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An Excerpt from: Why Odysseus Is A Tool

Started by Phox, December 25, 2010, 06:38:10 AM

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30 Thirty left { sorry abut that i get moused so much on LiNE
i thought it best to save and move along
i Really do not know if i will EVEN get close
all i know is it will not B as TW Was X'ed Mid Terms & NavHo X2ed
her ggoes anyway
Apollo, Aphrodite, ? Demeter,  Eris,
thats about all i care to say
26 REM the best approach is to exit SH212 and head across
the grass(W) for the NYPD with abandon | Jog right and proceed West
between the LiBraRY & StooT Straight || past the A Field Right & Susan B&W
Left the trail takes one(or 2} West of the field so it is necessary to return
East once the back entry {stage Door | Of Hoffman is Found
CCW around HH to SEH and into waht was it 106 | leave a not on the
black board

42 18REM Greek green?/?
Figures , The Pleiades,  Minos,
ovies Clash of the Titans 45 aces Mount Oly
48 Euripides, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Plato

really I AM not sure Navaho was hard for me | almost as bad as NA''Ho
once U leave SEH it is wise to continue west across ?11th?
there is a garden  behind the fence there, & maybe a sign to sign up
for that access? from the 13th street garden? continue South across
the freway turn rigt past GC's old place 1st on right & clear on
around the loop to return back across the freway going East
behind you was the action of the '90s but my guess is that
that has moved across the branch to beaverton & to the Hallow
as the post '90s build up for them took place down by the INN
Wonderings of di0


01:25 2012 04/07 " Odysseus. We are sailing to Troy "
Od. We are sailing Kayak'N to Troy /-/Ardtack {RoSS)

?BLUE? Newman told me not to bother with SmithsOn {/indexing #
ok Four Menelaus tells what he learned of Odysseus  ?
he sails from Troy. ?/?/? : the bow of Heracles,
which Philoctetes now owns... Odysseus and Diomedes
(or some say Neoptolemus) went to Philoctetes
in Lemnos, and having by craft got possession of the bow,

they persuaded him to sail to Troy.
RED Odysseus brought Neoptolemus |lives Neoptolemus took

My guess is i took a wrong link? bak to Dialog

B9Yes it was nastalgic finding both
Listen its a steep decline not \ but |
B advised


Hmm. That's interesting, Hirley0. I am not at all familiar with Navajo, and I would most certainly be interested in learning how translating Greek into Navajo turns out.

In regards to the rest of your posts, I can't honestly say I fully understand you, but your links are fairly interesting. If you are inquiring about my versions of the stories, they are merely my own preferred versions. I, as a storyteller, have an agenda, and so I will use the stories as such. Speaking of which:

The Greeks had received an oracle that informed them that the first Greek to set foot on Trojan land would be the first to die by Trojan hands. Oracles had an annoying habit of rhyming, and the Greeks were reluctant to make such a terrible couplet come true. However, it was cunning Odysseus who overcame the terrible poetry through pedantry and deceit. As his ship was the first to arrive, he threw his shield to ground and leaped onto it, therefore not setting foot on Trojan land. Protesilaus was the next to leap down, and was killed in the first battle with the Trojans.


most certainly be interested in learning how translating Greek into Navajo turns out.
YES'Sum: its not a tail of gay cableYaRows Galloping into the Horse
Latatudes. Rather it was Narative? of Gals & Guys doing their{V thing?
Togather at Times 7 at Times NOT. iT has not wound UP: it is ongoing | TBC in 11 min

6:46:23 ? 6:57:58.1 at 06:58:39
turns out. / wound UP ? tab Left{ was outed | (comanchie C.P. in
Navaho {CP also left to sealTH is my understanding { not in tune:
"irty left { sorry abut that i get moused so much on LiNE"

version: From the O'sage whats going on. a class at 1 at PS,32112.msg1162713.html#msg1162713

