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Another old rant

Started by Dr Goofy, September 21, 2008, 03:22:53 AM

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Dr Goofy

Someday I wonder what is the point in this world, why is it that we do the stuff that we do, what compels us to do so and why does ever thing have to be so damn complicated. We have Capitalism that makes us go out and grab money the richer you are the better off you are thus you go off a quest for money. But there are so many jobs out there that in reality should never have existed and they make the most money take what I am going into for instance Software engineering it doesn't feed, cloth, or keep you warm yet I will make a lot of money, in something meant for programing games to entertain you, software to protect your information that you keep on this electronic box and the information is need by the government as a testament for you to survive in this world but in reality also does not help you actually survive. It is all sake of capitalism the improvement of technology and advancement of money.

Why are we here? What is the purpose of that? To some religions we are here in are quest for the next life to prove ourselves. Most religions you must be a good person and protestant you must feed the hungry capitalist and make success in this world in order to get to the next to them this helps them sleep better at night knowing that the poor are poor because they are bad people and that is that. To me that is crap but oh well who am I to judge.

Mating is something all creatures do to ensure the survival of our species because it is a natural thing that is implanted in our minds. Humankind is also one of the only species who goes out searching for that person to complete our so called being and spend the rest of our life's with them. In this search we dabble in a lot of things if we want a fling we go with a hottie of no personality and but the true mate we want is someone who understands us and is fun to be with. Girls and Immature women tend to go after a guy high in testosterone but a women will go with a softer more gentler man who will be kind, smart, funny, and that they get along with. The problem is that this kind, smart, funny guy will go thru life up until that point alone because girls are stupid and take a while to mature... as do most guys for that fact...I am sorry I have only shown one side of the track so for that I know that women have the same troubles as guys but probably have less trouble getting guys do to the fact that social norms demands that the guy goes after the girl rather then the other way around. I have been trapped in this runt of nice guy for far to long that I am starting to become accustom to being alone, and apparently the fact that I am a mature adult and have known what I have wanted for years tends to scare some girls away because they are not ready for that kind of relationship. All I want is a smart, fun, women who I have a lot in common with and can keep up and/or fight my constant philosophical rambling. But it seems that every time I may find this women I was either mistaken and she laked maturity or I was so far in the friend zone(which I have escaped on several occasions) it didn't matter and generally when I did escape I found they to lacked maturity... maybe only immature girls are attracted to me,r they find it fun to string me along for their twisted enjoyment because they know they want to be with me not now but eventually(I say ---- that) or they string me along because they can't make up there mind if they are in to me or not(fuck that too). Thus this makes me want to go swear off women and become a hermit and I so would if I wasn't a hopeless romantic.

Finding that special someone does in fact suck for everyone, nothing in this world was meant to be easy the only thing you can do is ride out your life because life is not short it is the longest thing you will ever do so enjoy it don't go through life rushing to grow up because you are only rushing your life and that is something you shouldn't do in this already fast paced world. But at the same time I can understand rushing it because you want to spend the most time possible with that someone...


Don't take this as undue criticism, there is no such thing here. but...

Quote from: Dr Goofy Mofo on September 21, 2008, 03:22:53 AM
Someday I wonder what is the point in this world, why is it that we do the stuff that we do, what compels us to do so and why does ever thing have to be so damn complicated. We have Capitalism that makes us go out and grab money the richer you are the better off you are thus you go off a quest for money. But there are so many jobs out there that in reality should never have existed and they make the most money take what I am going into for instance Software engineering it doesn't feed, cloth, or keep you warm yet I will make a lot of money, in something meant for programing games to entertain you, software to protect your information that you keep on this electronic box and the information is need by the government as a testament for you to survive in this world but in reality also does not help you actually survive. It is all sake of capitalism the improvement of technology and advancement of money.

Capitalism, at it's simplest, comes down to "you have need, and I have greed". If someone wants to pay for a service or product, they will. When the laws of supply and demand or applied, a price is set for that service or product.

You need more than just the bare essentials of life, so there is demand for entertainment, and one mark of any strong "civilisation" (tribe) is it's culture. You don't need to feel guilty that people will be throwing money at you for providing it. Maybe you should feel guilty at some point if all you're creating is tat, and nothing of real note, but that's another argument completely separate from the evils of Capitalism.

