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Started by Lies, December 07, 2010, 05:29:02 AM

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My dear PD'ers, I have a very ambitious project I wish to share with you all.
Are you, like me, sick of the current lies and misinformation and conspiracy theories floating around our current baised, agenda pushing media outlets (The ones that *we* don't put out there ourselves, anyway), dumbing down humanity making it a pain in the ass to go postergasming in the city without some 9/11 truther or anti-vaccination nut getting in your face?
Does watching the news make you want to throw a brick through your TV/Monitor? Does it make your blood boil when you hear someone else go "Alex Jones said bla bla bla IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE HIM YOU ARE A SHEEP"?

Don't you wish you could stab the general populace every time you hear one of them say something stupid?
Well, I've got the next best thing. We can try *educating* the general populace with our own brand of homespun lies and insanity, because we know OUR LIES ARE BETTER THAN THEIRS. Sure, we won't convince everyone, but hopefully, just hopefully, if we plant enough seeds, some of them will start growing.

So, here is what I'm going to do, and I will do this regardless of whoever wants to join in, but I would LOVE for there to be more than just me doing this.

I'm creating DNN, Discord News Network.
Lies, mis-information, and de-education, Erisian Style. (With hints of Truth, Think for yourself, schmuck, and boobs to get peoples attention)
This will be a information program which will start on youtube, but may have room to manoeuvre to other video hosting sites depending on factors that I will decide at some point, maybe.

Heres what I want from you guys:
Ideas as to what will make up our segments, I already have few, for example:(theses are just the working names I have for them at the moment, the actual names of the segments may change upon actual editing)
Conspiritainment watch: Commentary and and debunking of conspiritainment sites like Infowars and Abovetopsecret.
Unfair and completely biased: Commentary and criticism of mainstream news outlets
Or Kill Me: pretty much goes  without saying, but, Commentary and ranting on the machine in general.
This revolution is not sponsored by coke: commentary and critism of wars going on in all those places full of brown people in countries whos names we dont know.
Sex, Lies and Politicians: commentary on world leaders, their actions, new laws they intend to pass/will pass, and all aneristic stuff some of you love (lookin at you Cain)

Thats some of the things that come to mind straight away, if you have ideas for more, please share them.

Also, what we need: People who are good at editing videos, I can do this myself but if theres anyone more experienced, your contribution would be greatly appreciated.

People who are willing to stand in front of a camera and say things for the segments, either from the comfort of your own home, or out and about being a roving reporter.

I really think our combined knowledge and views could be used for a great benifit to help sway the public memespace and hivemind.
We can't let other people outcrazy us and get all the attention RIGHT GUYS?

Guys, seriously, think about this: This *Could* be big. This *could* get attention. This might be the change, the spanner in the cogs of the machine we preach so much about. This *can* be done. Fuck, even if we don't get anywhere with it, even if we get -500 views, we have to at LEAST try. If we don't try, *they* have already won.


- So the New World Order does not actually exist?
- Oh it exists, and how!
Ask the slaves whose labour built the White House;
Ask the slaves of today tied down to sweatshops and brothels to escape hunger;
Ask most women, second class citizens, in a pervasive rape culture;
Ask the non-human creatures who inhabit the planet:
whales, bears, frogs, tuna, bees, slaughtered farm animals;
Ask the natives of the Americas and Australia on whose land
you live today, on whose graves your factories, farms and neighbourhoods stand;
ask any of them this, ask them if the New World Order is true;
they'll tell you plainly: the New World Order... is you!


Also, I should mention: This could be a *great* springboard for other GASM missions as well.
- So the New World Order does not actually exist?
- Oh it exists, and how!
Ask the slaves whose labour built the White House;
Ask the slaves of today tied down to sweatshops and brothels to escape hunger;
Ask most women, second class citizens, in a pervasive rape culture;
Ask the non-human creatures who inhabit the planet:
whales, bears, frogs, tuna, bees, slaughtered farm animals;
Ask the natives of the Americas and Australia on whose land
you live today, on whose graves your factories, farms and neighbourhoods stand;
ask any of them this, ask them if the New World Order is true;
they'll tell you plainly: the New World Order... is you!


I'm willing to help in any way possible.


I love the idea of creating an info distribution point.

I love the idea of creating a structure to transform ideas here into videos - I have little experience video editing myself. It's really the optimal distribution package for a lot of stuff.

Does this thing have an agenda in of itself?

Prince Glittersnatch III

Im pretty decent in Sony Vegas and would be willing to contribute to this. <---worst human being to ever live. <----Learn the truth behind Discordianism

Quote from: Aleister Growly on September 04, 2010, 04:08:37 AM
Glittersnatch would be a rather unfortunate condition, if a halfway decent troll name.

Quote from: GIGGLES on June 16, 2011, 10:24:05 PM


I have some video editing experience (required to render out frame-by-frame animation). I could probably do some simple CG scenes (backgrounds), if I'm not swamped with school at the time.
Telarus, KSC,
.__.  Keeper of the Contradictory Cephalopod, Zenarchist Swordsman,
(0o)  Tender to the Edible Zen Garden, Ratcheting Metallic Sex Doll of The End Times,
/||\   Episkopos of the Amorphous Dreams Cabal

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