? Protesilaus ?
at 06:58:39.00
Prōtesilāus , in Greek myth, Thessalian prince, son of Iphiclus.
Soon after his marriage he left
originally known as Iolaus, but began being called


Saturday green / 6 Ik{wind
iOnly hope U see | My telepathic connections | DO NOT eXist
aLL thats left is teleK, in English? the dirt in your Mouse

:fnord: Nav-Ho  :fnord: Come&Si :fnord: YacSumMa  {enter Tp East to West

yes'Su (Um? by Word from Mouth To mouth }


7 AKBAL{darkness
22:01 2012 / 7 AKBAL{darkness... follows wind(chorteL
So: i seeno reason not to revisit the translation. from yakamaw
to Navajo | Listening to her tell the tails it was easy to hear
her love/devotion the meriod of details (stick to paint} and He
was a Questioning follower & person of Solid standing there{nascc
My interpretation is something like this: they communED in the
present tence such that the Mythical greeks had people present
likness OR persona | there were guy & gal ? couple | & the usuall
heros & not so heroic: Mostly the NARAtive considered place of
the substance that held the meaning to coagulate the sorted details
perhaps 5 or 7 sequence occuring durring a finite time period
perhaps referenced befor & after WHATEVER. sO? I'LL SEARCH for
those?/? after 22:14 Whitch is Now. the whiTching hour! i've FF11
/ : ? :
So needless for me to say : much of the walk & talk was about WALK & TALK
leaving Portland Oregon: Navajo People - The Diné
Places Mount Olympus,
The Underworld? Hades vast palace, complete with many guests.
, Tartarus ?
Where: The Red & Black Cafe - 400 SE 12th Ave

B9 Yes it was nastalgic finding both
Listen its a steep decline not \ but |
B advised


The staging point Agamemnon had chosen was located at Aulis. Here, the allies gathered their forces, a thousand ships strong. All appeared to be ready, but no favorable wind blew. The collected forces could not set sail to Troy with the wind against them. They waited for many days with no change. Agamemnon was persuaded to consult the soothsayer Calchas to discover the reason for the ill wind.

Taking only his most trusted companions, Diomedes and Odysseus, (yes, Odysseus was one of Agamemnon's most trusted companions for some reason), Agamemnion consulted the seer. "Oh great oracle!" he said in his booming voice. "Tell me what fool is responsible for this affront to me! How can I possibly gain any glory if my Zeus-damned ships won't move!?"

Calchas rolled his eyes. "It's your fault, you idiot. The auspices say that you killed a sacred deer in Artemis' sacred grove, and now she's pissed off at you."

Agamemnon grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck. "Oh, that," he said quietly. "Umm. Well, there must be a way to appease her, right? I mean, it was just a deer."   
Calchas shrugged and sighed deeply. "You could sacrifice your daughter, Iphigenia, to Artemis. A virgin sacrifice always appeases her."

Agamemnon stared at Calchas, mouth agape. "That's it? That's fucking easy!" He leaped to his feet enthusiastically. "Ody, Dio, my buds, go fetch my daughter. It shouldn't be hard to get her to come with you."

At Mycenae, Odysseus and Diomedes found Iphigenia playing in a field of wild flowers. Odysseus smiled slyly as he turned to Diomedes and said "Piece of cake." Diomedes just shook his head slowly as Odysseus strolled confidently over to the young girl. "Hello, little girl, we were sent by your father, Agamemnon, and we..." Before he could finish his sentence, a large rock struck his head, as a shrill whistle pierced the silence of the meadow.
"Stranger danger! Stranger danger!" the little girl called as she ran across the field, occasionally blowing the whistle for good measure.

Diomedes helped a wobbly Odysseus to his feet. "Ah dun wanna go te skool t'dee, Mummy," was all Odysseus managed to say before several armed men were bearing down upon them.
Diomedes, the more intelligent of the two, raised his hands to show that he was unarmed. Unfortunately, Odysseus had not yet regained the ability to stand on his own, and fell flat on his face.

