war on drugs? War, all right — but not on drugs. Think the government would cut their own throats? The war's been going on for a long, long time, and'll go on for a long time to come. War's still going on, but the good guys have already lost. Started a long time ago, like I said, in World War II. OSS cut a deal with Lucky Luciano for the mafia to control Italian waterfronts after we invaded Italy. Maybe you heard of the heroin network they set up — the French Connection? Luciano got the stuff from Turkey, processed it in Marseilles and Sicily. OSS (the CIA) and French Secret Service got the stuff to America. I mean — look, all you've got to do is look. The United States goes into Europe and the Middle East, the country gets flooded with heroin. We go into Southeast Asia, they declare a war on drugs. Cut off the Marseilles supply. The heroin and the hashish and the opium start coming in from the Golden Triangle, shipped through 'Air America,' the CIA's bogus airlines. We shift attention to South America and Central America. Suddenly heroin's not the problem. Suddenly everyone's doing cocaine. Ne we got us a war on the Mendellin Cartel? Ri-i-ight. I hear heroin's making a comeback. Grown in Afghanistan. Now doesn't the Company happen to be in Afghanistan, helping all those hill rebels overthrow the Soviet puppet government? Funny how the traditional cash crop of those hill rebels is opium poppies. Funny how the Mendellin Cartel was buying weapons for the Company to supply the Contras with. Funny how the Golden Triangle opium lords are all Chinese refugees. Ex-Kumintang. Funny how the Company was using 'em against the reds, back in the old days. And on and on, all the way back to Luciano. Don't make the mistake of thinking the Company thinks for itself. They might have carte blanche, sure. I think it was their idea to flood the country with LSD back in the 60's just to test the stuff — but they don't give the orders. They don't call the shots. They're told what to do. America's not a fit place to live anymore. See, I know who's behind the drugs. And I know why. You've got to look for the money. Let's say you've got people who need their operations funded. They go to Congress for the money, and what happens? What happens is they've got to tell people what the money's for. If you're trying to keep things secret, that's not such a hot idea. So you've got to get lots of money from somewhere. Hidden money that nobody can find. Money that won't stop coming. Drug money. So they got money, and I think that's all they wanted when they started. I don't think they figured out the side benefits at first — but they're smart. Didn't take them long. See, they had to sell the drugs to somebody. Heroin, cocaine, marijuana, whatever. So who's most likely to buy 'em? They ended up at the fringes of American society — the people who're most likely to be trouble somewhere down the line. I'm talking your blacks, your hippies, whatever. They start using the stuff, makes 'em feel like they're being defiant. Shaking a fist at 'the man.' And pretty soon their energies are all focused on drugs. Usin' 'em, figuring where the money'll come to buy 'em. Sellin' 'em, 'cause that's where the money is — and 'the man' is where the money's going to! Hell, you got kids focused on drugs, they ain't about to get political. Too busy financing gutter capitalism. They make sure everyone associates minorities with drugs. Racism goes up, 'decent white folk' get nervous. People start demanding more police, more laws, more jails. Keep 'em down. You get armies used to acting as cops, society tightens up. It's easier for them to control things when everybody's afraid. Y'know, Vietnam sort of shut down their right to drop armies anywhere in the world. War on communism? Passe' stuff. War on terrorism? Can't keep that going forever without looking wimpy. But a war on drugs? Ah! You've got to use all your resources. Got to give intelligence back the power to operate anywhere, without question. Got to make sure the President can put troops anywhere in the world, without question. Got to declare war on your own people, teach 'em to be snitches. Test 'em without giving them a choice. And every patriotic citizen lines up to go along with the crackdown. America's become a place where they wave a flag at you and expect your brains to go out the window. And anyone who stands up to say what's really going on gets accused of being 'soft on drugs.' And you know what the best part is? The bigger the war on drugs, the higher the price goes, and the more money it's worth. A war on drugs? That's a laugh. An excuse for repression, that's what it is. There's a war on drugs, all right, but the only thing they really fight for is like, who brings the stuff in . . . and who ends up with the money."

— Steven Grant, as adapted from the work of John Judge and transcribed in Whisper # 36 (May 1990)


". . . why did they persecute Witches? Church history is a history of persecution. The Witch burnings were not an isolated phenomenon; they must be seen in the context of centuries of blood and terror. . . . The Witch persecutions were different in several important ways from the persecution of Jews and heretics. To begin with, they were directed primarily, although not exclusively, against women . . . Witches were not an alien ethnic-religious group . . . Nor were they a clearly delineated alien sect . . . with a clearly defined doctrine and organization. . . . Anyone — especially any woman — could be accused of being a Witch. Witchcraft was defined as a special crime to which the ordinary rules of evidence did not apply. . . . a noted French witch-hunter and intellectual actually favored the use of children as witnesses because they could be persuaded more easily to give evidence against the accused. . . . The persecution of Witches undermined the unity of the peasant community and contributed to its fragmentation. . . . The persecutions encouraged, spawned, paranoia. . . . Witches also made convenient scapegoats, diverting the anger and rage of the poorer classes to these other members of their own class. . . .

