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The Big Fear, the middle fear, and the little fear

Started by Apikoros II, August 17, 2010, 04:44:49 PM

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Apikoros II

So, when a package or something comes to my building, I get an email from the doorman... Today I got one "Messenger Delivery Awaits you at the Front Desk"--- I was like, OMG, who is suing me? Do I owe someone money? Did someone finally find the keys I lost? So, I called, and it turns out that the coffee maker I bought from ebay was delivered by a non-traditional service hence... Messenger Delivery.... Anyways, I enjoy the "Fill Out" questioneers we see here occasionaly, so here is one:

The Middle Fear
The Little Fear:

for me:

The BIG FEAR: Dying a slow death instead of an easy way out (IE Long term Cancer vs car accident)
The Middle Fear Country Moving far more right then we already are
The Little Fear: Unexplained letters/packages
I also believe that everything is false, even that statement and the one above it. Also, when you look into the abyss the abyss looks into you. Heck, the abyss sometimes winks and once it gave me the finger.


I don't fear my mail. *shrug*

I do fear, in descending order:
myself or my children being raped and killed
Edited since it seemed a bit harsh before:  my kids getting some terminal disease
My family falling apart more than it has--like losing their houses, etc. (this has already happened to some, we helped them bounce back, my fear is actually one day we can't do that anymore)

But that probably was not what you were looking for.  Unfortunately, mundane rituals like receiving and opening mail just never hold any sort of fear for me...


I refuse to believe in the postman for this very reason.


The BIG FEAR: At age 50 I will be friendless, lonely, and worse off than I am now
The Middle Fear Being an assistant forever. Or quitting this job and then going back to min.wage.
The Little Fear: At the moment I wake up, strangers in suits will be standing around my bed, pointing at me