News: children are filled with joy, adults are filled with dread and local government is filled with stupid

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Started by hirley0, March 05, 2011, 11:55:53 PM

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20d? Why do U READ this crap

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Total Members Voted: 2

Voting closed: March 12, 2013, 06:42:01 PM


5 in ad 11541
i.wanna place a bit of a different spin on this TAil
i was going to do this in я.if but wong size:
Anyway 1: Last night was a prime eXample of this , It was Monday
& i had done the laundry in the PM | the shower count AM | & hit
the bank prior to close || YES {BANK} had 20 in TWO's | {

at 7 ACT.ioN at A BLD = interesting NOT(inSPIREing) then TEAL
AFTER MIDNIGHT?  after OR around that time there was a new ASSsalt here 502
this was truly an escalation over the routine(OVER AROUND) V (in on & under)

Of course i do not rule out self deception AS it happens2Me {often|
however i do place the events here now in the {MILLI-micro}UFO cat.
Do APPEAR going full tilt Instantaneously from no where = beamed down
but with no reassembly time required {full tilt{T0

YES i have several versions ((( Martians Aliens & Parallel Uni{pew| )))
the real attacks are very troublesome & time consuming as they {BB's)
require capture {on sticky tape| { & do not all appear at same instant
appearing {usually on the same landing strip ( board above my body }
at a slow rate /per .Hr  ||| TBC>


ad 11581 Mondays serge has ended | Much better Thank U
6 ad 11557 these events & links aRe about OBE
Out of Body aka not under the skin


16:06 sit v stand v ? anyway yellow sticky eye water? :07?
8 about F∞D & other Not.out BUTT round about?/?


ad 11898 F17 (232) {LocaL=Earth,Sys=Mars&Sun&ETC,Galactic+= :fnord:
Quote from: hirley0 on January 07, 2014, 08:06:53 PM
Quote from: hirley0 on January 07, 2014, 08:05:51 PM
6 & 7 {this 1 here: WAV UNder the skin stuff aka MsRa Y or ¥ MsRa ad 11560
ad 11604


?pink? ad 11712 very active time 4AM-6 considered "LATE"
MY 1ST ASUMPTION: it is some form of biological warfare ::
2: that there exists a source
f. foriegn | Like Middle East Foes
e. Earth  | Nature | 7 year locus etc
d. Those darn UFO people | flying saucers
c. Can't even imagin: UFm {micro
b. war between worlds | Martian counter attack v Curesioty
a. andromada strain | extra galatic


ad 12025 Listen? i have no proof of any kind about this
i have little doubt that i AM involved in the biological war fair game. Who,
what, when, where, why & HoW are unknown to me {Maybe UNKNOWABLE
_ IN a ABSTRACT EFFORT: to reduce the effects i started burning scented
candles ? in the past week?/? in the past week the incidents of BB {bed bug
attacks has fallen to Zero. My only guess : Has to be?/? its candle smoke ?/?
Neber mind Some Returned {ad 12038
ad 12048 it did appear? the burning candle scent threw them off
at least for a while. So i would guess they are chemically aware ?
My guess must be | detection at a distance | not follow a chem trail
some sort of Radar Sonar OR ***AR detection | at a distance | bat chirp
bac2BS.StT my guess it very hi freq No time4 3d orbs
just vibration  Probably S {shear ~ & P {pressure >= & 4 more
Very high frequencies  2.4×10^23 Hz (1 GeV gamma rays) :fnord:


NopE Just D'obYN brain it must take the Math approach


ad 12345  Monday 2/17CHAOS approach Sum= 0thru 9 | three components
broad = universe including parallel etc, 0-3
Medium = Solar system, include comets etc
narrow  = Limited to Earth things.
0k? IT WAS A GUESS  that the events per day = 11 { revision required?
so for three day F-1-s-2-S-3-M the theorized # =33

Whereas the actual count for the period was 44
it shoud be assumed that attention to events took place
and their 4 the CHAOS number would be low ? say Zero(0)

'poise for now the event attended count had been 1
& theory # 11/day  TT=33 a very high Chaos reading 9=33/1

however in this period the count 44 should yeild Lo: 33/44 about 0
TBC :fnord:


ad 14182 11/12 15th
ad 14126 >
11/7  13
33/20 12
11/8   9
ad 13818  11/d 9 = =  1.22 as chaos.Lo
ad 13767 22/2 28  =  0.7857 as RETRO.chaos Meaning TBD vvv
3/6 NdC ? Retro may mean More Chaos leaves Earth than Arives
<d 13695 11/d 8 = =  1.4 as chaos.Lo #/d
ad 13590 22/2d /  22 = = chaos.Lo 1 AvG#/d
ad 13???  Mon NdC
ad 13467  (22/2d) / 33= chaos.Lo <1 ?AvG#/d
ad 134?? NdA d/28 REV #/d to avg/# ^
ad 13412  13/d27 / 11 T= 1.2 = Lo chaos #'s ?
ad 133?? 7/d26 / 11 T= .64 = MeD 1.57 chaos #'s ?
ad 13306 11/d25 / 11 T= 1 = Lo chaos #'s ? BB2
ad 13235 11/d24 / 11 T= 1 = Lo chaos #'s :fnord:
Teal Tues 20140225  New Spring Terms ^ Read Up ^ Daily New at Top


v READ DOWN v Full Moon ->
ad 14227 3/16 11/9 + 2Band.aid = 1 ? 3/17
ad 14339 3/18 22/22 +1B = 1. ? |?3/20} 22/22?
ad 14554 3/22 ?33/28 = ? ?

ad 14638 3/24 ??/28 + 5+1 ????- Maybe ? Not
ad 14667 3/25 11/514834 ??/28  loss of mouse = hard times
ad 14880 11/8 new USB mouse


{ad 14904

4:?? Watched the national news broadcast of the Oregon governor tail
& other sit calms about the WaWa WaSH


5/18 ad 16314 counting has come to an end. VA tomorrow at 1/4 after 10
5/11 ad 16201 (0) () (_) (6) (5) (7) (-)( 22) { data not2reLiAble
5/5 ad 16034 (7) (2) (7) (0) (12) (?)
4/27 ad 15769 (22) (2) (2) (4) () () (11) 11/d>22/2 / d2>d1 LoM,c,?
4/20 ad 15652 () (23) () (11) (1) (7) ()
4/13 ad 15487 () () (93) () (30) (11) (. .) LoA= 3/7
4/6 ?/? >? <A <A >6 3 (3 4) A WEEK OF LOW ATTend{shion| LoA
11/611/11"{ad 15090ad"  ?/? 11/5 11/7
ad 14996 11/8 ^ READ UP ^


ad 1576905:57 2014 04/27 / it is a new week ?{Fortnight|
on the MsRa A front | Last week was BAD /Rain.pain
Next New moon on the 29th | in two days | 4get Me:

MsRa 2014 04/28 06:25 Mth took 6:25-5:44 25+16=40Min &
Wifi = 1 / no conT | as4Bio.Wr its ICE&Water on CH10.2
t4/29 <5A
MsRa yesterday was a 2 |get over it | ask:>
03:38 2014 04/29
| online = there must have been a YESterdAY
? 158445 MsRa YESTERDAY WAS ANOTHER 2 ? it means that i
HAVE NOT been in active attack attitude mode {Si'
it also may mean things are getting worse | more :.:

5 MsRa508 LoOk y try HaRD: BioLogICaLL war is complex and confusing | bad-worse
it takes Years {believe that {{ TV coverage is ? {{{in a d'Lusional form .?.R.arm

5 MsRa - this will be - = 5/1->2 = :2day4morrow: / t=1:2
2amP  online entry = no memory of yesterday whatsoever | checking
5 MsRa15968 - phrase by Fraz - = 5/1=>3 = :&1st2third: / a1&a2


v READ DOWN v From ad 15998 Waxing Moon
5 MsRa 5/4<3 IT WAS A BAD WEEK. Lo Att & Hi inTch | NewT#S
5 MsRa 5/5<3 Monday i May go in for 2nd 1/4 Test'$ {MayB7 C7
B MsRa 5/6<5 & maybe i wont Sun.D=0 C-1 B=? A=also din't.go D12
C MsRa 5/7<5 5am St Alarm ? / Much Lack4con in Play = expect D'La
C=7 D? I DID MAKE THE Dr appt for 5/12 3:30 see
Ast D=7@12PM
MsRa 5/8<5 What^ 4:54- see 5/7 7>8> i 4got Low C0 noD {maybe
MsRa16145 5/9<7 9> 3D4 11C12 oLe: TIMEoD(DishCounts)(#
PINK MsRa 5/10<7 9>?oLe=ToD
5/11 ad 16201 MsRa 5/11<8  D2 C0
MsR212 5/12<9 Busy Day 9&1L&f  3Dr.Ni D0 C.TBD
MsR  5/13<12 ?1:23 Later}
ad 16262MsR  5/14<12 D3 C6
C5 D5   {mY.D'La {{ sorry sis
ad 16283 7:20 responce2NHK {bO. ? 1 mSeaVerT
ad 16299 EoWax ?


Must be the moon thing, together with the mars thing, and then maybe one more thing.  However, yes, that's why I nearly jumped over the counter to snatch all that Halloperidol so conveniently on display.  Okay, maybe not that bad, you should see those other 'visitors', yea, I totally let them have it.  WhoB7