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Why Not?

Started by Adios, June 22, 2010, 03:27:59 PM

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I wonder how many times that (insert name) Community has written papers and such about why a thing can't be done while someone else ignores them and just goes and does it.

So for the sake of argument let's divide these groups into two camps. The naysayers and The doers.

I think their brains work differently. A Naysayer will consider an option partially and then reach the conclusion that it can't be done. A Doer will consider and reject one option after another until he finds one that might work.

Naysayers piss me off because many times they have the most weighted voice. The bottom line is, they are too damn afraid that they might make a mistake to move forward. That's right, they are either paralyzed by fear or they just don't want to be bothered reaching a workable solution.

It is my fervent desire that every Naysayer in the world gets their ass run over by a Doer getting something accomplished.