
Testimonial: "PD is the home of Pure Evil and All That Is Wrong With the Interwebz." - Queen of the Ryche, apparently in all seriousness

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I nominate George W Bush for Discordian Sainthood.

Started by The Good Reverend Roger, May 26, 2004, 11:07:36 AM

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Nastydevillaughter is my favorite kind, as you well know, Sweetie.
What I really need today is a migraine pill....maybe your hyper pills would give me energy to beat this headache?

But as for a chat website has the capability to add chat.
If people are really interested in having our own room instead of hijacking that other link, I'm happy to try and figure out how to add one.
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here


Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


I probably mustn't (is that mustn't a real word....that doesn't look right)

But I'm willing to if people want one.
For myself, I love taking over the fluffie's chatroom.
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here


I for one would love a chat room... so would EVT... thats two votes.... come on.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here

Guido Finucci

I am there but you are all gone.

They did try to help me find where Jesus bought his motorcycle though.

Prince Tao Jones

Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Joneson the grounds of total absurdity
I think this is the reason it was suggested

Ah the church goer.

Sure you weren't clergy? They can spin that bible by taking out little exerpts too, that take the meaning out of context.
New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.  Locke, John

"It is by acts and not ideas that people live" - Anatole France

"Our wretched species is so mad that those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road" - Voltaire

"The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know" - Napoleon

"Everyone wishes to have truth on his side, but not everyone wishes to be on the side of truth." - Richard Whately

The way we live is the evidence of what we really want in life, no matter what we may say.
Charles Templeton



Abolish the Atlantic in 2004


Quote from: Prince Tao Jones
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Joneson the grounds of total absurdity
I think this is the reason it was suggested

Ah the church goer.

Sure you weren't clergy? They can spin that bible by taking out little exerpts too, that take the meaning out of context.
I dont go to churches as I tend to get kicked out of them...and while yes most can spin that bible by takeing out little excerpts i can usually defend what is really there ( and I usually tend to do this instead of complaining that they took it out of context unless I have no other defence)... so you admit that it was absurd but now say that you didn't mean that it was absurd?!?!?
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.

Horab Fibslager

Quote from: Prince Tao JonesEVT and the entire Yogi Bear Cabal met on Sunday at the Dom Cathedral in Cologne where thousands of punks, goths, industrial, and other subculture freaks meet each year.

On this holy day, the idea of GW being sainted was unanimously rejected on the grounds of total absurdity and due to it being an anerisian, greyfaced, proposal.

sorry dude, but i'm going to have to unanomously reject that statement on the grounds stated, " total absurdity and due to being an anerisian, greay faced" statement.

i think not unlike beer being good, or that chick from that show being hot, soem things are self evident, but for those who missed the class "the world and eris is making fun at your expense for dumbasses 101" i'll explainanate. well here goes, it all starts back in um 95 or 96. i was living on a former military base in the heart of south texas, when george dubya had just been elected governor of that fine eristic state(feel free to slap an " i am a dumbass" sticker on your forehead if you disagree) for no apprenent reason he simulatanous(or near simulataneous) passed laws allowing the concealment of hand guns as long as wone carried a permit for said concealed weapon(previously texans were forced to display any weapons on the gun rack of their trucks) and laws outlawing the possession of tabbacco by minors. in both cases, the de facto enforcement of these laws occurred long before their dates to go into effect had passed. in any case fast forward some number of years forward. george w. bush runs for president on the platform that he isn't a womanizer, even if he is a dumbass duty dodging daddy's boy and former cokeaholic. his opponent makes the french look brave and ol dubya wins by a hair and a ruling by "activist judges." he and his 'sub'party of neo con republicans then plan and carry out 9/11, blame it on his business partner, one mr. bin ladin, and then proceed to begin phase one of operation "all the world are belong to US!", the go word, inceidentally being transmitted by interent to agents via a seemingly inoccent fad. of course that's only ch1, the rest of th ebook includes how george dubya accepted his mighty  and holey mission to bring chaos, discord and strife to the anerisitic holy lands where possession of liquor is punishiable by removal of one's liver, and how jsut because people die, doesn't make it anerisitc. the next thing people are going to say is that harry s. truaman wasn't possessed by the good lady when he said "if you can't beat them, confuse them" jsut because he dropped some bomb on a tonne of civillians which coudl be stated soem 50 years later as niether the first terrorist attack in the known history of man, nor the last.

in any case, if one fails to see the obvious discord, strife, confusion, absurdity and laughter that can be found in the every day action of one mr. george dubya bush, then feel free to slap a " i am a dumbass" sticker on your forehead. yes that means you dumbass, for not laughing when cnn showed it's highly rated epic "the war on iraq", for not busting a gut when george announced his plan to rebound the economy was "to reclassify fast food as manufacturing" or to weep in stitches when ralph nader got up on his podium and said "i'm quite sure i can appeal to both democrats and republicans"

err yeah. in any case, st. george dubya bush jr has been so beatified, cannonized and pretzeled byt he jesus1337 cabal uber offical board of offical discordian saints, officialum per ignotum, e pluribus unum, ordo novus.

in any case, i reckon that mr jones has an obligation to name a politican worthy of the honour of sainthood if george w cannot. of course if he does not so feel obliged that is his feeling, tho i find that such an feeling would be totally abusrd aneristic and greyfaced.

(* excuse my rant, and the weak yet harsh language, i just find it all incredibly funny.)
Hell is other people.

Prince Tao Jones

Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Jones
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Joneson the grounds of total absurdity
I think this is the reason it was suggested

Ah the church goer.

Sure you weren't clergy? They can spin that bible by taking out little exerpts too, that take the meaning out of context.
I dont go to churches as I tend to get kicked out of them...and while yes most can spin that bible by takeing out little excerpts i can usually defend what is really there ( and I usually tend to do this instead of complaining that they took it out of context unless I have no other defence)... so you admit that it was absurd but now say that you didn't mean that it was absurd?!?!?

Our Kabal Saints those that jake, mindfuck, and promote anti-cabbage propaganda.

It excommunicates those like GW and other grey faces.

To cannonize a Greyface would be ABSURD.

Moreover, his reason was due to the fact that he creates chaos which is the wrong type of chaos, and Rev believes in opposition for oppostion's sake which is anerisian, according to the principia, according to this forum, but you can read in detail in the Kill me thread for more on that.

I'm sure you could also be right that it was ironic humor, yet got caught up in the current climate to prove a point, but the point that no one's getting is that a lot of people have been disappearing from the forum, and EVT and I have been bored or just sick of banal circular arguments in the name of negative chaos, which is what our cabbagey right wing parents shovel on us all the time. We don't come her for more of it, or to argue for argument's sake, and are trying to prove the point that destructive chaos is nasty and needs to be cut down on, on a principia board, or we'll probably stop comming here.

When we do start doing some significant disordian activities we'll probably just start our own website otherwise out of embarrassment of this one, because this one doesn't really seem to reflect anything that's in the principia, rather more often thant not contradicts it, which is why I left Christianity because it contradicted it's own bible, and why I come here and rag on them. I'm not going to come here to see people here contradicting themselves the same way.

On this holy day, the idea of GW being sainted was unanimously rejected on the grounds of total absurdity and due to it being an anerisian, greyfaced, proposal.
New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.  Locke, John

"It is by acts and not ideas that people live" - Anatole France

"Our wretched species is so mad that those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road" - Voltaire

"The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know" - Napoleon

"Everyone wishes to have truth on his side, but not everyone wishes to be on the side of truth." - Richard Whately

The way we live is the evidence of what we really want in life, no matter what we may say.
Charles Templeton



Abolish the Atlantic in 2004

Horab Fibslager

Quote from: Prince Tao Jones
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Jones
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Joneson the grounds of total absurdity
I think this is the reason it was suggested

Ah the church goer.

Sure you weren't clergy? They can spin that bible by taking out little exerpts too, that take the meaning out of context.
I dont go to churches as I tend to get kicked out of them...and while yes most can spin that bible by takeing out little excerpts i can usually defend what is really there ( and I usually tend to do this instead of complaining that they took it out of context unless I have no other defence)... so you admit that it was absurd but now say that you didn't mean that it was absurd?!?!?

Our Kabal Saints those that jake, mindfuck, and promote anti-cabbage propaganda.

It excommunicates those like GW and other grey faces.

To cannonize a Greyface would be ABSURD.

Moreover, his reason was due to the fact that he creates chaos which is the wrong type of chaos, and Rev believes in opposition for oppostion's sake which is anerisian, according to the principia, according to this forum, but you can read in detail in the Kill me thread for more on that.

I'm sure you could also be right that it was ironic humor, yet got caught up in the current climate to prove a point, but the point that no one's getting is that a lot of people have been disappearing from the forum, and EVT and I have been bored or just sick of banal circular arguments in the name of negative chaos, which is what our cabbagey right wing parents shovel on us all the time. We don't come her for more of it, or to argue for argument's sake, and are trying to prove the point that destructive chaos is nasty and needs to be cut down on, on a principia board, or we'll probably stop comming here.

When we do start doing some significant disordian activities we'll probably just start our own website otherwise out of embarrassment of this one, because this one doesn't really seem to reflect anything that's in the principia, rather more often thant not contradicts it, which is why I left Christianity because it contradicted it's own bible, and why I come here and rag on them. I'm not going to come here to see people here contradicting themselves the same way.

On this holy day, the idea of GW being sainted was unanimously rejected on the grounds of total absurdity and due to it being an anerisian, greyfaced, proposal.

contraidction is the epitome of reality. in any case, i was introducing discordianism to my former sorta girlfreind, and i had leant her the pd. she was like "it doesn't make any sense!" i replied grinning wildly " of course it doesn't".

on that note, the we that call our selves sensible, (the ordo n-something or other sensibilium) are actively recruiting, and while we dont' generally agree on george bush or anythign in general necessarily, we do agree that we are quite sensible - generally speaking. regardless, i'd be embarrassed to accuse someone of nto being something on the grounds that they are soemthing else when one obviosuly is also somethign else as well, - this inference being that i'm guessing you liek taoism, but don't liek chirstian,s, yet many taosists are also confucionists, and many of both are also chirstians, or communists, or otherwise, indeed, and verily, i already cannonized most of the bible's characters quite awhile ago, as weill as odysseus of greese whose great horse led to the complete obliteration of some city back in the day( i was out of town that century tending to personal affairs).

in any case i reckon that any teenager can jake, or mindfuck or promote anti-cababge propaghanda, but it takes a real nazi to really fuck up the works and call it progress.

in any case, i disappeared because i am naturally invisible, and cannot be seen with naked mind.

we have a problem in parenthesis 4.
what's that?
pi refuses to beconsidered part of the equation.
Hell is other people.


Quote from: Prince Tao Jones
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Jones
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: Prince Tao Joneson the grounds of total absurdity
I think this is the reason it was suggested

Ah the church goer.

Sure you weren't clergy? They can spin that bible by taking out little exerpts too, that take the meaning out of context.
I dont go to churches as I tend to get kicked out of them...and while yes most can spin that bible by takeing out little excerpts i can usually defend what is really there ( and I usually tend to do this instead of complaining that they took it out of context unless I have no other defence)... so you admit that it was absurd but now say that you didn't mean that it was absurd?!?!?

Our Kabal Saints those that jake, mindfuck, and promote anti-cabbage propaganda.

It excommunicates those like GW and other grey faces.

To cannonize a Greyface would be ABSURD.

Moreover, his reason was due to the fact that he creates chaos which is the wrong type of chaos, and Rev believes in opposition for oppostion's sake which is anerisian, according to the principia, according to this forum, but you can read in detail in the Kill me thread for more on that.

I'm sure you could also be right that it was ironic humor, yet got caught up in the current climate to prove a point, but the point that no one's getting is that a lot of people have been disappearing from the forum, and EVT and I have been bored or just sick of banal circular arguments in the name of negative chaos, which is what our cabbagey right wing parents shovel on us all the time. We don't come her for more of it, or to argue for argument's sake, and are trying to prove the point that destructive chaos is nasty and needs to be cut down on, on a principia board, or we'll probably stop comming here.

When we do start doing some significant disordian activities we'll probably just start our own website otherwise out of embarrassment of this one, because this one doesn't really seem to reflect anything that's in the principia, rather more often thant not contradicts it, which is why I left Christianity because it contradicted it's own bible, and why I come here and rag on them. I'm not going to come here to see people here contradicting themselves the same way.

On this holy day, the idea of GW being sainted was unanimously rejected on the grounds of total absurdity and due to it being an anerisian, greyfaced, proposal.
so what your telling me is that because I admitted that i'm a christian that you have targeted that one character "defect" so you can feel justified in attaking me. I hope you realize that i do not approve of this man sending thousands to their death...

but I think that he said some hillarious things(Dumb but funny)...

I would like to hear of your defense of Yossarian participateing in the murders of innocents and how the fact that he was only a fictional character and so more able to acheive perfection...

yes destuctive chaos is bad... but do you honestly think that Bush would see it as an honor to be a discordian Saint?!?!?

I think not... I am personaly planning on sending him a poster that lets him know he's a Saint.

dubya we dubya the first cabbage saint on the records of discordian history and we hope you think of us the next time poppa asks you to do something you know is wrong... we hope you really don't think what you are doing is a good thing dubya, because we know that every man woman and child is a discordian pope, and we are getting tired of our fellow popes treating others wrong when we should be treating them right good forever...

but of course you wouldn't want him ... he's one of them.

bill hicks said to choose between fear and love and this christian is going to choose love. I hope you can forgive me for what others have done to you in the past and join me on this... lets not argue about weather or not he should be... we all should be... but how to get him there.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.

Demonica, Oracle of Doom

Quote from: Guido Finucci
Quote from: Duchess DemonicaSorry Guido.................... log in failed   :oops:
Can I keep the can of troll repellant?

No worries. Now you too can talk about you in secret meetings.

You can keep all the cans that you have.


I like secret meetings.  Especially the ones I don't
know that I'm at.   :D

"I don't want the world.
I just want your half."

Guido Finucci

Quote from: Prince Tao JonesTo cannonize a Greyface would be ABSURD.

Moreover, his reason was due to the fact that he creates chaos which is the wrong type of chaos...

Chaos which is the wrong type of chaos? Chaos doesn't even have a type.

The whole idea of saints is absurb anyway - why wouldn't we want absurd saints? Do we really need a list of people whose shit must be believed to smell like roses so they can tell us what to do?

Vive la Difference!

Demonica, Oracle of Doom

Quote from: Prince Tao Jones

When we do start doing some insignificant disordian activities we'll probably just start our own website otherwise we'll embarrass the hell out of  this one, because this one doesn't really seem to reject anything that's in the principia, rather more often than not it doesn'ts contradicts it, which is why I left hypochristianity because it contradicted me, and why I come here and brag on them. I'm not going to come here to see people here contradicting themselves the same way. Or not.


"I don't want the world.
I just want your half."