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Started by Nephew Twiddleton, July 06, 2011, 03:24:11 PM

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Nephew Twiddleton

Journal entry of a Somerville resident, dated Tuesday July 12, 2011

   I will never forget what I saw today, try as I might. I was running late for work and jumped on the Red Line at Davis Square to get into Downtown Crossing. But in between Porter and Harvard the train broke down. I figured, great, just my luck. Of course the Red Line's going to stop and delay in between tunnels. It's notorious for doing that around Porter Square. At first people were pretty calm. What could you do in that sort of situation? Then it began. It didn't seem that everyone heard it. In fact, it seemed from the news reports later that behavior on the train was civil, and that people had actually made new friends. But I heard it, and I saw others who apparently heard it...

   It started off as a low whisper, and then it sounded like several voices whispering to each other in a chaotic, senseless mess. I looked up to see what was going on, and I could see other people doing the same, trying to figure out what this sound was, just as confused as I was. Then it resolved itself into the same phrase, whispered by these unseen voices at the same time

   Ia! Wm'Biy-Taw fhrasth hyiv'ze!

   Nonsense syllables. I would have thought that I was losing it, except the other people who were looking around seemed to be just as concerned. All of the others seemed to not notice, or to just be unconcerned. A group of youths moved to one end of the train. The repeated phrase became a little louder, a little more noticeable, but still at a whisper level, and no closer to making any sense. Nor did it seem like anyone was actually saying anything.

   Ia! Wm'Biy-Taw fhrasth hyiv'ze!

   A pregnant woman seemed to get a bit agitated. The group of youths in the corner seemed pleased with themselves. The people who didn't seem to notice the chanting before started to fall faint, and slumped over in their seats. I had figured that it was due to the stress of the situation, or the air conditioning being turned off, but it looked like they had been holding themselves as if to keep warm. The chanting became more insistent, and was now at speaking volume. The youths formed into a circle.

   Ia! Wm'Biy-Taw fhrasth hyiv'ze!

   The remaining awake passengers started to get alarmed at this point. The youths lit some sort of incense, later someone, deluding themselves to the truth, would call it weed, but it was noxious smelling, and it was filling the car. They said in unison, "It is time! Hail Wm'Biy-Taw! Accept this mass sacrifice and arise from your prison!" They now chanted in unison with the disembodied voices.


        It was terrifying. People started to panic. Pregnant women screamed, mothers clutched and shielded their children, men seemed to lose their minds and started ramming themselves against the doors and windows. The din became ear-piercingly loud like some obscene rock concert. The disembodied voices were now drowning out the worshippers of this Wm'Biy-Taw.


        I started to freeze, even though I knew it was stuffy down in the tunnel. My thoughts fogged over. My vision started to fade to grey....


I woke up to firefighters evacuating us from the train. A man who had been sitting next to me asked me if I was ok. Dazed, I asked what had happened, and he said that I had fallen asleep, and it was just as well because it had been quite an irritating two and a half hours. I asked what about the chanting, and the kids. He gave me some of his water and told me it was a dream. I walked with my fellow passengers through the tunnels and out to Porter Station.

Yeah, it must have been a dream. But what I want to know is why do the headlines say that 700 people were evacuated from the Red Line and the MBTA can only account for 450? And why can they still not explain what caused the train, and the second train sent to tow it, to break down?
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro


Nephew Twiddleton

Quote from: Nigel on July 13, 2011, 01:29:50 AM
Breaking windows for air IS pretty despicable.

Yeah, who needs that air stuff in the middle of the summer when you're trapped on a train with a bunch of smelly people and no AC.

I doubt that the windows were smashed anyway. First off all other reports say that pretty much everyone was civil and patient, plus what to smash with? They seem like pretty thick glass to me. And why would you trample people if there's nowhere to go anyway? I'm guessing the poster probably wanted some attention, or blew their experience way out of proportion. Their account doesn't make a lot of sense to me. But, it was good inspiration  :)
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



Quote from: Nephew Twiddleton on July 06, 2011, 04:15:17 PM
That would be kinda cool.  :)

Reposting relevant parts of the letter here:

   I hope that this letter finds you well. It was with great peril that I acquired the one which you sent to me. I travelled many miles from Villager's apartment in Dorchester to Newton, then back to Dorchester for beer and barbecue (which ended up being wine and cheezits). This journey was undertaken via MBTA. I'm not certain if LMNO ever told you, but unlike other subways, the MBTA is a living but largely dormant entity that has been made docile for the purposes of transportation, not unlike the sandworms in Dune, revered as Shai-Hulud. It's a little known fact that Herbert was inspired to write of sandworms after a particularly interesting ride from Park Street.

   Some say it is a god worshiped by the Massachusett; Some say it is a demon subdued by the Freemasons for nefarious puposes; I have heard it said that it is the trapped ghost of Metacomet (though this never made sense to me); and yet others say that it is the reason why we won the Revolution. I am hoping that Villager's infiltration of the Dorchester Historical Society will turn up valuable documents on the matter, especially after today. Whatever MBTA happens to be, it is certain that it wished to deter me from reading your letter, as the Alewife train seemed willing to throw itself off the tracks and down a hill in order to keep me from getting it. I got off at South Station to fool it and instead take the Worcester Line directly to my old abode.

Arriving at the Nepostery, Newton Branch, I read the letter immediately. Clutching the two pages, I made back for Dorchester, and MBTA was enraged. It bucked and lurched, endeavoring to throw me from my seat on the D Line and break my neck. The Ashmont train was just as intent as before when it was heading to Alewife. MBTA was roused from its slumber, and I wonder if it was the presence of something Tucsonian, forcing it to remember the ancient horrors that lay dormant beneath the surface of Bostonia, like some dreadful incantation from the Necronomicon...

