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TNM 09 Christmass Break

Started by hirley0, December 05, 2009, 04:18:56 PM

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Subject: Simulation task?
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 6:56 AM
Hello hirley0, yeah, Hi:
what exactly you are about i: AM about iLL.Logical Negativism
iL- is a superset of Logical Positivism (Russel Witconstine?) to ATTempt to drop 2 names
 you are about to simulate with the finite element program
NO I am not. the program(S) you discribe DO NOT work for me.
they R against me! I DO NOT espouse Logical Positivism in any manner. its iL- Ill.Logical Negativism(S)
orry but I still don't get your point - is not + ; < is not >
try again to tell me, what exactly you are iL-. hirl 0


here is My LiST of 13 File(s) 5,066,752 bytes in Directory  C:\XFR\math\z88i
z88com.exe z88d.exe z88e.exe z88f.exe z88g.exe z88h.exe
z88i1.exe z88i2.exe z88n.exe z88o.exe z88par.exe z88v.exe z88x.exe
= =
being iL- Naturally i start at the x end, then would work twards com
X however does not work for me (& their4 is a waist of my time) 11:58 AM
CLEARLY it should be able to make ANN i1.txt file from A DXF
: : :
THAT:  it cannot is I BELIEVE true (maybe i did not, DO NOT, will not)
read what i AM to do. I AM NOT interested in Tempature/Time
I do have some interest in time/TEMP though not much
Time/dT or maybe T/Dt' is more my idea of WHO's WHO
Gamow in his paperback   BIOGRAPHY of the EARTH, Chapter 8
Climates of the Past  pages 147-155 ? what caused periodic " COLD WAVES "
i WOULD ask "Hot Spell" Question. His Answer ... following Milankovitch
looks at AstroNoMical causes. (could be){CLEARLY}
HOWEVER: looking for HOT not ICE, I look for heat flow varations from
within the Earth itself. Internal period NOT external. OF Course i do NOT
look very long OR hard. as what goes on internally is not easy to focus ON.
my guess there exists internally the 120 (Um}? "Thousand"  year period
their4 my best bet is to look at HOT (lava flows) & laugh at at IcE people
whom seam to get over heated about melting iCe (oh My) anyway the
DECAN TRAPS of India & Columbia River Basalt Flows of the Pacific NW
come to mind. I do not know their age off hand? they exist. WHAT ?/?



So, I was without internet for a week and I have no idea what you've been talking about.  It seems your problem got fixed so yay(!).  I'll read through again once I've caught up with everything.  I may or may not have a response.  To be honest, you make me feel like an idiot so I prolly won't have anything to say.  You are definitely on a different wavelength.



Quote from: gin on December 13, 2009, 09:52:15 PM
and I'm Air Force.

Total time logged in: 1 days, 21 hours and 35 minutes.

20091231 ODD? The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
Your session timed out while posting. Please try to re-submit your message.
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fun & game time?


Total time logged in: 1 days, 21 hours and 35 minutes.
20091230 ? paid the rent about 10: it has gone up 2.4%
turned on Kboo? there is a Anty anti (oh never mind}? no nic?


2015 ? 20year/ version   ...   cfs  v cf/m ? + 250/60=4 -¢

20120101 (Read 2988 times)  in: 16 days, 19 hours and 25 minutes.
the up comming (Um}? talks have caused me to revisit these OLD thoughts

& I DO see the error!-! it should be TWO(2)Cubic Miles of h2o/ year
Yeilding a period of 250 two hundred & FIFTY years not 1 K as given Xmass
I do make a lot of dumb mistakes like this one. I do not consider myself
StUpID as a result. Just easily confused about complex issues that aRe
so simple. Sorry: get over it. IF U can't, weLL i can UNderstand intollerance

7:00  Read 478 time logged in: 1 days, 17 hours and 41 minutes.
500 cubic miles of water Lake Missoula

