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Indecision 08 Wingnut thread

Started by Cain, June 26, 2008, 05:22:20 PM

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Quote from: Eve on September 07, 2008, 10:57:58 PM
Quote from: Jenne on September 07, 2008, 07:52:26 PM
No, but the "women for women" vote might not like her characterization of Hillary.

Or her abortion and sex education views.

If they bother to get over themselves long enough to see that.  Although, the two VERY EDUCATED women I had over for dinner last night (with kids and husbands, too, of course) are outraged at anything and everything this woman has to say.  I'm hoping it's potential-Hillary supporters like them who will carry the torch further and not give it up.

They were disgusted by my regale of the VPILF phenomenon (they are in their 40's and rarely spend time online, so they just "didn't get it" memewise--which made me lawl all the harder, but that's another story), and they are in FEAR of this ticket winning in any shape or form.

I hinted it was that fear that should galvanize them further into supporting Obama and Biden, and be very very vocal about it.

Iason Ouabache

You cannot fathom the immensity of the fuck i do not give.
┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘




Apart from a very vocal online minority, no-one in the Hillary camp is supporting McCain or is fooled by Palin.  They remember why they voted for Hillary, and they know whose politics are closer to their own.

The online minority are unappeasable nutjobs with a bad case of butthurt and tons of Republican money and trolls behind them.  They look more impressive than they are, precisely to mislead as to how influential they are.  The hope is to sway the Democratic ticket into doing things which yield no useful results, such as trying to coax members already voting for them back into the fold.


The fact is, heartland. Far, hard left liberal bias versus truth, freedom USA power.


I can't find it now, but over the weekend I read the results of a poll on Palin that was on MSNBC.  Basically, the opinion of Palin was based most closely on party.  So Republicans liked her Democrats did not.  By Gender, it actually went the opposite way of what they are probably intending.  Men were more likely to have a favorable opinion of Palin than women.  Then there's the new Gallup poll that has McCain up by 4 not over Obama.  Not too surprising I suppose and a lot of the electoral map projections I've seen have Obama in a pretty comfortable position. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.



I missed Obama appearing on Bill O'Reily!

Can I has Transkriptz?


Incidentally, massive leap of reasoning HERE:

QuoteLook, if Iran gets a nuclear weapon, OK, to me, they're going to give it to Hezbollah if they can develop the technology. Why not? And they'll say, "Well, we didn't have anything to do with it."

Well you dipshit, Iran already has massive chemical and biological weapons stocks.  Why haven't they given them to Hezbollah?  Could it be that they trust them to be a thorn in the Israeli's side, strategic partner in projecting Iranian influence into the Mediterranian and a useful bargaining chip in any future negotiations?  Could it be that Iran does not in fact directly control Hezbollah, but only helps train and arm its members, and any powerful weapon would be the perfect blackmail material against the Iranian state?  Could it be that Israel's continued existence is in fact vital for both Iranian and Hezbollah's domestic aims, which require the existence of an external enemy to consolidate various power bases?

Or are you just a nitwit with all the geopolitical sophistication and political awareness of a brain-dead louse?


Remember, before this he was a host for "Inside Edition".  It's kind of embarrassing that people in our country hold him in such high regard when it comes to having political knowledge.  He knows how to be loud, that is essentially his only "gift". 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on September 08, 2008, 02:01:38 PM
I can't find it now, but over the weekend I read the results of a poll on Palin that was on MSNBC.  Basically, the opinion of Palin was based most closely on party.  So Republicans liked her Democrats did not.  By Gender, it actually went the opposite way of what they are probably intending.  Men were more likely to have a favorable opinion of Palin than women.  Then there's the new Gallup poll that has McCain up by 4 not over Obama.  Not too surprising I suppose and a lot of the electoral map projections I've seen have Obama in a pretty comfortable position. 

Well, I think the "new, pretty face" phenomenon will wear thin, and the screeching, annoying, nails-on-a-board tone of her voice will eventually hit the base of those same men's skulls eventually.  She's on the attack often and loudly, and with little balls and spine to back it up.  Let's see this wench on the morning talk shows like her oppostion.  SANS talking points.  Let's see her REAL rep on the line, not the spoonfed version the rednecks down in Alaska are touting.

But that ain't going to happen.  She's now considered the folk hero, ace in the hole for the Republitards, and they are not going to spoil that with any touch of reality whatsofuckingever.


I can understand why they are all riled up about Palin.  I mean, let's face it, McCain is a bore.  He's not quite the bore that Kerry, Gore, and Dole were, but he's pretty damned close. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


The only reason something hasn't gone horrifically wrong with Palin so far is because the Repubs are stage-managing every event she is at, down to the finest details.  Get her in an uncontrolled environment, and she is toast.  The Republican strategists know it, and so do the Democrats.  She doesn't have long term appeal, she is turning moderates and even Republicans off from voting and she has only bought in the few of the crazy Christian contingent and the Paleocons - and not in impressive numbers.

Its a fuckup and everyone knows it.


I just hope the media keeps doing its job.  They got bitchslapped at the RNC, and some of them enjoyed it WAY too fucking much--Andrea what'syourass at NBC, I'm looking AT YUO.

But yeah, everything is way scripted, wherever Sarah Barracuda-No-Balls goes.


In other news, MSNBC is pulling Olberman and Matthews from Election Coverage:

I think this is retaliation for Olberman stating, on air, that MSNBC shouldn't have aired that 9/11 "tribute" video from the RNC.  It seems there is some bad blood brewing between the MSNBC personalities and the NBC (in other words Brokaw and Brian Williams) crew.  Obviously Matthews and Olberman are biased, and Olberman can get a little excited sometimes, but I still think they did a good job when it came to the nuts and bolts of the election.  Ah well.  So it goes.  
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.