Spirits of the Red Line, remember!
Spirits of the Green Line, remember!
Spirits of the Blue Line, remember!
MBTA, delayer of dudes, be praised!
Ia! Ia! In his house at Park Street Station, dead Charlie waits dreaming!

First mistake was getting on the E line, of course.   :mittens: nonetheless!
Emotionally crippled narcissist.

Nephew Twiddleton

Quote from: Eve on July 13, 2011, 02:31:08 AM
Quote from: Nephew Twiddleton on July 06, 2011, 04:15:17 PM
That would be kinda cool.  :)

Reposting relevant parts of the letter here:

   I hope that this letter finds you well. It was with great peril that I acquired the one which you sent to me. I travelled many miles from Villager's apartment in Dorchester to Newton, then back to Dorchester for beer and barbecue (which ended up being wine and cheezits). This journey was undertaken via MBTA. I'm not certain if LMNO ever told you, but unlike other subways, the MBTA is a living but largely dormant entity that has been made docile for the purposes of transportation, not unlike the sandworms in Dune, revered as Shai-Hulud. It's a little known fact that Herbert was inspired to write of sandworms after a particularly interesting ride from Park Street.

   Some say it is a god worshiped by the Massachusett; Some say it is a demon subdued by the Freemasons for nefarious puposes; I have heard it said that it is the trapped ghost of Metacomet (though this never made sense to me); and yet others say that it is the reason why we won the Revolution. I am hoping that Villager's infiltration of the Dorchester Historical Society will turn up valuable documents on the matter, especially after today. Whatever MBTA happens to be, it is certain that it wished to deter me from reading your letter, as the Alewife train seemed willing to throw itself off the tracks and down a hill in order to keep me from getting it. I got off at South Station to fool it and instead take the Worcester Line directly to my old abode.

Arriving at the Nepostery, Newton Branch, I read the letter immediately. Clutching the two pages, I made back for Dorchester, and MBTA was enraged. It bucked and lurched, endeavoring to throw me from my seat on the D Line and break my neck. The Ashmont train was just as intent as before when it was heading to Alewife. MBTA was roused from its slumber, and I wonder if it was the presence of something Tucsonian, forcing it to remember the ancient horrors that lay dormant beneath the surface of Bostonia, like some dreadful incantation from the Necronomicon...

Spirits of the Red Line, remember!
Spirits of the Green Line, remember!
Spirits of the Blue Line, remember!
MBTA, delayer of dudes, be praised!
Ia! Ia! In his house at Park Street Station, dead Charlie waits dreaming!

First mistake was getting on the E line, of course.   :mittens: nonetheless!

Hehe, thanks. Yeah, I have to rely on both the E line, the D line and the Red Line more than I would care to. Work/Girlfriend/Band space....
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



Is the Red Line that bad? It's never bothered me much, but I don't live on it.
Emotionally crippled narcissist.

Nephew Twiddleton

Quote from: Eve on July 13, 2011, 03:09:55 AM
Is the Red Line that bad? It's never bothered me much, but I don't live on it.

It's fine until you get to about Harvard. Then it starts to get annoyingly slow, sometimes stop for a couple of minutes in the tunnel. Plus, it seems that the infrastructure of that line needs an overhaul in general. It's been a pretty bumpy ride all along the route of late. Girlfriend lives in Dorchester, so I often take the train to and from either Fields Corner or Ashmont (if I feel like walking), and band space is a short bus ride from Davis, so, I travel almost all of it at least once a week. It seems like they're always announcing a delay because of signal problems/disabled train/police action (I've noted all three, but tends to be signal problems or disabled train) and it seem to always be either at Harvard or Park St.
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



:mittens: Twid.  Good reading, even if the genesis of it was so awful for you.

Nephew Twiddleton

Nah it wasnt that bad. The t is generally moderately annoying rather than rage provoking. Irishmen are prone to hyperbole especially if it improves the story. :)
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro


Nephew Twiddleton

Good god, it seems like I'm onto something here!  :lulz:

I'll see what I can write up for it today, but I have practice tonight and might not get to it.

Also, I'm seeing a very strong Red Line pattern going on here......
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



Ail-wyphe, Mat'apa'n, Ail-wyphe, Mat'apa'n, Ail-wyphe, Mat'apa'n, Ail-wyphe, Mat'apa'n...

Nephew Twiddleton

Quote from: LMNO, PhD (deceased) on July 14, 2011, 04:02:01 PM
Ail-wyphe, Mat'apa'n, Ail-wyphe, Mat'apa'n, Ail-wyphe, Mat'apa'n, Ail-wyphe, Mat'apa'n...

Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro


Nephew Twiddleton

Did you like the chant I came up with btw?
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



I'm still trying to figure out "FHRASTH HYIV'ZE"

Nephew Twiddleton

Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro


Anna Mae Bollocks

MBTA is evil, but a lot of the bus drivers are cool. One of them used to give me a transfer every morning so I could ride home for free when I got off work. He wasn't supposed to, but he always said "Fuck the T! They get millions in taxes, the fares are chump change to them". On the morning of 9-11 I boarded the bus and he said "KA BOOM! WE GOTTA STOP FUCKIN WITH THESE OTHER COUNTRIES!" and we lol'ed while everybody looked at us like turds in a punchbowl.  :lulz:
Scantily-Clad Inspector of Gigantic and Unnecessary Cashews, Texas Division