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I am reading letters

Started by Vene, May 12, 2010, 06:02:45 PM

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The majority of these ARE indeed awful.  I was appalled the other night how many Californians were writing Ah-nold asking him to draft bill(s) similar to AZ's immigration law.  However, once in a while I'd recognize a "don't cut education funding" one that the PTA drafted and I'd smile.  But most of these are the turd cries of the ignorant or the frustrations of those who are angry but don't know why so they pick a lameass issue and move forward in an awkward but passionate manner.

What's pathetic are those who are asking their legislators for direct monetary, prison sentence, etc. assistance.  :(  Those made me sad.


To Mr. $ Mrs. BABOON: How DARE you order 20 chicken wings AND french fries AND onion rings then DICTATE what OUR CHILDREN are ALLOWED to eat!


p.s. Did you EAT A WATERMELON for dessert? (no hidden meaning in that remark) AND then HOW MANY MARLBORO's did you smoke, Mr MONKEY FACE?


Bailout for failure (teachers)--you have got to be kidding.


Zero's request for 26 BILLION dollars to bailout teachers is just a reward for the teacher's unions. That would come to ~87k for each teacher for those of you taught math in the public schools. Why would we want to reward failure? They need to go the way of private sector jobs--gone.

Public education is an abject failure and the Education Department should be abolished. Get rid of the teacher's unions. All government needs to shrink before we go the way of Greece.

Stand up, obstruct, earn you keep for the few months we allow you clowns to remain in office.


Quote from: LMNO on May 14, 2010, 02:34:40 PM
Quote from: Vene on May 13, 2010, 11:19:33 PM
Now that we've taken our civics and science courses, let's move on to math.

predicting attacks mathematically using PULSE

Mr. President,

I still say thet my math can help locate and predict when and where an attack would occur agaimst our troops and country. This is the four generation of our civilization. Each time we advanced to a level where we could predict future events. Why is it so hard to acknowledge this now. have we arrived so far that we don't care to recognize new technology when it is knocking at our fromt door? I can prove the mathematical connectiond thaat links any 2 events or occurences before they occur or how they occurred. This method is called P.U.L.S.E. PULSE can be applied to any reoccurng event from earthquakes to missing persons.

Rev. William J Warr, Jr.

I need to learn more about PULSE.  Srsly.

Didn't find much...


Requia ☣

Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.


Because I've been lazy.

What part of STOP SPENDING do you NOT UNDERSTAND???? WE the PEOPLE said NO!! STOP SPENDING. STOP BAILOUTS!! Yet you "snuck" through another 200 BILLION DOLLARS in BAILOUTS!!!!!

How SLow of learners, are you, anyhow??????

Just tell me, what part of STOP SPENDING and borrowing our beloved nation into dissolution..... do you NOT UNDERSTAND??????

Throw MONEY at a PROBLEM......... N E V E R ever, EVER, helped to SOLVE a PROBLEM. It just CREATED BIGGER ONES!!!!!!

It's just like "bailing your kid out of his self-created credit card debt. It NEVER, EVER,EVER works!!!! Just "kicks the bucket down the road a bit further". ...... and UNTIL your KID accepts FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the MESS HE/SHE CREATED....... nothing will EVER, EVER be learned.
SAME WITH WASHINGTON, D.C., and with whomever!!!!!

BAILOUTS are NOT the AMERICAN WAY of doing things.
The AMERICA WAY, is to step up and be INDIVIDUALLY RESPONSIBLE for each and every CHOICE that you make!!!!! DEAL WITH IT.

DON't make or ASSUME someone ELSE is responsible for your mistakes!!
Doesn't work that way!!! WISE UP.

How on EARTH could you elected representatives be INVOLVED in CREATING BIGGER and BIGGER and BIGGER.... FINANCIAL DEFICITS??????

Maybe IF, for just ONCE, you considered the MONEY you are spending as your own, maybe, you'd be more reluctant to SPEND IT. But, since it's MY MONEY, MY TAX dollars, you just keep SPENDING, SPENDING, and BORROWING MORE.

