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Started by Placid Dingo, December 05, 2010, 06:40:56 AM

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I was under the impression that this list was meant to gather a consensus on influential/good books, not a suggested reading list.


I'm undecided about American Gods.

One one hand, the "protagonist" is an absolute black hole. He does not. exist. He has no feelings, no motivations, nothing that even makes him human.

On the other hand, the central meme of the book is incredibly powerful, and will mindfuck your definition of what Gods are in the ear.
Is it plugged in?

Nephew Twiddleton

Quote from: Phox on December 05, 2010, 09:07:12 PM
Lord of the Flies must stay!  :argh!:

I've never read all of Dune, but I liked what I did read, and I loved the film.

Surely you don't mean the 1984 version with Rock Superstar Sting as Feyd Rautha. That was horrible.
The books were awesome though, at least the first three. God Emperor of Dune was kinda boring and I only got halfway through Heretics of Dune because I got sick of the upteenth clone of Duncan Idaho and how he was supposed to be brainwashed with sex.
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



Quote from: Doktor Blight on December 06, 2010, 04:07:38 AM
Quote from: Phox on December 05, 2010, 09:07:12 PM
Lord of the Flies must stay!  :argh!:

I've never read all of Dune, but I liked what I did read, and I loved the film.

Surely you don't mean the 1984 version with Rock Superstar Sting as Feyd Rautha. That was horrible.

I do. I suppose you and I had to disagree on something, sometime. For awhile there i started to wonder. :lulz:

Nephew Twiddleton

Quote from: Phox on December 06, 2010, 04:23:03 AM
Quote from: Doktor Blight on December 06, 2010, 04:07:38 AM
Quote from: Phox on December 05, 2010, 09:07:12 PM
Lord of the Flies must stay!  :argh!:

I've never read all of Dune, but I liked what I did read, and I loved the film.

Surely you don't mean the 1984 version with Rock Superstar Sting as Feyd Rautha. That was horrible.

I do. I suppose you and I had to disagree on something, sometime. For awhile there i started to wonder. :lulz:

The movie becomes intolerable after reading the novel. The only saving grace is Captain Picard riding a sandworm, with his skullet flapping in the wind. Now, the Sci-Fi Channel miniseries is awesome, and truer to the book.
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



Quote from: Doktor Blight on December 06, 2010, 04:26:17 AM
Quote from: Phox on December 06, 2010, 04:23:03 AM
Quote from: Doktor Blight on December 06, 2010, 04:07:38 AM
Quote from: Phox on December 05, 2010, 09:07:12 PM
Lord of the Flies must stay!  :argh!:

I've never read all of Dune, but I liked what I did read, and I loved the film.

Surely you don't mean the 1984 version with Rock Superstar Sting as Feyd Rautha. That was horrible.

I do. I suppose you and I had to disagree on something, sometime. For awhile there i started to wonder. :lulz:

The movie becomes intolerable after reading the novel. The only saving grace is Captain Picard riding a sandworm, with his skullet flapping in the wind. Now, the Sci-Fi Channel miniseries is awesome, and truer to the book.


Hmm. Maybe you're right. I haven't watched it in about 6 or 7 years, and I hadn't read any of the novel then. Haven't seen the miniseries. Will try to catch it sometime.

Nephew Twiddleton

Quote from: Phox on December 06, 2010, 04:39:51 AM
Quote from: Doktor Blight on December 06, 2010, 04:26:17 AM
Quote from: Phox on December 06, 2010, 04:23:03 AM
Quote from: Doktor Blight on December 06, 2010, 04:07:38 AM
Quote from: Phox on December 05, 2010, 09:07:12 PM
Lord of the Flies must stay!  :argh!:

I've never read all of Dune, but I liked what I did read, and I loved the film.

Surely you don't mean the 1984 version with Rock Superstar Sting as Feyd Rautha. That was horrible.

I do. I suppose you and I had to disagree on something, sometime. For awhile there i started to wonder. :lulz:

The movie becomes intolerable after reading the novel. The only saving grace is Captain Picard riding a sandworm, with his skullet flapping in the wind. Now, the Sci-Fi Channel miniseries is awesome, and truer to the book.


Hmm. Maybe you're right. I haven't watched it in about 6 or 7 years, and I hadn't read any of the novel then. Haven't seen the miniseries. Will try to catch it sometime.

It's pretty good, and the actor who plays Leto Atreides doesn't have a ridiculous sounding and lispy voice.
And Paul has a decent hair cut.

-Notices the important things in a screen adaption.
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



Quote from: Doktor Blight on December 06, 2010, 04:44:01 AM
It's pretty good, and the actor who plays Leto Atreides doesn't have a ridiculous sounding and lispy voice.
And Paul has a decent hair cut.

-Notices the important things in a screen adaption.


Quote from: Placid Dingo on December 05, 2010, 06:40:56 AM
100 books for a list.


But the warning was not heeded, and as we stepped into the cave, the moon turned red and the howling began.

171 have stepped into this terrible place.

Only 100 will leave alive.

Will Darwin be the most able to adapt? Will Bradbury be set upon by the firemen? Will the Bible dodge the willing blade of Abraham? Will the Principia die for your sins? Will Joyce be censored? Will Garfield truly become minus garfield? Will Dawkins selfish Genes be passed on? Will Atticus save the mockingbird? Will Rand fight off the evil moochers? Will the Prince be loved, or feared? Will Vonnegut release the Ice 9? ALL TO BE REVEALED: LET THE BLOODBATH COMMENCE!!

1.The Constitution Of the United States       Too many amendments. Counts as unfinished.
2. The Tao Teh Ching
3. The Epic of Gilgamesh.
4. Beowulf.
5. The Koran (Translation of;)
6. The Bible.
7. Evasion - Anonymous
8. Flatland - Edward A Abbot.
9. Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
10. Watership Down - Richard Adams                     Bri-ii-i iiight Eyes! (Just sayin')
11. The house of spirits -  Isabel Allende
12. Über Das Altern - Jean Amery.
13. The Skinner - Neil Asher                Totally second this.
14. The Wasp Factory - Ian Banks
15. Giles Goat Boy - John Barth
16. Killing Aurora - Helen Barnes.
17. The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury *Yawn*
18. Farenheight 451 - Ray Bradbury.
19. The Ascent of Man - Bronowski
20. World War Z - Max Brooks
21. The Zombie Survival Guide - Max Brooks.
22. A short history of nearly everything - Bill Bryson.         Bryson's a Hack.
23. The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
24. A Clockwork Orange (uncut UK edition) - Anthony Burgess
25. The Myth of Sisyphus and The Stranger - Albert Camus
26. The Rebel - Albert Camus.
27. The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle
28. Alice Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll              If the Chronicles of Narnia qualify as
29. Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll                                  one entry, then these should too.
30. Poker Without Cards - Howard Campbell.
31. Don Quixote - Cervantes
32. Cyteen by CJ Cherryh
33. Shogun - James Clavel
34. I am America and so can you - Stephen Colbert.
35. The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad
36. If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans - Ann Coulter        GTFO
37. Inferno - Dante
38. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life - Charles Darwin
39. The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
40. Anti-Oedipus - Deleuze and Guattari
41. A Thousand Plateaus - Deleuze and Guattari.
42. Mao II - Don Delillo
43. Breaking the Spell - Daniel Dennett
44. Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs - Mark Dery
45. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Phillip K Dick
46. We Can Remember it for you Wholesale - Philip k Dick
47. Ubik - Phillip K Dick.
48. Notes From the Underground - Dostoevsky
49. Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky
50. Foucalt's Pendulum - Umberto Eco
51. Schild's Ladder - Greg Egan
52. Distress - Greg Egan.
53. A Contract with God, and Other Tenement Stories - Will Eisner
54. American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
55. Surely you're joking Mr. Feynmann - Richard Feynman
56. The Golden Bough-  Sir James Frazer
57. American Gods, Neil Gaiman
58. Neverwhere- Neil Gaiman
59. Anansi Boys- Neil Gaiman
60. Sandman- Neil Gaiman
61. Neuromancer - W. Gibson
62. Pattern Recognition - W. Gibson
63. Chaos - James Gleick
64. Lord of the Flies - William Golding       Too dated and predictable
65. The 48 Laws of Power- Robert Greene.
66. The Magicians - by Lev Grossman
67. Rules for Writers - Diana Hacker
68. The Raw Shark Texts- Steven Hall
69. The Secret Teachings of all Ages Manly.P.Hall           Brilliant.
70. American Fascism - Christ Hedges
71. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
72. Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein
73. Stranger in a Strange land by Robert Heinlein
74. Moon is a Harsh Mistress - Robert Heinlein
75. Dune - Frank Herbert
76. Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse
77. Siddatha - Herman Hesse
78. Condensed Chaos- Phil Hine
79 The Illiad - Homer                                    Again, these two should
80. The Odyssey - Homer.                          count as one.
81. Steal This Book - Abbie Hoffman
82. Goedel, Escher, Bach - Douglass Hofstadter
83. The Wise Book of Baloney - Baron Von Hoopla
84. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
85. Against Nature by Joris-Karl Huysmans
86. Sock - Penn Jilette
87. Ulysses - James Joyce                      Too much scat
88.  Man And His Symbols - Carl Jung
89. The Metamorphosis - Kafka
90. The Trial - Kafka
91. Amerika - Kafka
92. The art of demotivation - E.L. Kersten
93. The Seducer's Diary - Kierkegaard
94. The Jungle Books - Kipling
95. To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
96. The Perfect Spy - John Le Carre
97. The Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis
98. Billion Dollar Bunko/How to Cheat at Everything - Simon Lovell
99. The Prince - Nicolo Machiavelli
100. Principia Discordia - Mal2 and Omarr Ravenhurst
101. The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx                 Might as well add "Mien Kampf.
102. The Incunabula and Ong's Hat Papers - Joseph Matheny et al.
103. The Road - Cormac McCarthy
104.Milk, Sulphate, and Alby Starvation - by Mark Millar                 Should go to the top of the list.
105. Watchmen - Alan Moore                                Good, but not good enough.
106. Promethea - Alan Moore
107. V for Vendetta - Alan Moore                                  See Watchmen
108. The Dancers at the End of Time - Michael Moorcock
109. Book of Five Rings - Musashi
110. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
111. Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche
112. Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche
113. A Game of Universe by Eric S. Nylund
114. The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien
115. 1984 - George Orwell
116. Animal Farm - George Orwell
117. Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
118. Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
119. Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk
120. Common Sense - Thomas Payne {Is this actually meant to be 'The American Crisis, which Payne wrote AS 'Common Sense'?)
121. Rights of Man - Thomas Payne.
122. The Gormenghast trilogy - Marvyn Peake
123. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig
124. The Republic - Plato.
125. Thief of Time - Terry Pratchett
126. Mort - Terry Pratchett
127. Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett
128. Small Gods - Terry Pratchett
129. Feet of Clay - Terry Pratchett
130. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand            Nah.
131. Apocalypse: The Musical - Robert Rankin.
132. Another Roadside Attraction by Tom Robbins
133. The hermetic museum - alchemy & mysticism - Alexander Roob
134. Software - Rudy Rucker
135. Catcher in the Rye - J.D Salinger.                    Only if it's autographed by John Lennon
136. The Dark Elf Trilogy - R.A. Salvatore
137. No Exit - Sarte
138. Being and Nothingness - Sartre
139. Where the Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak
140. The Man who Fell in Love with the Moon - Tom Spanbauer
141. Deus X - Norman Spinrad
142. Cryptonomicon - Neal Stephenson
143. Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
144. The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson
145. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead - Tom Stoppard
146. A Modest Proposal - Johnathan Swift
147. Fooled by Randomness/Black Swan - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
148. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson
149. Hells Angels- Hunter S Thompson                            Good, but hardly inspirational
150. Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail- HST         Superfluous
151. Walden - Thoreau
152. Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
153. The Mysterious Stranger - Mark Twain
154. Cannibalism in the Cars - Mark Twain (short story)
155. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Mark Twain
156. The Art of War - Sun Tzu
157. The Art of Memetics - Unruh and Wilson
158. Het allerslechtste van Spekkie Big - M. van der Holst
159. Hellblazer - Various
160. Candide - Voltaire.
161. Breakfast Of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut
162. Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
163. Cat's Cradle - K. Vonnegut
164. Garfield Minus Garfield - Dan Walsh/Jim Davis
165. Marabou Stork Nightmares - Irvine Welsh.
166. The Illuminatus! Trilogy, R. A. Wilson
167. The Historical Illuminatus - R.A.W
168. Otherland Series - Tad Williams.
169. The Night In Question by Tobias Wolfe
170. Soldier in the Mist - Gene Wolfe
171. Passionate Declarations - Howard Zinn
"We need a plane for Bombing, Strafing, Assault and Battery, Interception, Ground Support, and Reconaissance,

"I kinda like him. It's like he sees inside my soul" ~ Nigel

Whoever puts their hand on me to govern me, is a usurper, and a tyrant, and I declare them my enemy!

"And when the clouds obscure the moon, and normal service is resumed. It wont. Mean. A. Thing"


Quote from: Phox on December 05, 2010, 10:37:22 PM
I was under the impression that this list was meant to gather a consensus on influential/good books, not a suggested reading list.

Well, maybe it's just me but every time I see a "top 10/100/1000 best books evarrr" list, it always seems to be the same books everyone's already heard about that got mentioned in high school lit class.  I'm just tired of hearing how great Dostoyevsky, Tolkien, Vonnegut, Hemmingway, and the bible was. 

Also, the Principia Discordia does not belong on any list of greatest books written, period.  Face facts, it's a pop culture collage made by potheads before I was born.  Whoop de fuck.

Pope Pixie Pickle

Quote from: Placid Dingo on December 05, 2010, 06:40:56 AM

1.The Constitution Of the United States
2. The Tao Teh Ching
3. The Epic of Gilgamesh.
4. Beowulf.
5. The Koran (Translation of;)
6. The Bible.
7. Evasion - Anonymous
8. Flatland - Edward A Abbot.
9. Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
10. Watership Down - Richard Adams
11. The house of spirits -  Isabel Allende
12. Über Das Altern - Jean Amery.
13. The Skinner - Neil Asher
14. The Wasp Factory - Ian Banks
15. Giles Goat Boy - John Barth
16. Killing Aurora - Helen Barnes.
17. The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury
18. Farenheight 451 - Ray Bradbury.
19. The Ascent of Man - Bronowski
20. World War Z - Max Brooks
21. The Zombie Survival Guide - Max Brooks.
22. A short history of nearly everything - Bill Bryson.
23. The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
24. A Clockwork Orange (uncut UK edition) - Anthony Burgess
25. The Myth of Sisyphus and The Stranger - Albert Camus
26. The Rebel - Albert Camus.
27. The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle
28. Alice Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll
29. Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
30. Poker Without Cards - Howard Campbell.
31. Don Quixote - Cervantes
32. Cyteen by CJ Cherryh
33. Shogun - James Clavel
34. I am America and so can you - Stephen Colbert.
35. The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad
36. If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans - Ann Coulter
37. Inferno - Dante
38. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life - Charles Darwin
39. The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
40. Anti-Oedipus - Deleuze and Guattari
41. A Thousand Plateaus - Deleuze and Guattari.
42. Mao II - Don Delillo
43. Breaking the Spell - Daniel Dennett
44. Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs - Mark Dery
45. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Phillip K Dick
46. We Can Remember it for you Wholesale - Philip k Dick
47. Ubik - Phillip K Dick.
48. Notes From the Underground - Dostoevsky
49. Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky
50. Foucalt's Pendulum - Umberto Eco
51. Schild's Ladder - Greg Egan
52. Distress - Greg Egan.
53. A Contract with God, and Other Tenement Stories - Will Eisner
54. American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
55. Surely you're joking Mr. Feynmann - Richard Feynman
56. The Golden Bough-  Sir James Frazer
57. American Gods, Neil Gaiman Love this book
58. Neverwhere- Neil Gaiman not Gamans best work
59. Anansi Boys- Neil Gaiman I disagree with getting rid of this one
60. Sandman- Neil Gaiman
61. Neuromancer - W. Gibson
62. Pattern Recognition - W. Gibson
63. Chaos - James Gleick
64. Lord of the Flies - William Golding
65. The 48 Laws of Power- Robert Greene.
66. The Magicians - by Lev Grossman
67. Rules for Writers - Diana Hacker
68. The Raw Shark Texts- Steven Hall
69. The Secret Teachings of all Ages Manly.P.Hall
70. American Fascism - Christ Hedges
71. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
72. Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein
73. Stranger in a Strange land by Robert Heinlein
74. Moon is a Harsh Mistress - Robert Heinlein
75. Dune - Frank Herbert
76. Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse
77. Siddatha - Herman Hesse
78. Condensed Chaos- Phil Hine
79 The Illiad - Homer
80. The Odyssey - Homer.
81. Steal This Book - Abbie Hoffman
82. Goedel, Escher, Bach - Douglass Hofstadter
83. The Wise Book of Baloney - Baron Von Hoopla
84. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
85. Against Nature by Joris-Karl Huysmans
86. Sock - Penn Jilette
87. Ulysses - James Joyce
88.  Man And His Symbols - Carl Jung
89. The Metamorphosis - Kafka
90. The Trial - Kafka
91. Amerika - Kafka
92. The art of demotivation - E.L. Kersten
93. The Seducer's Diary - Kierkegaard
94. The Jungle Books - Kipling
95. To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
96. The Perfect Spy - John Le Carre
97. The Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis
98. Billion Dollar Bunko/How to Cheat at Everything - Simon Lovell
99. The Prince - Nicolo Machiavelli
100. Principia Discordia - Mal2 and Omarr Ravenhurst
101. The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx
102. The Incunabula and Ong's Hat Papers - Joseph Matheny et al.
103. The Road - Cormac McCarthy
104.Milk, Sulphate, and Alby Starvation - by Mark Millar
105. Watchmen - Alan Moore scrap this and i WILL be forced to weep
106. Promethea - Alan Moore
107. V for Vendetta - Alan Moore
108. The Dancers at the End of Time - Michael Moorcock
109. Book of Five Rings - Musashi
110. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
111. Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche
112. Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche
113. A Game of Universe by Eric S. Nylund
114. The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien
115. 1984 - George Orwell
116. Animal Farm - George Orwell
117. Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
118. Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
119. Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk
120. Common Sense - Thomas Payne {Is this actually meant to be 'The American Crisis, which Payne wrote AS 'Common Sense'?)
121. Rights of Man - Thomas Payne.
122. The Gormenghast trilogy - Marvyn Peake
123. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig
124. The Republic - Plato.
125. Thief of Time - Terry Pratchett
126. Mort - Terry Pratchett this neeeds to be cut as the weakest Pratchett in the list.
127. Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett
128. Small Gods - Terry Pratchett
129. Feet of Clay - Terry Pratchett
130. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand nuff said.
131. Apocalypse: The Musical - Robert Rankin.
132. Another Roadside Attraction by Tom Robbins keep this one
133. The hermetic museum - alchemy & mysticism - Alexander Roob
134. Software - Rudy Rucker
135. Catcher in the Rye - J.D Salinger. this book sucks.
136. The Dark Elf Trilogy - R.A. Salvatore
137. No Exit - Sarte
138. Being and Nothingness - Sartre
139. Where the Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak
140. The Man who Fell in Love with the Moon - Tom Spanbauer
141. Deus X - Norman Spinrad
142. Cryptonomicon - Neal Stephenson
143. Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
144. The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson
145. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead - Tom Stoppard
146. A Modest Proposal - Johnathan Swift
147. Fooled by Randomness/Black Swan - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
148. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson
149. Hells Angels- Hunter S Thompson
150. Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail- HST
151. Walden - Thoreau
152. Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien Tolkein bores me
153. The Mysterious Stranger - Mark Twain
154. Cannibalism in the Cars - Mark Twain (short story)
155. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Mark Twain
156. The Art of War - Sun Tzu
157. The Art of Memetics - Unruh and Wilson
158. Het allerslechtste van Spekkie Big - M. van der Holst
159. Hellblazer - Various
160. Candide - Voltaire.
161. Breakfast Of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut
162. Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
163. Cat's Cradle - K. Vonnegut
164. Garfield Minus Garfield - Dan Walsh/Jim Davis
165. Marabou Stork Nightmares - Irvine Welsh.
166. The Illuminatus! Trilogy, R. A. Wilson
167. The Historical Illuminatus - R.A.W
168. Otherland Series - Tad Williams.
169. The Night In Question by Tobias Wolfe
170. Soldier in the Mist - Gene Wolfe
171. Passionate Declarations - Howard Zinn

these ones selected are the books I've read or tried to read without success, exept for Ayn Rand,which was done on principle... And Metamorphasis by Kafka needs to stay.


Quote from: Sigmatic on December 06, 2010, 10:00:44 AM
Quote from: Phox on December 05, 2010, 10:37:22 PM
I was under the impression that this list was meant to gather a consensus on influential/good books, not a suggested reading list.

Well, maybe it's just me but every time I see a "top 10/100/1000 best books evarrr" list, it always seems to be the same books everyone's already heard about that got mentioned in high school lit class.  I'm just tired of hearing how great Dostoyevsky, Tolkien, Vonnegut, Hemmingway, and the bible was. 

Also, the Principia Discordia does not belong on any list of greatest books written, period.  Face facts, it's a pop culture collage made by potheads before I was born.  Whoop de fuck.

Yeah, true, but again, I'm of the opinion that despite the repetitiveness, if we're trying to go for "best books", as opposed to "best books you've never read", then there is going to be some overlap.

@BB, While I can agree that the Alice books should be one entry, I'm not sure I can say the same for Homer. I suppose it depends on what criteria you base combining them on.

Precious Moments Zalgo

Quote from: Phox on December 05, 2010, 07:47:39 AM
Quote from: Placid Dingo on December 05, 2010, 06:40:56 AM
39. The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins Fuck that.
I would vote for replacing this one with The Ancestor's Tale by the same author.  I have read several of his books, and of those I consider that one to be his best by far.  Reading that book gave me a very solid understanding of what evolution is and isn't and how it works, and Dawkins restrained himself and managed to indulge in religion bashing only once or twice -- so not enough to ruin an otherwise great work.
I will answer ANY prayer for $39.95.*

*Unfortunately, I cannot give refunds in the event that the answer is no.

Nephew Twiddleton

Quote from: BadBeast on December 06, 2010, 06:43:50 AM
101. The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx                 Might as well add "Mien Kampf.

Actually I agree with you but for different reasons: It's boring.
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



Quote from: Placid Dingo on December 05, 2010, 01:22:56 PM
HAWHAW! The books are slowly picked off!

14 sacrificed for the greater good! But more still follow!

SPEAK NOW if you wish to redeem any! I have bolded the fallen and struck through my own suggestions for those to be yet cast into the pit.

Quote from: Placid Dingo on December 05, 2010, 06:40:56 AM
100 books for a list.


But the warning was not heeded, and as we stepped into the cave, the moon turned red and the howling began.

171 have stepped into this terrible place.

Only 100 will leave alive.

Will Darwin be the most able to adapt? Will Bradbury be set upon by the firemen? Will the Bible dodge the willing blade of Abraham? Will the Principia die for your sins? Will Joyce be censored? Will Garfield truly become minus garfield? Will Dawkins selfish Genes be passed on? Will Atticus save the mockingbird? Will Rand fight off the evil moochers? Will the Prince be loved, or feared? Will Vonnegut release the Ice 9? ALL TO BE REVEALED: LET THE BLOODBATH COMMENCE!!

1. The Constitution Of the United States
2. The Tao Teh Ching
3. The Epic of Gilgamesh.
4. Beowulf.
5. The Koran (Translation of;)
6. The Bible.
7. Evasion - Anonymous
8. Flatland - Edward A Abbot. Clever but not brilliant.
9. Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
10. Watership Down - Richard Adams
11. The house of spirits -  Isabel Allende
12. Über Das Altern - Jean Amery.
13. The Skinner - Neil Asher
14. The Wasp Factory - Ian Banks
15. Giles Goat Boy - John Barth
16. Killing Aurora - Helen Barnes.
The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury
17. Farenheight 451 - Ray Bradbury.
18. The Ascent of Man - Bronowski
19. World War Z - Max Brooks
The Zombie Survival Guide - Max Brooks.
2o. A short history of nearly everything - Bill Bryson.
21. The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
22. A Clockwork Orange (uncut UK edition) - Anthony Burgess
23. The Myth of Sisyphus and The Stranger - Albert Camus
24. The Rebel - Albert Camus.
25. The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle Great book, but probably doesn't belong on the final cut.
26. Alice Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll
27. Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
Poker Without Cards - Howard Campbell.
28. Don Quixote - Cervantes
29. Cyteen by CJ Cherryh
3o. Shogun - James Clavel
31. I am America and so can you - Stephen Colbert.
32. The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad
If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans - Ann Coulter
33. The Divine Comedy - Dante
34. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life - Charles Darwin
The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
35. Anti-Oedipus - Deleuze and Guattari
36. A Thousand Plateaus - Deleuze and Guattari.
37. Mao II - Don Delillo
38. Breaking the Spell - Daniel Dennett
39. Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs - Mark Dery
4o. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Phillip K Dick
41. We Can Remember it for you Wholesale - Philip k Dick
42. Ubik - Phillip K Dick.
43. Notes From the Underground - Dostoevsky
44. Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky
Foucalt's Pendulum - Umberto Eco
45. Schild's Ladder - Greg Egan
46. Distress - Greg Egan.
47. A Contract with God, and Other Tenement Stories - Will Eisner
48. American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis -Tempted to kill it-... and temptation won
49. Surely you're joking Mr. Feynmann - Richard Feynman
5o. The Golden Bough-  Sir James Frazer
51. American Gods, Neil Gaiman
Neverwhere- Neil Gaiman
Anansi Boys- Neil Gaiman
51. Sandman- Neil Gaiman
52. Neuromancer - W. Gibson
53. Pattern Recognition - W. Gibson
54. Chaos - James Gleick
55. Lord of the Flies - William Golding
56. The 48 Laws of Power- Robert Greene.
The Magicians - by Lev Grossman
57. Rules for Writers - Diana Hacker
58. The Raw Shark Texts- Steven Hall
59. The Secret Teachings of all Ages Manly.P.Hall
6o. American Fascism - Christ Hedges
61. Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
62. Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein
63. Stranger in a Strange land by Robert Heinlein
64. Moon is a Harsh Mistress - Robert Heinlein
65. Dune - Frank Herbert
66. Steppenwolf - Herman Hesse
67. Siddatha - Herman Hesse
68. Condensed Chaos- Phil Hine
69. The Illiad - Homer tempted, but i show mercy as Kai recently spoke highly of it
7o. The Odyssey - Homer.
71. Steal This Book - Abbie Hoffman
72. Goedel, Escher, Bach - Douglass Hofstadter
73. The Wise Book of Baloney - Baron Von Hoopla
74. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
75. Against Nature by Joris-Karl Huysmans
76. Sock - Penn Jilette
77. Ulysses - James Joyce
78.  Man And His Symbols - Carl Jung
79. The Metamorphosis - Kafka
80. The Trial - Kafka
81. Amerika - Kafka
82. The art of demotivation - E.L. Kersten
83. The Seducer's Diary - Kierkegaard
84. The Jungle Books - Kipling
85. To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
86. The Perfect Spy - John Le Carre
87. The Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis I feel kind bad about this one
88. Billion Dollar Bunko/How to Cheat at Everything - Simon Lovell
89. The Prince - Nicolo Machiavelli
9o. Principia Discordia - Mal2 and Omarr Ravenhurst
91. The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx
92. The Incunabula and Ong's Hat Papers - Joseph Matheny et al.
93. The Road - Cormac McCarthy
94.Milk, Sulphate, and Alby Starvation - by Mark Millar
Watchmen - Alan Moore
95. Promethea - Alan Moore
V for Vendetta - Alan Moore
96. The Dancers at the End of Time - Michael Moorcock
97. Book of Five Rings - Musashi
98. Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
99. Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche
1oo. Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche
1o1. A Game of Universe by Eric S. Nylund
1o2. The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien
1o3. 1984 - George Orwell
1o4. Animal Farm - George Orwell
1o5. Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
1o5. Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
1o7. Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk I fucking HATE this book. There's two BRILLIANT short stories in here, then a stack of Chuck going, 'look at me, I'm outraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagous!
108. Common Sense - Thomas Payne {Is this actually meant to be 'The American Crisis, which Payne wrote AS 'Common Sense'?) Hmm, I wonder what to write today's pamplet about... oh I know! How the British are cockspanks!
1o9. Rights of Man - Thomas Payne.
11o. The Gormenghast trilogy - Marvyn Peake
111. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig
112. The Republic - Plato.
113. Thief of Time - Terry Pratchett
Mort - Terry Pratchett
114. Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett Unlike the other Pratchett, this one was only picked for being the first, rather than quality.
115. Small Gods - Terry Pratchett
116. Feet of Clay - Terry Pratchett
Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
117. Apocalypse: The Musical - Robert Rankin.
118. Another Roadside Attraction by Tom Robbins
119. The hermetic museum - alchemy & mysticism - Alexander Roob
12o. Software - Rudy Rucker
Catcher in the Rye - J.D Salinger.
The Dark Elf Trilogy - R.A. Salvatore
121. No Exit - Sarte
122. Being and Nothingness - Sartre
123. Where the Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak I hate to do it but...
124. The Man who Fell in Love with the Moon - Tom Spanbauer
125. Deus X - Norman Spinrad
126. Cryptonomicon - Neal Stephenson
127. Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
128. The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson
129. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead - Tom Stoppard
13o. A Modest Proposal - Johnathan Swift
131. Fooled by Randomness/Black Swan - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
132. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson
133. Hells Angels- Hunter S Thompson
134. Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail- HST
135. Walden - Thoreau
136. Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
137. The Mysterious Stranger - Mark Twain
138. Cannibalism in the Cars - Mark Twain (short story)
139. Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Mark Twain
14o. The Art of War - Sun Tzu
141. The Art of Memetics - Unruh and Wilson
142. Het allerslechtste van Spekkie Big - M. van der Holst
143. Hellblazer - Various
144. Candide - Voltaire.
145. Breakfast Of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut
146. Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
147. Cat's Cradle - K. Vonnegut
148. Garfield Minus Garfield - Dan Walsh/Jim Davis
149. Marabou Stork Nightmares - Irvine Welsh.
15o. The Illuminatus! Trilogy, R. A. Wilson
151. The Historical Illuminatus - R.A.W
152. Otherland Series - Tad Williams.
153. The Night In Question by Tobias Wolfe
154. Soldier in the Mist - Gene Wolfe
155. Passionate Declarations - Howard Zinn

OK! So, 55 more to go! 48 if nobody objects to my selections.


The Martian Chronicles should not get axed.  Full of cautionary tales still relevant today. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.