     The Witch persecutions were tied to another of the far-reaching changes in consciousness . . . The rise of professionalism in many arenas of life meant that activities and services that people had always performed for themselves or their neighbors were taken over by a body of paid experts, who were licensed or otherwise recognized as being the guardians of an officially approved and restricted body of knowledge. . . . Many of the charges against Witches and heretics can be seen as charges of giving or receiving 'Brand-X' grace, one that lacked the official seal of approval; of transmitting knowledge without approval. Witches' powers, whether used for harming or for healing, were branded as evil because they came from an unapproved source. . . . Knowledge itself began to be an 'intangible commodity.' It was something to be sold only to those who could afford to buy it."

— Starhawk, from Dreaming the Dark (pp. 186-187, 196, 199)


"The so-called Left-Right political spectrum is our creation. In fact, it accurately reflects our careful, artificial polarization of the population on phoney issues that prevents the issue of our power from arising in their minds. The Left supports civil liberties and opposes economic or entrepreneural liberty. The Right supports economic liberty and opposes civil liberty. Of course neither can exist fully (which is our goal) without the other. We control the Right-Left conflict such that both forms of liberty are suppressed to the degree we require. Our own liberty rests not on legal or moral 'rights,' but on our control of the government bureaucracy and courts which apply the complex, subjective regulations we dupe the public into supporting for our benefit."

— anonymous, from The Occult Technology of Power (pg. 19)


"Too many people have been spied upon by too many Government agencies and too much information has been collected. The Government has often undertaken the secret surveillance of citizens on the basis of their political beliefs, even when those beliefs posed no threat of violence or illegal acts on behalf of a hostile foreign power. The Government, operating primarily through secret informants, but also using other intrusive techniques such as wiretaps, microphone 'bugs,' surreptitious mail opening, and break-ins, has swept in vast amounts of information about the personal lives, views, and associations of American citizens. Investigations of groups deemed potentially dangerous — and even of groups suspected of associating with potentially dangerous organizations -- have continued for decades, despite the fact that those groups did not engage in unlawful activity. Groups and individuals have been harassed and disrupted because of heir political views and their lifestyles. Investigations have been based upon vague standards whose breadth made excessive collection inevitable. Unsavory and vicious tactics have been employed — including anonymous attempts to break up marriages, disrupt meetings, ostracize persons from their professions, and provoke target groups into rivalries that might result in deaths. Intelligence agencies have served the political and personal objectives of presidents and other high officials. While the agencies often committed excesses in response to pressure from high officials in the Executive branch and Congress, they also occasionally initiated improper activities and then concealed them from officials whom they had a duty to inform."

— summation of the Church Committee report, released in April 1976


"Electronic surveillance technology has advanced significantly in recent years. All cell phone and e-mail communications are being monitored, as are most conversations over cordless phones, walkie-talkies, CB radios, shortwave radios, and public payphones. If a government agency wants to tap your phone, they can have it done directly through the telephone company. If a government agency wants to bug your house, they have the capability to monitor your conversations through your unmodified telephone, cable box, or modem (as long as they're plugged into the wall jack) without any need to physically gain entry. Laser bugs can monitor conversations by sensing the vibrations of a window pane — but these toys are mostly considered obsolete, nowadays. Undercover agents can have audio, and even video, transmitters concealed on their persons (i.e., the lapel camera) — and if a skilled operative can gain access to your home for even a few moments (through a variety of ruses), these transmitters can be successfully installed (or a small amount of contraband can be hidden, to be seized later). Automobiles are incredibly easy to gain entrance to (provided you have the proper tools), and a permanent transmitter can be attached to the wiring under your dashboard. If you need to relay sensitive data to another individual, it is advised that you write it down on a notepad, then, after the 'conversation' is terminated, the paper (as well as the sheet directly under it, which will retain an impression), can be destroyed by either burning it in an ashtray, or tearing it to shreds and flushing it down the toilet."

