News: Like a fraternity of drunken clowns, hopped up on goofballs, beating one-another to a bloody pulp with bricks; the maniacal laughter increases exponentially as someone runs off to get a cinder-block.

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Started by Adios, October 04, 2010, 06:23:09 AM

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Ooh, Hawk! What lovely little wings you have.  :|
"We need a plane for Bombing, Strafing, Assault and Battery, Interception, Ground Support, and Reconaissance,

"I kinda like him. It's like he sees inside my soul" ~ Nigel

Whoever puts their hand on me to govern me, is a usurper, and a tyrant, and I declare them my enemy!

"And when the clouds obscure the moon, and normal service is resumed. It wont. Mean. A. Thing"


Quote from: Alty on October 04, 2010, 08:00:09 AM
Ah I know just what you mean, Sigmatic.
I was punched in the face through my car window, got a cut above the eye that I had to stop with an old receipt, follow the guy who did it for 15 min, then ran out of gas. Then worked an 8 hour retail shift.
The punch itself felt like nothing at all.

It is so strange.  Whenever something painful catches me unawares (e.g. bumping my head or stubbing my toe), I stop to think before feeling pain or getting angry.  More often than not, I'll pull a reaction formation type response like "Haha, awesome" or "That was fun!".  It's slowly training out my "hot anger" response.  I can still get calmly angry, though.


Quote from: BadBeast on October 04, 2010, 02:43:21 PM
Ooh, Hawk! What lovely little wings you have.  :|

And I'm not wearing anything under the dress.

Don Coyote

Quote from: Henny Youngman on October 04, 2010, 10:03:05 PM
Quote from: BadBeast on October 04, 2010, 02:43:21 PM
Ooh, Hawk! What lovely little wings you have.  :|

And I'm not wearing anything under the dress.
You naughty little fairy.


Regarding the WOMP: :lulz:

Regarding the OP:

I never understood (or enjoyed being around) the braggy, over-aggressive, "Everyone who doesn't mess with me is a little scardey punk" mentality. It's not my thing. I know a lot of people have respect for that, and even look for it in their friends. But to me, it just seems like a waste of time and energy that could be better spent doing, well, anything else. Anything. I mean, yeah, there are times when I'm getting fucked with, I wish I had a big goddamn lead pipe in hand to beat them to death with, but that's an urge of the monkeys, and I'm better than that. I'm better than them who are messing with me. There is a time and place for it, in my opinion, and that's whenever it is necessary, not because you want to look like a hard ass. Some of the hardest people I know keep it under wraps most of the time, and some of the most weak minded, emotionally stunted, and sociopathic people I ever knew wanted to always be seen as a scary hard ass, *or they were just trying too hard.

Not saying that's Charlie or anything, that's just the way I view it.



My best story and why I was left alone throughout high school (until I was a senior, but that is a different story):

I was walking with my good friend James around our tiny little town about 6 or 7 years ago, and we were going past the park. Some guys with whom we had a history of dislike were playing basketball, shirts and skins. And he says, just loud enough for them to hear: " Ya know what I hate? When guys think its ok  to take their shirts off in public." Of course, the dudes ran over to us, the two with shirts on ripping them off as they ran.  Before they even get to us, James says "I thought you guys were going to beat me up, not rape me." There was some male posturing from the dudes, but they quickly gave up on us when they realized we weren't intimidated by them. Well, I thought it was a blast, especially since 4 rather athletic fellows backed down so easily from a skinny geek and a five-foot-nothing girl. We went about our business and forgot the whole thing. Well, until we had to walk back past the park to go back to my house anyway. As we walked past the second time, ignoring them, they start yelling threats at us that we'd better not walk past again or something to that effect. Of course, we couldn't let that stand, so we turned right around and walk past a third, then a fourth time. We would have been content, but apparently one of them had called their girlfriend or something, because this particularly unattractive girl came storming into the street in front of us, waved around a dull, oversized kitchen knife, and said "I have a knife, I will stab you in the fucking face." I'll never forget those words, nor what I did next. I smiled my brightest, most sincere smile, walked straight up to her, stopped about a foot away, and said calmly and sweetly: "Then do it." She looked at me with a mixture of fear and confusion, then let out a frustrated grunt and stormed off in the opposite direction. We just laughed and walked away.

After that incident, no one really messed with either of us, though we never told anyone about that. That was either right before or right after we started high school. Despite never being in a fight in my life up to that point, I could tell that people were afraid of me. And I liked it that way.


Quote from: Mistress Freeky, HRN on October 05, 2010, 04:18:07 AM
Regarding the WOMP: :lulz:

Regarding the OP:

I never understood (or enjoyed being around) the braggy, over-aggressive, "Everyone who doesn't mess with me is a little scardey punk" mentality. It's not my thing. I know a lot of people have respect for that, and even look for it in their friends. But to me, it just seems like a waste of time and energy that could be better spent doing, well, anything else. Anything. I mean, yeah, there are times when I'm getting fucked with, I wish I had a big goddamn lead pipe in hand to beat them to death with, but that's an urge of the monkeys, and I'm better than that. I'm better than them who are messing with me. There is a time and place for it, in my opinion, and that's whenever it is necessary, not because you want to look like a hard ass. Some of the hardest people I know keep it under wraps most of the time, and some of the most weak minded, emotionally stunted, and sociopathic people I ever knew wanted to always be seen as a scary hard ass, *or they were just trying too hard.

Not saying that's Charlie or anything, that's just the way I view it.


I hope I didn't come across that way. In my usual style I was just telling a story.


Quote from: Phox on October 05, 2010, 05:06:32 AM
My best story and why I was left alone throughout high school (until I was a senior, but that is a different story):

I was walking with my good friend James around our tiny little town about 6 or 7 years ago, and we were going past the park. Some guys with whom we had a history of dislike were playing basketball, shirts and skins. And he says, just loud enough for them to hear: " Ya know what I hate? When guys think its ok  to take their shirts off in public." Of course, the dudes ran over to us, the two with shirts on ripping them off as they ran.  Before they even get to us, James says "I thought you guys were going to beat me up, not rape me." There was some male posturing from the dudes, but they quickly gave up on us when they realized we weren't intimidated by them. Well, I thought it was a blast, especially since 4 rather athletic fellows backed down so easily from a skinny geek and a five-foot-nothing girl. We went about our business and forgot the whole thing. Well, until we had to walk back past the park to go back to my house anyway. As we walked past the second time, ignoring them, they start yelling threats at us that we'd better not walk past again or something to that effect. Of course, we couldn't let that stand, so we turned right around and walk past a third, then a fourth time. We would have been content, but apparently one of them had called their girlfriend or something, because this particularly unattractive girl came storming into the street in front of us, waved around a dull, oversized kitchen knife, and said "I have a knife, I will stab you in the fucking face." I'll never forget those words, nor what I did next. I smiled my brightest, most sincere smile, walked straight up to her, stopped about a foot away, and said calmly and sweetly: "Then do it." She looked at me with a mixture of fear and confusion, then let out a frustrated grunt and stormed off in the opposite direction. We just laughed and walked away.

After that incident, no one really messed with either of us, though we never told anyone about that. That was either right before or right after we started high school. Despite never being in a fight in my life up to that point, I could tell that people were afraid of me. And I liked it that way.
Way to go Grrl. That's the best place to be a hardass. In your head. Because that's what they all fear. Terrified though she was, that's why she came on with a knife. You hurt their heads. That's why she knew all along she would never use it. Because you had a headful of hard. She knew you had won, before she started. But she hoped you weren't going to cut her. And you didn't. That's why people were feered of you at school. But you must have reigned it in, because it's not much good for your social skills if everyone is afraid of you.

Subtle enough to allow them to avoid seeing you as Scary Mary, but just enough edge showing, to make people not consider you a target or a victim. That, young VixenPhox, is indeed, the correct motorcycle.  

And keep away from my bloody chickens, You hear me?!!
"We need a plane for Bombing, Strafing, Assault and Battery, Interception, Ground Support, and Reconaissance,

"I kinda like him. It's like he sees inside my soul" ~ Nigel

Whoever puts their hand on me to govern me, is a usurper, and a tyrant, and I declare them my enemy!

"And when the clouds obscure the moon, and normal service is resumed. It wont. Mean. A. Thing"


Quote from: BadBeast on October 05, 2010, 05:57:19 AM
Quote from: Phox on October 05, 2010, 05:06:32 AM
My best story and why I was left alone throughout high school (until I was a senior, but that is a different story):

I was walking with my good friend James around our tiny little town about 6 or 7 years ago, and we were going past the park. Some guys with whom we had a history of dislike were playing basketball, shirts and skins. And he says, just loud enough for them to hear: " Ya know what I hate? When guys think its ok  to take their shirts off in public." Of course, the dudes ran over to us, the two with shirts on ripping them off as they ran.  Before they even get to us, James says "I thought you guys were going to beat me up, not rape me." There was some male posturing from the dudes, but they quickly gave up on us when they realized we weren't intimidated by them. Well, I thought it was a blast, especially since 4 rather athletic fellows backed down so easily from a skinny geek and a five-foot-nothing girl. We went about our business and forgot the whole thing. Well, until we had to walk back past the park to go back to my house anyway. As we walked past the second time, ignoring them, they start yelling threats at us that we'd better not walk past again or something to that effect. Of course, we couldn't let that stand, so we turned right around and walk past a third, then a fourth time. We would have been content, but apparently one of them had called their girlfriend or something, because this particularly unattractive girl came storming into the street in front of us, waved around a dull, oversized kitchen knife, and said "I have a knife, I will stab you in the fucking face." I'll never forget those words, nor what I did next. I smiled my brightest, most sincere smile, walked straight up to her, stopped about a foot away, and said calmly and sweetly: "Then do it." She looked at me with a mixture of fear and confusion, then let out a frustrated grunt and stormed off in the opposite direction. We just laughed and walked away.

After that incident, no one really messed with either of us, though we never told anyone about that. That was either right before or right after we started high school. Despite never being in a fight in my life up to that point, I could tell that people were afraid of me. And I liked it that way.
Way to go Grrl. That's the best place to be a hardass. In your head. Because that's what they all fear. Terrified though she was, that's why she came on with a knife. You hurt their heads. That's why she knew all along she would never use it. Because you had a headful of hard. She knew you had won, before she started. But she hoped you weren't going to cut her. And you didn't. That's why people were feered of you at school. But you must have reigned it in, because it's not much good for your social skills if everyone is afraid of you.

Subtle enough to allow them to avoid seeing you as Scary Mary, but just enough edge showing, to make people not consider you a target or a victim. That, young VixenPhox, is indeed, the correct motorcycle.  

And keep away from my bloody chickens, You hear me?!!
Well, I had my circle of friends. And you're right, people left me alone, but didn't necessarily avoid me. No one went out of their way to be particularly nice, but the only time I was ever given grief afterwards was by a younger boy, who I set straight with a hard right that got us both kicked out of school for 3 days. I enjoyed the vacation, and he had just enough time for the swelling to become a reddish bruise on his cheek.  :lulz:


I think the willingness to scrap is priceless. It often causes others to avoid going there. But I guess I need to expect to be critized for this attitude. Oh, well.


Quote from: Henny Youngman on October 05, 2010, 06:08:18 AM
I think the willingness to scrap is priceless. It often causes others to avoid going there. But I guess I need to expect to be critized for this attitude. Oh, well.

I agree with you. Sometimes, you have to prove that you won't let people walk all over you, even if it means you are in a fight you know you lose. Take my punch for example. That guy was twice my size, and if I hadn't been a girl, he probably would have kicked my ass from there to China. As it happened, he was too shocked that I actually punched him to do anything more than stare at me dumbfounded. He expected a slap, maybe, but not a balled fist. I was lucky in that one, but I haven't had need to do anything of the sort since, and I hope I won't have to anytime soon.

Nephew Twiddleton

Quote from: Henny Youngman on October 04, 2010, 06:40:27 AM
No. Hawk was/is a flaming asshat who was born without a fear bone. I know if I go to hell I will have a soft landing on the dead bodies of my enemies.

Good to know I'll have an ally when I get there.  :)
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



Quote from: Henny Youngman on October 05, 2010, 06:08:18 AM
I think the willingness to scrap is priceless. It often causes others to avoid going there. But I guess I need to expect to be critized for this attitude. Oh, well.
Not at all. If someone can tell you won't back down when they attempt to intimidate you, it ramps the stakes right up, so if they do happen to have an issue with you, then it had better be a fucking good one. That's good for you, because it means you don't need to worry about some silly twat calling you out for no good reason, and good for them, because it makes them think, "Well, how badly do I really need to make this point?". Gives everyone enough reason to be reasonable, IMO.  
"We need a plane for Bombing, Strafing, Assault and Battery, Interception, Ground Support, and Reconaissance,

"I kinda like him. It's like he sees inside my soul" ~ Nigel

Whoever puts their hand on me to govern me, is a usurper, and a tyrant, and I declare them my enemy!

"And when the clouds obscure the moon, and normal service is resumed. It wont. Mean. A. Thing"

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: Mistress Freeky, HRN on October 05, 2010, 04:18:07 AM
Regarding the WOMP: :lulz:

Regarding the OP:

I never understood (or enjoyed being around) the braggy, over-aggressive, "Everyone who doesn't mess with me is a little scardey punk" mentality. It's not my thing. I know a lot of people have respect for that, and even look for it in their friends. But to me, it just seems like a waste of time and energy that could be better spent doing, well, anything else. Anything. I mean, yeah, there are times when I'm getting fucked with, I wish I had a big goddamn lead pipe in hand to beat them to death with, but that's an urge of the monkeys, and I'm better than that. I'm better than them who are messing with me. There is a time and place for it, in my opinion, and that's whenever it is necessary, not because you want to look like a hard ass. Some of the hardest people I know keep it under wraps most of the time, and some of the most weak minded, emotionally stunted, and sociopathic people I ever knew wanted to always be seen as a scary hard ass, *or they were just trying too hard.

Not saying that's Charlie or anything, that's just the way I view it.


People don't usually try to start those kinds of fights with us, because we're girls.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Quote from: The Lord and Lady Omnibus Fuck on October 05, 2010, 07:28:22 AM
Quote from: Mistress Freeky, HRN on October 05, 2010, 04:18:07 AM
Regarding the WOMP: :lulz:

Regarding the OP:

I never understood (or enjoyed being around) the braggy, over-aggressive, "Everyone who doesn't mess with me is a little scardey punk" mentality. It's not my thing. I know a lot of people have respect for that, and even look for it in their friends. But to me, it just seems like a waste of time and energy that could be better spent doing, well, anything else. Anything. I mean, yeah, there are times when I'm getting fucked with, I wish I had a big goddamn lead pipe in hand to beat them to death with, but that's an urge of the monkeys, and I'm better than that. I'm better than them who are messing with me. There is a time and place for it, in my opinion, and that's whenever it is necessary, not because you want to look like a hard ass. Some of the hardest people I know keep it under wraps most of the time, and some of the most weak minded, emotionally stunted, and sociopathic people I ever knew wanted to always be seen as a scary hard ass, *or they were just trying too hard.

Not saying that's Charlie or anything, that's just the way I view it.


People don't usually try to start those kinds of fights with us, because we're girls.
Yeah, until one day they do, then you . . . . .fight like girls!   :lulz:
"We need a plane for Bombing, Strafing, Assault and Battery, Interception, Ground Support, and Reconaissance,

"I kinda like him. It's like he sees inside my soul" ~ Nigel

Whoever puts their hand on me to govern me, is a usurper, and a tyrant, and I declare them my enemy!

"And when the clouds obscure the moon, and normal service is resumed. It wont. Mean. A. Thing"