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How do I not have a thread for my homebrew? Oh well. (Caution: Wall o' pics)

Started by Freeky, July 25, 2011, 01:31:40 PM

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Yeah, you WISH you weren't going to find out what's between you and the door.


QuoteHe Built It in a Cave.  With a Box of Scraps!
Michael Bay and his cronies and experiments have been killed, but his notes indicate that there are more of these cultists hanging around somewhere, in various parts of the world.  However, it seems that there are only a very few more, and that this research has been going on a short enough time that it would be possible to stamp most of these people out before they got to be too much of a threat.

His notes also indicate that he was second in command in this group.  His boss he refers to as "Squiggles," though it seems less a term of endearment and more showing his disgust.  Squiggles seems to be hanging around near the larger town north of Barter Town, in a cave (in which a reverse castle was made).  Several lists of scrapped parts and some letters from a "Lupine Amigdal" indicate that he may be building something, or somethings, of a mechanical nature, as well.

Lupine needed test subjects to further study the alchemy he practices, but has advanced as far as he can using animals.  As such, he has just kidnapped several children out of Swap Meet three days ago, not knowing that the PCs are on the case. 
The children he kidnapped are Susan Praelet, 9 year old half-elf daughter of nearby farmer Bill Praelet, and twins Phillip and Tracy, age 8, sons of local jeweler Stanfred Milhouse.

By now, the PCs are becoming something of a hit in town.  Word has spread about them retrieving the stolen goods and rescuing them from a band of alchemists, and even better is the fact that traveling folk have started to come tricking through again, reviving the flagging economy.
The day is foggy and warm.

Bill and Stanfred approach the PCs wherever they happen to be the day after they return from killing Michael Bay.  " 'Scuze me, would you happen to be (insert PCs names here)?"  Stanfred asks.  "My name is Stanfred Milhouse.  I'm a jeweler here in town.  This is Bill Praelet.  Bill and I have a request to make of you, if you're willing to hear." 

"Three days ago, my two boys disappeared.  I thought Phil and Trace were playing with Suze, Bill's girl.  They never came home that night, but I didn't think anything of it at the time.  They often stay over there, and its a long walk just to ask if they can.  But then they didn't come home the next night either, and the rule is they come home straight away next morning if they stay the night.  And then Bill comes into town, saying the children had disappeared outen their beds.  It's been two days now they've been missing, and Bill can't find hide nor hair nor faintest track of them anywhere. "
Bill chimes in at this point.  "We were hoping, you being heroes like in old stories and all, if you could find our little ones and bring them home to us."  And then Bill bursts into tears.

Some previously covered game material.  Meh.


The related map, although it was altered last minute to just two floors (most of the second floor isn't on here), the lower level in area 2 being Lupine's laboratory, which was huge:

The puzzle mechanism separating areas 1, 2, and 3:

The previous dungeon, called The Hole, underneath the well: