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"Stupid wingnut says something stupid" thread

Started by Cain, December 08, 2009, 09:34:08 PM

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Tr00f.  I love how the fringes are just REALLY out of the woodwork now.


Thurnez Isa

it was crazier then that article makes it out to be. And there is something going behind the scenes. Someone's going to make money exploiting this crazy guy.

QuoteAs for the campaign... I'm all about making fun of shit, but this is just sad. Still not sure how the campaign manager came upon the job, but the his name is James Crenshaw. He's in a back brace and uses a cane to get around because he fell off a balcony one night at a party. At any rate, he took over the campaign after the original video aired on WSMV, put together a team of cameramen and they're following Basil around shooting footage for a possible documentary. One of the other guys is a local DJ named Pimp Daddy Supreme whose real name is Shane Martin...
Basil thanked James and the staff for the support and called James up on the stage at the end to thank everyone for coming since I guess he was the one who organized it....Then Crazy June Griffin prayed for the all the athiests and everyone milled around a bit. James kept telling the cameramen to "stay on Basil" and make sure they caught everything.
Basil was talking to everyone and asking for us to mail him pictures ("The hard copy, not like the Twitter copy because Twitter is on paper.") He kept telling everyone he was famous in Hollywood now, and he was really proud of it. At one point, he pulled out three giant magnets that he has on his truck that probably say outrageous things about traffic stop slavery, and his campaign people ushered him off to a corner with better light to show them off and talk about them on camera. Basil was almost falling over trying to get the magnets spread out on the floor and hasn't slept in days.
He seems to really have no idea people are making fun of him in this way. I'm pretty sure his staff is just telling him that people are making fun of his morals and stances and he needs to stand up for what he believes in. He's just sort of a sad old dude that a bunch of people decided to pick up and exploit. Meanwhile, Crazy June Griffin took over the piano in the corner and played repeated loud renditions of God Bless America until she realized no one cared and stomped out.
...He frequently went off on tangents and then later asked to re-answer the questions because he was sleep-deprived and hadn't slept since Monday. He asked for some water and Howard Switzer let him drink from his water bottle while Switzer's campaign manager/wife (maybe?) hollered at him to wipe the rim when Basil was done drinking...

saying this is a circus is an understatement

...Things got really interesting when June Griffin went on a passionate tirade about Native Americans and how they ruined the country until we civilized them. The audience went absolutely apeshit on her. That's when the entire thing really started to fall apart, I guess. Basil rebutted by sticking up for the Indians and how they came from Asia and Greece to found our country and they're our brothers and sisters and he wants to have them over for Thanksgiving dinner. Actually, he said, if he were governor he would cancel Thanksgiving because there should be no Thanksgiving without the Native Americans at the table. This is the point at which June Griffin's Crazy completely eclipsed Basil's nuttery and somehow he actually started to look pretty good..

There's probably too much to try to relay, but there were some golden quotes from Basil (such as "I'm like MacGuyver, I'm gonna put down traps for the Mexicans....they're coming too fast!" and "I'm not gonna let them pass a law making women go topless... If you want me federal government, come see me! I'm a Marine, I deserve a flyover.") The entire thing was hilarious, but then I came away feeling like I'd just kicked the shit out of a handicapped kid on the playground.

Read more at Wonkette:

Somebody is making money from this lunacy, and something tells me their names will be James, and Pimp Daddy Supreme.
Im kind of torn on this one. One hand.. hell letting a sucker keep his money... yadda yadda... but one the other hand this Basil guy doesn't seem like he has the mental capacity to even be considered a sucker, and if that is the case, that's just sad.
Through me the way to the city of woe, Through me the way to everlasting pain, Through me the way among the lost.
Justice moved my maker on high.
Divine power made me, Wisdom supreme, and Primal love.
Before me nothing was but things eternal, and eternal I endure.
Abandon all hope, you who enter here.



I think Basil's out of the running.  Don't remember where I read that.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Jenne on August 19, 2010, 07:35:51 PM
I think Basil's out of the running.  Don't remember where I read that.

This makes me sad.   :sad:
Molon Lube


Here, Rog, something to cheer you up from the man's own site (I have yet to find confirmation he's absolutely out of the running, because seems he's gained popularity through the internet!):

This candidate is under oath in all of these federal acts,

Comes this candidate with the "Little and Brown" edition of law and treaties to protect the citizens of the U.S. land sea, domestic and foreign against all enemy as described in the authority of the U.S. code title 1 chapter 2 section 113 the "Little and Brown" edition of law and treaties on page iii where it is claimed that a section of government with a protect and defend oath shall protect the constitution , the only one in this nation with a protect and defend oath is "a Marine" where all tribunals and public offices of the U.S. need to honor without any further proof


Whereas on the 22nd day of September, A.D. 1862, a proclamation. was issued by the President of the United States, containing, among other things, the follow & to be whit the U.S and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them,, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom or any of them to keep people free. This is a marine because the pentagon says a marine is a marine for life and their oath is for ever----------


Using the Means of vindication Sec.4 On April 9 1866 which was adopted into the 14th amendment that says a Freemen's Bureau Agent shall be, and they are hereby, specially authorized and required, at the expense of the United States to institute proceeding against all and everybody' who shall violate the provision of the act called Means of vindication act.
, they are hereby authorize and empowered, within their counties respectfully, with authority to summon and call to their aid a innocent bystander clause of the constitution which prohibits slavery, i
As a member of the Freedmen's Bureau the Revised Act of 1866-Federal Act 241 ,1866-- . Who are they? Are they persons belonging to the Army or Navy of the United States? And can you by act of Congress say that A B, who in fact is in civil life, An attempt is made by this law, therefore, to subvert a plain, palpable provision of the Federal Constitution by rendering civilians subject to military jurisdiction and affording them military protection. And you bring him in direct conflict with the civil authority

We exempt him in fact from trial for any wrong whatever, murder, breach of the peace, or any crime that can be committed. You exempt the party committing such offenses from responsibility to the civil tribunals.

This provision of this law is totally subversive of the civil law of the land, and it is subjecting the civil authority in time of peace to the military authority.

These commissioners and agents are made judges, and judges in reference to title to lands, and judges, too, from whose decision there is to be no appeal.

I" argues that the county legal system makes most of the oath takers to break their oath and to refused to listen to U.S, Supreme Court order to balance the budget though False arrest , linking the county to Slavers, Kidnapper extortionists. Racketeers, jury fixers, and all felony crimes

I , Basil Marceaux argue why does a marine go to Leavenworth when they breaks their oath, and when civilian breaks their oath they are all immumed, does that sound like justice?

Free the slaves at traffic stops from false arrest and jury fixing


Things of important

1. Can a higher court say no to 2nd traffic stops
And a county court say yes overruling the higher
No they can not! But they everyday in Tennessee.
Are you duly convicted? No I would take 12 stuns' to protect a citizen . Would a lawyer?
No they will not! They do not even read Knowels vs. Iowa? Tenn vs. Pucket

2.The State fuel budget is a concern of mine it may Hinder safety side of our government. I would introduce a bill to make all the state vacant land that are open field and along the high way a farm and this farm will plant corn products and other plant life that can be use for alterative fuel

The 13th says criminal are slaves so we will take non.- violent criminals who are duly convicted and aloud them to work our farms to plant, take care of, harvest, put are the product into trucks where they took too the refiner ,give them some of the product to pay for process and we will take the rest in money or alternate fuel too be delivered too cities, counties around the state.

3. I would like to update the monitory car insurance to match the federal insurance act where they say if you do not know the name and address of the person who will get the check when you pay you money to your agent it is gaming and we can not gamble in Tenn, right now we are gaming. My plan would lower car insurance by 45% . With this plan to follow federal
act is too insure your our car and nobody else because the only name we will know who will get the check is ourselves who pay the money to agent. We have no insurable interest in any other person

Citizens who get food stamp and S/S check can not afford to buy where food now can they afford to pay Insurance we would need to find a way to pay the insurance for them.

4. My friends a beer stores say they must check 200 D/L a day that 400 minutes a day per clerk which is over 6 hours at $ 7.00 a hour that $ 42.00, with it mandatory then we must pay them.

5. I believe we must hate the U.S. Flag because we fly the wrong one and when we fly the right one we and the government fly it wrong. Can we start honoring the flag Again.

6. Either as a senator and when I run for 2010 governor post I will recall all gun permits and registrations and we will not had any registration in this state. The right
too bear arms against our government and not burglars must be protected after the Supreme court ruling.

7. I find it hard to take a campaign fund from anyone because if they give me money they expect something and then they seal it with a hand shack . I think this is bribery
so to keep everybody honest lets put all funds in one bucket, then divide the bucket by cities, counties and state ,then divide those buckets among who ever once want to run and
nobody owes anybody.

8. Education ,let us put phonics back in school if you can not read you can not do History, Math, English. And that where we are now. Let make it mandatory in high school to read the
minutes to the U.S. Congress , the Congressional Globe the real history of the U.S

9 Look for my citizens enemy!

People Called to stop Slavery at traffic stop they
all say county court can not
overrule supreme court ,but
no-one will help while 1.8
billion is stole by false arrest

All U.S. Senators
All U.S. Congressmen
F.B.I. Chatt. And Wash.
U.S. Marshal
Secret Service
United Nation
Department of Defense
Army and Navy
National Guard
All state Senator
All state house Reps.
All Newspapers

Who going to help us

Things I done for my citizens

1.Served in the U.S. Marine as a Force Recon, Bn. Recon, and a plain Marine who is maintain and recognized as once a Marine always a Marine with a Protect and Defend Oath land and sea , foreign and domestic against all enemy land and sea for life and no other services has this authority .

2. Filed suit against Governor Sunquest for promoting Slavery in Tenn.

3.. Filed a suit against Soddy Daisy Judge for promoting slaving at traffic stops.

4 .Filled a suit against Chattanooga Free Press, Tennessean, all TV stations , Hamilton county attorney, D/A for extortion jury fixing,, racketeering, promoting slavery at traffic stops.

5.Filled a suit against Chattanooga Free Press, Tennessean, all TV stations , Cumberland county attorney, D/A for extortion jury fixing,, racketeering, promoting slavery at traffic stops

6.Filled a suit against Chattanooga Free Press, Tennessean, all TV stations , Bradley county attorney, D/A for extortion jury fixing,, racketeering, promoting slavery at traffic stops.

7. All cases was taken all the way to Tennessee Supreme Court all dismiss allowing counties court to overruled the U.S. Supreme Court concerning traffic stops and media protect them Let me us put me in office.

8 Fix the Flag at Mill Park to fly right at a high cost of 12 stun by stun gun and now it fly right thank to 311.

9 Ran for governor for three times, state senator 4 times, U.S. Senate once.
Click Here: Name: State laws are they constitutional? Knowels v Iowa Law suit against Tennessee elected persons and all lawyers. ================================================== 
Click here for : 1.Can a Democrat say the pledge of allegiance ? 2. can an U.S. Marine force Recon civilian like the first three that goes into any battle first repersent a group of citizens in a court of law?  U.S.invasion of July 16 1866----FEDERAL ACT 241 who invaded us- onJuly 16 1866-----who are they----the constittution is a dead letter 
Name: Basil marceaux Sr.
Place of Resident: 810 Hyatte Rd Soddy Daisy,Tn
Married with two boys one 24 the other 22
Place of Birth: Strousburg,Pa.
Date of Birth: May 26,1952
Owner of A granny sayer's G.N.B.Co.
Education: 13 3/4 years
Service: U.S.Marine-Force Recon 71-73 L/Cpl
Trade school:
1. General Motor Training center Buick division in New Jersey.
A.Study management,Marketing complate training in auto repair'
2. Tne National Institute for Automotive , Excellence program.
3. World trade Studies of importing,
exporting, Custom Regulations- tariffs and forms,
Quotation Analysis, Sales Agreements of all major countries,Buying and selling.

Home Studies:
1. Evecutive Motivation Program, By Paul Meyer
2. Dynamics of Creative Selling, By Paul Meyer
3. Person Success Planning,By Paul Meyer
4. Seed of Greatness, By Dennis Waitly
5. Marketing Plan workshop,James Makens
6.Human Resource Director, By Mary Cook
7.Executive Time Management,By Thomas Publishing

a. School violents
b. Add reading of the minutes to the U.S.Congress mandatory
c. Get more of the lottery money to 1-12

2.Equal Health care
a. a free gift program
b. take a look at and redo all mandtory insurance programs
c. See why dental is not in most plans a tooth aches hurt more than a back aches and no teeths depresses people

3.Citzens Safety+Citizens Constitution Rights

4.Improving Our Environment


6.Open doors more for manufactures

7.My plan will give the state free gas for all governmental cars and trucks

8.Make the U.S. Flag in all state buildings and court fly right. if you fly a U.S.Flag you will fly it right


...the man does have a point about having no teefs.

Thurnez Isa

While a number of conservative Christian leaders raise questions about Glenn Beck's Mormonism, Worldview Matters' host Brannon Howse continued his attack in a conversation with Kirk Cameron about why Cameron did not participate in Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny. Howse marveled at the "thick irony" wherein Cameron (the actor who played Buck, the converted journalist warning about the "demonic spirituality of a one world religion" in the Left Behind movies) was stepping up to critique the pluralistic spirituality promoted by Beck. In Howse's view, the not-so-fictional Left Behind novels are being played out before our eyes.

    Pastors and evangelical leaders literally locked arms with all faiths, including Imams, in a spiritual endeavor despite the clear biblical warnings of II Corinthians 6:14... The Mormon Church is now rejoicing over the public relations success that these undiscerning evangelical leaders have handed the Mormon Church by uniting with Glenn Beck in the two events that were promoted as spiritual.

Cameron, known also for his part on the television series Growing Pains and more recently nicknamed Banana-man (along with Ray Comfort) for the anti-evolution DVDs that became the source of tremendous internet humor, said he hadn't actually been invited to be part of Divine Destiny. But he declined anyway:

    I had heard that there were plans to put me on the list of speakers. I bought tickets... then there was a mix up... and I was cut from the list, if I had indeed been on a list... but I had some Christians who expressed concern.... and then I read your article and I... decided it would be best for me to wait and see how things play themselves out.

Howse asked if Beck's apparent view that "we all pray to the same God" isn't by definition false teaching. Cameron demurred a bit and reflected on his own conversion, explaining there was much he didn't know about essential doctrines of the faith. "I want to be careful not to jump on somebody if they're in the throes of understanding the truth of the Bible. We can't condone heresy but we need to give God the room to move in people's hearts, if that's indeed what's happening."

He concluded by saying that while he wants to wait and see if Beck's professed faith in Jesus is "real," he is "very encouraged by the movement all around the country to get back to the foundations of our country. God is using Glenn Beck."

It will be interesting to see if Beck's influence can keep the anti-Mormon criticism at bay. Moreover, what if the Mormon convert from Catholicism were to have a born-again Christian conversion—to the kind of Christianity you can bet David Barton and others are "sharing" with him and which Cameron is "praying for."

My question is what if there was no Muslims to beat up on? These people would tear each other to pieces.
Through me the way to the city of woe, Through me the way to everlasting pain, Through me the way among the lost.
Justice moved my maker on high.
Divine power made me, Wisdom supreme, and Primal love.
Before me nothing was but things eternal, and eternal I endure.
Abandon all hope, you who enter here.


Doktor Howl

Quote from: Jenne on August 22, 2010, 07:02:54 PM
...the man does have a point about having no teefs.

Thank you.  I love that.

And I love Basil, and I want him to win.
Molon Lube

Thurnez Isa

Quote from: Doktor Howl on September 02, 2010, 06:38:16 PM
Quote from: Jenne on August 22, 2010, 07:02:54 PM
...the man does have a point about having no teefs.

Thank you.  I love that.

And I love Basil, and I want him to win.

Behold Basil before his campaign was taken over by ppl looking to make a buck on him

also the face of the reporter at the end is priceless
Through me the way to the city of woe, Through me the way to everlasting pain, Through me the way among the lost.
Justice moved my maker on high.
Divine power made me, Wisdom supreme, and Primal love.
Before me nothing was but things eternal, and eternal I endure.
Abandon all hope, you who enter here.


Requia ☣

I think I really like the guy,he's just one of the worst pubic speakers out there.

Of course, he wants to hold lawyers accountable to non lawyers, so he could have Obama's oratory skills and still never get elected to a city council.
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Requia ☣ on September 02, 2010, 06:53:31 PM
I think I really like the guy,he's just one of the worst MOST AMAZING pubic speakers out there.
Molon Lube

tyrannosaurus vex

Quote from: Requia ☣ on September 02, 2010, 06:53:31 PM
I think I really like the guy,he's just one of the worst pubic speakers out there.

Of course, he wants to hold lawyers accountable to non lawyers, so he could have Obama's oratory skills and still never get elected to a city council.

Why does everybody keep saying Obama has amazing oratory skills? Has it been that long since a decent orator has been popular? The guy is dry, lifeless, emotionless, and has terrible timing.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Quote from: vexati0n on September 02, 2010, 09:21:29 PM
Quote from: Requia ☣ on September 02, 2010, 06:53:31 PM
I think I really like the guy,he's just one of the worst pubic speakers out there.

Of course, he wants to hold lawyers accountable to non lawyers, so he could have Obama's oratory skills and still never get elected to a city council.

Why does everybody keep saying Obama has amazing oratory skills? Has it been that long since a decent orator has been popular? The guy is dry, lifeless, emotionless, and has terrible timing.

I think they're just comparing him to the last guy...

- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson

Disco Pickle

Quote from: Ratatosk on September 02, 2010, 10:02:33 PM
Quote from: vexati0n on September 02, 2010, 09:21:29 PM
Quote from: Requia ☣ on September 02, 2010, 06:53:31 PM
I think I really like the guy,he's just one of the worst pubic speakers out there.

Of course, he wants to hold lawyers accountable to non lawyers, so he could have Obama's oratory skills and still never get elected to a city council.

Why does everybody keep saying Obama has amazing oratory skills? Has it been that long since a decent orator has been popular? The guy is dry, lifeless, emotionless, and has terrible timing.

I think they're just comparing him to the last guy...


My two year old Mexican son speaks better English than the last guy.

I think you're right on this.

"Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter." --William Ralph Inge

"sometimes someone confesses a sin in order to take credit for it." -- John Von Neumann


Quote from: vexati0n on September 02, 2010, 09:21:29 PM
Quote from: Requia ☣ on September 02, 2010, 06:53:31 PM
I think I really like the guy,he's just one of the worst pubic speakers out there.

Of course, he wants to hold lawyers accountable to non lawyers, so he could have Obama's oratory skills and still never get elected to a city council.

Why does everybody keep saying Obama has amazing oratory skills? Has it been that long since a decent orator has been popular? The guy is dry, lifeless, emotionless, and has terrible timing.

Meh. It's a matter of opinion, really. I don't think his timing is bad, nor do I find him dry and lifeless when he speaks. Emotionless, well, in my view it's more "calm and collected" than "robot apocalypse incoming", but then again, that's just my view on it.

Having reviewed a few speeches in the past, I don't think that the nation has had a decent speaker as president since Clinton, a good speaker since Reagan, a decent orator since Nixon (I have to admit, I thought he had vocal charisma, if no physical charisma), and a good orator since Kennedy. I may be biased because JFK admitted he was a donut, though. I find Obama to be somewhere between Clinton and Reagan. In my opinion, no other president between JFK and Barry O has been even as good as Clinton. So, considering what people have to work with, it's not surprising that Obama gets praised for his speaking.