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Started by tjg92, January 29, 2010, 02:00:54 AM

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This is a bit of a repost, but I posted this thread in the wrong forum initially and then I tried to have it moved by the mods. But if you want to get something done right, you got to do it yourself. So the original thread is here:

Anyway, what I'm doing is basically posting up a bunch of these maze posters:

It's very similar to PosterGASM, but it's got sort of an interactive component. If anyone does respond, I'll post about it on the Maze Blog:

Of course, this won't be very epic unless some of you take up the cause as well. And you are of course welcome to make your own maze posters, as long as they are of about the same difficulty as the ones I did (can't make things too easy, or hard for that matter) and have the right instructions. Hopefully I'll get a response or two before the end of the week!


/revives the thread

This is awesome, and the mazes look great. I can't make mazes for shit, but I'm all for putting these up around my campus. I'm gonna get started on this on Monday.
Understanding requires the risk of insanity.


Quote from: EmmaE on May 08, 2010, 09:06:10 PM
/revives the thread

This is awesome, and the mazes look great. I can't make mazes for shit, but I'm all for putting these up around my campus. I'm gonna get started on this on Monday.
Awesome :D
I'm going to start this again when school starts. New campus, hopefully more maze-friendly people!