He awoke several hours later in a dungeon cell of some sort. Diomedes was sitting next to him, silently contemplating the bars in front of them. "Odysseus awoke several hours later in a daze," he said, "He found himself in a dungeon cell of some sort, and he noticed that his boon companion Diomedes was staring at him disapprovingly, for reasons that he could not fathom."  Odysseus shook his head once to clear it. "So, that went well," he said as cheerily as he could muster (which was surprisingly much). "Where are we?"

Diomedes looked at his companion with the eye of a father measuring up a son who has made a dreadful mistake of judgment. "We are the guests of honor in Agamemnon's palace. Iphigenia wanted so much to introduce us to Clytemnestra that she had some heavily armed guards escort us here right away. Brilliant plan, Ody, just brilliant."

Odysseus smiled winningly. "Naturally," he said without a hint of sarcasm. "But come, Diomedes, let's not dwell on the mistakes of the past. We're here, in Agamemnon's home. I'm sure once we explain ourselves, Clytemnestra will release us and we can be about our business."

Diomedes just shook his head once again as a guard approached the cell. "You two, on your feet. The queen will see you now," he said with a sadistic glee that can only come from prison guards.

Odysseus got quickly to his feet and dusted himself off with enthusiasm. "See, I told you it would all work out," he said glibly to his companion before turning his full attention to the guard. "Lead on, kind guardsman; we are eager to clear our illustrious names of these heinous charges."

Odysseus and Diomedes were brought before Clytemnestra and cast down to their knees. Clytemnestra rose from her seat and looked haughtily over the prisoners. "Well, you scoundrels thought my husband's home would be undefended in his absence, did you? Well, you were wrong. What have you to say for yourselves, varlets?"

Odysseus smiled his winning smile and tried to rise, but was quickly cast back down. After brushing himself off a bit, he spoke. "Greetings, madam," he addressed her with the proper respect, but something in his tone was more flirtatious than was appropriate, causing Diomedes to cringe and the guard to mutter angrily. Clytemnestra, however, blushed slightly. He continued. "I am Odysseus of Ithaca, and this is my boon companion Diomedes of Argos. Your husband Agamemnon entrusted us with an important task. We are to bring young Iphigenia to him at Aulis. We are only following the wishes of your great husband."

Clytemnestra, though thrown off guard by Odysseus' charm, regained her composure. "Impossible!" she said curtly. "Agamemnon is in Troy by now, fighting the likes of Hector and Aeneas, winning great glory! However, I know your names! You are tricksters of the worst sort! Agamemnon is constantly taking about the wiles of cunning Odysseus, and cursing his name! Though, you Diomedes, he spoke highly of. Why you would throw your lot in with this scoundrel will surely be a mystery to Agamemnon!"

Odysseus was flustered by this revelation, but Diomedes was unperturbed, and rather invigorated. "Odysseus speaks the truth, my lady," he said in a courtly manner, bowing his head ever so slightly. "The winds have been foul these past months, and in that time Agamemnon has grown so fond of young Achilles, that he wishes for him to marry Iphigenia, to cement their friendship and to bring Achilles into his house!"

Odysseus looked at Diomedes with mixture of shock and admiration. "Dio, you clever devil... I mean, uh..." he cleared his throat. "Yes, Iphigenia is to be the bride of Achilles. And, as part of his dowry, Agamemnon is going to make Achilles admiral of the whole fleet, so that his mother Thetis may intervene with Poseidon and grant us safe travel and favorable winds!"

Diomedes stared in disbelief at the preposterous tale of Odysseus, but had no choice but to confirm it. Clytemnestra was unsure how to act, but just then a letter from Agamemnon arrived. For some reason, she read it aloud with the prisoners still on the floor.

QuoteDear Clytie Muffin,

I am greatly pleased to inform you that I have grown so fond of young Achilles over these past months, that I wish for him to marry our daughter Iphigenia, in order to cement our friendship and bring him into my house! I have already made him admiral of the entire fleet, as part of the dowry. Please send her to Aulis straight away. Oh and i you happen to see that bumbling oaf Odysseus, and that dear sweet boy Diomedes, please tell them that they are incompetent buffoons and probably bungled up the simple task of bringing my daughter to me. If they didn't, I will not only resign as commander of the expedition and grant the title to Diomedes, but I will also give Odysseus an atomic wedgie.

Aggie Poo

Diomedes slapped himself in the forehead and Odysseus smiled that insufferable smile of his as they were released from their bonds.



Quote from: The Freeky of SCIENCE! on April 10, 2012, 04:40:04 PM
:lol:  Aggie poo.
I think Agamemnon is one of my favorite characters to write for. I don't know why. I like writing for the ultimate Jerkass. It's just kind of amusing. On of my favorites scenes in the Iliad is where he promises to give Achilles his girl back, plus a few other girls, shit tons of lucre, and a couple of cities to rule, and then tacks on: "But, I can totally afford to give all that shit to you and STILL have more than you, because I'm motherfucking Agamemnon, motherfucker."  :lulz:


fine Will copy/paste to
& get back before the hour changes {maybe

Quote from: Doktor M. Phox0 on April 10, 2012, 04:51:10 PM
Quote from: The Freeky of SCIENCE! on April 10, 2012, 04:40:04 PM
:lol:  Aggie poo.
I king Agamemnon, moth

Agamemnon located at Aulis at 8:41 / 09:39 2012 04/10 pdT
Jun 13, 2011... BBC: Euripides' Iphigenia at Aulis which starred Roy Marsden
as Agamemn ? SONG OF ROLAND[8]..

MyTH :fnord: Many Transition delays SoRRy 4T

Anna Mae Bollocks

Quote from: Doktor M. Phox0 on April 10, 2012, 04:51:10 PM
Quote from: The Freeky of SCIENCE! on April 10, 2012, 04:40:04 PM
:lol:  Aggie poo.
I think Agamemnon is one of my favorite characters to write for. I don't know why. I like writing for the ultimate Jerkass. It's just kind of amusing. On of my favorites scenes in the Iliad is where he promises to give Achilles his girl back, plus a few other girls, shit tons of lucre, and a couple of cities to rule, and then tacks on: "But, I can totally afford to give all that shit to you and STILL have more than you, because I'm motherfucking Agamemnon, motherfucker."  :lulz:

:lulz: :lulz: :lulz:
Scantily-Clad Inspector of Gigantic and Unnecessary Cashews, Texas Division


Quote from: Anna Mae Bollocks on April 10, 2012, 08:23:32 PM
Quote from: Doktor M. Phox0 on April 10, 2012, 04:51:10 PM
Quote from: The Freeky of SCIENCE! on April 10, 2012, 04:40:04 PM
U Lost me some When?Where

4Me Reality itself is a myth, each creature? creates there own,
& most likely no two are identical. simularities shirley.
- -
thus when i describe | i try to be in a narative mode  | failed
THUS its hunt & pick Rather than naration. back2case | OK? the
details are the shadows, any hidden truth is revieled by shadow
: : :
the shadow in both the BBC & THE NHK versions were from Left
to right on the TV SCREEN ===> mY guess is the BBC Close up?
were shot in the Morning & the group video in the PM.
? ? ? ?
for the shadow to Li Base=Left to Top=Right in both the
recording camera would have to be facing opposite? AM?S
& PM?N { i mean Northerly | Well forget it then? Look 4Me
the tail is not about a rocket anyway? its about the Ground
there they stand (sit or squat}ON. Pointing cameras off
into some distant place, while completly ignoring what is
right under their feet? OH MY well i guess i UNderstand ES
East in my opinion {OK Easterly is the Rocket side and S
South is the Right { i mean southern { SIDE OF THE TOWer ?
of couse i could be all wet, it was a nice day here, My
laundry should be dry| 1/3 hr break || OK where was i prior
to Lawndry | oh yeah the rocket side AM assuming East?
& shadow to East{rocket side) in the AM aka BBC view South?
0ok so its the wepOn? Translate to BOW in greek Hows bow?
Well it was the Magic Bow required to go after Helen? i
guess. Listen Romley {prio/prior/? psu pres | was also
A greek scholer? U can tell by their garb? {never mind WHo0