Clark Fork River / Purcell Valley  /
Clark Pork above the mouth of the Flathead River drains about 10,800 square miles
(cfs)  2813.0 above Missoula  at Saint Regis 7376  Max 68,900

THUS i wanna convert from (cfs) to cubic miles per My#'s
1st cf to cubic miles ? 10000cf =  6.79357278014e-8 M^3
seconds / year # = 60/m * 60/h * 24/d *365/y ?=  3e7*7e-8=
2years/M^3 * 500 =My#'s of 1K OK? it took A "thousand" years to  fill LakE
60 thousand cubic foot/minute = 7e-9 cubic mile/second but i'M after M^3/Ka CLEARly
SEVEN times THREE = 21 and e-9 * e8 = -1 so yeah TWO years per Cubic Mile of H2O OK?{ not 0k "'12 TWO(2)Cubic Miles of h2o/ year "

20091217 8:40 AM
500 cubic miles of water Lake Missoula
2years/M^3 * 500 =My#'s of 1K OK? it took A "thousand" years to  fill LakE
= =
todays guess WAS that 20% of the 40+ floods (=8) were BIG 1K events ....
th other 80% (32) were 500 year events counting back from 12.9 THirteen
"thousand" years ago -8K -32*.5K = 37 thousand years ago near the bottom
: : :
anyway THAT is the number I arrive at (NOT SOME DECADES ONE) ... thousands
of years AGO. THus it now seams Appropiate to approach the date (-50Ka)
UP from below rather than down from Above. Although being iL- I would like
to use HOY (i donno HOW) SO: i'LL try the ICEy tails ... trail along if U can ?/?
? ? ? ?
"MILLENNIA"  FIND 50 ...  move along to pg 172 '' cold waves '' sub HOT
Aikens "ARCHAEOLOGY OF OREGON"  ? HOT = "Bölling-Allerød" 14,700  &
COLD = Younger Dryas 12.9Ka +1,234Y = 14.4 mY_FlopS
never mind the jokes this is about HOT but not new hots OLD hots 27-40
named AB_CDE&F# younger to older & back to 57? 13 of 30 aproximatly
Stretch & call it the newer THIRD of the older herd? (Um}? in ICe agE ?
OLD FLOOD? = #-37 aka F# (R U list'N}? thus the flood did Warm the Globe.
AND once I dig it through this Archa INpass i soud A rive R at  F# = #-37 OK
the rest should be simple clock work anitALPHA F# E D C __ BA (Comprenda)
8 notes A thru G with the BC pause for the cause just because
8*5=40 thus group =5 & e/g = 8 /B Should be .5 if Belt B=4 whitch it should
how long will it take JS to see this i've no idea She on Face the book (me not)
I DO Space SOMe though Little maybe theres an UNknow so later IF found

20091215 5:22 PM  Several hours untill ten
thought now return to T, after getting side tripped on OverLand?
= =
the main tail TI-35-1 (listen i must check) 5:29 PM nope got it WRONG
the place was 35-TI-1. Let me just say sand spit and move along ...
: : :
the twist in the tail PROBABLY is about the sea level along the OREGON Coast
Maybe i'll do WEB search.. for now jus let me say there eXist several (Um}?
Beach Terrises (I think thats the correct phrase. 150& 350 foot are two?/?
? ? ? ?
the conclusion one must arive at .. eithor the land Rose  OR Sea fell.
My point is Beach is there and levels are too. So i'LL Look now 5:34 PM
I oud up in a hotel? sever (i mean many) years ago i mention them
on the geology (what was it called) forum? (i 4get its been long ago
/Tilt\not found 5:43 PM
Anyway the sand spit ? AT NETARTS {is that correct}? just a min?/?
waddaya THINK? I got it COrect  thus moving right along (Turn Right
REMember? sand spit S \13\12\11\10\9\8\7\6\5\4\3\2\1\0 Ka N
thUS in theory it should all be there WELL unless TSunamia WASH
some away? OR all for that matter? 6 miles? 2,000 years per Mile
ahh the very idea best i return to the floods I saw the figure 40 ?/?
.BB, checking 8:38 PM
I did read a lot of ~slade ... thus its clear the latest change in the
Land vs Sea (OR is it SEA vs land) results ARE SEA is rising ?/?
OR land is subsiding. prior to that howver it must have been JUST
the oposite? down\/up if by SEA or UP/\ down if it was the LAnd


about Schablitsky 516 time #9353 1 days, 18 hours and 5 minutes.
1 days, 19 hours and 45 minutes.

about NEWMAN Read 529 times #9354 1 days, 18 hours and 32 minutes.


20091218 5:24 PM  Nadar? MATH HOUR?  "yeah?yeah"  34 minutes.
SO it goes: lemme finger this keyboard SOMe morE and see what pops up:
= =
Where was i? dARN MeMoRy anyway:: oh yeah1 the +350 foot beach terris (Um} SANDS
maybe i should add BLACK SANDS as they contain GOLD and Pt's etc {CR too}
: : :
AND as i recall {don't sight this} there is a -350 footer under water also Or 700 feet
(Um} Move? Was it by Land? OR is it by Sea?/? My guess its both ..maybe as Ice ...
UP north increased Sea Lowered & Hot Land rose due to leverage tilting N Down S UP
? ? ? ?
Once Max was reached the dT's came in and it began to do the exact opposite Sea UP
& Land North UP = S down ... Currently its 1/2 way back to where it began .. WAS it
60 ?"THOUSAND"? YEARS AGO.. ITS A precession modulated ? 123.4Ka Long cycle?
in turn moduated by SCAB LAND?/? HOW SO? i donno it looks to me that way though
60 looks like as good a number as any AND TWENTY seams correct also (Um} 1/3 ?
-350 0 +350 R we 1/2 way back ?R we going full UNtilt? maybe is it linear OR hyper
? again i have no ready answer to click UPon: Sience seams to be awaiting the +2C's
to mark the start of the new IcE aGe... OR was it the END of the current WARM warMING
~bt~ 10:
again i REMark {i donno} all I can say is I AM for Warm opposed to Cold ... THUS if it
stays cool {Less than +two C's} the warm will go on A LONG LONG time?/? thus to
keep thing cool it seams wise to not let large volumes of fresh water onto the sea
Fresh? muddy ? water? all over the surface?/? check your GRAYs .. i mean CRayes
simply keep things cool by keeping fresh water inpounded = cool & cool means ...
OBVIOUsly not ending the WARming /{start New Age} Maybe get a two yoke WARM
for another 15-25 "THOUSAND" years .... hip hip do a DOUBLE flip / with a 1/2 twist2

20091220 2:00 AM  OK? not really
its clear with not FEEDback IZ once again wander into a bliZZard of incomprehension
= =
thus I wiLL try to refocus on the Scab Land floods (assume 40 for starters}?
||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| |||||||||
: : :
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 OK I see makes no sence at all
UNless I switch to courier? do I REMember (of course not):
well i did find this using 0921
? ? ? ?
Courier size=12 b
123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
||||||||| ||||||||| ||||||||| |||||||||

Allright 1310-1330 is the gravel bar {{ StARt in there?/?
study the opb/ofg video t=15-16
1 days, 19 hours and 0 minutes. its clear the signal to noise (3:45 AM) is so close to 0
that I may as well say Zero. NOW where was i? oh yeah the 40's BED?/? see 1001 above
at t15? anyway at my slow spead 55KB/s its not possible at this time (4:16 AM ) to fast
fwd to 15 however IZa woorking on getting a snap shot of at least the top 1/2 20Layers?
WILL be switching from horizantal to verticle ONE LINE per bed currently. THUS there
is expected to be (for a very long period) just 20 numbers VOID of any data OR info
will number from top down currently even though its WRONG. plus i'LL asume 12.9Ka
as the top... however i have no idea .. other than BED eXists .gif forthcomming hopefully


rev 22.25 study the opb/ofg video t=15-16

Your comment has been sent to the moderation queue. Once reviewed, it will be posted.
1 days, 20 hours and 16 minutes.