I wouldn't say, therefore, that this is all for the advancement of capitalism, or for capital in general, because even though the two seem linked hand in hand, that's more the effect of market forces, rather than the cause.

Quote from: Dr Goofy Mofo on September 21, 2008, 03:22:53 AM
Why are we here? What is the purpose of that? To some religions we are here in are quest for the next life to prove ourselves. Most religions you must be a good person and protestant you must feed the hungry capitalist and make success in this world in order to get to the next to them this helps them sleep better at night knowing that the poor are poor because they are bad people and that is that. To me that is crap but oh well who am I to judge.

There are many religions, all searching for something different. Sometimes subtly so, sometimes the difference in what they are looking for is obvious. Also, I don't think most religions want you to be a protestant. I think most PROTESTANT religions want you to be a protestant.

And in fact, many religions LIKE the poor. Traditionally, the strength of a religion is based on it's command over the poor, it's ability to teach them about the "One True Faith", which they do with healthy incentives such as education and employment. The rights and wrongs of a church exploiting gratitude in this way make for a completely separate discussion, of course. An interesting one. I think you may need to look into what you're railing against a little more deeply.

Quote from: Dr Goofy Mofo on September 21, 2008, 03:22:53 AM
Mating is something all creatures do to ensure the survival of our species because it is a natural thing that is implanted in our minds. Humankind is also one of the only species who goes out searching for that person to complete our so called being and spend the rest of our life's with them. In this search we dabble in a lot of things if we want a fling we go with a hottie of no personality and but the true mate we want is someone who understands us and is fun to be with. Girls and Immature women tend to go after a guy high in testosterone but a women will go with a softer more gentler man who will be kind, smart, funny, and that they get along with. The problem is that this kind, smart, funny guy will go thru life up until that point alone because girls are stupid and take a while to mature... as do most guys for that fact...I am sorry I have only shown one side of the track so for that I know that women have the same troubles as guys but probably have less trouble getting guys do to the fact that social norms demands that the guy goes after the girl rather then the other way around. I have been trapped in this runt of nice guy for far to long that I am starting to become accustom to being alone, and apparently the fact that I am a mature adult and have known what I have wanted for years tends to scare some girls away because they are not ready for that kind of relationship. All I want is a smart, fun, women who I have a lot in common with and can keep up and/or fight my constant philosophical rambling. But it seems that every time I may find this women I was either mistaken and she laked maturity or I was so far in the friend zone(which I have escaped on several occasions) it didn't matter and generally when I did escape I found they to lacked maturity... maybe only immature girls are attracted to me,r they find it fun to string me along for their twisted enjoyment because they know they want to be with me not now but eventually(I say ---- that) or they string me along because they can't make up there mind if they are in to me or not(fuck that too). Thus this makes me want to go swear off women and become a hermit and I so would if I wasn't a hopeless romantic.

Finding that special someone does in fact suck for everyone, nothing in this world was meant to be easy the only thing you can do is ride out your life because life is not short it is the longest thing you will ever do so enjoy it don't go through life rushing to grow up because you are only rushing your life and that is something you shouldn't do in this already fast paced world. But at the same time I can understand rushing it because you want to spend the most time possible with that someone...

And so we come to the point of your rant.

All people look for different things in sex, kinda like different religions have different aims. The differences can be subtle, or they can be totally overt and in your face.

There is nothing you can really do except suck up your insecurities and get out there.

It's nice to think that you know what you want already, but personally I believe you never know what you want, and going forth with criteria like "All I want is a smart, fun, women who I have a lot in common with and can keep up and/or fight my constant philosophical rambling" will only cut down the amount of women you feel you can interact with down to virtually nil.

Maybe all you really want is a woman who will "Challenge" you. Suddenly, you've opened it up to virtually every woman in the world. You can sort out the details one-to-one, later.

Yes it's tough, it's a competitive market after all. But getting yourself all down about it isn't going to help, and neither is sitting around telling us about it.


Dr Goofy

Thanks for your comments! This rant is a year old btw I just dug it up for fun. When I have the time to go forth and multiple I will but time is not my friend.