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Coming Back From the Macro?

Started by Cuddlefish, November 02, 2010, 05:59:20 PM

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I'm too far out. I didn't even realize my minds lens could zoom out this far. I'm stuck in the macro, and the macro sucks.

"Why" is the zoom out button. I keep pressing it. The image is the answer to "why," and it's not a pretty picture. The answer is "No reason, really. Sorry for the inconvenience." The answer is "Can I ask you a question?" The answer is "April fools! THERE'S NOTHING OF VALUE HERE IN THE MACRO!" It's void. It's chaos.

I see it, at infinite zoom. Life, the universe, and everything. Monkey one popping monkey two in the head with a stone club for his "share" of the pie. Monkey three tells monkeys four and five that he's the motherfucking messiah, and four and five, they say "OK." Then non-monkey A wipes out monkeys one through five, and monkeys six through ten pick up where their predecessors left off. All the while, none of it actually means anything. Not to any non-monkey entity, anyway.

I see the infinite zoom. And it sucks. All life's pleasures and pains seem so trivial and pointless in the macro, at infinite zoom. But I've seen it, and I can't come back down.

It's like, see, life is a photo-mosaic. Each individual picture is a moment, a place, a feeling. Each picture with it's own goods, bads, and in-betweens. In the individual pictures, see, there's meaning. There's feeling. But when you ask "why," you hit the zoom out button, and you begin to see beyond your tile, and you think you can start to see another image forming, so you ask it again. Then again and again. Until, you see the big picture, the picture that is formed by all the self contained goods, bads, and in-betweens. And it's the picture of a middle finger, pointing right in your fucking face.

Here in lies the problem. You, your life and feelings, thoughts and emotions are one tile in the mosaic. If you stay there, things will be good, bad, or in-between., Things have meaning in the individual tiles. But people like you and me, well, we need to know what's beyond the tile. We need to know "why." So you zoom out, and zoom out some more, until you see the magnificent hand of the glorious Eris flipping you the bird. But at that point, it's too late. You've seen it, and it can't be unseen. You can never return from the macro to your individual tile. Sure, you could try, but it will always cross your mind, that big image of that massive middle finger in your face. You can never come back down.

Or can you? I don't know. All I can say for sure, is I haven't been able to.

But, then again, what the hell do I know...

A fisher of men, or a manner of fish?



Quote from: Cramulus on November 02, 2010, 09:51:21 PM
ahh a problem I am intimately familiar with...

you may find my thoughts relevant:


Thanks for that, Cram. Certainly a good read.  :D
A fisher of men, or a manner of fish?