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A few safety tips

Started by Luna, September 27, 2011, 02:01:21 PM

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Dear Public Transit Riders,

Look, we're all in the same situation.  For whatever reason, instead of driving, we're all cramming ourselves onto a bus to get wherever we're going.  How about we all agree on some simple rules, to make it suck less, and to keep me from bringing a machete along tomorrow, hm?

1.  If you have your children with you, control them.  I love kids, I do.  However, if you can't keep them in their seats without screaming at them so loud I can't hear my music through my headphones, you need to rethink SOMETHING.  If you fail even then, kindly walk.  Duct tape them down, if you must.  (Having that handy is useful for the volume issues, too.  Just sayin'.)

2.  For fuck's sake, shower.  Marinating in perfume or cologne does NOT count.

3.  The next time I stand, patiently waiting for the bus for 15 minutes, and you shove your ass into the air space I left between myself and the unshowered drunk standing on the curb, I WILL shove you both under the incoming bus.

4.  If I am reading, leave me the fuck alone.  I don't want to play "my kindle is cooler than your nook."  I don't want to discuss what I'm reading, or hear about what you read last, I want to read my book.

5.  Don't ask me for bus money.  Especially don't stand near me at the stop, step on in front of me, THEN realize you can't pay and expect me to cover you so I can get home. 

Pretty simple, assholes.  I don't ask much.

Don't ask what's in the long, thin package tomorrow, and you might get where you're going with all your limbs.
Death-dealing hormone freak of deliciousness
Pagan-Stomping Valkyrie of the Interbutts™
Rampaging Slayer of Shit-Fountain Habitues

"My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake, and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

Quote from: The Payne on November 16, 2011, 07:08:55 PM
If Luna was a furry, she'd sex humans and scream "BEASTIALITY!" at the top of her lungs at inopportune times.

Quote from: Nigel on March 24, 2011, 01:54:48 AM
I like the Luna one. She is a good one.

"Stop talking to yourself.  You don't like you any better than anyone else who knows you."

Reginald Ret

Quote from: Luna on September 27, 2011, 02:01:21 PM
Dear Public Transit Riders,

Look, we're all in the same situation.  For whatever reason, instead of driving, we're all cramming ourselves onto a bus to get wherever we're going.  How about we all agree on some simple rules, to make it suck less, and to keep me from bringing a machete along tomorrow, hm?

1.  If you have your children with you, control them.  I love kids, I do.  However, if you can't keep them in their seats without screaming at them so loud I can't hear my music through my headphones, you need to rethink SOMETHING.  If you fail even then, kindly walk.  Duct tape them down, if you must.  (Having that handy is useful for the volume issues, too.  Just sayin'.)

2.  For fuck's sake, shower.  Marinating in perfume or cologne does NOT count.

3.  The next time I stand, patiently waiting for the bus for 15 minutes, and you shove your ass into the air space I left between myself and the unshowered drunk standing on the curb, I WILL shove you both under the incoming bus.

4.  If I am reading, leave me the fuck alone.  I don't want to play "my kindle is cooler than your nook."  I don't want to discuss what I'm reading, or hear about what you read last, I want to read my book.

5.  Don't ask me for bus money.  Especially don't stand near me at the stop, step on in front of me, THEN realize you can't pay and expect me to cover you so I can get home. 

Pretty simple, assholes.  I don't ask much.

Don't ask what's in the long, thin package tomorrow, and you might get where you're going with all your limbs.
1. Fuck yeah! I agree wholeheartedly. I just don't think this will ever change. :(

2. I find the smell of sweat often less offensive than the smell of excessive parfume for some reason, I tend to be more polite when it's body odour that is bothering me. Parfume bombs get the full on passive agressive fake choking fit, near smelly sweaty people i merely breathe through my sleave/shirt/hand/something.

3. I've mastered the art of Public Transit Body Language, hardly anyone comes near me or talks to me when i don't want them to. then again, while waiting for the bus i tend to stay at least 10 feet away from every other person or known place where people tend to gather. I honestly prefer the rain to standing close to complete strangers.

4. Why is it that reading seems to signal 'i want to talk to people' ???

5. THEY DARE?!!!? offer them double the bus money to take the next bus explaining that it's because you hate to share space with bums.
Lord Byron: "Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves."

Nigel saying the wisest words ever uttered: "It's just a suffix."

"The worst forum ever" "The most mediocre forum on the internet" "The dumbest forum on the internet" "The most retarded forum on the internet" "The lamest forum on the internet" "The coolest forum on the internet"


Sweat happens.  I get it, I do.  And just sweat doesn't bother me...  Hell, Richter and Suu have seen me hug guys who're just off the fighting field at Pennsic, after fighting for hours in 100 plus degree weather.  It's sweat that's gone a couple days stale that's REALLY nasty.
Death-dealing hormone freak of deliciousness
Pagan-Stomping Valkyrie of the Interbutts™
Rampaging Slayer of Shit-Fountain Habitues

"My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake, and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

Quote from: The Payne on November 16, 2011, 07:08:55 PM
If Luna was a furry, she'd sex humans and scream "BEASTIALITY!" at the top of her lungs at inopportune times.

Quote from: Nigel on March 24, 2011, 01:54:48 AM
I like the Luna one. She is a good one.

"Stop talking to yourself.  You don't like you any better than anyone else who knows you."