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A New Art, In and of Itself: The Horrible Review

Started by The Good Reverend Roger, January 23, 2010, 02:58:51 PM

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Don't buy into his bullshit. He uses things like that just to show how "mature" he really is. When in reality, he's another four year old pissed that someone smashed his sand castle. I know him IRL.

Btw, I was informed today that the only reason he self published is because NO other publishing company would touch it.


So, he sent an email to Evil Roomie.

I quote small passages from it, because the rest of it is really mindless drivel.  :lulz:

QuoteScratch that, they were reviews and bashings of me personally, had she actually read the book and pointed things out on how she didn't like it, that's fine, but her plan to go out of her way to gather people and lie calling me a smug ass hole, and real fucked up specimen, to hurt me or my book was the last call.
There is something truly sick about a person who gathers friends to think up an attack like that "WE WILL CRUSH HIM,"

I'm giggling about the rest of it because it's obviously an attack at me personally and berating Evil Roomie in a not-so-intelligent way.


Doktor Howl

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