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Started by Dildo Argentino, January 05, 2012, 08:10:05 PM

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Quote from: holist on January 06, 2012, 07:12:12 AM
passive aggressive is already getting me somewhere, by the looks of it



Quote from: holist on January 06, 2012, 06:42:59 AM
Quote from: LMNO, PhD (life continues) on January 05, 2012, 09:33:14 PM
I'm interested in what homeopathic principles for writing music are.

It was the show as a whole, rather than the music specifically, that was based, loosely, on the principles of homeopathy. You can see some very skillfully edited scenes here (the highest of the highlights, so to speak):

The director (who is also the homeopath) interviewed the players about their personal history extensively (two or three times, hour and a half each), taking notes all the time. Then, through repetition, exagerration and fragmentation, he helped them arrive at the essential forms of movement that could be said to be the motile essence of their early histories - and used those movements to coreograph the pieces. In the meantime, I was given his scribbled notes from the interviews, cut down to about 20 pages of flow-of-consciousness type text. Then I took, for each piece, what I saw as the essense of those words, souped them up a bit and wrote the songs. Then the band wrote the incidental music in an improvisative process, and then we spent about a week practising... so there.
Hmm, that is rather interesting. I did not watch the whole thing, but I what I did watch of it was rather fascinating. I did not see the connection with homeopathy (though, the fact that I couldn't understand the speech is certainly a major limiting factor in that regard).In any event, it was interesting, and I will attempt to make my way through the rest of it in the next couple of days. Thanks for sharing.


"At first I lifted weights.  But then I asked myself, 'why not people?'  Now everyone runs for the fjord when they see me."

Horribly Oscillating Assbasket of Deliciousness


Quote from: holist on January 06, 2012, 07:12:12 AM
Quote from: The Freeky of SCIENCE! on January 06, 2012, 06:53:35 AM
Coyote has a point, dude.  If you are TRYING to be zany, and it is obvious that you are trying (or let slip that you are doing a socioLOLgical experiment), it gets pretty frustrating.  Many people here prefer content over contrivance.

Just saying.

the somewhat less trivial (passive aggressive is already getting me somewhere, by the looks of it) point i would hasten to make here is that sorting stuff into the 'content' and 'contrivance' heaps is a highly subjective and rather finicky endeavour

also, i think you'll find "just saying" has been banned for 2012
And the point I will hasten to make in correction of this, is that

1) Passive-aggressive will get you labelled "Sir Fuckface von Sopron VII" in a quick minute. At which point, dogpiling becomes the national passtime of all countries except for Ireland, on account of drunken shenanigans already being the national passtime, which, of course, dogpiling is considered a subcategory thereof.
2) It is not nearly as subjective nor finicky as you would presume when there is a well-established baseline and community standard already in place. You, as a newcomer here, are yet unaware of the customs and expectations, but that does not grant you reign to ignore them.
3) As a Doktor, I assure you that no authority exists that can ban "just saying". Just sayin'.


Quote from: holist on January 06, 2012, 07:24:57 AM
Quote from: Waffle Iron on January 06, 2012, 07:02:03 AM
Also, also, also: be glad that your cute bear ain't a panda. We don't take kindly to panda bears 'round these parts.

my cute bear takes about 0.7 seconds to punch a 200 kilo seal clear out of freezing water

Polar bears are still cute. I know. I've cuddled one.
"At first I lifted weights.  But then I asked myself, 'why not people?'  Now everyone runs for the fjord when they see me."

Horribly Oscillating Assbasket of Deliciousness


Quote from: holist on January 06, 2012, 07:22:02 AM
Quote from: LMNO, PhD (life continues) on January 05, 2012, 09:39:40 PM
Sounds a bit like the less music he writes, the more the audience seems to enjoy it.

Sorry about that. It wasn't a dig at you, it's a homeopathy joke.

but no!

firstly, it was a dig, secondly, it was illuminating

it is nice to have an indication of the exact variety of ignorance i am encountering

'doing more with less' is actually not 'homeopathy' but 'home economics'

i grant they do sound similar
See, and here's the thing about this. Not only have you missed the point entirely, you are again, ignoring the fact that as a newcomer here, you are completely unaware of the context and history that the poster you have quoted as in conjunction with homeopathy.

Downtalking and taking personally a comment that was clearly defined as a joke that had literally nothing to do with you and everything to do with previous and unrelated experiences are also not good ways to have a pleasant stay here.


