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I like boobs

Started by The Commander, June 29, 2004, 04:19:31 PM

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Quote from: Malaul
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferis
Quote from: MalaulI like mine just fine, and others as well

does that make me anti-women as well?
Ohh how Ide love to be antiwomen, would I dissapear inna puff of logic then?
or just wink out of exsistance
::winks at malaul::
^^winks back^^

did somebody say BOOBS!!!
cleavage... very nice.

::Winks at malaul again::
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.



pie covered boobies... I want this for desert(sic?) tonight.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


I'll send an order over right away!...It will even be chilled just for you


I love cold nipples ...I just like to breath my hot breath on them.... :: looks around::

never mind.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


*thinking about cold nipples*

Huh? did you say something? What are you looking at?

Colonel Failure

Quote from: The CommanderI think everyone should be taught how to defend themselves while young.  I know my life would have been a lot easier had someone helped boost my self confidence and taught me how to handle myself in a fight instead of telling me the only correct solution when dealing with violence was to turn the other cheek.

Turning the other cheek *is* the only correct solution when confronted with violence.

Then, then he goes for the other cheek, duck low and plant your fist (or foot or tire iron) in his solar plexus at a slightly upward angle. If you hit him right and with enough force, you'll void his lungs and leave him flopping on the ground helplessly. That's when you curbstomp him.

Siriously, on the rather depressing topic of dysfunctional male/female relations: Though unforgivably vile, the physical abuse of women is barely the beginning of what they are made to endure. I long ago come to a simple conclusion:

I have known too many women too well to ever have a high opinion of my fellow man.

Though I disagree with many of the methods he espouses, I share Rog's disgust with society and his desire to watch it burn to the ground... but for my own, personal reasons.


Sorry... you guys were talking about boobs, right?

Boobs are pretty cool... neat to look at, nice to play with...

But I'm more of a total package kind of a guy.



But Tank loves boobs...
All I knew, all I believed
Are crumbling images
No longer comforting me.
Scramble to reach higher ground,
Order and sanity,
Something to comfort me.

I take what is mine, and hold what is mine,
Suffocate what is mine, and bury what's mine.
Soon the water will come
And claim what is mine.
I must leave it behind,
And climb to a new place now.

This ground is not the rock I thought it to be.

   Tool, Flood

Do you believe
In the lies, the lies, the lies that shape your world?
Do you believe
In your own, your own, fictitious immortality?

The world won't end while you walk the earth
And when you realize that your life don't matter
You'll turn to something to help you forget
That you're only young once, old forever

And we become what we hate
(Don't think of us)

    -Screeching Weasel, What We Hate[/size][/color]

Guido Finucci

Quote from: Colonel FailureI have known too many women too well to ever have a high opinion of my fellow man.

Though I disagree with many of the methods he espouses, I share Rog's disgust with society and his desire to watch it burn to the ground...

Fuck you, fuck Roger and fuck the souless existence you rode in on. While you may live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Discourteous, there exist damn good people in this world and I, for one, have yet to give up striving to be counted in their ranks.

I have also known a number of women (can one ever know too many?) and they are the ones that constantly remind me that humanity is worth living for.

Give up if you want but don't think for a moment that the rest of us are coming with you.

Where do you get off talking about your, "fellow man" as if they weren't the same as you? Roger does it too. Realise that you're just the same as they are -- you have it in your power to beat women and kids. You don't. Roger doesn't. Hell, Roger even picked Cheryl up off the street when she had nowhere to turn and he had no other reason for caring. Do you really need more evidence that humanity is worth something?


Quote from: Guido Finucci
Quote from: Colonel FailureI have known too many women too well to ever have a high opinion of my fellow man.

Though I disagree with many of the methods he espouses, I share Rog's disgust with society and his desire to watch it burn to the ground...

Fuck you, fuck Roger and fuck the souless existence you rode in on. While you may live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Discourteous, there exist damn good people in this world and I, for one, have yet to give up striving to be counted in their ranks.

I have also known a number of women (can one ever know too many?) and they are the ones that constantly remind me that humanity is worth living for.

Give up if you want but don't think for a moment that the rest of us are coming with you.

Where do you get off talking about your, "fellow man" as if they weren't the same as you? Roger does it too. Realise that you're just the same as they are -- you have it in your power to beat women and kids. You don't. Roger doesn't. Hell, Roger even picked Cheryl up off the street when she had nowhere to turn and he had no other reason for caring. Do you really need more evidence that humanity is worth something?
But Guido... in their path is more fire! And fire is pretty....

That said: Amen, good sir.
There would have been a sig here. If you loved your goddess enough!

Set your registers, initialize your program counter, and EXECUTE!

Colonel Failure

Quote from: Guido Finucci
Quote from: Colonel FailureI have known too many women too well to ever have a high opinion of my fellow man.

Though I disagree with many of the methods he espouses, I share Rog's disgust with society and his desire to watch it burn to the ground...

Fuck you, fuck Roger and fuck the souless existence you rode in on. While you may live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Discourteous, there exist damn good people in this world and I, for one, have yet to give up striving to be counted in their ranks.

I have also known a number of women (can one ever know too many?) and they are the ones that constantly remind me that humanity is worth living for.

Give up if you want but don't think for a moment that the rest of us are coming with you.

1.) I am not discourteous. Misanthropic, yes. Borderline dissociative, perhaps. But I'm still polite. So fuck you right back.

2.) Who said anything about giving up?

I know perfectly well that there are plenty of good people out there. I also know they're badly outnumbered. And you're absolutely correct, it is, by and large, the women I have known who've convinced me that you can learn something useful from everyone, and a precious few will enrich your life beyond your wildest expectations (don't get me started on my lesbian/musician/stripper roommate, Hail Eris!).

Hell, my attitude towards people in general can be summed up by one of my ex-girlfriend's mantras: 'I'd rather be surprised than disappointed'.

[warning: broad overgeneralization approaching]

But that doesn't change the fact that many people are a waste of skin who'd destroy a complete stranger's (or worse, relative's) life for a few seconds of physical pleasure and a lifetime listing on a state registry. If we go ahead and include those who don't do such things only out of fear of the concequences, I'd change 'many' to 'most'. Just because somebody doesn't do evil, does not necessarily make them good.

Don't confuse low expectations with soullessness.

Shrub is soulless. The fuck who raped my first love was soulless.

I am not.

And don't confuse my desire to see modern society turned on it's head with a desire to see mankind extinct. What Discordian worth the name doesn't want to break society and remake it better?


All I knew, all I believed
Are crumbling images
No longer comforting me.
Scramble to reach higher ground,
Order and sanity,
Something to comfort me.

I take what is mine, and hold what is mine,
Suffocate what is mine, and bury what's mine.
Soon the water will come
And claim what is mine.
I must leave it behind,
And climb to a new place now.

This ground is not the rock I thought it to be.

   Tool, Flood

Do you believe
In the lies, the lies, the lies that shape your world?
Do you believe
In your own, your own, fictitious immortality?

The world won't end while you walk the earth
And when you realize that your life don't matter
You'll turn to something to help you forget
That you're only young once, old forever

And we become what we hate
(Don't think of us)

    -Screeching Weasel, What We Hate[/size][/color]

Colonel Failure

QuoteWhere do you get off talking about your, "fellow man" as if they weren't the same as you? Roger does it too. Realise that you're just the same as they are -- you have it in your power to beat women and kids. You don't. Roger doesn't. Hell, Roger even picked Cheryl up off the street when she had nowhere to turn and he had no other reason for caring. Do you really need more evidence that humanity is worth something?

Had to tack this bit on, eh?

Look up 'fellow'. It does not imply I am any different. Quite the opposite.

Your inferences are not my responsibility.

And I don't believe I said humanity wasn't worth anything. I said I'd like to watch society burn.

humanity is not society.

society is certianly NOT humanity.


All I knew, all I believed
Are crumbling images
No longer comforting me.
Scramble to reach higher ground,
Order and sanity,
Something to comfort me.

I take what is mine, and hold what is mine,
Suffocate what is mine, and bury what's mine.
Soon the water will come
And claim what is mine.
I must leave it behind,
And climb to a new place now.

This ground is not the rock I thought it to be.

   Tool, Flood

Do you believe
In the lies, the lies, the lies that shape your world?
Do you believe
In your own, your own, fictitious immortality?

The world won't end while you walk the earth
And when you realize that your life don't matter
You'll turn to something to help you forget
That you're only young once, old forever

And we become what we hate
(Don't think of us)

    -Screeching Weasel, What We Hate[/size][/color]


Guido Finucci

Quote from: Colonel Failure1.) I am not discourteous. Misanthropic, yes. Borderline dissociative, perhaps. But I'm still polite. So fuck you right back.

Funnily enough, coutesy is about a little more than smiling and saying 'please' before you stick someone with a knife. Misanthropy is discourteous (for wide and hand wavy definitons of discourteous). I also didn't necessarily mean to imply that you were discouteous - I mean to point out that, just because you find yourself surrounded by uncle-fuckers doesn't mean that 'people'(TM) are actually like that.

Quote from: Colonel Failure2.) Who said anything about giving up?

I did. Mostly because I had built up a head of steam and was flying off the handle.

Quote from: Colonel FailureJust because somebody doesn't do evil, does not necessarily make them good.

When did this become about good and evil? To borrow bad lyrics: we are evil and we are all divine. It isn't about the right and the wrong or about us and them. It is about those of us that are able helping those of us that have yet to make the grade.

No denying that it is a big job but burning the fuckers to the ground is hardly a useful first step.

Quote from: Colonel FailureDon't confuse low expectations with soullessness.

Why not? I resist the temptation to coin a PC phrase like "soul diminshed' for this occasion but only so I can be plain: lowered expectations are the first symptom of soullessness.

Quote from: Colonel FailureWhat Discordian worth the name doesn't want to break society and remake it better?

Uh... the Discordian ones? Revolutionaries want to remake society with them in charge. Anarchists want to remake society with no one in charge. As near as I can tell, Discordians want to play a much shinier game and let 'society' take care of itself.

Horab Fibslager

everyone is a monster.

there is no freind anywhere.

if i had began to think i really was a nice guy after people telling me this for soem time, recent events have convinced me that i was right to tell them that "no i am not" and leave it at that.

humanity is worth it's chromosomes and it's weight in ideals. human beings however, as individuals and mobs, are often not worth minimum wage, but hey, we all gotta pay the rent somehow eh?
Hell is other people.

Guido Finucci

Quote from: Colonel FailureLook up 'fellow'. It does not imply I am any different. Quite the opposite.... I said I'd like to watch society burn.

Okay - the nearest bit of society to you is... you. What ya gonna do about it?