Was it your plan from the beginning?????
Making us SLAVES to the Chinese?
SLAVES until the debt, DEFICIT is repayed???????

Any AMERICAN, of the streets, have more COMMON SENSE than the whole DAMN BUNCH of you so called "representatives".

You have NOT been representing your CONSTITUENCY, and you KNOW THAT!!!!

Every last one of you that have voted for all these BAILOUTS, STIMULUS, OMNIBUS, BAILOUTS, and more BAILOUTS, HEALTHCARE, out to be TRIED for TREASON!!!!!

Why? Because you've SPENT monies and BAILED out folks and companies that SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN BAILED out.

It's NOT in our United STATES CONSTITUTION.~!!!!!!!!!!
You USURPTED powers that were NOT YOURS!!!!!
You acted like "LITTLE DICTATORS" doing whatever you felt like doing.

If the POWER is not specifically given to CONGRESS, it REMAINS with the STATES or with the PEOPLE!!!!! READ!!!

YOU are GUILTY of doing things that are NOT within your REALM of AUTHORTY. USURPTING POWERS that ARE not given to you in the United States CONSTITUTION!!!!!

You folks with DEAF EARS, and NO COMMON SENSE, are going to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for the THINGS you have done!!!

AMERICA and AMERICANS WILL SURVIVE, both with NO THANKS TO anything you've done, but INSPITE OF YOU!!!!!!!

The BIG TSUNAMI has not hit yet!!!!



I'm always enlightened when I read the serious musings of my fellow citizens. Convinces me more than ever that:

1. Ya' gotta' have a sense of humour
2. We're doomed.

This is a wonderful thread.


Quote from: Sigmatic on June 12, 2010, 08:23:55 PM
"inspite"  :lol:

I have to say as someone who judges the way nonnative English speakers speak in English, it's tough for me to be too rough on someone if they make up some interesting manifestations of our language simply by virtue of the fact that the NATIVES THEMSELVES are so thusly "creative."


I've started reading some again out of boredom.


Where do you find these incompetent people...Obama Labor chief: Illegals have a right to fair wages.. Really,.and maybe medical and school and social security may be we should all quit our jobs and give them to ILLEGAL ALIENS....this is the hall mark of your administration INCOMPETENCY.....Its endless..........It appears you are unaware that this in the United States of American, the Greatest Country in the World...we are not Europe or Asia or South America.....We are still number 1 get use to it or go back to Jakarta...PS: We are the most generous people in the world....We don't need you to share our wealth...PS: I do believe you earned to much money last year and should give some 4 million to the poor...As it is you are liveing in a great house for nothing...and doing nothing right....Over paid...


Well, he's right about Obama's incompetency, but that's about it.  Also, it's amazing to note how much of that letter was a string of poorly linked cliches, as if the ability to construct an argument was replaced by listening to talk radio.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on June 21, 2010, 09:30:21 PM
Well, he's right about Obama's incompetency, but that's about it.  Also, it's amazing to note how much of that letter was a string of poorly linked cliches, as if the ability to construct an argument was replaced by listening to talk radio.


Thinking is for snotty liberals.
Molon Lube


I like his optimism.  It's like he believes the USA is Goldman Sachs and Koch Industries.  Of course, in a very real owning-of-power sense it is, but it's not like he is a shareholder in this vast and mighty money making machine, whereas he at least has a minor stake in the (mostly fictional) American govt.

Too funny.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on June 21, 2010, 10:07:09 PM
I like his optimism.  It's like he believes the USA is Goldman Sachs and Koch Industries.  Of course, in a very real owning-of-power sense it is, but it's not like he is a shareholder in this vast and mighty money making machine, whereas he at least has a minor stake in the (mostly fictional) American govt.

Too funny.

Speaking as a Doktor and a misanthrope, I approve of this century, so far, for the sheer volume of slapstick alone.
Molon Lube


It's like the Church of Euthanasia suddenly gained a mass following among perfectly healthy people.