— Jake Bishop


"Try to avoid making other people's problems your own. Especially if you are known to be a good fighter or are unusually large, 'friends' (especially women) will try to convince you to fight people for them. If you like them, and they claim to have been threatened with violence, it is tempting (and perfectly normal) for you to want to help them — but be aware that you could be walking into a trap! Sometimes this takes the form of their provoking a confrontation while you are out with them, then expecting you to 'step in' and pound somebody. Other times they will fill your ears with tales of their enemy's nefarious deeds (which are often fabricated or blown out of proportion) in order to enrage you to the point of making him 'pay' for his crimes against your friend. My advice to you is not to get involved, if it can reasonably be avoided. If your 'friend' goes around disrespecting people he or she wants to watch you fight, or if your date is flirting with guys when you're not looking in hopes that one of them does something in front of you to provoke a violent confrontation, then I strongly suggest that you cut the asshole loose and look for a new friend."

— anonymous (RWT)


"Resist the urge to 'correct' total strangers who you believe are fucking up. If someone is fucking up and: 1.) You don't know them; 2.) The situation does not involve you; 3.) You are in no apparent danger; and 4.) You can leave the area without repercussions; then I strongly suggest that you either ignore the jerk or leave. Walking up to a stranger and saying, 'I don't like the way you're acting, you asshole,' is known as starting trouble, which makes you not only a troublemaker but a meddlesome do-gooder as well — and if you get your teeth kicked out you deserve it for being stupid. Furthermore, you must make a point to keep your opinions about other people to yourself. If you pass someone on the street who has green hair and a ring in their nose, don't laugh in his face or go, 'Lookit the fuckin' weirdo.' Nor should you voice your ignorant views about 'welfare scum leeching off the system' when you see the person ahead of you at the checkout is paying for their groceries with food stamps. If you go around acting like an asshole and talking shit to total strangers, sooner or later you're gonna say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person, and may well find yourself sitting on the floor trying to stuff your intestines back in. Avoid trouble instead of provoking it!!!"

— anonymous (RWT)


"In observing the habit patterns of Skunk, it is easy to notice the playfulness and nonchalance of its natural behavior. The 'I-dare-you' attitude of this four-legged creature commands you, as the observer, to respect its space by mere reputation alone. Skunk is teaching you that by walking your talk and by respecting yourself, you will create a position of strength and honored reputation. The carriage of your body relates to others what you believe about yourself. There is no need to bully, aggravate, torment, or overpower other beings when your sense of 'self' is intact. As with Skunk, the resonant field of energy around your body is relayed through the senses. Self-esteem permeates the body's energy, and is instantly recognized on an extrasensory level by others. Learn to assert, without ego, what you are. Respect follows. Your self-respectful attitude will repel those who are not of like mind, and yet will attract those who choose the same pathway. . . . it repels those who will not respect (your) space.

— Jamie Sams and David Carson, from Medicine Cards (p. 65)


"In my youth, I may have been a wee bit delusional. I used to think that I was unkillable, that I could pretty much do whatever the fuck I wanted, that I was living in an Action/Adventure movie, and that my car was a spaceship. Yes, you heard me correctly, a spaceship. No, I didn't eat acid, and I wasn't a fucking Trekkie — but I did play a lot of Dungeons & Dragons and videogames (it was the 80s). In the daylight, it was just an ordinary car, but after the sun went down and the instrument panel lit up, I was in the cockpit of a fighter jet from a Science Fiction movie. I would go into a Zen trance, merging with the bucket seat, steering wheel, and pedals — becoming one with my 'ship' as it zoomed scant inches over the landscape — totally focused on the road, the traffic, and everything that was within my sphere of influence. I was the Captain, and my word was law. Myself; my Co-Pilot, Chewbacca; and our Bombardier, Onion, all wore leather flight jackets and created a specialized jargon — which served to reinforce our shared delusion. Seat belts became 'G-force restraint harnesses,' the CB radio became a 'communications module,' and the Dan Wesson Super-Magnum between the seats became a 'blaster.' After a few tokes and a slug of Jim Beam, we were good to go! 70 - 90 mph was considered 'cruising speed,' 100 mph was 'Warp 1,' 120 mph was 'Warp 2,' and anything over 140 mph was referred to as 'hyperspace.' If we didn't enter hyperspace at least once, the mission was considered a failure. On our missions we encountered beacons and bogeys, cargo transports and cornfields, and sometimes were pursued by Empire Interceptors. On the occasions when we picked up hitchhikers or stranded motorists, they were generally referred to as 'unfortunate passengers,' and although they occasionally freaked out, they were usually treated with the utmost of courtesy and respect. We had many an adventure, and even compiled a handwritten 'flight manual' which included over a hundred specialized terms, tips on high speed evasive driving, 'rules of engagement' for encounters with enemy vessels (of which there were many), and other socially unacceptable information of a similar nature. It is truly amazing that we aren't all dead."

— T. J. Steele (RWT)