
It's funny how the position for boot-licking is so close to the one used for curb-stomping.

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Discordianism as Perfect Nihilism

Started by Cain, December 02, 2009, 05:56:55 PM

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Mesozoic Mister Nigel

"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


The concluding "creative destruction" seems lamentably similar to Nietzche's "eternal repetition of the same".  The very concept inherently contradicts itself given how there cannot be a multiplicity of the numerically identical; like any nihilistic argument this can either temper or level thinking.  For me, a light scan was enough to WARRENT deep reading in the morning.  (already I can't get this device to do away with that uppercase word, please forgive my seeming curt)
just this


My device is possessed by a gremlin that will not allow me to post what I want to this thread.  Either that, or there's clearly some reason beyond my grasp.  Suspiciously, I trust this is all just temporary.
just this

Doktor Howl

Quote from: axod on March 27, 2015, 11:30:46 PM
My device is possessed by a gremlin that will not allow me to post what I want to this thread.  Either that, or there's clearly some reason beyond my grasp.  Suspiciously, I trust this is all just temporary.

That's Faust fucking with you.  He hates new people.
Molon Lube


Wow, I'm impressed, really, this is getting spooky.  At this point my attempts at successfully making an entry can only be rivaled by my most adroit preliminary essays at fornication.  Very discouraging, kudos.
just this


Giving this a bump.

Someone pointed me at a quote from Deleuze which I was surprised I hadn't seen before in a Discordian context. Did a search to see if anyone has discussed his stuff before and came across this, which seems to be(?) the only engagement with his philosophy on the site.

I also hadn't seen (or at least don't remember seeing) the OP before.

There's a lot in there. I think I need to reread it a few more times before I'm confident in my thoughts on it.

But it feels worth revisiting.

(Different subject but I've included the Deleuze quote below which includes several terms I think may be worth investigating from a Discordian perspective but I want to read the full text before I expand on that)

Quote from: Deleuze, Difference & RepetitionThe essential point is that in this way we do not reintroduce any form of common sense[,] quite the contrary. We saw how the discord between the faculties, which followed from the exclusive character of the transcendent object apprehended by each, nevertheless implied a harmony such that each transmits its violence to the other by powder fuse, but precisely a 'discordant harmony' which excludes the forms of identity, convergence and collaboration which define a common sense. This harmonious Discord seemed to us to correspond to that Difference which by itself articulates or draws together. There is thus a point at which thinking, speaking, imagining, feeling, etc., are one and the same thing, but that thing affirms only the divergence of the faculties in their transcendent exercise. It is a question, therefore, not of a common sense but, on the contrary, of a 'para-sense' (in the sense that paradox is also the contrary of good sense).


ETA: I badly underestimated how long this is going to take. Even after just a day looking into it I can see that 1) I need to do a large amount of reading and 2) This is forcing me to reckon with a lot about Discordianism which I haven't examined in a long, long time.

Excited to see where it goes but this is not going to be a quick thing.
I had an existential crisis and all I got was this stupid gender.