
Everyone who calls themselves "wolf-something" or "something-wolf" almost inevitably turns out to be an irredeemable shitneck.

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Queen Gogira's guide to educated political discourse

Started by Q. G. Pennyworth, March 03, 2012, 05:22:59 AM

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Q. G. Pennyworth

1) Read Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" as a child.

2) Forget the full title.

3) Spend the rest of your adult life wondering what's so Machiavellian about cleaning out volcanoes.


Quote from: Queen Gogira Pennyworth, BSW on March 03, 2012, 05:22:59 AM
1) Read Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" as a child.

2) Forget the full title.

3) Spend the rest of your adult life wondering what's so Machiavellian about cleaning out volcanoes.

Yes' 'Sum
1 i din''
2 i_D'o
3 No T'anks
5:43AM pSt 3/3&1/4

Oysters Rockefeller

I like to say something controversial, and then swing wildly as soon as somebody disagrees with me.

Long story short, I get beat up a lot.
Well, my gynecologist committed suicide...
I'm nothing if not kind of ridiculous and a little hard to take seriously.
Moar liek Oysters Cockefeller, amirite?!

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Queen Gogira Pennyworth, BSW on March 03, 2012, 05:22:59 AM
1) Read Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" as a child.

2) Forget the full title.

3) Spend the rest of your adult life wondering what's so Machiavellian about cleaning out volcanoes.

Molon Lube

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: Queen Gogira Pennyworth, BSW on March 03, 2012, 05:22:59 AM
1) Read Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" as a child.

2) Forget the full title.

3) Spend the rest of your adult life wondering what's so Machiavellian about cleaning out volcanoes.

"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


5:30-6 i MEAN it was UN solvable | finally to get something started
C: & D: drives were swapped c=210Mb d=520 | thus it was required to move
a jumper on D: to make 'Er a slave, otherwise it BIOS could not find the otheR 1
ONE other thing was to move the CD to secondary and have both C&D on 1
BUT nothing i have tried can find the CD & that WAS required to load 98
i'poise the CD has gone bad as it did work once upon a time? Months ago
So: the BATH situation is bad as i have no way forward as i junked most
of my computer parts in the last bed bug raid. Really the pits U C. mORE?
hate typing hate voice to text & hate Hate in general. time for Acai Juice
& some Fig Bars, that's better | now off to check prices is Monday: 5:44
1704/34.44=49:48 to 1 call it Fifty a rally is underway? Is there something
else? Will I ever see SixTeen again? Maybe not 5:50 Ten left

Quote from: B_M_W on March 04, 2012, 08:43:23 PM
It not
7 6 5 at 05:55:39 AM by hirley0  4 3  could not resist 2 hasta Monyana 1.0

5:15-25 7:27:34 A seven twenty seven is a Boeing 
Pronounced as BOiNG {demineshed? E / MAYBE ME BUT WHATat 05:25:06

5:05 Lots & Lots of hacking & interference taking place U C at 05:05:13 AM
TIME TO pawS till 5:10 ish BATH was OK last i checked
really it has been a night mayor
at 05:10:05 AM

Quote from: Bebek Sincap Ratatosk on March 04, 2012, 02:55:56 PM
Quote from: Queen Gogira Pennyworth, BSW on March 03, 2012, 05:22:59 AM
1) R
I can think of a lot of politicians that could do with a good snake bite...
at 05:00:50 AM

04:56:10 AM The connection has timed out 4:56 / 12 MUCUK

(Read 87 times)/11 LAMAT {rabbit
THUS: Will attempt to keep up with this thread during MATH HOUR 5-6AMp
5:33 Although the whole hour is 4this ((at 05:34:43 AM
much of the time the wifi will be disconnected
to prevent FF10 from being REINSTALLED

5:44 Currently the task is to get "BATH"
{that is the name of the computer in the toliet)
(used for collecting solar gravity wave data }
functional. for some reasons it sure is no easy task


Quote from: Nigel on March 03, 2012, 08:34:34 PM
Quote from: Queen Gogira Pennyworth, BSW on March 03, 2012, 05:22:59 AM
1) Read Anto

13 OC 2:02
5:30-6 / 3/6 ... bbc Right ear "can't" AFTorb 2BAD? E_ron
today Orb time was 12 min as i REMember | BATH still a problem syncing
5:43 Read 133 at 05:48:33 AM
current economic ? some say OiL {not
16,424 billion kilowatthours in 2004  :fnord:
6:00 on time, UNDER Fudgit

1 CHUEN {monkey ?5amWELL?  several QUESTIONS?
1. what? considering my Milli Second Situation? is the Last post=next dT
2: its time 5am {Math Hour | to move Math hour {5-6pSt) elsewhere
3? as it seams very clear to me{?/? | this thread is FOR 3:33&1/3 time..

5:00:00 {Maybe

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Quote from: Queen Gogira Pennyworth, BSW on March 03, 2012, 05:22:59 AM
1) Read Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" as a child.

2) Forget the full title.

3) Spend the rest of your adult life wondering what's so Machiavellian about cleaning out volcanoes.

:lulz: :lulz: :lulz:

I can think of a lot of politicians that could do with a good snake bite...
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson


4 IX / 3:33&1/3 3OF3 ? Read 173 -ical disco
2 eb / 3:33&1/3 3OF3 ? r161

No i din
You already submitted this post!  {SO?
You might have accidentally double licked
or tried to fresh the page.
i hit post 3 at 3:33&1/3 and it deleted the entry!
EDIT1 4:51:50?


8 ETZNAB bbc KID tails HaGg CC |?| gov/Gov/GOv/GOV/GO/G 4$ icc Thomas
6 CIB THus My 9:33&1/3 GOT BUMPED BY Reply #12: Today at 08:33:30 AM  { that was todays Board Time which has not been set AHEAD