Quote from: holist on January 06, 2012, 07:33:06 AM
Quote from: Waffle Iron on January 06, 2012, 07:25:47 AM
Polar bears are still cute. I know. I've cuddled one.


do tell!

in the wild??

In Svalbard.

They tend to be docile creatures. But hot damn, my heart was RACING.
"At first I lifted weights.  But then I asked myself, 'why not people?'  Now everyone runs for the fjord when they see me."

Horribly Oscillating Assbasket of Deliciousness


Quote from: holist on January 06, 2012, 07:39:01 AM
you've just made a surprise hit entry near the top of my envy list

do you know this guy's work: ?

I've seen it once, many years ago when I studied photography. I like him.
"At first I lifted weights.  But then I asked myself, 'why not people?'  Now everyone runs for the fjord when they see me."

Horribly Oscillating Assbasket of Deliciousness

Don Coyote

Well this noob is shitcanned as far as I am concerned.

Dildo Argentino

Not too keen on rigor, myself - reminds me of mortis


Quote from: holist on January 06, 2012, 07:31:49 AM
2) it is particularly subjective and finicky in the presence of a well-established baseline and community standards - the reason being that despite all appearances, that baseline and those standards could simply be wrong, and they are by necessity subjective themselves... and somewhat finicky...

and anyway, i don't need to be granted rein, i have plenty already

in my, admittedly somewhat offbeat understanding of hospitality and conviviality, the host is at home and hence is at leisure to be somewhat indulgent towards the new guest, who may not be aware of the baseline and the standards, but certainly has his own

forbearance on those situations often yields pleasant and surprising fruit

cageyness indicates that somehow, the host doesn't really feel at home
Ah, but you have arrived at the first grand test here. First of all, your analogy is flawed on the grounds that in a medium such as this one cannot judge comfort levels on such condition because it is a false equivalence. Comfort in a social situation in a face-to-face situation is a far different beast than social comfort in an online situation, especially when it involves a semi-anonymous "stranger" coming into a group largely consisting of friends and acquaintances whose friendship and association in many cases extends beyond the scope of this forum and even into the realm of real life.

But since you ave insisted upon using the hospitality terms to define the argument, allow me to put it this way. You are a visitor in a foreign culture, in many more ways than you are aware, I am sure. In this situation, it is rather rude of a guest to shirk the customs of host, regardless of customs of the guest. For instance, if one were to visit a Japanese home, it would be very poor form indeed to enter without removing your shoes, were you aware of the custom, and even more so to continue wearing them after being asked by the host to remove them.

Quote from: holist on January 06, 2012, 07:39:29 AM
the very fact that several of you jump so readily on such a trifle makes me suspect that you are often bored here and are not getting the standard of conversation you had been hoping for... and there's naive me, thinking a forum populated by discordians would fare better than... whatever

and anyways, it is not meant to be weird or outlandish, and neither is it particularly novel... :) entire novels have been written without capitals, several decades ago, even... so fuck curtesy
But there have also been well-documented cases of novels that were deliberately written to be impenetrable, obfuscating, or simply antagonistic to the reader as well. James Joyce's magnum opus springs to mind immediately.

This in mind, it does not behoove you to cite a novel, or really any other written form for validation.

And a more accurate statement as to why people are eager to jump on this is that there have been so many who have passed through here over the years that have used the same or a similar gimmick that were of absolutely no account that it has, alas, become a sign of either an attention-seeker with little useful to say or a mere boorish person. While this may not apply to you, specifically, you have already, inadvertently set off the alarms, and are actually progressing through a number of different flags. First of all, as has been said, your reticence to use punctuation/capitalization. Secondly, you said something very similar to the "sociological experiment" line we have heard far too often. Third, your statements are very much treading the line of "Really Real Discordian", another archetype that we have seen often enough to be wary of.

You see, with these three things alone, you run a very real risk of being judged as inconsequential (perhaps unfairly, perhaps not) and listed as either ignore or abuse, by the majority of active posters here. Particularly the long standing members who have been here for all or nearly all of the many, many iterations of these archetypes. And if they jump on you, and your reaction is, as it has been as far as I can tell, to dig in your heels and screech, then they will simply continue to poke you until you get sick of it and leave (yes, it has happened countless times before).

You could simply ignore those people, but if you are successful in ignoring them, chances are you will miss good content or that they will ignore you in return. Both of which are not exactly desirable outcomes, because of mutual loss.

