
Doing everything exactly opposite from "The Mainstream" is the same thing as doing everything exactly like "The Mainstream."  You're still using What Everyone Else is Doing as your primary point of reference.

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The Apathy of Maybe....

Started by Dysfunctional Cunt, April 05, 2011, 04:34:16 PM

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Dysfunctional Cunt

I'm tired.  I'm tired of being told what to think, how to feel or what pill to take when I don't conform. 

I'm tired of watching the world around me fall into the great shithole of stupidity and knowing that while there have been great people in the past, who have set out to achieve change and to try to make things better and actually accomplished those goals, I'm not one of those people.  I used to be angry that I let things like that bother me, these days I just want to watch it all burn.

Maybe I should strive to be a world changer and it's quite possible my irritation with myself is over my own apathy rather than my impotence.  Maybe I do have the ability to make real changes in the world around me.  Maybe I can be the difference I want to see.

Then again, maybe the world isn't as terrible as I think it is and it's my own chaotic life I see going down the shithole.  Or maybe I'm sick after a long, cold, snowy winter and I just need a good dose of sunshine. 

Or maybe it's just time I stopped letting the monkeys get to me and work harder on enjoying the ride.

I can 'maybe' myself into or out of any situation and in truth don't we all?  Don't we all try to justify our activism or lack thereof, do we not all rage for or against The Machine ™ at some time or another. 

Do we not 'maybe' ourselves thru the hour, day, week, month..... 

Yes there are terrible horrible things happening out there in the world.  Yes, if we banned enough together we might actually achieve change.  The real question is these days, "Do we want to?"

So here is what I've decided for myself.  I'm getting back on that highway and I'm going to drive like there is no tomorrow until there is no tomorrow.  I can't fix the world and at this point, I no longer want to try.

But I am damn well going to enjoy its collapse. 

So what the fuck are you going to do?


Reginald Ret

Is quite good. :)
(Enrico Salazar has interesting influence on our grammar, no?)

I find that sleeping enough and eating well does wonders for improving your outlook on life.
Doing well at the basic necessities makes everything else easier.
Lord Byron: "Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves."

Nigel saying the wisest words ever uttered: "It's just a suffix."

"The worst forum ever" "The most mediocre forum on the internet" "The dumbest forum on the internet" "The most retarded forum on the internet" "The lamest forum on the internet" "The coolest forum on the internet"

The Mountain Wizard

im in this position as well, im not sure if its worth the time to try to change things, at all. just dont pass up a good opportunity to do something if it lands in your lap. and  i agree with Regret, in addition, good weather and a change of scenery can do wonders too

personally i cant do nothing at all. i know when i feel my best i have the will to put forth. but what to do is the real question. i think it helps to have some sort of creative interest, with emphasis on create. When i get too caught up in just enjoying the moment after a while i start to feel empty bc im not actually producing any long lasting positive conditions. im not assuming your version of doing this doesnt create a good lasting environment, but i know mine doesnt. i do tend to lean towards a yin/yang, destroy/create lifestyle and if i dont at least write essays or lyrics (even if no one reads them) i have a festering energy inside me that needs to be released else it gets twisted and distorted, but ive also got a few "mental conditions". one can try to do great things, or small things just make the world stranger. i use to really disagree with this, but im at the point where ive wasted a lot of time fucking up, but id rather fail at something great than do nothing at all (short term hedonism) of course though, "great" is subjective, and so is everything else i said so feel free to ignore this