
Yes we're horrible toxic people, because this is 2020's Mental Illness Olympics, and the winners get a free pass on giving life-threatening advice with the bonus of having zero accountability for their shit behaviour.

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Words that begin with Z

Started by eighteen buddha strike, March 12, 2004, 09:02:15 AM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC


art and angst need to get divorced.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


joyful artistry

Is that better?
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: SssBella, Oracle of Doomjoyful artistry

Is that better?

Much. I hate the stereotype that says one has to suffer in order to create art. That's self-defeatist crap. One can and probably should look for ways to turn suffering into something meaningful, but as a way of getting out of suffering, not furthering some stupid social stereotype.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


I have to agree.
I'm much to lazy to believe in suffering for the sake of art.
Art for the sake of banishing the blues is another story all together.

(See the new sig below)
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


The bun-sellers or cake-makers were in nothing inclinable to their request; but,which was worse,did injure them most outrageously,called them prattling gabblers,lickorous gluttons,freckled bittors,mangy rascals,shite-a-bed scoundrels,drunken roysters,sly knaves,drowsy loiterers,slapsauce fellows,slabberdegullion druggels,lubberly louts,cozening foxes,ruffian rogues,paltry customers,sycophant-varlets,drawlatch hoydens,flouting milksops,jeering companions,staring clowns,forlorn snakes,ninny lobcocks,scurvy sneaksbies,fondling fops,base loons,saucy coxcombs,idle lusks,scoffing braggarts,noddy meacocks,blockish grutnols,doddipol-joltheads,jobbernol goosecaps,foolish loggerheads,flutch calf-lollies,grouthead gnat-snappers,lob-dotterels,gaping changelings,codshead loobies,woodcock slangams,ninny-hammer flycatchers,noddypeak simpletons,turdy gut,shitten shepherds,and other suchlike defamatory epithets; saying further,that it was not for them to eat of these dainty cakes...


Back to my list of words that don't begin with the letter z:

2. ant eater
3. calculator
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here


do or dont? I give ya both. Zirconium and Rough


Words that don't.
I'm afraid the list may turn out to be quite long, but we have all the time in the world to compile it.

4. Rough
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"

Malaria test subject #777

A lab accident in the sperm bank made me what I am today.

eighteen buddha strike

Gee Comma This Thread Stayed On Topic Period Exclamation Point One