20091221 7:35 PM the existance?
of a case to be made? for stable left, Down 6-8 Center, & more down right
= =
WOULD? bring the dug dirt, to the -15K date ?/? there is NOW a top ?
the top flood bed ? -12.9K ? might be below that about 4-5 feet /13Ka
: : :
Looking at the 3 big beds this way (UP=down}? BIG #'s may be 7 8 9
Not 20-24: Y I now see two faults L=BiG belt R=dug dirt is unclear
in my mind it adds up: UP stream has slid down 6-8beds 3-5Ka twice R&L
? ? ? ?
REsulting in R-15Ka(Bed4?6) = L-B14(-3Ka-11K*.5{9+13}=22
time eventually should tell (i mean yeild) good dates for Left Center & Right
AS Shirley it is RIPE FOR discriptive detail? There should be vast amounts
of Archaeo data at every interval wether 1K 500 yr or some other interval
propaganda break: the point being ...  the error of the education system
AGE sorted seam do shine thru from BED. to place six year old gIrls
with 6 Year old boys is totally sillis. When will they ever learn?
never is as good a guess as any: Now about Ant throws in general?
Time team AM (from what i've seen) is OPB $, Yet they & SHE J.S.
travel everywhere but here? it might appear it NY $ that are looked4
OR a space on the WORLD media stage ... the reel dirt on DIRT ?
oh my: well I 'ope 'er fame where ever the flame takes 'er {'EM}?
big belts, BIG BELTS, big belts: do they = 1Ka OR do they not?/?
THAT THERE exists such a easily accessed / well formatted /
continious / LONG sequence ... makes it difficult to comprehend
WHY the UNknows? (oh it the SIX year olds} I see they don't know?


REV 20 is considered to be wrong 1 days, 20 hours and 28 minutes
revision 20091220 ? 1 days, 19 hours and 33 minutes.

20091220 11:17 AM maybe ? yEAh
my thought turns to the recent Euro vs goGIGle case
= =
being NOT a Google Fan Nor a eURo 1 eithor
my version would be it depends on the situation
: : :
if G WAS advertizing above below or arround the E
doing it for $ than YeaH G should pay E too. However
IF G was not ( I mean NO ADD ) Just their time in
? ? ? ?
THEN E should say thank U for the FREE proMO
then its the $ADD (above below arround)
THAT conSTITUTES the situation
WAS there PAID4 ad's idonno
bak to the next post
I donno My Memory
is there R 2 Sit's
in the COm
1 was the dig G
giving as i REMember
ASH for Cash
Mazamma? =7 ?
& ALSO the
decades one too
i forget WHERE
when OR by who
1 days, 19 hours and 10 minutes
1 days, 20 hours and 28 minutes

Chapter 58
When Authority imposes Order, people become angry.
When Authority allows Freedom, people become nervous.
To allow for mistakes means accepting mistakes;
To enforce Order ensures future punishment.
The people want Freedom, but at others' expense.
The people want Order, but only to justify their actions.
Therefore the wise spags disrupt Order,
And organize Freedom,
And freely create their illusions.

Khi áp đặt quan Đặt hàng, người dân trở nên tức giận.
Khi quyền cho phép tự do, con người trở thành thần kinh.
Để cho phép cho những sai lầm có nghĩa là việc chấp nhận sai lầm;
Để đặt hàng, đảm bảo thi hành hình phạt trong tương lai.
Những người muốn tự do, nhưng với chi phí của người khác.
Những người muốn đặt hàng, nhưng chỉ để biện minh cho hành động của họ.
Vì vậy các spags khôn ngoan phá vỡ Đặt hàng,
Và tổ chức Tự do,
Và tự do tạo ra ảo tưởng của họ.

1 days, 23 hours and 0 minutes.  Read 757 times top of thread