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I Don't Believe in Chainsaw Murderers

Started by Q. G. Pennyworth, February 23, 2012, 06:01:04 PM

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Q. G. Pennyworth

You can cite me your statistics
You can make me watch the news
You can take me to a crime scene
But it won't be any use

No matter how the corpse is cut up
I've already made my mind up
I don't believe in Chainsaw Murderers.

You can say I'm in denial
You can tell me that I'm wrong
You can choose to sit and argue with me
All day and all night long

But I hope that you won't mind
That after wasting all that time
I still don't believe in Chainsaw Murderers.

Don't bother with your movies
Or your television shows
Even you know all that's fiction
And most of it just blows

Because suspended disbelief
In these fictions that you preach
Breaks down when there's Chainsaw Murderers

I'm not interested in logic
Or your evidence or facts
I'm happy in my prison
Because of what it lacks

There's a reason I won't give in
We all chose the worlds we live in
(I live in the one without Chainsaw Murderers).

Q. G. Pennyworth

awww, not even a "how dare you do that to Dr. Seuss?"

Placid Dingo

Clear theme, quirky delivery. Works well.

Edit; dw, it can take a few days for feedback sometimes. And sometines none.
Haven't paid rent since 2014 with ONE WEIRD TRICK.


I must remember to post when I like something instead of just saying it to myself.

Was good, QG. I didn't even notice it as a Suess thing.
Laugh, even if you are screaming inside. Smile, because the world doesn't care if you feel like crying.

Triple Zero

I liked it too! And I'm horribly unfamiliar with a lot of dr Seuss--something which I intend to fix some day, but I dunno maybe when I'm ancient.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.


Q. G. Pennyworth

Quote from: Triple Zero on February 26, 2012, 06:56:11 PM
I liked it too! And I'm horribly unfamiliar with a lot of dr Seuss--something which I intend to fix some day, but I dunno maybe when I'm ancient.
I would really recommend it for anyone who's learning English or needs practice for public speaking. The way he wrote really does a great job of teaching the rhythm and cadence of the language.


"I dispose of obsolete meat machines.  Not because I hate them (I do) and not because they deserve it (they do), but because they are in the way and those older ones don't meet emissions codes.  They emit too much.  You don't like them and I don't like them, so spare me the hysteria."

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

That was great! I missed it the first time around.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

Oysters Rockefeller

Ha! Awesome...
Best part:

Quote from: Queen Gogira Pennyworth, BSW on February 23, 2012, 06:01:04 PM
There's a reason I won't give in
We all chose the worlds we live in
(I live in the one without Chainsaw Murderers).

Well, my gynecologist committed suicide...
I'm nothing if not kind of ridiculous and a little hard to take seriously.
Moar liek Oysters Cockefeller, amirite?!