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Adventures in splitting the party

Started by Q. G. Pennyworth, February 10, 2012, 03:27:20 PM

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Q. G. Pennyworth

My good friend Mac finally convinced us to play GURPS for the first time. There are only three players. He warned us that he would not be planning things, because we'll just fuck it up anyway so he'll just do everything seat-of-his-pants and we'll like it.

I guess he was probably right.

At the end of the first session, we had already split up and gone back to our homes (or "piles of junk in an alley" in the case of my character) with no means of getting back in touch. After the cops and FBI tried to take two of us in for questioning separately, we managed to reunite and head back towards the home of the one person who hadn't been approached by law enforcement yet, and went back to his place to try to think.

Where there was a FBI van parked outside his front door.

Now, the nice thing to do here would either to all get arrested together or all run away together. Not what actually happened. Because the third character just went into his house, and I turned to the other and said "let's get the fuck outta here" and we hopped on the shitty Chinatown bus to New York. Oh, no, it's better than that, though! Because we know damn well that New York is not a safe destination, so we start arguing over where to head from there. Obviously, Mexico is the only reasonable answer (Mexican cops have more important things to do than track down a couple of suspects in a building explosion, right?) but she won't listen to reason and decides to go back to Boston.

Three characters. One in FBI custody, one on a bus, one in New York. We are fucking terrible at what we do.


Your DM needs more Table Nazi.  Good DMs are Table Nazis, to a point, and would probably talk you guys around into not doing precisely what you did.


Quote from: The Freeky of SCIENCE! on February 10, 2012, 04:10:58 PM
Your DM needs more Table Nazi.  Good DMs are Table Nazis, to a point, and would probably talk you guys around into not doing precisely what you did.

Or shot the lot of you, and picked things up at the hospital.
Death-dealing hormone freak of deliciousness
Pagan-Stomping Valkyrie of the Interbutts™
Rampaging Slayer of Shit-Fountain Habitues

"My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake, and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

Quote from: The Payne on November 16, 2011, 07:08:55 PM
If Luna was a furry, she'd sex humans and scream "BEASTIALITY!" at the top of her lungs at inopportune times.

Quote from: Nigel on March 24, 2011, 01:54:48 AM
I like the Luna one. She is a good one.

"Stop talking to yourself.  You don't like you any better than anyone else who knows you."

Don Coyote

Quote from: Luna on February 10, 2012, 04:49:17 PM
Quote from: The Freeky of SCIENCE! on February 10, 2012, 04:10:58 PM
Your DM needs more Table Nazi.  Good DMs are Table Nazis, to a point, and would probably talk you guys around into not doing precisely what you did.

Or shot the lot of you, and picked things up at the hospital.

Just suddenly have intense fucking storms hailing shit down.