
I hope she gets diverticulitis and all her poop kills her.

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Started by hirley0, January 28, 2012, 08:41:39 AM

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6 MEN My guess is the :fnord: $py is about to sell off for several days

REMember? i did get an "F" in  Math. the subject was called GROUP THEORY
the problem Maybe in the mid 60's was to discuss the math meaning of ~
it would help a lot if i could type without interferance
there was one Gal in the class: we were to sit around a table 3, 4 or 5 to
a group and decide what the symbol ~ meant to mathematicians {never mind
Quote from: Guru Coyote on April 19, 2012, 09:00:52 PM
Quote from: Triple Zero on April 19, 2012, 01:10:18 PM
Look I don't understand why you're all so skeptical about this. The SCIENCE is pretty clear:
it has a graph, and Maya symbols, and everything. I even fitted a fucking polynomial to the numbers 2,0,1,2,1,2,2,1.
I want a fucking tshirt with that on it.

A? take the above .png for example | on my Ti83 | i am convinced | without
checking | that if | i use a 3rd  order equation as a guess i get one answer
(graphic) If a 4th the tail end point the opposite way | its sort of UP v Down

Aa. & i'll check the Ti to find the choices (words} i has available?
Ti: ?STAT ?4 LinReg(ax+b) 5QuadReg 6CubicReg 7Quartreg 8LinReg(a+bx)
9LnReg 0ExpReg A PwrReg B Logistic C SinRg { THATS ALL FOLKS no 7th Order

B? BECAUSE  7th order are possible if you know what you doing
REMember? i did get an "F" in  Math. the subject was called GROUP T
so this barF about yesterdays matlab translation of the 2 problem
WHEN i got down to the final move # polynomial fit, blue curve
i remember solving regression years ago BUT realized i had 4gotten HOw
thus i skipped trying to convert the matlab solution to polyfits & skiped to
the matlab SPLINE  creation of the graphic | WhiTch i rendered using paint
to a .JPG = poly-19 (Um} \M not AM/  (the opposit 4cast4 what comes next
AN up or a down Move? while trying to read this i did fine the part i could
Not find so i will include that next "in color"

Quote from: Triple Zero on April 19, 2012, 07:01:50 PM
# polynomial fit, blue curve
p=polyfit(range(8), x, 7)
xx=frange(-5, 9, .01)
plot(xx, polyval(p,  xx),  'b-',  lw=2)

Quote from: Nigel on April 19, 2012, 06:06:00 PM
And an exam tomorrow today for sure.
Quote from: Nigel on April 20, 2012, 04:40:48 PM


NoOn - CD v SP | WHEN AVailable ? 12:3?:?? = 12:30:32 PM  2/3Min^DJI             1m / java pop up  1/3 Min { they know i AM watching?            >           1.5 {{ no connection ? canceled  >       plugin required = NC =        "                          1 Min
page 7                 10 Sec          01:04:17 PM

Triple Zero

Quote from: hirley0 on April 20, 2012, 02:17:49 PM
Quote from: Guru Coyote on April 19, 2012, 09:00:52 PM
Quote from: Triple Zero on April 19, 2012, 01:10:18 PM
Look I don't understand why you're all so skeptical about this. The SCIENCE is pretty clear:
it has a graph, and Maya symbols, and everything. I even fitted a fucking polynomial to the numbers 2,0,1,2,1,2,2,1.
I want a fucking tshirt with that on it.

A? take the above .png for example | on my Ti83 | i am convinced | without
checking | that if | i use a 3rd  order equation as a guess i get one answer
(graphic) If a 4th the tail end point the opposite way | its sort of UP v Down

Aa. & i'll check the Ti to find the choices (words} i has available?
Ti: ?STAT ?4 LinReg(ax+b) 5QuadReg 6CubicReg 7Quartreg 8LinReg(a+bx)
9LnReg 0ExpReg A PwrReg B Logistic C SinRg { THATS ALL FOLKS no 7th Order

B? BECAUSE  7th order are possible if you know what you doing

Hey don't worry, fitting a 7th degree polynomial isn't really something you're likely to ever really need.

I just did it to create that image, as a joke (the Maya thing is not serious). Problem with fitting polynomials of very high order is that they tend to oscillate wildly (unless you use Chebychev polynomials), so instead most people just do a piecewise fitting with 3rd degree polynomials. That's what splines are, basically.

Also, I didn't do it by hand you realize that right? I just told PyLab to do it for me. And it's a numerical approximation, not an exact solution, I don't think you can even do it analytically, above some degree (probably degree 5).
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.


Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Only on PD could N0p fit right in and have conversations with people who understand him.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


StD Sat Green | it seams very clear to me that i would like to
add a 31st line of DATA ?282.A? THAT HAS A LONG TERM PERIOD.
at first i thught it was 1000 years period, lately numbers as low as 300
invade my thoughts, 666 is another idea2. currently {sat) i have
no idea about where to look | i did see T^3 & T^4 TODAY| i guess

yes: this SM is on Mount'N DayLight Time . at 12:00:13 PM  & tbD
Fri 11:45 AM 5/18/2012 iterating it? page 145 table 22.A
SO? DOES { i mean do the numbers of he table MATCH the #'$
of the ( i mean My} Perigee.bas as i glued together several
S&T programs to arrive at My.ver | { Never mind) | Line 2
|-2 0 0 2 2 | -13187 -1.6T | +5736 -3.1T |(MY reason for
chosing line 2 is some prior reader has footnoted it &
penciled in ?: (-13187(sin(-2D+2F+256))-1.6T)*10^(-4) EO?
basic line 254 DATA 9531,0,-1,2,0,0 (Just totally lost}:
= NO MATCH (um} | Back to looking for NASA Asteroid ###

12:0 page 168 last pragraph The periodic terms | ? |
? TABLE ? 53p378 52p368-95 50p358-62 49p354  47p339
i find no list of tables p339 ? #/Argements DMM'F=4

i on the other habd seek table for 6 ?????? 37p264=3A
22p146=5A DMM'F &OMEGA | ? Ex 22.a T | CH47 50 V 37
I DID NOT FIND Asteroid.NASA i did fnd Ceres p 235 12:44p

5:12:?? T TBC 4AsT 12:03:06 PM 5/18 ?/?

DIM A(30), B(30), R(30), A1(30)
DIM C0(30), C1(30), C2(30), C3(30)
DIM C4(30):

DECLARE FUNCTION Date2Serial& (DateX$)
DateX$ = DATE$
PRINT DayOfTheWeek$(DateX$) + " " + DateX$; "  JD "; Date2Serial&(DateX$)
  D1& = Date2Serial&(DateX$)
DateX$ = "01-26-1938"
PRINT DateX$ + " ON a " + DayOfTheWeek$(DateX$); Date2Serial&(DateX$)
  d2& = Date2Serial&(DateX$)


PRINT "My age in days       "; D1& - d2&
PRINT "My age in moons        ";
PRINT INT((D1& - d2&) / 29.530588#), (D1& - d2&) MOD 29.530588#; "/28 "


10 INPUT "Y,M,D "; Y, M, D
15 G = 0
20 D1 = INT(D): F = D - D1 - .5
25 J = -INT(7 * (INT((M + 9) / 12) + Y) / 4)
30 IF G = 0 THEN 50
35 S = SGN(M - 9): A = ABS(M - 9)
40 J1 = INT(Y + S * INT(A / 7))
45 J1 = -INT((INT(J1 / 100) + 1) * 3 / 4)
50 J = J + INT(275 * M / 9) + D1 + G * J1
55 J = J + 1721027 + 2 * G + 367 * Y
60 IF F >= 0 THEN 70
65 F = F + 1: J = J - 1
70 PRINT #1, J; F; "STARTING J.D. "

99 JK = J

112 REM
114 REM
116 R1 = 3.14159265# / 180: U = 0
122 K0 = INT((Y - 1900) * 12.3685)
124 T = (Y - 1899.5) / 100
126 T2 = T * T: T3 = T * T * T
128 J0 = 2415020 + 29 * K0
130 F0 = .0001178# * T2 - .000000155# * T3
132 F0 = F0 + .75933 + .53058868# * K0
134 F0 = F0 - .000837 * T - .000335 * T2
136 J = J + INT(F): F = F - INT(F)
138 M0 = K0 * .08084821133#
140 M0 = 360 * (M0 - INT(M0)) + 359.2242
142 M0 = M0 - .0000333# * T2
144 M0 = M0 - .00000347# * T3
146 M1 = K0 * 7.171366127999999D-02
148 M1 = 360 * (M1 - INT(M1)) + 306.0253
150 M1 = M1 + .0107306# * T2
152 M1 = M1 + .00001236# * T3
154 B1 = K0 * .08519585128#
156 B1 = 360 * (B1 - INT(B1)) + 21.2964
158 B1 = B1 - .0016528# * T2
160 B1 = B1 - .00000239# * T3
162 FOR K9 = 0 TO 60
164 J = J0 + 14 * K9: F = F0 + .765294 * K9
166 K = K9 / 2
168 M5 = (M0 + K * 29.10535608#) * R1
169 M6 = (M1 + K * 385.81691806#) * R1
170 B6 = (B1 + K * 390.67050646#) * R1
171 F = F - .4068 * SIN(M6)
172 F = F + (.1734 - .000393 * T) * SIN(M5)
173 F = F + .0161 * SIN(2 * M6)
174 F = F + .0104 * SIN(2 * B6)
175 F = F - .0074 * SIN(M5 - M6)
176 F = F - .0051 * SIN(M5 + M6)
177 F = F + .0021 * SIN(2 * M5)
178 F = F + .001 * SIN(2 * B6 - M6)
182 J = J + INT(F): F = F - INT(F)
184 PRINT #1, J;
186 IF U = 1 THEN PRINT #1, "FULL MOON ----------- ";
188 IF U = 0 THEN PRINT #1, " NEW MOON ----------- ";
189 GOSUB 900
190 U = U + 1: IF U = 2 THEN U = 0
192 NEXT

210 J0 = JK - 30 * M
211 PRINT J0
212 P0 = 2415024.89#: M0 = 27.554551#
213 J0 = P0 + M0 * INT((J0 - P0) / M0)
214 GOSUB 243: FOR C1 = 1 TO 60
215 FOR I = 1 TO 3: P1 = 0: P2 = 0
216 T = (J0 - 2415020) / 36525: T2 = T * T
217 M1 = R * (296.105 + R1 * T + .009192 * T2)
218 D = R * (350.737 + R2 * T - .001436 * T2)
219 M = R * (358.476 + R3 * T - .00015 * T2)
220 F = R * (11.251 + R4 * T - .003211 * T2)
221 E = 1 - .002495 * T - .00000752# * T2
222 FOR J = 1 TO 30
223 A(J) = A1(J) * E ^ C0(J)
224 B(J) = C1(J) * M1 + C2(J) * D + C3(J) * M
225 B(J) = B(J) + C4(J) * F
226 P1 = P1 + A(J) * SIN(B(J)) * R(J)
227 P2 = P2 + A(J) * COS(B(J)) * R(J) * R(J)
228 NEXT J
229 J0 = J0 - (36525 / R) * (P1 / P2)
230 NEXT I
231 P = 950724
232 FOR J = 1 TO 30:
233 P = P + A(J) * COS(B(J))
234 NEXT J
235 K = 6378.14 / SIN(R * P * .000001)
236 K = INT(K + .5): PA$ = "PERIGEE  "
237 IF P2 < 0 THEN PA$ = "APOGEE   "
238 PRINT #1, J0; PA$; K; " KM  ";
239 J = INT(J0): GOSUB 900
240 J0 = J0 + 13.78
241 NEXT C1
242 END
243 R = 3.1415926536# / 180
244 R1 = 477198.8491#: R2 = 445267.1142#
245 R3 = 35999.0498#: R4 = 483202.0251#
246 FOR J = 1 TO 30
247 READ A1(J), C0(J), C1(J)
248 READ C2(J), C3(J), C4(J)
249 R(J) = C1(J) * R1 + C2(J) * R2
250 R(J) = R(J) + C3(J) * R3 + C4(J) * R4
251 NEXT J
253 DATA 51818,0,1,0,0,0
254 DATA 9531,0,-1,2,0,0
255 DATA 7843,0,0,2,0,0
256 DATA 2824,0,2,0,0,0
257 DATA 857,0,1,2,0,0
258 DATA 533,1,0,2,-1,0
259 DATA 401,1,-1,2,-1,0
260 DATA 320,1,1,0,-1,0
261 DATA -271,0,0,1,0,0
262 DATA -264,1,1,0,1,0
263 DATA -198,0,-1,0,0,2
264 DATA 173,0,3,0,0,0
265 DATA 167,0,-1,4,0,0
266 DATA -111,1,0,0,1,0
267 DATA 103,0,-2,4,0,0
268 DATA -84,0,2,-2,0,0
269 DATA -83,1,0,2,1,0
270 DATA 79,0,2,2,0,0
271 DATA 72,0,0,4,0,0
272 DATA 64,1,1,2,-1,0
273 DATA -63,1,-1,2,1,0
274 DATA 41,1,0,1,1,0
275 DATA 35,1,2,0,-1,0
276 DATA -33,0,3,-2,0,0
277 DATA -30,0,1,1,0,0
278 DATA -29,0,0,-2,0,2
279 DATA -29,1,2,0,1,0
280 DATA 26,2,0,2,-2,0
281 DATA -23,0,1,-2,0,2
282 DATA 19,1,-1,4,-1,0
283 REM *************************
286 REM  SCOPE, NOV 87, PAGE 529
287 REM *************************

905 F = 0
910 REM INPUT "J,F ";J,F
915 G8 = 1: REM INPUT "JC (0) OR GC (1) ";G
920 F8 = F + .5
925 IF F8 < 1 THEN 935
930 F8 = F8 - 1: J8 = J + 1
935 IF G8 = 1 THEN 945
940 A8 = J8: GOTO 955
945 A91 = INT((J / 36524.25) - 51.12264)
950 A8 = J + 1 + A91 - INT(A91 / 4)
955 B8 = A8 + 1524
960 C8 = INT((B8 / 365.25) - .3343)
965 D8 = INT(365.25 * C8)
970 E8 = INT((B8 - D8) / 30.61)
975 D8 = B8 - D8 - INT(30.61 * E8) + F8
980 M8 = E8 - 1: Y8 = C8 - 4716
985 IF E8 > 13.5 THEN M8 = M8 - 12
990 IF M8 < 2.5 THEN Y8 = Y8 + 1
995 PRINT #1, "DATE: "; J; F; Y8; M8; INT(D8)

'* FUNCTION Date2Serial&
'*    Returns the astronomical Julian day number given a date in the
'*    standard date format.  Note that the year must be 1583 or greater.
FUNCTION Date2Serial& (DateX$) STATIC
   Month% = VAL(DateX$)
   Day% = VAL(MID$(DateX$, 4))
   Year% = VAL(MID$(DateX$, 7))

   IF Month% > 2 THEN
      Month% = Month% - 3
      Month% = Month% + 9
      Year% = Year% - 1

   TA& = 146097 * (Year% \ 100) \ 4
   TB& = 1461& * (Year% MOD 100) \ 4
   TC& = (153 * Month% + 2) \ 5 + Day% + 1721119
   Date2Serial& = TA& + TB& + TC&

'* FUNCTION DayOfTheWeek$
'*    Returns a string stating the day of the week given a date in the
'*    standard date format.
   CONST DAYNAMES$ = "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun"
   DayOfTheWeek$ = MID$(DAYNAMES$, ((Date2Serial&(DateX$) MOD 7) + 1) * 3 - 2, 3)

Triple Zero

wow .... BASIC sourcecode, with line numberings !! That brings me back some memories!
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



Fine by me we went to the WEST Cafe | table for 6
well actually there are 2 tables there small High Large Low | about 6:16
WEST Cafe is in Portland Oregon, in the Cultural district,
1201 SW Jefferson? on the sunny side of the street.

Quote from: Triple Zero on May 18, 2012, 02:45:28 PM
wow .... BASIC sourcecode, with line numberings !! That brings me back some memories!

Goodii Finger it 4me i wanna add .a
282 DATA 19,1,-1,4,-1,0
282.a ATA 21,0 0,-2,2,+4.0    REM /-/A/-/A/-/A
283 REM **

Triple Zero

I wish I had a real life GOSUB command though.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



This 1 will take TiMe ay at 01:01:54 PM

189 GOSUB 900
190 U = U + 1: IF U = 2 THEN U = 0
192 NEXT

READ obliqueLy

Triple Zero


"Dont be frightened to display your talents.", Hirley! ;-)
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



Yeah Signora P. Stats it will be THEN: 77/7up 2 pm McM'n on Mkt&10th
Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days
tO FIND 1'S wAY | its the math lab | 465 NH ? | opens 2 days late {never Mind
it opens at 8 | no beverage ? the stat program{WEBB| is called Stella | you
may have to ask at the desk | might be Restricted to one terminal

3 programs run at campUS | in FAB{4th Ave bldg | there did exist '11 |Unext
flavors {UbooToo {{ubunt2 in '010 | the room is Hard to find ? enter from
Harrison? proceed S turn R turn L Mens on R keep step'N turn L twards Off ice
take last door R to r and S there is a room \ With lots of terminals | enter
thru the North door & exit East | turn R | the Off is Left 1 or 2? turn L go in
IF you R Right the Fridge is R R | open 2 check CON. { enough Boo2 |pwREq

2 is of course Windows | many locations near park / WiFi also | my pick
is Business 3 ? Cross Broadway from SMSU ticket window
climb up to s doors go in L at 1st hall L to elev to 3 R L L R to SE room
opens at 7 1st class at 8 | = 1hr Max USer: & library 2 to login/odin#
not cese/unix which was required at FAB {4th Ave Bldg

1 Asple { aka MAC | there R 3 Library Main North then W 2 may be 0
was at NH 322 | & #1 is LH Mus. | it was relocated after 11 so i
do not know the location | there r 3 approachs | D.G. piano | C.G
Jazz Hiss | & Find the room yourself? |ask in the Music office

ok back to stella {the stat computer program
i do have a demo version | criple | so no save | just read | WHAT
advisor ? C.B. &  the current gal at the Nascc desk. UISHE?
Not to rule out G or Anth | Head of dept | only prior to day 1 {24th?


Stella is not matlab ? Matlab is a math program & can be found on psu
computers both in the Math Lab NH465 & Geology CH 1
IN MY VIEW Matlab is ITERATIVE one line below another
Stella aint like ThaT | i think maybe Stella is recursive ? but i donno
its more pictorial ==O==>[box]<vomit {never mind below is stella
file directory aka WATER { BELIEVE WHAT YOU LIKE {webb deleted Me
I was the only Male in an all female class of some REAL Lookers
& i do like to look | the other way | what can i say } STELLA ?
= = SIZE= 4.
Volume in drive D is XP
Volume Serial Number is 2012-0915

Directory of D:\PROGRA~1\WATERS~1

09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          .
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          ..
07/19/2000  12:46 PM            72,173 ASIPORT.RSR
02/12/2004  04:18 PM         2,113,536 stella8r.exe
09/16/2012  04:37 PM               693 stella.ini
02/12/2004  11:46 AM           422,098 stella8r.rsr
07/19/2000  12:46 PM            25,600 ASIFONT.FON
02/13/2004  10:24 AM             1,024
09/19/2002  04:07 PM         1,269,829 asintppc.dll
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          Demo Dozen
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          MSST
09/16/2012  04:39 PM                 0 stelladr.txt
               8 File(s)      3,904,953 bytes

Directory of D:\PROGRA~1\WATERS~1\Demo Dozen

09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          .
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/08/2003  06:48 AM             6,471 1Readme-DD8.pdf
12/08/2003  01:48 PM           244,876 intro8.stm
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          Complex
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          Simple
               2 File(s)        251,347 bytes

Directory of D:\PROGRA~1\WATERS~1\Demo Dozen\Complex

09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          .
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/08/2003  01:51 PM           979,887 andover8.stm
12/08/2003  01:54 PM         1,294,960 drugwar8.stm
12/08/2003  01:57 PM           814,998 ireland8.stm
12/08/2003  02:00 PM           773,022 kaibab8.stm
12/08/2003  02:04 PM           869,253 social8.stm
               5 File(s)      4,732,120 bytes

Directory of D:\PROGRA~1\WATERS~1\Demo Dozen\Simple

09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          .
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/08/2003  01:20 PM           795,786 credit8.stm
12/08/2003  01:26 PM           568,262 inflatn8.stm
12/08/2003  01:28 PM           724,140 lilypad8.stm
12/08/2003  01:31 PM           744,699 populat8.stm
12/08/2003  01:34 PM           514,125 retire8.stm
12/08/2003  01:40 PM           597,318 rumors8.stm
12/08/2003  01:43 PM           605,323 salad8.stm
               7 File(s)      4,549,653 bytes

Directory of D:\PROGRA~1\WATERS~1\MSST

09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          .
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          ..
12/08/2003  06:43 AM            88,473 1Readme-MSST(81).pdf
02/08/2002  07:02 PM             6,403 MSST(81) contents.pdf
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          MSST02
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          MSST03
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          MSST00
09/16/2012  02:19 PM    <DIR>          MSST01
               2 File(s)         94,876 bytes

Directory of D:\PROGRA~1\WATERS~1\MSST\MSST02

09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          .
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          ..
11/24/2003  06:08 AM             8,214 MSST02(81).pdf
12/08/2003  05:45 AM         5,214,535 MSST02(81).stm
               2 File(s)      5,222,749 bytes

Directory of D:\PROGRA~1\WATERS~1\MSST\MSST03

09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          .
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          ..
11/24/2003  06:08 AM            20,391 MSST03(81).pdf
12/08/2003  05:50 AM         7,300,900 MSST03(81).stm
               2 File(s)      7,321,291 bytes

Directory of D:\PROGRA~1\WATERS~1\MSST\MSST00

09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          .
09/16/2012  02:18 PM    <DIR>          ..
11/16/2003  12:19 PM         1,489,063 MSST00(81).stm
               1 File(s)      1,489,063 bytes

Directory of D:\PROGRA~1\WATERS~1\MSST\MSST01

09/16/2012  02:19 PM    <DIR>          .
09/16/2012  02:19 PM    <DIR>          ..
11/24/2003  06:08 AM            20,854 MSST01(81).pdf
12/08/2003  04:45 AM         5,634,319 MSST01(81).stm
               2 File(s)      5,655,173 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
              31 File(s)     33,221,225 bytes
              26 Dir(s)  15,133,458,432 bytes free
I GUESS TO SEE THIS USE QU {DONNO Stella has & uses Zoom {{Hasta LegGo


Lemme say AM d'lighted to return to Stella after many (7) Yr
yes i have looked (rarely) but knowing what i have is SAVe disabled : no point
this time My approach has changed ? i'LL call this the UnexT approach ?/?
D'tail when AV .
in the mean time SAy something about write, who here can
write to the low level of their hard drive? or even read what is there? No i
don't know. i do know the area exists, and that it does effect the sYs .

aNYway looking back to my first days i'LL call the the 8080 days Maybe late 60's
i remember well my first purchase. i had been watching the magizines & knew
i wanted one only i did not know which one i wanted to buy. one day i was
in a store and saw 1 with two 16 (4x4) keypads Left & Right | i said to
myself maybe that is it : really i was not sure : so i waited : i realized if
i got it i would be stuck , as i was sure i would learn THAT language .
so as luck would have it i did buy THAT | & i did learn that Language 1st.
I AM very happy to say | &I will say this about THAT nop was op code 00
NOP was not op code 70 or is it 90 {never mind| by the time i got into
INTELese i already knew how stupid this was | 'cause i already knew 00
{never mind | yes and after that i got a ZX81 { British  |4get CODe}
What is the point of this?TainT any
HOWeveR i'll get back to Stella next week, AFTER the laundry is dry etc



anyway stella 6-8 MoSt Loikely L#2
4:56m CONtac AT sw checkout 24th? yes: craZii ?Me No | pizA Jeff Oct ?o}
YEAH it is Monday Laundry later {finished 1 {{ no save.


6:28 PM BUILDING {p14} MODEL 01
1. Create a stock called "PERSONAL SAVINGS".
2. Create and attach an inflow named "Weekly Allowance".
3. Define the initial value of the stock as 0 (zero).
4. Define the value of the inflow as 10, indicating a weekly allowance of $10.
5. You now have a complete, defined model and are ready to
"run" it to see what happens ./. save a period of time. 3,600,000 Ms
there is a lot of reading to do { I AM NOT A READER {{ so its Slow
1st let me say (IMO} MatLab is sequential  1 2 3 | x= 1 y = 2 z=x*y
Stella {imo) is procedual {not sequential | EVEn if THEY look like ^
My guess is Procedure is more like A dance | put your left foot in etc
Sequential is more VERBAL | TEN LITTLE, NINE LITTLE, 8 little ETC
My guess is its two distinct parts of the brain | For the most part
THus it took me an hour to do lesson 1 | Stella? being proceedual
takes time. it reminds me of a china man hitting a copper penny
3,600 times to flatten it into a drunking cup | My suggestion
is to get both accounts ODIN | Cramer Neuberger Library Nascc ...
& CESE | FAB | ANY computer science class would get U 1 of those
= =
the higher LeveL crap is all done in the kernals {Unix) Language
and U can do stuff in FAB that is not possible on broadway. Not
that there is any hurry to do anything | it just the 2 are not
alike | & there are times when the other {not ODIN) is required
: : :
i did not know | untill i made the file director | that Stella
THE CRIPLE WARE VERSION | Had a MSST directory | so that helps
greatly with the  1 2 3 bend your Knee Business. And don't B
Dsieved by me | get a Ti-83 or better | or use mine | i wont
get my book back untill Jan. But its all on the web 4 ?
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