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I'm in love with a strict machine

Started by Sepia, May 30, 2008, 07:33:34 PM

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"... When you send me a pulse
Feel a wave of new love
Through me
I'm dressed in white noise
You know just what I want
So please ...

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm in love with a strict machine

I'm in love, I'm in love
I'm in love with a strict machine"

  - Goldfrapp, Strict Machine

Did it? Did it last past september or was it already broken? Was there a heart in your socket or did I fuck something else? Did you love me? Did I love you? Did any of us ever love eachother or were we simply in love with eachothers strict machines? And now, here we go, count it down, we're in love love love, we're in love, we're here and in love

with a strict machine

and we talk pretty in pink, our glasses once filled with kir royal towering over us as we wait for the next guy with a champagne sabre and our love wasn't founded in me, wasn't founded in you or any of us but we found love in the bottle, we found love in the prescription pills and the non prescription ones and these things just happened, we just happened all of us, see buddha there, yeah, right over there, a ghost with the same aura as obi wan, soon we'll cover the world in tacky ghosts but we'll smile and we'll go down into that bottle together because our love isn't like anyone elses, our love is unique because there is no love, there are no butterflies, there is no nervousness

there is only the strict machine

we'll go down and drunk and we know the hollow thuds and thunks that follow the act of love but we have no need to see our souls touch, we have no need to expose our dna for while the soul is pure and can be redeemed, our dna can't, our dna is hideous with a hideous marketing scam attached to it but it doesn't matter now does it, we didn't fall in love for this moment or these moments, we fell in love so we could be our own strict machines

as the voices tower and there's this drunk over by the window at the end of the bar, drinking whiskey sours because he wanted to be tom waits but couldn't stomach it

like everyone else couldn't stomach it

because you'll have to learn to drink whiskey, you'll have to go through unless you have that vicious talent for drinking and there's no peer pressure for that, like there's coffee, like there's work for whiskey my darling liebchen loved one, is like love

is like life

we put you out on the streets and hope you'll learn this shit yourself and while we prepare you for work through school we can't really prepare you for love as we can't prepare you for life and we can't prepare you for reality because it's your job


it's the job of your perfect soul and your imperfect dna and it's the most important one but I've seen you, I see you all the time and let me tell you a secret because you always want a secret, you always want a revealation so you can relate this, so you can relate, subject to subject

I'm afraid. I'm filled with fear. Most days I don't walk outside my apartment, I stay inside and I live in my bubble, I'd rather not talk to you whether you're a discordian or whatever the fuck you are and I tried long and hard to change, I tried to be the bubbles in my prosecco but you're just not worth it, your thoughts aren't worth shit and for me, your thoughts outweigh your actions for your actions are always up for interpretation and there's so many theories I can't be arsed to see, can't be arsed to understand to understand you because you're afraid too, we're all afraid here

but you


yeah, you

you're afraid of your thoughts, you're afraid of the revolution that's going to happen in your head and you don't want it, you'd rather find praise for what you do and by all means do it for you bring entertainment to our worlds and it'll make me happy

Some conspiracy theory once asked; when was the last time you had a thought that wasn't put there by THEM?

So, when was it? When did you follow the golden rule of magick? When did you ever create something out of nothing?

nono, don't answer, it'd spoil the fun, we all grew up with legos, so let's play, let's build bricks, let's create a wall on someone elses foundation

and let's fall in love, let's fall in love with that strict machine
Everyone will always be too late


that's good stuff. The secret at the end gives it a really personal feeling touch. Do you mind if I yoink this for the Masquerade?

And while I'm at it, do you have any other pieces you'd like to pass along for that publication thing?



Yoink what you feel like yoinking. Everything I post in or kill me is free to use in any form whatsoever, only disclaimer i have is that if you change it, don't use my nick.

Everyone will always be too late

Thurnez Isa

hell you should copy write all this shit
organize it in a book
become rich and famous
so i could write a "tell all" book about you, containing "facts" about the author
Through me the way to the city of woe, Through me the way to everlasting pain, Through me the way among the lost.
Justice moved my maker on high.
Divine power made me, Wisdom supreme, and Primal love.
Before me nothing was but things eternal, and eternal I endure.
Abandon all hope, you who enter here.



Actually, in my mind, the stuff I post in or kill me is sort of pay for what I post in bring and brag. I'm not too fond of what I post here but people seem to find something useful in it so I do it and that way it doesn't really go to waste on my hd. Dunno, some sort of weird bring something to the party mentality.
Everyone will always be too late