Another possibility would be to simply accept that this culture is different from what you are used, and conduct yourself according to the customs of the tribe you are among, and establish yourself as a member. In all likelihood, you ill have either built a culture-specific habit, or broken the old one. And let's be honest, this particular habit is one that you are better off without. Writing in an academic or professional will very, very rarely be acceptable sans proper syntax and grammar, and in the day and age of potential employers checking social networks and any other online activities they can connect with a person, it is never a bad idea to appear professional wherever one is.

But, even if that is not the case, and you still feel like you should write as you are now, then it is far more likely that the people will be more willing to overlook it, because you are known quantity.

To be completely blunt, there is a social circle of which you are currently on the outside, and as such, you are more likely to be judged harshly for reasons that have only tenuous at best relations to yourself at all, and really, there is no way to avoid it except to play by the rules you are given.

Let me go ahead a preempt any rebuttal you might have based on what you believe is Discordian. We have worked very much on expanding and redefining Discordia and examining and analyzing what it means and what it should mean, both on a personal level and on a larger scale. While you are, of course, free to hold whatever beliefs you wish, it is very likely that many of the posters here will have radically different views on the very same topics (a very good example of this can be found in some people's rejection of Robert Anton Wilson and even the Principia itself.)

So, I will summarize all of this in a concise way. You have inadvertently stumbled across a group of friends more than anything, and though they may share an interest in Discordianism, their opinions, thoughts, actions, and interpretations of what that even means are radically different. You are an outsider looking in, and if you are not careful, the immune system of this community, which has been inoculated a bit too much for its own good perhaps, will kick in and it will take weeks for The Mgt. to clean up the blood... again.


Quote from: holist on January 06, 2012, 08:20:13 AM
come to think of it...

Quote from: Doktor Phoxero on January 06, 2012, 07:29:40 AM
See, and here's the thing about this. Not only have you missed the point entirely, you are again, ignoring the fact that as a newcomer here, you are completely unaware of the context and history that the poster you have quoted as in conjunction with homeopathy.

i did not miss the point: homeopathy is the new irishman (or as we would say in the hereabouts, the new policeman) - cheap jokes are on because it deserves it

i realise that, and i object - both homeopathy and humour deserve better

neither did i disregard the fact you refer to - quite the contrary, i was actively doing something about it

given that the decisive majority of boards on the interwebs are saturated by dross to the point of not being worth the time and effort, what is your recommended strategy?

i'm afraid that with the context and history i have accumulated in conjunction with boards (i've been active about 18 years) the 'hang around politely for a long time until i accidentally bump into the 4 or 5 people posting interesting stuff' strategy is not an option
And there you go again, being condescending and presumptuous, I believe my last reply was sufficient in addressing this, but perhaps you are still unclear, so let me speel it out a bit more. Did you perhaps consider that this is a tired subject for us, and LMNO's comment was more of an in-joke than anything else? 
Quote from: holist on January 06, 2012, 08:20:13 AM
Quote from: Doktor Phoxero on January 06, 2012, 07:29:40 AM
Downtalking and taking personally a comment that was clearly defined as a joke that had literally nothing to do with you and everything to do with previous and unrelated experiences are also not good ways to have a pleasant stay here.

having looked in on a few topics i was under the impression that irreverent and easygoing downtalking was the order of the day here, and i was glad of it

i did not take anything personally, that would be truly foolish

i don't see how, after just having met me and reading a few sentences i wrote, you presume to be in a position to know what does and what does not constitute a pleasant stay for me
Ah, quite a good laugh there, yes.

But again, you are failing to take into account that 'pleasant' need not apply solely to your experience. You see, there are already people here, who find dealing with you to be an unpleasant experience. This has two possible outcomes. Ignoring you or streams of flame wars. If either of these constitutes what you would consider a "pleasant stay", then to be perfectly frank, piss off. We'd rather not have to suffer through yet another of those "visits" at the moment.

And since you have stated "fuck courtesy", I will say that being abrasive and arrogant in the face of people who are genuinely making an effort to accept you is beyond stupid. If you insist upon further braying, I wash my hands of it.

((For those keeping count at home (Luna and 000) , that's two in a row.))


:28 "ng here, anyway, .hu  (maybe}
:24 Posts:     18 (18 per day) )Hmm}?
:22 Date Registered:    Yesterday(1/5}? at 04:39:02 AM {hmm}?
1:20 AM psT how come the clock is ? 8 hours fast ? gMT ?/?
yeah? /-/i, is there a fish near?
reaLLLy ni i get a strange feeling about this HERE
i'LL try to distance myself modify  L8R

Quote from: Nigel on January 05, 2012, 11:29:15 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 05, 2012, 11:00:55 PM
Quote from: Cramulus on January 05, 2012, 09:41:53 PM
Quote from: holist on January 05, 2012, 09:18:06 PM
The thing is, I really do like writing like that... but I figure I'll try to be curteous and write my response in txt and before I copy it over to the PD forum I correct the capitalisation and the punctuation - which, I suppose, is a technological solution to a social problem.

We once had a poster here who decjded jt would be a great mjndfuck jf she replaced all jnstances of the letter i wjth the letter j. Maybe we're jdjots for bejng jmpatjent wjth her, but maybe she should have put some effort jnto bejng understood, you djg?

Nobody cares jf you mjsspell some stuff or mjss caps now and then. But dojng jt jntentjonally js kjnd of ljke postjng jn ljght yellow, or some jllegjble font.

It's also manufactured weird, which is inferior to the regular kind that mom used to make.

Yeah, it falls pretty squarely into the "trying too hard" category of outlandishness. Also the "look at meeeeee" category.


Quote from: hirley0 on January 06, 2012, 09:15:08 AM
:28 "ng here, anyway, .hu  (maybe}
:24 Posts:     18 (18 per day) )Hmm}?
:22 Date Registered:    Yesterday(1/5}? at 04:39:02 AM {hmm}?
1:20 AM psT how come the clock is ? 8 hours fast ? gMT ?/?
yeah? /-/i, is there a fish near?
reaLLLy ni i get a strange feeling about this HERE
i'LL try to distance myself modify  L8R

Quote from: Nigel on January 05, 2012, 11:29:15 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 05, 2012, 11:00:55 PM
Quote from: Cramulus on January 05, 2012, 09:41:53 PM
Quote from: holist on January 05, 2012, 09:18:06 PM
The thing is, I really do like writing like that... but I figure I'll try to be curteous and write my response in txt and before I copy it over to the PD forum I correct the capitalisation and the punctuation - which, I suppose, is a technological solution to a social problem.

We once had a poster here who decjded jt would be a great mjndfuck jf she replaced all jnstances of the letter i wjth the letter j. Maybe we're jdjots for bejng jmpatjent wjth her, but maybe she should have put some effort jnto bejng understood, you djg?

Nobody cares jf you mjsspell some stuff or mjss caps now and then. But dojng jt jntentjonally js kjnd of ljke postjng jn ljght yellow, or some jllegjble font.

It's also manufactured weird, which is inferior to the regular kind that mom used to make.

Yeah, it falls pretty squarely into the "trying too hard" category of outlandishness. Also the "look at meeeeee" category.

i guess i'z wrong the edit said 09:28:16 AM by hi 1:30


Quote from: hirley0 on January 06, 2012, 09:15:08 AM
:28 "ng here, anyway, .hu  (maybe}
:24 Posts:     18 (18 per day) )Hmm}?
:22 Date Registered:    Yesterday(1/5}? at 04:39:02 AM {hmm}?
1:20 AM psT how come the clock is ? 8 hours fast ? gMT ?/?
yeah? /-/i, is there a fish near?
reaLLLy ni i get a strange feeling about this HERE
i'LL try to distance myself modify  L8R

Quote from: Nigel on January 05, 2012, 11:29:15 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 05, 2012, 11:00:55 PM
Quote from: Cramulus on January 05, 2012, 09:41:53 PM
Quote from: holist on January 05, 2012, 09:18:06 PM
The thing is, I really do like writing like that... but I figure I'll try to be curteous and write my response in txt and before I copy it over to the PD forum I correct the capitalisation and the punctuation - which, I suppose, is a technological solution to a social problem.

We once had a poster here who decjded jt would be a great mjndfuck jf she replaced all jnstances of the letter i wjth the letter j. Maybe we're jdjots for bejng jmpatjent wjth her, but maybe she should have put some effort jnto bejng understood, you djg?

Nobody cares jf you mjsspell some stuff or mjss caps now and then. But dojng jt jntentjonally js kjnd of ljke postjng jn ljght yellow, or some jllegjble font.

It's also manufactured weird, which is inferior to the regular kind that mom used to make.

Yeah, it falls pretty squarely into the "trying too hard" category of outlandishness. Also the "look at meeeeee" category.

Hirley, the timestamp got reset when Faust implemented the forum upgrade. You can reset it in your profile (if that's what you are getting at, I still have trouble parsing exactly what you say sometimes, dude.)  :lol: