
Testimonial: "Yeah, wasn't expecting it. Near shat myself."

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Started by Salty, August 27, 2010, 07:01:43 AM

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Just would like to add that William Lee Rand, the head Traditional Reiki Dude ($$$) in the US had a really nasty heart attack a few years back.

The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


Quote from: Charley Brown on August 27, 2010, 10:51:25 PM
Quote from: Alty on August 27, 2010, 10:48:51 PM


No need. It is interesting.

Hey thanks. I'm glad you think so.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


Quote from: Alty on August 27, 2010, 10:48:51 PM
Traditional reiki has a lineage that traces back from your reiki master to the woman who brought it to America (and warped it completely). You're supposed to have a certificate (hahaha!) that lists your lineage and your level (1, 2 or Master).

It would be relatively easy to fake it. But I experienced physical sensations and reactions (crying or laughing for no reason, for example) during attunements. Psychosomatics or placebo or ?

Can I call you Babs?
Pain is one element. But the method in "treating" pain is the same as correcting any imbalance.
Reiki in america is hopelessly mingled with holistic method.
Thus, pain is treated by balancing the energy flow (BTW I FEEL TOTALLY RETARDED FOR POSTING THIS ON PD).

The goal overall is not to make pain go away but to change what's causing the pain to begin with. The root of the issue may be emotional and/or tied to memory. And furthermore to bring overall balance to a persons life for THE GREATER GOOD.

I was perfectly fine taking my hits and challenges as they came as lessons or something which I was ultimately spiritually responsible for, something I decided on and accepted on some level of my existence. I was willing to accept these things as being a part of some eventual greater good that I would come to understand.

Until this happened.
Now I make my meat-based decisions and accept their meat-based consequences.

Not only can I provide that service for you, remotely, but I can offer it at competitive pricing.

My wife and most of my RT friends call me Babs, so sure. 

To me the for the greater good part is the problem, not reiki in general.  I've had it done on me before and it cleared up fairly severe numbness in my foot and lower leg that was making it difficult for me to do my job.  Now my wife and I were having serious problems at the time, and this didn't help that (except that if I had lost my job that would have made it worse) nor did I expect it to, nor did the reiki master say anything about effecting anything except my foot.
You're a special case, Babylon.  You are offensive even when you don't post.

Merely by being alive, you make everyone just a little more miserable

-Dok Howl


Ah I see what you mean. But the cardiologist analogy isn't quite accurate only because the application of reiki to relieve pain or otherwise heal the body is only one aspect.

Reiki is a holistic alternative medicine method.
Reiki is a spiritual practice based on five precepts.
Reiki is the energy itself.

These are all very different things within the context of "doing reiki" or "being a practitioner/master".

Usui-do is the Buddhist-based spiritual way of life from which the above three receive their name. Mikao Usui's headstone, which lists the five precepts mentions reiki.

A practitioner wouldn't mention the other aspects to you because they A) aren't interested or knowledgable about it beyond the healing modality or B) don't feel they need to explain the background knowledge in relation to your treatment. Also, explaining that stuff makes it sound less snappy.

Personally, I'm inclined to think the positive and beneficial outcomes to be psychosomatic, and mentioning the deep roots of a disease or difficulty in life often runs counter to providing that effect.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.