
Sometimes I rattle the cage and beat my head uselessly against its bars, but sometimes, I can shake one loose and use it as a dildo.

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How to be Horrible at Home, part 1

Started by The Good Reverend Roger, April 14, 2011, 02:26:14 AM

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Kurt Christ

Quote from: Sigmatic on April 14, 2011, 04:54:56 PM
I never had a curfew.  My mom's approach to parenting was the "off leash" method.  No idea how I turned out so in touch and responsible.

ETA:  Well no, I know how.  If you've ever heard about kids who were abandoned and raised by wolves, I was raised by books.  It was funny as hell when I saw Megamind, because I used to mispronounce big words I'd never heard out loud all the time.  I used to think it was "bed raggled" instead of bedraggled.
I still have words that I know only by sight for exactly this reason.
I never had a real hard curfew growing up, as long as I told my parents where I was. From 10-11 onwards I lived in a small enough town that it didn't really matter- we didn't even have a bar or liquor store until after I had left for school. I also never really had set times devoted to studying or accomplishing most tasks, so I basically had to learn time management myself.  My parents were, in general, pretty hands off. I went to a boarding school at 16, so I got used to life in dorms away from the folks and dealing with roommates before going off to college, and I think the combination of these has helped me adjust better than many peers to life outside my parents' house.
Formerly known as the Space Pope (then I was excommunicated), Father Kurt Christ (I was deemed unfit to raise children, spiritual or otherwise), and Vartox (the speedo was starting to chafe)