
He was a pretty good teacher, but he's also batshit insane and smells like ferret pee.

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Limited Time Offer - Free Stuff

Started by gnimbley, August 24, 2004, 02:52:45 AM

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Quote from: treemonster
Quote from: gnimbleyGalactic Pot Healer is PKD.

And, yes, there are still boxes left with unknown goodies contained within.


Philip K. Dick, the god of paranoia and paperback sf.
The Philip K. Dick Award is given each year for the best science fiction
novel published first in paperback.
During his life he wasn't popular enough to get published in hardback.
Since Bladerunner, Hollywood loves his stuff and has made a lot
of movies from his stories.
They are better in written form.
Woo hoo!

Marl Fublewonker

Thank you very much Gnimbly. The books are great! I have nothing more to say than, thanks.

Horab Fibslager

i on the other hand offer you the virginity of my 5th born daughter
Hell is other people.


If I come across a god needed a virgin for a virgin birth, I'll let you know.


Quote from: gnimbley
Quote from: treemonster
Quote from: gnimbleyGalactic Pot Healer is PKD.

And, yes, there are still boxes left with unknown goodies contained within.


Philip K. Dick, the god of paranoia and paperback sf.
The Philip K. Dick Award is given each year for the best science fiction
novel published first in paperback.
During his life he wasn't popular enough to get published in hardback.
Since Bladerunner, Hollywood loves his stuff and has made a lot
of movies from his stories.
They are better in written form.
Woo hoo!

PKD is like "It's a wonderful life" as a deceased estate (I don't believe he left behind any children) it's fairly easy to get it turned into a movie without paying royalties


Quote from: St. Trollax, ODD
PKD is like "It's a wonderful life" as a deceased estate (I don't believe he left behind any children) it's fairly easy to get it turned into a movie without paying royalties

Also, they don't have to worry about the author making disparaging
remarks about the movie, which you know PKD would do, especially
to something like Total Recall.


I got a package with a gnome on it today Gnimbley, thank you for the weird books.


can you just send me a package with a little gnome on it and no books?  I just want the gnome. . .
The bun-sellers or cake-makers were in nothing inclinable to their request; but,which was worse,did injure them most outrageously,called them prattling gabblers,lickorous gluttons,freckled bittors,mangy rascals,shite-a-bed scoundrels,drunken roysters,sly knaves,drowsy loiterers,slapsauce fellows,slabberdegullion druggels,lubberly louts,cozening foxes,ruffian rogues,paltry customers,sycophant-varlets,drawlatch hoydens,flouting milksops,jeering companions,staring clowns,forlorn snakes,ninny lobcocks,scurvy sneaksbies,fondling fops,base loons,saucy coxcombs,idle lusks,scoffing braggarts,noddy meacocks,blockish grutnols,doddipol-joltheads,jobbernol goosecaps,foolish loggerheads,flutch calf-lollies,grouthead gnat-snappers,lob-dotterels,gaping changelings,codshead loobies,woodcock slangams,ninny-hammer flycatchers,noddypeak simpletons,turdy gut,shitten shepherds,and other suchlike defamatory epithets; saying further,that it was not for them to eat of these dainty cakes...

archPope Rocket P Llama

Books were LOVELY! Thank you! Hail to the gnome!
His Empirical Majesty archPope Rocket P. Llama, King of the Jews, GTKoRO, aka RevRev. Tokeval D. Kroenik KHG
-Bastard Children of Andy Warhol Cabal-(BCOAW)
"Buck buck buck BCOAW"

Horab Fibslager

the gnome is teh pwn eh? i haven't started on mine yet as i'm reelign from reading jsut under 10k pages in the last 3 months, and i'm having trouble finishing the book i'm on, btu these'll definitely hit the spot the next time i have the desire to consuem mass quantities of text.
Hell is other people.


still checking the mail... It feels like when I was a kid and got ripped off from those companys that advertise in comic books... but this time it's free.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferisstill checking the mail... It feels like when I was a kid and got ripped off from those companys that advertise in comic books... but this time it's free.

There's always one post office that believes in taking the maximum
amount of time allowed for each package to be delivered.

Either that or I didn't send you anything because I forgot.

Or maybe that there is space time distortion and the package
was delivered to you in a previous life.

Or maybe there is no package, only the sembalance of a package.

Or maybe I sent it to Medeo.

Hey! Aren't you really Med... these are not the droids you are
looking for

What was I talking about?

::wanders off in search of whatever he is in search of this time::


Quote from: gnimbley
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferisstill checking the mail... It feels like when I was a kid and got ripped off from those companys that advertise in comic books... but this time it's free.

There's always one post office that believes in taking the maximum
amount of time allowed for each package to be delivered.

Either that or I didn't send you anything because I forgot.

Or maybe that there is space time distortion and the package
was delivered to you in a previous life.

Or maybe there is no package, only the sembalance of a package.

Or maybe I sent it to Medeo.

Hey! Aren't you really Med... these are not the droids you are
looking for

What was I talking about?

::wanders off in search of whatever he is in search of this time::
how appropriate I get the box on Medeo's birthday after makeing my last post about waiting for the books... I was so smileing...  

Nightside...oh boy this was a fun book.
Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.


Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.

St. Pynchon

Gads!  Free books?  Pulp sci fi?  I must be slipping in my old age.  Still got some?

I just picked up 'Deus Irae', PKD and Roger Zelazny writing together.  Looks spiff!
MemeCo Buttons

Against the day