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Discourse 8: The real world...

Started by Trollax, May 05, 2003, 05:40:35 AM

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Quote from: BOFH
"And what about that?" I ask, pointing at a recently modified office item.

"A briefcase?"

"Yes, yes - but with a customised addition," I reply. "Bring it over."

He grabs it, straining under the unexpected weight, and starts to my desk.

With the press of the key on the disorganiser the latches burst open, freeing a couple of bricks which fall onto the PFY's feet. Sometimes you really do have to be cruel to be kind.

"What the hell did you do that for?" the PFY cries.

"Education," I respond. "You're suffering under the misapprehension that life is fair. It is not. Which is why empowered individuals like you and I make it so."

"I don't understand."

Wearily I explain...

I know this may come as a shock to some, but life isn't like a story. Life isn't fair, right and good doesn't always win, and the best outcome doesn't always happen.

This is not an ideal world, but that doesn't mean it has to ruin your whole week every time something bad happens...

I was going to rant but I'd rather just explain mysself as a series of points I'd like to call realities...

    1.) "If now is not what you expected look toward tomorrow."
Don't! If you are so concerned with making tomorrow better how can today be different? Do not convince yourself that tomorrow will be better, make now better! Make or find something that is worth today.

2.) Live out loud... Nobody will follow your dreams for you.

3.) Don't hinge your dreams on others. Nobody is under obligation to help you...

4.) If you see a mistake has been made, by you or by anyone else, do not get mad. How can regret about the past lead to change in the future? This is a fallacy, only when we put down our dissapointments can we pick up our chances.

5.) Expect the best, plan for the worst, so you can never get caught out. Things will go awry from time to time.

6.) Life is not a movie. So don't be surprised if nobody comes to your aid.

7.) You will make mistakes, fall short of your goals and dreams, and hurt the ones you love. This is nothing unusual, you are human. So long as you remember this you are able to say sorry.

8.) It is quite possible to get where you want to go by doing the wrong thing. The question is, are you willing to live with the consequences?

9.) True power is invisible, it is not an aggressive stare or harsh words. Those who have it are all but invisible, they could kill you without sparing any effort and you wouldn't know it until it's too late. This power is not considered real by the masses, because it does not invoke fear or awe. It is not meant to, it a current that drives action, it is the electricity of the soul nothing more.

10.) Injustices will be done and gods will allow it, because to the minds of believers they are not injustices, they are the will of deities. Beware of the person who does not "just hang" out with their deity, the do not want their own life.

11.) Destiny is made by you, unless you know that, your destiny is to serve pizzas forever.

12.) Anger directed outwards is violence, anger directed inwards is violence, Anger unexpressed and unexperienced is deadly, allow yourself to feel.

13.) always leave yourself time to fall apart at the start of the day. If you can do that, then there is enough time to do everything else.

14.) Symbols are everywhere it's just a question of what you're looking for and what you want to see.

15.) there is only one person to save and only one person who can save. You.

16.) Like symbols, everything is sacred, it's just a question of what sacred.

17.) There need not be 4, 8, 10, 12, 15, 23, or 33 of these statements.

18.) If you are afraid of a world without rules you will never be free. If you fear that your unchained self will run amok, you will never be free.
If you believe that all your darkness would come falling out if you let go, you will never be free. Without rules there is authenticity, this is what you fear, that you have not lived the life you wanted to and that you have walked too far in the wrong direction, but the longer you wait the harder it is to turn around.

19.) Freedom is not always easy, it can inspire jealousy in others. Don't be surprised.

20.) It's Ok to fight. But be sure that you can live with the reasons you chose to fight for.

21.) Combat is not the field of honor, combat is fought to win, if you fight for honor you will lose. Honor is internal, combat is a place where anything goes, combat is had for survival, not for fun.

22.) Weird is OK because everyone is weird.

23.) You are who you want to be.

24.) Never give up on what you truly believe in.

25.) Forces of nature are born every minute, most allow themselves to be shackled and gladly defend their prison.

26.) You will contradict yourself, but contradiction is just another paradox, not a wrong answer. contradiction is a flag that says: "Examine this more closely."

27.) Paradox is everywhere.

28.) Experience is not universal, the way you percieve this world and everything beyond it is peculiar to you.

29.) Embracing semantics is the best thing you can do. Then you can hear between the lines of what others say and find concert with others where previously there was none.

30.) The war is over the moment you stop fighting.

31.) Noot even uncertainty is certain

32.) There is no firm proof for anything so believe what you want and stay away from scientists!

33.) Love is not sex, or romance, if it was there would be more happy and succesful romances out there.

34.) The best way need not involve sacrifice, there is always a way to have your cake and eat it to.

35.) The hero's job can end. The war does not rage forever.

36) This work is always unfinished.


~NOTHING Trollax~


37.) It's OK to have an opinion.

38.) Sacrelige is not a crime.


39.) People may hurt you, just because they can. Because they find it fun or amusing. But where does your hurt come from? The answer to this question reveals the way you treat the world. Either as something which must be a certain way, or something which can be any damn way it likes!

livid E. T.

because of what you've said here and because I haven't been able to mold reality at will -- i do not have any sort of giant robot, wonderful girlfriend, or the ability to fly.

i've decided to kill myself and see if that helps.

point 39 seems like it comes from "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law", the rest of them seem like they come from some other logic.


umm OK...

I think that maybe you missed the whole point...

Life isn't a movie... so why pretend that it is? Why act like the universe is cosmic? It isn't but people are... We give form and shape ans substance to all of these feelings and ideas, then we proceed to let them rule us. The switch that says: "ORDINARY LIFE/EXTRAORDINARY LIFE" lives in your mind, maybe you've heard of it? It's a gland that starts with a "p" and has a small temple inside of it.
The extraodinary thing is that we make heroes, villains, tyrants, and champions. Without the window of human experience to color it, it  is nothing more than exceptionally intelligent animals in a complex tribal relationship. you don't have to have the ability to bend and warp reality, or a perfect girlfriend,That's the story talking. The wise are born all over the place with all sorts of problems and abilities, Buddha was the son of a king, and Einstein was the son of a farmer. when you wake up in the morning, suddenly the window of your experience is draped across the landscape, giving an uncommon form and property to everything in the world the eyes you use are magical, because they create magic and reality and physical worlds and heavens and hells. But how often do you feel that?

Livid these things can be taken in 2 ways, they can be insights that cripple, or words that free you, let you know that you are a human. Words that say, The discontinuity between you and your world lies in your demands. If you demand one thing and get another you feel wronged. If you ask for one thing and get another, you know that the answer was "no", not, "fuck you hippie!"

~Sage Trollax~


40.) You can try, you can struggle, you can dream, and hope, and pray, you can give your all, want it more than anyone else and still get nothing.
Or you can do your part, to the best of your ability and only worry about the rewards and benefits when they arrive.


41.) There is only one person whom you can trust to have your best interests at heart all the time, and that is yourself.  But never underestimate anyone either; it is a bloody dangerous form of arrogance.  This shit can seriously backfire on you.

42.) If there's no enemy within, the enemies outside can't hurt you.  Hurt them back tenfold if they even try, of course.

43.) Truth = what people want to believe.

44.) They call you paranoid, but that's just because they don't trust you.
When I was a little man
Playdough came in a little can
I was Star Wars' biggest fan
Now I'm stuck without a plan
GI Joe was an action man
Shaggy drove the mystery van
Devo was my favorite band
Take me back to my happy land


45.) W00t!

46.) Courage, is a conscise answer in your own semantics and not worrying about having to explain yourself.

~Welcome Trollax~


47.) Don't forget, you are under no obligation to anyone for anything, nor are they to you... litterally, do unto yourself as you would do unto others... and versa vice.

***This random post revival brought to you by the office of hagiography of the DIA Department 23 FNORD***


You couldn't have timed this revival better...

I suddenly felt like reading this post again during the day, but I was too lazy to actually go search for it...

If you happen to be a telepath, then subconscious suggestion is a really evil way to get people to read your posts...  :wink:
When I was a little man
Playdough came in a little can
I was Star Wars' biggest fan
Now I'm stuck without a plan
GI Joe was an action man
Shaggy drove the mystery van
Devo was my favorite band
Take me back to my happy land


Quote from: ListerIf you happen to be a telepath, then subconscious suggestion is a really evil way to get people to read your posts...  :wink:

Actuqally listy It's funny you should mention that as I am empathic, and the funny thing is, lately I'll think things and then other people will say them... Now I'm not sure which end of the side I'm on :lol:

48.) Slavery is a birthright you give to yourself, freedom is a birthright you steal from yourself.



Yes please do... so long as due credit is given...
Oh and do remember to make sure all the popular people will see them... and thus be put of and scared and react insecurely to them so they have to go out and make more people's lives miserable besides their own...

49.) I may contain nuts people! I have the mark as I was too late! AAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! When they came to fit me in a box there was nobody left to speak for me, In my silence I had crated myself up and said that I may contain traces of nuts!


QuoteActuqally listy It's funny you should mention that as I am empathic, and the funny thing is, lately I'll think things and then other people will say them... Now I'm not sure which end of the side I'm on  

Yeah, I get stuff like this all the time.
Well sort of...
It's more like correct guesses for me...

Like playing a CD ("random" setting) with 200 songs on it (mp3 format; my discman can handle this sort of thing) and correctly guessing which song will be played next (I'm right about 63% of the time as a rough estimate).

But more annoyingly (to other people) is me finishig their sentences when they speak too slow for my tastes...

Meh, if my subconscious doesn't want to tell me how I'm doing this, then the bastard will just have to get better at it without my intervention...

Oh, and...

50) There is NO rule 50!

(If Trollax can rip off Pratchett with his nuts, then I got every right to rip off Monty Python...)
When I was a little man
Playdough came in a little can
I was Star Wars' biggest fan
Now I'm stuck without a plan
GI Joe was an action man
Shaggy drove the mystery van
Devo was my favorite band
Take me back to my happy land


Quote from: Lister50) There is NO rule 50!

(If Trollax can rip off Pratchett with his nuts, then I got every right to rip off Monty Python...)

Actually it's only partly a ripoff... it's to do with people with food intolerances and allergies... and treating that as if it were some sort of prejudicial sentiment towards nuts in general, the marking refers to every witchunt in history (specifically the terrorism one now) where if a person was suspected of containing nuts (i.e. being a witch, communist, terrorist, etc.) they were branded in some fashion.

51.) Just because you have nothing original to say doesn't mean that it has no value.

~Inquisitional Trollax~

Rev Thwack

Actually it's only partly a ripoff... it's to do with people with food intolerances and allergies... and treating that as if it were some sort of prejudicial sentiment towards nuts in general, the marking refers to every witchunt in history (specifically the terrorism one now) where if a person was suspected of containing nuts (i.e. being a witch, communist, terrorist, etc.) they were branded in some fashion.

51.) Just because you have nothing original to say doesn't mean that it has no value.
My balls itch...