Quote from: hirley0 on April 11, 2012, 12:35:04 AM
Quote from: Anna Mae Bollocks on April 10, 2012, 08:23:32 PM
Quote from: Doktor M. Phox0 on April 10, 2012, 04:51:10 PM
Quote from: The Freeky of SCIENCE! on April 10, 2012, 04:40:04 PM
U Lost me some When?Where

4Me Reality itself is a myth, each creature? creates there own,
& most likely no two are identical. simularities shirley.
- -
thus when i describe | i try to be in a narative mode  | failed
THUS its hunt & pick Rather than naration. back2case | OK? the
details are the shadows, any hidden truth is revieled by shadow
: : :
the shadow in both the BBC & THE NHK versions were from Left
to right on the TV SCREEN ===> mY guess is the BBC Close up?
were shot in the Morning & the group video in the PM.
? ? ? ?
for the shadow to Li Base=Left to Top=Right in both the
recording camera would have to be facing opposite? AM?S
& PM?N { i mean Northerly | Well forget it then? Look 4Me
the tail is not about a rocket anyway? its about the Ground
there they stand (sit or squat}ON. Pointing cameras off
into some distant place, while completly ignoring what is
right under their feet? OH MY well i guess i UNderstand ES
East in my opinion {OK Easterly is the Rocket side and S
South is the Right { i mean southern { SIDE OF THE TOWer ?
of couse i could be all wet, it was a nice day here, My
laundry should be dry| 1/3 hr break || OK where was i prior
to Lawndry | oh yeah the rocket side AM assuming East?
& shadow to East{rocket side) in the AM aka BBC view South?
0ok so its the wepOn? Translate to BOW in greek Hows bow?
Well it was the Magic Bow required to go after Helen? i
guess. Listen Romley {prio/prior/? psu pres | was also
A greek scholer? U can tell by their garb? {never mind WHo0
Wow, I started to make sense of this, and then the next paragraph would have me lost again.  :lol:

I am not entirely sure what you are saying, but if I can answer a question that might be pertinent to you (maybe) or others, the reason the Bow of Heracles is important is that it is one of the many prophesied conditions that needed to be fulfilled in order for Troy to fall. (And *SPOILER ALERT* Odysseus is one of the dudes sent back to bring it to Troy when they find this out).

I also appreciate the random bits and links you are dropping in this thread, hirley. Some of the links in particular are helpful if people are interested in more of the backstory to these myths I am telling.  :)


THE 5:33*& 1/3 COVERAGE live of BBC was deleted prior to 40 serian tail
Quote from: Doktor M. Phox0 on April 11, 2012, 01:05:54 AM
U Lost my entry some When prior to  5:43
myTH  Wow, I started to
5:44 TBC 6:06:06.06 pdT ? at 05:07:33 AM
:fnord: Well i lost the here & now part soRRy
Pick 6:09 Li 10 there was no TENTh LiNE according to my count
so this cut from 9 ?~" tory to these myths I am telli "~?

teLL U what ? will try2 ":: ALERT* Od ::" the dude WAS d. eads{sp
Bow of Heracles is import i can NOT tell if you R explaing
2Me the front part of a ship called Her* OR a device for shooting AN arrow OR?
i WiLL crawL around anyway Bow of Heracles is in port

the possession of Philoctetes (who had acquired Hercules' bow and .... 80. If we don't get our hands on that man's bow, ..... or any port where he can buy and sell ...

:29 time to watch tv Sorry /-/ bak in an hour

Nephew Twiddleton

Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro