
I hope she gets diverticulitis and all her poop kills her.

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Dok! Its leaking...

Started by NotPublished, June 17, 2010, 11:51:59 PM

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Dear Dok,

I think something is leaking from Tuscon ...

The Aus Surfers are a minority of the issue, regardless I agree something should be done about them :lol:
We have such a strong diversity with our cultures, that it's all starting to fall apart.

You can't have too many strong personalities in the same room, if they don't work together - then they are against each other, neutrals don't seem to exist. Some of the cultures carry down their Ancestors prejudices, they just hate without knowing why.

Maybe its like this everywhere, it seems like for each suburb, theres a culture claiming it as their own land; while some are harmless and friendly, there are some where you can't even look at them without being called a Racist. Of course, you'd be a fool to venture into those lands in the first place. But, it seems this Racist epidemic is wide spread ... too many cultures want it done their way.

Actually, recently there is alot of talk about Racism - its true, Australians are racist... though theres a big crackdown on them. I admit I am racist, I wouldn't date an Asian :lol: So that makes me racist. Oh! A quick tidbit - There is a policy in arguement that if you swear on Sydney Streets, you can get fined right on the spot. Anyway thats a bit of a tangent, but damn thats just a bit ridicolous. Its sad that these things need to be talked about in the first place.

I'm glad I look like me, I get confused for alot of different ethnicities so maybe that has kept me safe ... but my friends have had experiences of their own, and heard stories from those they know.

It seems to be starting out in the western Area of NSW, my Asian friend was attacked by a group of Australian Natives for 'walking on their land' which happened to be near the train-station. He didn't do anything wrong, I know him - he's a close friend of mine ... very gentle person.

If you move up to the Bankstown Area, the Lebanese ran rampant there (and my god they are adorable! They have the doof-doof cars and whatever the hell they do); they seem friendly, but with good reason you have to watch what you say, my sister dated one - she ended being beaten up (She kept it well hidden from us), lost 3 years of her life and her sanity. She has her head back on her shoulders now atleast.

Of course, there are bad apples everywhere which wreck it for the rest, I have many friends with many different cultures, I'm beggining to see past the idea of labeling people as the Culture they associate with and just call them Australian ... maybe its the Australians that have it wrong, with this obsession at self-preservation, the bronzed-Australian is long-gone.

If people don't want to be called Australians, and they are living in Australia - something is being done wrong!

I'm glad that we don't have the freedom of guns like the Americans, I'd be really scared if that was the case, if a citizen is spotted with a gun - they will send in the snipers and a lot of officers ...

Of course it's not as bad as it sounds ... I'm pretty happy here, I think its almost the same everywhere else... give or take based on circumstances of course.

Anyhow, I think I lost myself a bit ... What is it like around the world?

ps - Aren't weddings just...boring? I hope the women weren't too painful, but I don't think I'll understand any of that anytime soon.

Stay Safe Dok!

In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.

Doktor Howl


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Molon Lube


In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube