
I liked how they introduced her, like "her mother died in an insane asylum thinking she was Queen Victoria" and my thought was, I like where I think this is going. I was not disappointed.

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Pact with the Devil? Bad news says Pat Robertson

Started by MMIX, January 14, 2010, 01:15:15 AM

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I watched the video on Countdown last night and I felt a little bad for the "anchor" woman or whatever she was sitting next to him.  She kind of had that look of "man, I'd really like to be ANYWHERE but here right now."

Also, I can only assume that Pat Robertson has some kind of deal with the devil.  It's the only explanation I can come up with for why he is alive. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


[francejoke]Obviously the only way to beat the French is with the Devil's help  :roll:[/francejoke]

Play safe! Ski only in a clockwise direction! Let's all have fun together!


The Fundamentalist

He's probably talking about the aforementioned Papa Doc, who was into Voodoo and made himself out to be a god.  He had a personality cult, so there might be people who like him, but there are people who like Stalin too.  The majority of the country hates him, I'm sure.  Not that this matters to Pat.

Hm.  After he died, his son took over.  An outbreak of swine flu fever made the US insist that Haiti exterminate all of its pigs.  Bet they loved that.

The son is currently an illegal immigrant in Paris.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

There were some pretty nasty rumors about Baby Doc before he was deposed, as well. Of course, I really question whether much of it was simply political scare tactics for controlling the population.

Either way, Haiti is scary as fuck.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

The Fundamentalist

Hearsay: Robertson thinks that Haitians used Voodoo to overcome their French slavemasters in 1791.  Voodoo is of course Satanic as he sees it.  Anybody have backup for that?

(If I remember my history classes, that would mean that Robertson's existence is indirectly reliant on Satanism, because Haitian revolution -> Napoleon gives up dreams of empire in the Americas -> Napoleon sells Louisiana -> Robertson's ancestors not slaughtered in French-American War)

Requia ☣

My knowledge of the religion is sketchy, but I think voodoo is specifically the 'bad' version of magic in it (the acceptable stuff is called Hoodoo), So linking Voodoo with devil stuff isn't entirely inappropriate (though still technically incorrect).

Of course, Pat probably lumps Hoodoo in with Devil stuff too.  This is the guy who claims I'm part of a secret Cabal of Devil worshipers because of my D&D book collection.
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.


Quote from: Requia ☣ on January 15, 2010, 05:12:26 AM
My knowledge of the religion is sketchy, but I think voodoo is specifically the 'bad' version of magic in it (the acceptable stuff is called Hoodoo), So linking Voodoo with devil stuff isn't entirely inappropriate (though still technically incorrect).

Of course, Pat probably lumps Hoodoo in with Devil stuff too.  This is the guy who claims I'm part of a secret Cabal of Devil worshipers because of my D&D book collection.

You are, did we forget to teach you the secret handshake?  You have been sacrificing the requisite amount of virgins haven't you?

(see!  There's a reason that stereotype about D&Ders never getting laid exists)
You're a special case, Babylon.  You are offensive even when you don't post.

Merely by being alive, you make everyone just a little more miserable

-Dok Howl

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Vodou is the African-based Haitian religion. Hoodoo is African-American folk magic. Voodoo is the African-American version of Vodou.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

Requia ☣

Ok, so he's probably just ripping on them for having the wrong religion in general, wonderful of him to do really, we can't have smudgy people who think differently from us white folk.
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.


Is it plugged in?


Quote from: The Fundamentalist on January 15, 2010, 03:18:57 AM
Hearsay: Robertson thinks that Haitians used Voodoo to overcome their French slavemasters in 1791.  Voodoo is of course Satanic as he sees it.  Anybody have backup for that?

(If I remember my history classes, that would mean that Robertson's existence is indirectly reliant on Satanism, because Haitian revolution -> Napoleon gives up dreams of empire in the Americas -> Napoleon sells Louisiana -> Robertson's ancestors not slaughtered in French-American War)

Its true.  Religion played a large part in helping make the revolt popular.  I've actually been doing some reading on Haitian politics and religion recently, so I'll transcribe some of what I've learnt either this evening or tomorrow (busy night ahead of me, in theory). 

And yes, Papa Doc was big into voodoo as well, he was part of a Haitian intellectual circle who were pretty nationalistic, wanted to rely on a Haitian concept of culture and identity.  The book deals with that as well, so I'll throw that in for good measure.


OK, here we go.

On the 14th of August 1791, in Bois Caiman in Haiti, the Voudon god of war, Ogun, was invoked by Dutty Boukman, a Jamaican follower of the religion to initiate war against the colonial French.  A pig was sacrificed, and slave-leaders from plantations all over northern Haiti swore alleigance to him.

One week later, over 1800 plantations had been destroyed and 1000 slaveholders killed, so it was pretty successful.

As for Papa Doc...he was, in addition to a medical doctor, a keen enthnologist specializing in Haitian culture.  Before Duvalier became President, Voudon groups were broken up, their ceremonies banned and their instruments burned.  Once Papa Doc became leader though, he invited hundreds of Houngans to the Presidential palace, and gave many government positions and titles.  It was widely believed by Haitians that Duvalier's Tonton Macoutes were recruited from the Bizango secret society, a Voudon cult that relied on both mundane and occult methods of murder, and were responsible for discovering the method of creating zombies.  Duvalier himself cultivated the idea that he was the earthly representation of Baron Samedi.  He also believed that his Voudon workings were responsible for the assassination of President Kennedy, even going so far as to point out the date on which Kennedy died was the 22nd, 22 being a number of some importance to Duvalier and Voudon practitioners, to the point that Duvalier himself had it on his limosuine licence plate.

Lord Quantum

I hereby nominate Pat Robertson for Discordian Sainthood. He's obviously earned it. Anyone who can convince people that he's being dead ass serious when he attributes the movements of the Earth's plates to a centuries old "deal with the Devil" is deserving of our utmost respect. We should at least name a medal after him or something. Perhaps the "The Pat Robertson Failed Prophecy" award or the "Pat Robertson widely ridiculous statement by a public figure" award.
Quote from: Cain on March 28, 2010, 09:44:45 PM
Fuck it.  I'm going to get ordained as a Catholic priest and start robbing banks and mugging people.  I mean, apparently, you can be excused any crime if you're in with the Big V.

Quote from: Requia ☣ on September 28, 2008, 02:09:45 AM

Lets try it on an even simpler level:

1) There is a minimum energy/mass things can have, everything can be measured in a multiple of this minimum.

2) Objects at this size, or close to it, don't have an exact position or velocity, so they look like waves in most experiments.

3) If you try to measure the location, they act more like particles, just to fuck with you, but the velocity gets more uncertain, also just to fuck with you.

Conclusion: God hates physicists.

GASMs - PosterGASM (Calvinball edition), AbbyGASM

Pirate Pass Off Scorecard (5)


Quote from: Cain on January 16, 2010, 07:00:36 PM
OK, here we go.

On the 14th of August 1791, in Bois Caiman in Haiti, the Voudon god of war, Ogun, was invoked by Dutty Boukman, a Jamaican follower of the religion to initiate war against the colonial French.  A pig was sacrificed, and slave-leaders from plantations all over northern Haiti swore alleigance to him.

One week later, over 1800 plantations had been destroyed and 1000 slaveholders killed, so it was pretty successful.

As for Papa Doc...he was, in addition to a medical doctor, a keen enthnologist specializing in Haitian culture.  Before Duvalier became President, Voudon groups were broken up, their ceremonies banned and their instruments burned.  Once Papa Doc became leader though, he invited hundreds of Houngans to the Presidential palace, and gave many government positions and titles.  It was widely believed by Haitians that Duvalier's Tonton Macoutes were recruited from the Bizango secret society, a Voudon cult that relied on both mundane and occult methods of murder, and were responsible for discovering the method of creating zombies.  Duvalier himself cultivated the idea that he was the earthly representation of Baron Samedi.  He also believed that his Voudon workings were responsible for the assassination of President Kennedy, even going so far as to point out the date on which Kennedy died was the 22nd, 22 being a number of some importance to Duvalier and Voudon practitioners, to the point that Duvalier himself had it on his limosuine licence plate.

Fascinating post Cain. You would think that as an MD Papa Doc would have realised that correlation does not imply causation. I surely would not have wanted to be one of his patients . . .
"The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make and could just as easily make differently" David Graeber